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Champions Online: Launch Day Patch Stirs Uproar



  • TatsuOyamaTatsuOyama Member UncommonPosts: 33

    I must be crazy because I am enjoying my butt off. I like this game. I really do. I like that it is more challenging now. I like that a lot of people exploited their butts off and are nerfed now. I feel fine. My builds are solid. I am functioning well and getting through content solo and in a small team when I feel like it. Nothing is world shatteringly broken. You just can't roll certain builds and plow through the game. What is wrong with that?


    What I do not like is what happened to some of the people like the poor person above me. Completely losing your powers? WTH!>?!?!

    I had heard that they just awarded you the base set and sent you on your merry way to have to pay a respec fee with you left the tutorial, but it appears they didn't. That is messed up. Have you posted on the official forums? Also if you were in the tutorial did you save you costume? I save every one before entering the game. That way you could delete the character and hope right in. Also they have a unique naming system that attaches a unique tag to your username. (IE there can be 15 bulverines because they are bulverine@someguy and bulverine@someotherguy to prevent just that from happening!) Did you try to reroll? That is messed up.

    -Tatsu Oyama

  • lornphoenixlornphoenix Member Posts: 993
    Originally posted by nicols

     One of the unfortunate side effects of the patch was my character lost all her powers.. in the middle of the tutorial zone (Sorcery based char). GM replied to my ticket stating there was no workaround and I'd have to delete the character. Might not sound a big deal but I also apparently lose the chars name, one which I've used in many previous games (and part of the reason I joined up for headstart, to reserve my favourite char names :-( ).

    If you delete your character why couldn't you just just remake him/her with the same name?

    I just tried it, and it works fine.

    You do know people can have the same character names is CO, everything is based of you global name.

    So you don't have to worry about someone taking it.





  • inmysightsinmysights Member UncommonPosts: 451

    Tomorrow wwe will hear about the NGE..lmao

    I am so good, I backstabbed your face!

  • GreenLanternFanGreenLanternFan Member Posts: 374
    Originally posted by jawapet

    I was in beta test for this game. Stopped when it went to Open Beta.  And a lot of what it looks like they changed was stuff I was screaming about in beta test.  And they just would not listen to me... I knew they would have to change it eventually.  Just a shame they wait till the day of release to do it... *rolls eyes*
    I think there were quite a few of us that were talking about some of this stuff, shame they didn't listen to their testers.

     When I reached this line, "stuff I was screaming about in beta test...", I was thinking, 'yeah, you and about 75% of the rest of us beta testers'. However, I see that for the most part you touched upon that in your last line.

    I stated within a post in another CO thread that toward the end of testing, this game still didn't feel even close to being ready for release in my eyes. It appears that a lot of those that were beta testers felt the same and stayed away from this game accordingly.

       Any game is going to have it's share of items that need improvement. That much is obvious. However, having said that, the trouble with games releasing far before they are ready, is that we as a society have become so fickle and unforgiving, that the game in question gets tarnished early on to the point that the harm caused is almost irreversible. No matter how far the game has come since that point, no matter what changes or significant improvements are made, the game is ultimately doomed, unfortunately.

    Your fail comment, failed.

  • nicolsnicols Member Posts: 31

    To the above poster, I tried creating the same character directly after deleting it and it wouldn't let me use the name - hmm maybe there is a short delay before you can - thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try again. 


  • cyberkitten0cyberkitten0 Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by MrcdesOwnr

    I stated within a post in another CO thread that toward the end of testing, this game still didn't feel even close to being ready for release in my eyes. It appears that a lot of those that were beta testers felt the same and stayed away from this game accordingly.


    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on that point. Could you please sum up why in your opinion the game didn't feel even close to being ready for release? Which particular factors did it for you?

    I had a great time playing the Beta, and it made me enthusiastic about buying the game. And buy it I did

  • SnarlingWolfSnarlingWolf Member Posts: 2,697

    So CO had a couple skills that were clearly broken in the way to powerfull direction. Allowing players to essentially never die by blocking and healing etc.


