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Home power plants in your basement seem to be a strong possable future. great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
how does it exactly produce more power than 2 nuclear reactors in a year, wouldnt that much mini-power plants in people's basement become a health hazard? and imagine the work an owner needs to run it. o.O
"Although the generators are not a new concept, the project is novel in that Lichtblick would retain control over the plants after their installation.
Households would pay around 5,000 euros (7,250 dollars) to have the generators set up along with an appropriate heating system.
But individuals would then pay a lower price for heating and receive a modest "rent" for hosting the generator, as well as a bonus at the end of the year calculated on electricity revenues that resulted from Lichtblick's sales."
Why pay 7 grand for a power generator you don't own, and then you still have to pay for the electricity, even if at a reduced rate? At least if you install 7 grand worth of solar, you get the electricity at no charge.
Also, it runs on natural gas, which is not renewable energy. They say it would be great to run on "biogas" but as far as I know there is no current source of enough biogas to run most of the homes in Germany. Yes it would be great, but it doesn't currently exist. Fusion power would be great too.
Australian magnetic motor
This magnetic motor can run for yrs once started and provide all the energy needed for a home.
The patent is to be released later next yr.
Lowe's is looking into selling the motor..Others are looking to build something vary similar,thing is its vary old technology !!
What surprises me is that the video doesn't get many hits at all ?? its vary promising technology.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
unless the energy doesnt depend on oil to be produced, its still a failure. the only time we can move forward is if we do not depend on oil anymore
Those stupid ideas have been around for years, nothing new about them.
They all have one thing in common - they don't work as advertised, or they are based on one (or often many) false assumptions. Where in Germany - or anyplace else - are they going to get enough biogas to run them, and how does the gas get to the generator from where it is produced?
Oh yay, yet another perpetual motion machine. Why do people always fall for this crap?
Oh yay, yet another perpetual motion machine. Why do people always fall for this crap?
You can also run your car on water, but the Car companies and gas companies bought the patent and don't want you to have this awesome technology!
Something that does work, a guy I work with has a personal wind mill that produces enough electricity that he can sell a healthy portion back to the electric company. That’s with him powering a 3k square foot home, leaving the lights on and having two 1366 duel gx295 rigs running his dedicated flight sim room. There is some hope for those ideas.
"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". No one can stop anyone from pursuing happiness, but life and liberty are said to only exist if they are deliberately sought and paid for".
Oh yay, yet another perpetual motion machine. Why do people always fall for this crap?
Err I think you need go to the link again its not a perpetual motion machine neither is it advertised as one.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Oh yay, yet another perpetual motion machine. Why do people always fall for this crap?
Err I think you need go to the link again its not a perpetual motion machine neither is it advertised as one.
Hint: The claims it makes (free energy, generates five times what it requires) are impossible, and it's quite clearly a scam.

Uhm.. yes it is.
He claims it produces 8x as much energy as you put in, which is one defintion of perpetual motion.
A wind turbine is hardly the same thing, they have been around for hundreds of years, and have been used for generating electricity since the early 1900's.
Though having installed and sold solar and wind systems for nearly 30 years, I seriously doubt he is producing that much power with a single home wind generator.
The US ranks 11th in science education in the world, perhaps that is why so many crackpot schemes get bought into.
No my definition of perpetual motion machine is one that once it gets started just keeps on going forever without the need for additional external energy. In the case of this Dubiouse generator he says that it needs a constant flow of energy all the time and can run for years giving 5X the energy put in it in return. If it was a perpetual motion device he would rather say that after a intial injection of energy to get it going it needs no more energy to keep it going and it will go on for ever.
Also here is an official definition of such a device.
It is customary to classify supposed perpetual motion machines according to which law of thermodynamics they purport to violate:
1. A perpetual motion machine of the first kind produces energy from nothing his device needs a constant flow of power to keep working, giving the user unlimited 'free' energy. It thus violates the law of conservation of energy.
