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Absolutely Worst Game Manual Ever

FitzleFitzle Member Posts: 46

The store version has like a 6 page 'booklet' with not a whole lot more than the licensing agreement and instructions on how to insert a CD into a CD drive. I'm a bit torn about this because yea,, on one hand all MMO manuals are pretty freaking useless 6 months after you buy the game because so much nerfing.. er.. balancing has gone on that half of what is written there no longer applies.

But on the other hand.. boy this feels cheap. I have to go to their website to read how half the game works and plod my way through the in game tutorial to get the other half. Even then there's a whole lot left out. I still haven't figured out how to do a simple emote.  So in order to learn all the ins and outs of this game I have to spend time hunting for the information however, if it's a great well written manual at least I have something I can reference and learn from even if it becomes outdated in 6 months.

The End User agreement in the manual even has "Click to Accept" written in it which is hilarious. The whole thing just seems horribly cheap.


  • kal08kal08 Member Posts: 90
    Originally posted by Fitzle

    The store version has like a 6 page (...) I'm a bit torn about this because (...) useless 6 months after you buy the game


    So, you think a game manual for a MMORPG is pointless if printed and then you bash a game that decided to keep its manual online. Hum, what??!?!?! Lol!

    If you want soo much to waste paper, trees, money... just go and print the manual from the site :p

  • vyper21oovyper21oo Member Posts: 48

    Yeah I looked thru the manual when I bought the game and thought the same thing. I think they do that  because they want you to  buy the game guide which  will have more details for the power sets.

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  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    You actually reads the manual? I just do the tutorial of any game and if I need help I ask in the noobchat.

    But you are right, it is kinda cheap, MMOs are expensive and the reason most people buy a box is to get a manual.

  • LethalBurstLethalBurst Member UncommonPosts: 367
    Originally posted by vyper21oo

     I think they do that  because they want you to  buy the game guide which  will have more details for the power sets.


    No, they do that because the manuals are printed long before the game is released, and by that time the information in the manual will be completely outdated.




  • UnshraUnshra Member UncommonPosts: 381
    Originally posted by Fitzle

    The store version has like a 6 page 'booklet' with not a whole lot more than the licensing agreement and instructions on how to insert a CD into a CD drive. I'm a bit torn about this because yea,, on one hand all MMO manuals are pretty freaking useless 6 months after you buy the game because so much nerfing.. er.. balancing has gone on that half of what is written there no longer applies.
    But on the other hand.. boy this feels cheap. I have to go to their website to read how half the game works and plod my way through the in game tutorial to get the other half. Even then there's a whole lot left out. I still haven't figured out how to do a simple emote.  So in order to learn all the ins and outs of this game I have to spend time hunting for the information however, if it's a great well written manual at least I have something I can reference and learn from even if it becomes outdated in 6 months.
    The End User agreement in the manual even has "Click to Accept" written in it which is hilarious. The whole thing just seems horribly cheap.


    Like you said the is online, there is no hard-copy manual because it would quickly be outdated. So instead they made an online version that they can update as the game changes.

    There is no point in having an outdated hard-copy version other then the "feel good" you might get when opening a box. There is also no difference from having to learn half the the game from a paper manual vs learning half of the game from an online manual. :-P

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  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252

    I can't recall the last time I saw an MMO with any sort of decent game manual, sort of a dying art I think,

    Lately seems all I get is a disk and a key to log in, maybe a key command guide or something but not much else.


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  • DaxamarDaxamar Member UncommonPosts: 593
    Originally posted by Fitzle

    The store version has like a 6 page 'booklet' with not a whole lot more than the licensing agreement and instructions on how to insert a CD into a CD drive. I'm a bit torn about this because yea,, on one hand all MMO manuals are pretty freaking useless 6 months after you buy the game because so much nerfing.. er.. balancing has gone on that half of what is written there no longer applies.
    But on the other hand.. boy this feels cheap. I have to go to their website to read how half the game works and plod my way through the in game tutorial to get the other half. Even then there's a whole lot left out. I still haven't figured out how to do a simple emote.  So in order to learn all the ins and outs of this game I have to spend time hunting for the information however, if it's a great well written manual at least I have something I can reference and learn from even if it becomes outdated in 6 months.
    The End User agreement in the manual even has "Click to Accept" written in it which is hilarious. The whole thing just seems horribly cheap.