    Now many players from beta saw this and thought "Man these skill is so overpowered and broken I should design my character around them"


    CO then fixes those way too overpowered skills and the players who could clearly tell they were broken but designed their character around them are now bitching that what they knew was broken finally got fixed.


    That about sum up what happened?

  • jonezi92jonezi92 Member Posts: 224

    Im guessing people are whining because they've had their OP'ness flushed away from them.


    I've pre-ordered the game, and i dont regret it, i'm still looking forward to the game and i'm hoping to have a blast

  • TygerTraxTygerTrax Member Posts: 16

    People are blowing the changes way out of proportion. The changes aren't that bad. The numbers on paper look a lot worse than they are. And the outcry? No worse than what you see with every patch on the WoW forums. In fact, I'd go as far as to say significantly less than that. The trolls are just having their field day. They expected "superheor" meant "godmode" and are mad to see they were wrong.

  • YunbeiYunbei Member Posts: 898

    Anyone who bought the game now, let alone a lifetime sub, has zero compassion from me. There was enough info from beta testers all over to be sure that CO would undergo many changes after release. Building a char now which you can respec over and over is not really what I want to do in a MMO.

    And they are announcing expansion content! Good riddance, maybe they work on the existing issues first! Its like they had nothng else to do than integrate Twitter and winamp in the late beta instead of working on the core of the game. Cryptic SO has no clue. I can understand people are desperate from the maby mediocre and bad MMOs published in the last years, but I have no understand towards people who want to sell this half baked piece of crap as a cool game. Unless you really have low expectations, of course.

    What a scam. I would be highly surprised if this game lives another year.


  • upsilonmercupsilonmerc Member Posts: 23

     Only thing I was upset about was the Zone chat became a QQ and whine chat. Non-stop! It was driving me crazy

  • DaxamarDaxamar Member UncommonPosts: 593

    The game is good. The people bitching are the same people that bitch about anything and everything in any game.

    Sure I wish they had given them a full respec, but you know what? They would bitch about something else!

     I have several chars, 1 is like level 30, and does have some problems, but i made another. To get to level 6 is like 20 mins, another 15 mins to get to level 8. I cant, but people made level 40 in under 3 days! Level 40 is the level cap for the game!

    The game is A bit harder and it does take a bit more tactical skill now. You cant just waltz in and kill 10 mobs your level and live with full life like you did in Open Beta. But thats good. If the game was too easy theyd be no challange at all and it would get boring FAST!

    The game isnt for everyone, that why theres WoW. This is a fun, fast paced game you can get in and have fun right away. If youd really want to have fun, get a teammate or join a supergroup to team up with other people. Although you can usally get on /zone chat and get a group.

    The game will last another year easy, no worries on that.



  • ayanelayanel Member Posts: 150

    Was in the last month of Closed Beta, Open Beta, and Head Start.  Bought the lifetime subscription and I have no complaintes about this patch. 

    It did make the game harder but that was badly needed.  Solo I still mow through groups of foes at my level with no downtime and and can take on up two two groups of lv +2 at once but it is now a hard fight with real risk that requires me to think about what I'm doing.

    While the freeform character system means there are going to be some builds that suffer worse then others--and they should offer a full respec--overall the patch was a good thing.

    Also the amount of complaining in game is much, much, much less then it is on the forms and almost totally focused on the high cost of retcon.  The biggest difference I see is that more people are forming groups.  I'm a solo player by nature but so far in CO I've been able to quickly join a group of random heroes about my level and kick ass--it has been so painless and fun that I find myself looking forward to being in a group for the first time ever in an MMO.


  • judgecaljudgecal Member Posts: 7

    For what it's worth, I've been playing CO since closed beta and have seen the game come a long way. The most recent updates at launch were better made now than a week from now when even more people were accustomed to being over-powered. It seems to me, the devs are really trying to polish the game experience. They really do care. And that's gotta count for something.