2. A perpetual motion machine of the second kind is a machine which spontaneously converts thermal energy into mechanical work. When the thermal energy is equivalent to the work done, this does not violate the law of conservation of energy. However it does violate the more subtle second law of thermodynamics (see also entropy). Such a machine is different from real heat engines (such as car engines), which always involve a transfer of heat from a hotter reservoir to a colder one, the latter being warmed up in the process. The signature of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind is that there is only one heat reservoir involved, which is being spontaneously cooled without involving a transfer of heat to a cooler reservoir. This conversion of heat into useful work, without any side effect, is impossible, as stated by the second law of thermodynamics. In contrast, a hot reservoir inside an internal combustion engine is created by a spark igniting fumes which contain stores of chemical energy. The temperature of the fumes increases above that of the surroundings. This is not a perpetual motion machine since the increase in temperature is a result of the release of a finite available amount of chemical energy - which is always much less than the total heat energy and mass-energy contained within the system. As explained by statistical mechanics, there are far more states in which heat distribution is close to thermodynamic equilibrium than states in which heat is concentrated in small regions, so temperatures will tend to even out over time, reducing the amount of free energy available for conversion to mechanical energy.
3. A more obscure category is a perpetual motion machine of the third kind, usually (but not always)[2] defined as one that completely eliminates friction and other dissipative forces, to maintain motion forever (due to its mass inertia). Third in this case refers solely to the position in the above classification scheme, not the third law of thermodynamics. Although it is impossible to make such a machine,[3][4] as dissipation can never be 100% eliminated in a mechanical system, it is nevertheless possible to get very close to this ideal (see examples in the Low Friction section). Even if such a machine could be built, it would not serve as a source of energy but merely a perpetual energy storage device. A frictionless flywheel, for example, would eventually slow down and stop if its kinetic energy were tapped for useful work, and we would get no more energy out than the amount that was initially put in to spin up the flywheel.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
The OP's thingy is just stupid. I was hoping it used like table scraps to produce methane or something interesting but it doesn't... its just a generator in your home...
Also all the people with perpetual motion machines are the same. Their all super secretive about their fabulous thing and they end up taking it to their grave. If that guys machine does produce so much power why doesn't he keep it running all the time and power his house with it or something to prove it works...
Well you got to it before i did,Magnetic motion runs a bipolar motion,generators are the same principle but need a steady flow of power to keep the motion.
This form of magnetics is a old tech, but the magnets applied and used are extremely powerful and it does have the possibility to produce 5x more power than used.We are just now understanding the possibility's of these types of powers generators.
I wouldn't be so quick to poo poo this device.The principles are sound and readily available and do have wide ranging possibility's which includes space travel to,once in orbit that is.
Its going to be a combanations of the techs than moves us off of oil.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
No, it does NOT have any such possibility. This is yet another of a long string of never proven perpetual motion or free energy machines. One that cannot possibly work as stated.
He claims it produces 5x the energy you put in, but it requires that you put energy into it.
OK, so why not take 1/5 of that energy that it produces and feed it back. Then you have 4/5 left over to run your house. Voila, perpetual motion.
Where, exactly, is that energy coming from - hyperspace? The twilight zone?
That anyone would fall for this just proves my point earlier about the really crappy understanding of most Americans of even basic science.
There have been thousands, probably millions, of real scientists and engineers working on ways to produce energy for decades. Do you really think that some guy in a basement is going to come up with something that they have all missed?
Perpetual motion is such a crock. Yet I have seen a windmill here in this area which hasnt stopped moving in 110 years. Apparently it sits at a point where the two wind currents converge. Either the wind is pulling or pushing and its really difficult for the point not to produce enough wind to move the windmill. Apparently when the local moutains change enough it will stop. Anycase I agree, your better off tapping into Solar, Wind and Hydro electric. Although Magnetics can produce large amounts of energy. As can Ionic collection. Most of them arent going to be tapped any time soon.
That has nothing to do with perpetual motion. The windmill is getting energy from the wind.