    Why print out a paper manual thats oudated as its bein printed? Think about it.


    And the emotes suck, you click on the chat bubble and look for the emotes. Click on the emote and bamm...your doin jumpinjacks! If theres a shortcut, im sure there is or will be, its not worth it. You hit /grin and you get Daxamar :D !!!

    Fun game, but not for the emotes! LOL.


  • ayanelayanel Member Posts: 150

    Yah it is a crappy cheap manual but I cannot remember the last time I referenced an MMO manual (or anything printed) so why should I care?  If these games were static I could see a point to a lot of printed reference material but even the guides you pay $20 for are at least partially outdated before they hit the stands.

  • SevenwindSevenwind Member UncommonPosts: 2,188

    I'm old school I guess. I still like to have something in my hand to read if it is going to be lengthy and only look up stuff on the internet for fast reading.

    I thought about getting the Brady Games Strat guide for this game just as a general refrence to the game. I know it will be outdated eventually but can offer some good information.

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  • AganazerAganazer Member Posts: 1,319

    I tried to click to accept, but there was no mouse in the box. I was like... WTF? Then I made a sandwitch and started to feel better about the world.

  • ZebladeZeblade Member UncommonPosts: 931

    For some.. just wait till your lvl 6 and picking your powers. Try to get help .. HAHA.. theres NOTHING.. anywhere.

  • SenadinaSenadina Member UncommonPosts: 896

    It is not at all unusual for an MMO to have no hardcopy manual. Your title is pure hyperbole. CO is really not that hard to figure out, and if you NEED to have the uber-build, I'm sure you can find forums to tell you what to do.

  • linrenlinren Member Posts: 578

    Why complain about the manual when you can spend your time complaining about a game.

    Plus we Americans don't read manuals.

  • WoopinWoopin Member UncommonPosts: 1,012

    To be honest I think more MMO's should use online manuals I mean take a look at how fast they change why put something in print and than people buy the game and this manual is now out of date and pretty much useless.

    But if they just point people to the online version it can be updated to the game if and when it changes. As long as they keep it updated I think this is how all MMO's should have a manual. However I do agree that stuff like Lore should always be in a manual people like to read that kind of stuff don't they ?


  • SenadinaSenadina Member UncommonPosts: 896
    Originally posted by Woopin

    To be honest I think more MMO's should use online manuals I mean take a look at how fast they change why put something in print and than people buy the game and this manual is now out of date and pretty much useless.
    But if they just point people to the online version it can be updated to the game if and when it changes. As long as they keep it updated I think this is how all MMO's should have a manual. However I do agree that stuff like Lore should always be in a manual people like to read that kind of stuff don't they ?


    AOC came with a fun little book detailing the history of Conan and his world. It was quite cool. CO could've included something like that, for those of us unfamiliar with the pen and paper game. Now THAT would have been somewhat useful.

  • junzo316junzo316 Member UncommonPosts: 1,712
    Originally posted by Zeblade

    For some.. just wait till your lvl 6 and picking your powers. Try to get help .. HAHA.. theres NOTHING.. anywhere.


    Ummmm....the game offers precise details to each power before you select it.  I think it offers a bit more detail than I want, actually.  So,  I really don't understand your complaint.

  • valkerusvalkerus Member UncommonPosts: 62

    In regards to the powers (I can't believe this is a gripe) you know that when you purchase them in the powers building you can try them before you buy them right? The key is that if you buy the power and leave the powers building instance they are considered bought. If you buy them and say go past the npcs to the room with giant boxes you can try them...if you don't like them go back to the npc and choose the respec and you will see the power(s) you just bought able to be removed for 0 cost.


    People complain that games are too simple, linear and childish yet they gave you little detail (harder curve) gave you a building with more to it than the npc's you buy powers from and nobody bothers to explore it? LMAO. This is not directed solely at this thread but i've seen this same topic in general chat.

  • RagnavenRagnaven Member Posts: 483

    sorry I agree with the OP the game needs a manual, it took me two weeks in beta to understand how to do anything beyond playing and crafting. Emotes btw are on the little tab at the top left side of the mini map under the title social.

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