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Frustrated with classes

My own little vent here. There are 3 classes, Warrior, Rogue and Mage. You then switch to a sub class at level 5. Each main has 3 subs, so there are really 9 actual classes, with maybe 3 more if you just choose to play the 3 original. Now each class uses any armor and weapons (odd from typical MMOs), and the armor and weapons are the same regardless of choice (2 hander does same damage as a dagger), whereas the only way to modify the damage or effects is to put a sigil onto the weapon or armor.

Now the issue I have here, is that there does not seem to be a single dedicated ranged class. Some of them have more skills in range than others, but for the most part all the classes are melee oriented, since nothing that you fight to actually gain exp is killable at range (unless you crit nonstop). In fact out of the 9 classes, only the rogue based seem to have any type of long range skills. Now at first I would not mind this, but each subclass of rogue doesn't really hold up well with the limited range.

Skinshifter (transforms into a wolf, human, etc. for the purpose of sneaking by not attacking) is at first interesting, but seems to devolve into a typical thief.

Trickster (uses bombs that cause status effects) is also slightly interesting with some long range attacks, but the skills that you would think be key to the class do not quite work correctly. Phase, which is supposed to put you in back of the enemy in question, takes too long to cast, and basically seems to just teleport you a few feet forward, so that you have to manually turn around after the action finishes. If you turn around too early, the game "fixes" your direction and thus you end up facing the wrong way again. Really, really dumb. From the description you would think its the perfect backstab, but it kinda sucks really.

Deathhand (poison dot using thief) now this has the long range skills, but the poison abilities don't seem to really do much in terms of damage quickly enough to warrant it being useful. With no type of CC abilities (no CC in game), you will eventually have to melee some mob and due to low hit points, probably die quickly.

In fact each of the classes seem to have faults (or bugs) that seem detrimental to being able to kill anything in game without a lot of backtracking, weaving, moving, and dodging. For classes like the Adept, this amounts to more pain to you than to the enemy (if you miss while using the special lvl 5 skill, you get wounded instead), or in the case of the Ancestral Mage (pet based), the pet does not listen most of the time. And with the Rune Mage (offensive caster), the good spells all have such long countdowns, that its impossible to kill at range without melee.

Now, is the game fun to play? Yes. Good graphics and UI? Yeah it has that too. But there is no mob ownership, so a lot of KSing, no true PvP (even on the PvP server, very odd), There are guilds, but no LFG search menu, a 13 minute non-skippable tutorial (good/bad), no stat reset, no skill reset (until much much later in game), bad description of skills, good variety of quests and monsters but bad directions with most quests. The countryside and surrounding cities/towns are very interesting to get lost in and marvel at the architecture, but theres not really any way to tell what the boundry areas of mob levels are at, since you could go from level 4 mobs, then cross the road and see level 12 mobs.

You get bonuses for not dying, but until later in the game, the bonus has little effect. There are no mounts in game, but you will run a bit faster at higher levels. Finally while some classes have no specialized offensive skills, they still have the base ones, which makes classes like the Void Seer (a pure healer sortof), somewhat more playable than others with no real healing abilities.


  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981
    Originally posted by ninjajucer

     And with the Rune Mage (offensive caster), the good spells all have such long countdowns, that its impossible to kill at range without melee.


    Let me answer first on Rune Mage (cause i actively play that class)

    The spells you are mentioning are AOE dots , that last very long. Not nukes. You need to get into spirit of the class.

    And as Rune Mage, you are all about AOE. You are not glass cannon.

    Actually you get more survivability the more enemies are fighting you at once.


    As for the rest.

    Rogue teleports are broken...thats known.


    Every class can heal


    True there is no pure ranged class (except trickster, that is more ranged than others) Close combat is where its at.


    And Spellborn is all about dodging jumping turning ... its a TWITCH BASED mmo, fps style.

    If you perfer skill clicker like WOW. Than you are playing wrong game.



  • MinoziMinozi Member Posts: 49

    Im just curious.. what level are you with any of these classes? And unless you played them all, how do you know all those "faults" in the classes? Just interested in where you get the info from..

    Back to topic: Im an AM and yes sometimes the pets arent as responsive as one would wish, but you have to know how to handle them. I for myself have no problem with them whatsoever :) (put them on aggresive, use the attack command? those things help). Also, I dont exactely see what the problem with ranged is, as said before, im an Ancestral Mage and even I can kill a mob on ranged. So my guess (a "guess" im not stating it as a fact) is that you didnt really play any of these classes until a level where all the skills opened up to you (34) OR you might perhaps have statted in a way that you perhaps do less ranged dmg?