    Sure I seem to be dying more often as I patrol Snake Gulch. Sure I think more fine-tuning is in order. But overall, the game is blast to play and the game world is colorful and interesting. Even so, let the ranters and doom-sayers protest and fill forum threads from here to doorsteps of Hell. The response is invaluable. Feedback is always nice for developers, even if it is a little overblown. And when they make the next round of 'nerfs' it'll be fun to watch the panic happen all over again.

    It's very interesting how a few people are expressing such rage in the forums. Can you think of an MMO launch that didn't start tweaking game balance and other elements right out of the gate? I've participated in quite a few, and I can't think of a single instance where there weren't multiple patches within the first six weeks. So why the rage? Let 'em know what you think needs more work and move on.

    MMO's change. Isn't that the fun of persistent world games? I know that's why I keep coming back for more. If I wanted my game experience to stay constant, I'd still be playing Pong.

  • WindssoulWindssoul Member Posts: 172

    Honestly, the only people in an uproar are those that already had something against the game before it launched, and their attitude only got louder and worse, and the best way they have decided to deal with this problem is to scream at the people still playing, and rage in every other gaming community.


    The response is actually disgusting.

  • TheStarheartTheStarheart Member Posts: 368
    Originally posted by Windssoul

    Honestly, the only people in an uproar are those that already had something against the game before it launched, and their attitude only got louder and worse, and the best way they have decided to deal with this problem is to scream at the people still playing, and rage in every other gaming community.
    The response is actually disgusting.


    The response is being met by Cryptic giving refunds to lifetimers and 6month subs if they call customer service and request it. Anyone unhappy enough with the game should pursue those means and let them know why you are cancelling.

  • ArlinaRhysArlinaRhys Member Posts: 1
    Originally posted by SnarlingWolf

    So CO had a couple skills that were clearly broken in the way to powerfull direction. Allowing players to essentially never die by blocking and healing etc.
    Now many players from beta saw this and thought "Man these skill is so overpowered and broken I should design my character around them"
    CO then fixes those way too overpowered skills and the players who could clearly tell they were broken but designed their character around them are now bitching that what they knew was broken finally got fixed.
    That about sum up what happened?

    More like..they knew a few abilities were rather than nerfing those abilities..they tweaked the base numbers in the spreadsheets that govern the numbers for ALL powers in the game, and since they never bothered writing software tools to monitor changes , this had a side effect of cascading down to a bunch of unrelated powers and Cryptic themself has no idea what did or didnt change and have admitted as much.


    That about sums it up.

  • chaintmchaintm Member UncommonPosts: 953

    People that have no issue with this patch (So much) are all saying the same thing... we need a respec.. I say why? because your gimp now? Because your "build" doesn't work as effectivly? Why is that? 

    See my point, I shouldn't have to respec shit if it ain't broke, guess what, it's broke.  I don't want to respec to be some awsome build, I want to play as I did before for the spec I picked was the one I deemed the most fun, not the one that will be the winner for the game.

     Their own adverstiment says "Creat the hero YOU want" I say what does that mean? I can't now because my build (The hero i want) isn't viable. That says it all.

    "The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"

  • ZebladeZeblade Member UncommonPosts: 931

    Well theres so many things that are still messed up. but..

    "Also, drop rates were increased up to four fold today. So players should find tons more loot to use, trade, or even deconstruct."

    LOL.. 4 levels later.. ONE DROP. ONE. I just read this and just posted a bug telling them .. 4 levels and only ONE drop. Why am I playing? Crafting is the easiest .. its just not fun at all. And yes drops help ALOT.. lmao.. but ONE in 4 levels.. and that was TONS of grinding to just get drops.  

    Its just small. 100 people max in a instance.. yes the whole thing is all instances. You cant join a server . there is none.. maybe one. Theres like 20 instancs going from 25-99 people in them.. So not many playing.. its been getting less and less.

    But dont try it yet.. it really needs time. Master villains are easy.. and villains ..some.. its just strange.. are like God mode. Just today my one power.. shoots blanks.. Well I keep trying to use it.. 15times one after the other and did nothing.. so yes one patch fixed something but broke something like that.



