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I am just looking for an MMO to play to fill a few bored hours before something else takes my attention, just wondering if SWG is still worth a look in? I had a trial years ago and found it very hard but I heard they have changed so much since then that it is a different game. Just wondering what the players opinions are?
To make it clear, I am aware of TOR and I am not personally very interested, it looks more like a single player game with a multiplayer than an mmorpg that I desire. Also I have no interest in SOE bashing, I personally have no problem with them. Please don't add those two things into this thread.
So if anyone wants to tell me if it's worth playing it would be much appreciated, if you could tell me which server etc to play I would also be thankful.
SWG is certainly a vastly improved game now, compared to what it was four years ago.
There is plenty of fun to be had with new content and systems that have been implemented. Take a look at the Recent Game Update notes and catch up on what you've missed with the archived patch notes.
As for server choice, I put together some stats that may help you choose: Badger's GCW and Player City stats - August
Here are where the servers are geographically so that you can choose one with the best ping time for you:
West Coast USA
East Coast USA
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Very true!
I strongly recommend you download the trial again and find out if the game is worth playing on your own before investing any money into it. I would also recommend that you are careful on the server you select because even many of the desitination servers listed above have low-population issues. Starsider is the most populated, but has problems with lag and down times. Flurry and Bloodfin are next most populated respectively. In fact, roll a few toons and see the servers for yourself. If you tried the game before November 15, 2005, then you will be in for a shock when you see how poorly populated the game has become. If you found the game 'hard' a few years ago, you will find it much more,, simplified.
<p>There are more than 200.000,000 people playing this game , it may not be 250k pre nge numbers but close to peak times! 250k might sound more than 200k but most of the accounts were multi accounts 2-3 acc per player so imo it was less than 100k active players in the game so at the moment there are 2x more players in the game than pre nge!</p>
<p>You are right it was so hard and idiotic pre nge was the most boring game i ve ever played. Current SWG is much more fun and easier than pre nge, you can directly choose an epic character as you see in movies not stupid kungfu characters like teras kasi artist or pikeman. THis is Star wars not some samurai game lmao . You dont need to beg for other players to help you to advance in game, just get your quests done and your ready for action no more greedy traders to sell you stupid stuff, no more stupid travel times, no more idiot vendor search for some stupid weapons!, just do your quests and get your gear ready!</p>
<p><br />
Holy crap...are you kidding? Please...give me just a tiny idea of where you pulled that number from (and please, don't bend over and point to the obvious).
Lets look at something you tend to ignore...FACTS!!!
There are only 9,000 GCW Officers with the last update. Considering people can have 2-3 characters per account and the minimum to beat decay has been lowered and GCW made easier to get than ever, I think that number itself is skewed. While I played, I'd say 95% or more of the people I knew would PvP or rank up via PvE (Space)...4% were usually base clubbers who were ALSO Officers and in a guild of 500 (30-40 active players), only ONE guy didn't have any Officer toons.
I feel 100% confidence in suggesting that a bare minimum of 50% of the PLAYERS (not toons) are have an active "Officer" character these days...face it, it's the end game content. That means that at best there are 18,000 subs...but I honestly think that number is too high. say 200K and offer NO evidence to support your claim. I will argue you are completely fact, you appear to be on the wrong forum...WoW is ----> that way...and I present facts to back up my assertion.
Holy crap...are you kidding? Please...give me just a tiny idea of where you pulled that number from (and please, don't bend over and point to the obvious).
Lets look at something you tend to ignore...FACTS!!!
There are only 9,000 GCW Officers with the last update. Considering people can have 2-3 characters per account and the minimum to beat decay has been lowered and GCW made easier to get than ever, I think that number itself is skewed. While I played, I'd say 95% or more of the people I knew would PvP or rank up via PvE (Space)...4% were usually base clubbers who were ALSO Officers and in a guild of 500 (30-40 active players), only ONE guy didn't have any Officer toons.
I feel 100% confidence in suggesting that a bare minimum of 50% of the PLAYERS (not toons) are have an active "Officer" character these days...face it, it's the end game content. That means that at best there are 18,000 subs...but I honestly think that number is too high. say 200K and offer NO evidence to support your claim. I will argue you are completely fact, you appear to be on the wrong forum...WoW is ----> that way...and I present facts to back up my assertion.
I doubt there are more than 20.000
Agreed...but I was trying to argue with known facts without injecting my opinion
However...since we're going there :P I think they have, at best, 10-15k atm as a LOTTA people I knew had multiple Officers.
SWG is a great game, Its just that the NGE gave it a bad rep. The way SWG was before was absolutly perfect. The tiered class system was very innovative IMO and that lead to lots of class choices. However, I have played POST NGE SWG and I enjoyed playing the game. The only reason I didn't stay subbed was because I didnt have any extra money for it.
Sooooooo, I say you should definately give it a shot for a month or so. Im sure you will like what you see. People bash SOE for what happened and are to blind to take another look at the game. Tell me how you like it.
SWG is a great game, Its just that the NGE gave it a bad rep. The way SWG was before was absolutly perfect. The tiered class system was very innovative IMO and that lead to lots of class choices. However, I have played POST NGE SWG and I enjoyed playing the game. The only reason I didn't stay subbed was because I didnt have any extra money for it.
Sooooooo, I say you should definately give it a shot for a month or so. Im sure you will like what you see. People bash SOE for what happened and are to blind to take another look at the game. Tell me how you like it.
While I loved the pre-CU iteration of SWG and always will, stating that it was "absolutely perfect" seems as if you're looking through rose-tinted glasses to an extent. I find it ironic due to all of the bitching that ensued about how "horrible" the game was prior to the release of the CU.