    Now each class uses any armor and weapons (odd from typical MMOs), and the armor and weapons are the same regardless of choice (2 hander does same damage as a dagger), whereas the only way to modify the damage or effects is to put a sigil onto the weapon or armor.

    That is a design choice they made, Dress To Impress. (so yes its different than other MMO's but isnt that what most ppl are looking for? ;) )

    Some of them have more skills in range than others, but for the most part all the classes are melee oriented, since nothing that you fight to actually gain exp is killable at range (unless you crit nonstop). In fact out of the 9 classes, only the rogue based seem to have any type of long range skills.

    Not true, Im an AM and I havent got a single melee skill in my six tiered deck :) (on a side note: there are not crits in this game). Rogues have the most amount of ranged, but most surely not the only ones out there :D

    Skinshifter (transforms into a wolf, human, etc. for the purpose of sneaking by not attacking) is at first interesting, but seems to devolve into a typical thief.

    not sure what to say about this.. in a way every class in every MMO out there could be put in a box.. but you got to have some imagination :P (also, whats wrong with a "typical thief" as you call it? I mean.. im sure they have lots of ranged :D )

    Trickster (uses bombs that cause status effects) is also slightly interesting with some long range attacks, but the skills that you would think be key to the class do not quite work correctly.

    First off: there arent any real "key" skills.. it all depends on your deck, on your bodyslots, sigils etc etc. I think this one has the most ranged skills of all, but I have to check that ;) Check: it has 9 long range skills, the bodyslots not included. An AM has got 4.

    Deathhand (poison dot using thief) now this has the long range skills, but the poison abilities don't seem to really do much in terms of damage quickly enough to warrant it being useful.

    You just said it: its DoT, so no wonder it isnt quick damage :P I dont htink the poisons are intended to be a kill skill.. its just something that helps you take down health so it dies faster. (there's also range poisons, so that gives you more time aswell!)

    In fact each of the classes seem to have faults (or bugs) that seem detrimental to being able to kill anything in game without a lot of backtracking, weaving, moving, and dodging.

    I disagree.. Not sure where you got that info from.. (besides, all the classes play differently: the rogues are supposed to be the fastest in the fight, so yes naturally you will have to move and use that advantage to kill your mob.. Mages on the other hand are almost constantly rooted.. I wish I could move around as much as the rogues! So really.. its a play style, not a bug)

    or in the case of the Ancestral Mage (pet based), the pet does not listen most of the time

    You just got to know how to handle 'em ;)

    But there is no mob ownership, so a lot of KSing, no true PvP (even on the PvP server, very odd)

    There is mob ownership, whoever hits it first should get the xp (or maybe there is something wrong? At least thats how it works for me). No true PvP? Makes me wonder what you see as true pvp.. once you get out of the starters zone (did you?) you get FFA PVP zones. Next to that, there is also the arena and the demon room ;)

    You get bonuses for not dying, but until later in the game, the bonus has little effect. There are no mounts in game, but you will run a bit faster at higher levels. Finally while some classes have no specialized offensive skills, they still have the base ones, which makes classes like the Void Seer (a pure healer sortof), somewhat more playable than others with no real healing abilities.

    Those bonuses have as much effect on a low lvl as on a high lvl. At pep 5 you get +30% moving speed, and thats the same for a lvl 1 as a lvl 50. You get +% dmg output and faster rotating skill bar, those work for everyone, not just high levels. (High levels dont run faster, unless they have +% moving speed sigils). Sure other classes have more healing than others... what did you expect? Its the same with range, some classes have more than others.. Besides, there are more type of healing skills. Not just the click a button and get health skill, but also the buff that when you melee hit a mob you gain health, or transfer an opponents Physique/Morale/Concentration into your own health.


    I hope it somehow helped :D

  • fatenabu1fatenabu1 Member Posts: 381


      I am loving the game so far, it is an unique MMO experience is my best way to describe it. The classes are different and not match up to any class I have seen really. We are use to Tank,Healer,Damage Dealer, etc cookie cutter classes. This game strides to be different and out of the cookie cutter mold. No more rushing from dungeon to dungeon to get the best gear, to look your best and to be the best on the server. Instead it is all skill based and also requires some strategy and quick hand eye coordination. Last night I killed 3 wolves with only 1/4 of health at level 2 due to quick dodging and quick clicking my melee attacks at the right time.


    God Bless,



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