  • YaumulYaumul Member Posts: 11

    Here is a list of the patch changes that happened on launch day as compiled by players since Cryptic won't release the details.

    Props to Goryus on for compiling these on the main forums here:


     Patch Changes.

    - All Offensive passives reduced in effectiveness by 66% (+115% -> +45%)

    - All Offensive passives defense 66% (24% -> 8%)

    - All Offensive actives changed to apply cool-downs to other actives

    - All Offensive actives effectiveness increased by 12% (48% -> 60%)

    - Nanobot Swarms reduced in effectiveness by 66% (-90sec -> -30sec)

    - Field drones heal drastically reduced (appears to be on cool down timer)

    - Field drones energy cost increased

    - Eyebeams damage drastically reduced (100-300 damage -> 60-80)

    - Field surge graphic no longer plays if you have PFF

    - Mini-guns teflon coating no longer stacks

    - Incisive wit advantage for Kinetic Darts now puts Ego Surge on cool down

    - Ego Choke has added 15 sec cool down

    - Pyre endurance cost increased

    - Ego Stom damage dropped 33% and energy cost increased 100% (15/tic -> 30/tic)

    - Arc Lighting damage dropped 50% (700max -> 350max)

    - Bonus quest experience for completing higher level quests removed

    - Overall quest experience dropped

    - Overall mob experience raised

    - Healing items had their effectiveness dropped by approximately 66%

    - Probably a bunch more that have yet to be discovered.

    This is in addition to things that could be considered part of the 'announced' changes:

    - Regen no longer crits

    - Healing on regen cut in half (272 -> 145)

    - Defensive boost from items cut in half

    - PFF dropped 40% health, lost 50% recharge rate

    - Invuln boost cut in half

    - Defiance boost cut in half

    - Resurgance dropped by 66% (2000 -> 800)

    - Lightning Reflexes weakened (no numbers available)

    - Masterful Dodge cut similarly (270% -> 190%)

    Meanwhile, the single biggest problem in gameplay (chaining knockbacks or holds to keep mobs from ever doing anything, or other players in PvP) has still not been addressed. Even though people have been complaining about it for months. Also, Skarn's Bane and Telepathic Reverberation still don't do anything, and mindful reinforcement still doesn't actually stop any damage.

    End of Patch Notes.

      Several powers  are still totally broken and do nothing at all. The Field Drones mentioned above do not scale as you level (meaning that the amount of healing they do at level 1 is all they will ever do from level 1 to 40). 

      It's not a complete list but there are no official patch notes for what went live on launch day. Cryptic didn't think it was important to release the patch notes to players, which is one of the main reasons a lot of players are peeved.








  • LordDmasterLordDmaster Member UncommonPosts: 130




    Have fun with that.

    …’s a guideline, not a rule, as players we must remember: “It’s a Game”.

  • WindssoulWindssoul Member Posts: 172
    Originally posted by Yaumul

    Here is a list of the patch changes that happened on launch day as compiled by players since Cryptic won't release the details.
    Props to Goryus on for compiling these on the main forums here:
     Patch Changes.
    - All Offensive passives reduced in effectiveness by 66% (+115% -> +45%)

    - All Offensive passives defense 66% (24% -> 8%)

    - All Offensive actives changed to apply cool-downs to other actives

    - All Offensive actives effectiveness increased by 12% (48% -> 60%)

    - Nanobot Swarms reduced in effectiveness by 66% (-90sec -> -30sec)

    - Field drones heal drastically reduced (appears to be on cool down timer)

    - Field drones energy cost increased

    - Eyebeams damage drastically reduced (100-300 damage -> 60-80)

    - Field surge graphic no longer plays if you have PFF

    - Mini-guns teflon coating no longer stacks

    - Incisive wit advantage for Kinetic Darts now puts Ego Surge on cool down

    - Ego Choke has added 15 sec cool down

    - Pyre endurance cost increased

    - Ego Stom damage dropped 33% and energy cost increased 100% (15/tic -> 30/tic)

    - Arc Lighting damage dropped 50% (700max -> 350max)