But, yes, the game has definitely improved over the past few years, but I still haven't been able to keep an active subscription for more than two months for numerous reasons which are irrelevant when presented in this context.
shakermaker0, I would recommend that you try Starsider or Bria as those are two of the more populated servers.
Also, if I had to name the single most enticing feature present in SWG, it would be the fact that the game consists of both ground and space-related content.
250k of us left the nge and are not coming back the nge has a small player pop on ever server and i have yet to see any proof showing that the game is alive and well. the new content has zombies in a so called star wars game. jedi are everywhere and are now weak as hell. none of the cool professions are around anymore. crafting is gone and looted is in.
Worth playing now?
Yes, I came back to it 3 months ago after a break of a year or so, my Character was only lvl 45, have since made 90
Theres a lot of stuff to do that I never even knew about before and as something to pass the time between Mmo's I can't think of anything else
Give it a go
definitely worth playing. I would resub the old account though b/c personally, I wouldnt want to start form scratch.
New content coming up as wel from zombies (:() to GCW.
Might as we ll give it a try if there is nothing else to play
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. It's best to try it out for yourself and form your own opinion. Asking here will get you either the extreme negative or the extreme positive. I personally still play because I enjoy space. It hasn't been "NGEed" yet.
If you remember your old account info you should take a look and see if you may have some old vet trial still active. If not I believe there will be another round of vet trials soon as they seem to come around every 3 months or so and the last one was in early June.
But also vastly degenerated, compared to what it was five years ago.
Holy crap...are you kidding? Please...give me just a tiny idea of where you pulled that number from (and please, don't bend over and point to the obvious).
Lets look at something you tend to ignore...FACTS!!!
There are only 9,000 GCW Officers with the last update. Considering people can have 2-3 characters per account and the minimum to beat decay has been lowered and GCW made easier to get than ever, I think that number itself is skewed. While I played, I'd say 95% or more of the people I knew would PvP or rank up via PvE (Space)...4% were usually base clubbers who were ALSO Officers and in a guild of 500 (30-40 active players), only ONE guy didn't have any Officer toons.
I feel 100% confidence in suggesting that a bare minimum of 50% of the PLAYERS (not toons) are have an active "Officer" character these days...face it, it's the end game content. That means that at best there are 18,000 subs...but I honestly think that number is too high. say 200K and offer NO evidence to support your claim. I will argue you are completely fact, you appear to be on the wrong forum...WoW is ----> that way...and I present facts to back up my assertion.
Tux you really need to come back man.......SWG needs you!!!!
I've never been a fan of high population servers.
I wouldn't suggest Starsider or Bria.
Come to Chilastra. We have a good population and a great community.
I'm thrilled I found it transferring off of 3 of the lowest servers. heh.
Euro Chimera (sp?) is a pretty goood population also.
I know I'm a fanboi but honestly my guild has had an influx of veterans flocking from WoW and other games and some brand new players.
I don't have the magic 8 ball for subscriptions but within the last 3 months or so there seems to be people coming into the game...
Also I just found out that you can level pretty good fighting yellow and red cons throughout the day. I thought this mechanic was dead...
I would like to state that in no way shape or form that anything I receive from SOE influences my opinion about SWG or their company. Im pretty much a typical average player enjoying the game.
Chilasrta is ok......But I personally know of like 5-10 Lowca players that are now making toons on Flurry cause PvP on Chilly aint what it used to be right after the transfers happened. Flurry has a really solid community as well as a VERY good space following. Come to Flurry lol.
Every server DOESN"T have a small pop. There are some very nicely populated servers around now. Bria, Starsider, Ahazi, Bloodfin, Chilastra, Flurry, Euro-Chimera. Zombies was taking it a bit far, but since that new book is coming out with them in it, Lucas has made it "cannon". Jedi were everywhere in the CU my friend. There are more now obviously.......but Jedi are FAR from weak. I really like it how ppl like you like to bash SWG and what they are putting ingame considering you haven't played it in the last 3 years or so. Crafting is NOT gone. Crafted amor, foods, drinks, structures, ship parts, ship chassis, weapons.....yes everything listed is BETTER than anything you could ever hope to loot.......but you would know that from your recent gameplay huh? Do us a favor, instead of listing things you obviously know nothing about, just say "I think the game was better pre-nge", and leave it at that.
checked the other servers too, there are people everywhere . I guess people who left wow are coming to swg there are no more light servers except lowca all others are heavy ultra heavy or medium.
There may be more than 250k subs who knows
Also to add to everyone else's comments, there are still a few servers with Light or Very Light population however this does not necessarily discount them. I have a main character on Starsider which is always buzzing with people and feels very immersive whereas my alt character is on Europe-Infinity which has a very small population but they are extremely helpful and it has an amazing community feel that the larger servers can't always pick up on.
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
While i enjoy the game you guys still whine here. If nge was a failure and didn't have enough subs do you really think they wouldn't do something about it? It's all about money ,in the end Nge makes more money (more subs) than pre nge thats why its been alive for 4 years more than pre nge pre cu combined lol .....
Nge is the real SWG yours was a failure and destroyed lmao
Games with 250k subscribers:
A) Have full blown expansions regularly.
C) Can fill up all 25 servers of an mmo.
D) ALL of the above.
Well I just recently came back to give it another round....but just couldn't get back into it. It just felt old and stale. Even though I'm a huge SW fan this game just doesn't "do" it for me anymore. I'll just wait to see how the new one pans out and maybe see how this possible browser based one turns out as well.