    - Bonus quest experience for completing higher level quests removed

    - Overall quest experience dropped

    - Overall mob experience raised

    - Healing items had their effectiveness dropped by approximately 66%

    - Probably a bunch more that have yet to be discovered.
    This is in addition to things that could be considered part of the 'announced' changes:
    - Regen no longer crits

    - Healing on regen cut in half (272 -> 145)

    - Defensive boost from items cut in half

    - PFF dropped 40% health, lost 50% recharge rate

    - Invuln boost cut in half

    - Defiance boost cut in half

    - Resurgance dropped by 66% (2000 -> 800)

    - Lightning Reflexes weakened (no numbers available)

    - Masterful Dodge cut similarly (270% -> 190%)
    Meanwhile, the single biggest problem in gameplay (chaining knockbacks or holds to keep mobs from ever doing anything, or other players in PvP) has still not been addressed. Even though people have been complaining about it for months. Also, Skarn's Bane and Telepathic Reverberation still don't do anything, and mindful reinforcement still doesn't actually stop any damage.
    End of Patch Notes.
      Several powers  are still totally broken and do nothing at all. The Field Drones mentioned above do not scale as you level (meaning that the amount of healing they do at level 1 is all they will ever do from level 1 to 40). 
      It's not a complete list but there are no official patch notes for what went live on launch day. Cryptic didn't think it was important to release the patch notes to players, which is one of the main reasons a lot of players are peeved.


    It's part of the balancing process.


    While I don't agree with dropping that hefty of a patch immediately into game (Should have been a test server first), it was a very necessary patch.


    As to that.

    I didn't realize you expected them to fix every bug in the game on day 1.

  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381

    For MMORPG that started not even a week ago is incredibly stable and bug free. And it is (at least for me, my no1 is still of course WoW, but I love to play also Aoc, War, Lotro, ....) incredibly addictive and fun. One can design separately even single eye or any limb of his superhero.

    Of course ... there are many problems to address, maybe on top list I would put unability to respec all powers and this for **normal** ammount of currency. Then pets would be much better if would be automatically dismissed in flight and then automatically resummoned. As nearly in any game I have played playing with pets is not fluid. Sometimes they just stay and not react, etc.

    All in all ... im not sorry for single euro I have payed for client + 30 days free included. I'm not rich ... but I can not understand people making from this money problem as if they were buying new computer for 1000$.

  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381
    Originally posted by pre_mar

    For MMORPG that started not even a week ago is incredibly stable and bug free. And it is (at least for me, my no1 is still of course WoW, but I love to play also Aoc, War, Lotro, ....) incredibly addictive and fun. One can design separately even single eye or any limb of his superhero.

    Hmm ... not that is addictive and fun only because of design. :-))) Fun is playing, powers are fun, quests are good, environment, feeling in game, ....

  • calranthecalranthe Member UncommonPosts: 359
    Originally posted by SirTemplar

    Oh noes!!!!111!!  A patch on launch day, with nerfs and changes (cuz THAT'S never happened before in PC gaming)!!!  The NERVE of them to try to balance and fix things and not satisfy absolutely everyone!
    I don't think I can manage much more sarcasm than that.
    The only people that should have suffered any ill effects from this would be the Early Start folks who prepaid, and they've  only been able to build on their characters since Friday.  So.....seriously?  You're going to get in a whinge over characters you've only been able to develop for 4 days?  I could see if you were able to retain your beta characters that you might have a knot in your knickers over this, but they were wiped when Beta ended, so....what's the big deal?  If it's that much of a big deal, build a new toon and start fresh.
    I think this is much ado about nothing.


    Okay let me put it simply, I logged on before the day one patch early morning, my char NOT a power build, not the strongest i'd been playing fine for a week in early start, maybe abit too easy and abit too much xp, i was still dying btw.


    Then I log on after the patch, all of my abilities nerfed AND all of the mobs/npc's harder so lets say they increast mobs difficulty by 50% and reduced my powers by 50% that caused a 100% difference.

    That is why people were so angry


    I am no longer a champion its now civilians online

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