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First of all this is not intended as a troll thread or flame bait, I've been following Aion and watching tons of stuff about it as I am an MMORPG player and obviously want to see what's coming on the horizon... but many of the things I've seen just seem like Aion is another generic WoW-Vein style MMORPG. I've made plenty of posts asking and discussing with people but no one seems able to directly explain to me where the hype and interest is coming from.
The issue is that I don't see anything unique or interesting about Aion other than the fact that it's polished. It may be a personal thing - but I dislike the graphics and most of the animations that I've seen, and for the most part the theme and visual style in general just doesn't appeal to me.
Beyond the outside shell of the game, I've looked into the gameplay mechanics and classes. Okay, so more variety than WoW in the ammount of classes, but for the most part the 2nd tier of classes are just different specializations of your original archetype.. so they didn't attempt to invent anything with the game's classes - and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but these days it would nice to see something a little bit different.
I've watched streams. explaination videos and the like on Aion up to this point, in all of these videos and what not the game is being praised as 'The next best MMO' and all the like ... with people literally freaking out over it and pre-ordering. Are we going based off beta-players or the previous Asian success? Because Asia is a totally different market altogther and beta players are either both negative or positive .. and if you're looking forward to the game you're obviously going to flame the negative ones as trolls.
I'm also a bit annoyed with the constant bashing of other games I've seen on this forum, just because YOU think Aion will do well and will not fall into some of the problems and struggling that other MMORPG's of late have, there is no reason that It can't and even if they learn from some of the mistakes of games like Warhammer and Age of Conan - I think people need to be a little less biased and destructive against these games. I am an Age of Conan player and see that it is doing fine, there is no room in this industry for fanboyism and total bias, what are we Xbox Live players or something? Come on this community should be better than that. And as far as WoW-Killers go, we'll never dethrone World of Warcraft, and judging by their player base no one should want to steal most of their players.
Perhaps the game WILL be good and most likely it will do well in NA, but I personally don't see the appeal in the game - old mechanics, and sure they work but haven't we grown tired of them by now ?
It may seem odd, me asking for a discussion and an explaination but literally everything I see is either negative or positive trolling IMHO and If someone with an intelligent post can at least explain to me what I don't understand then I'd appreciate that.
TL:DR version:
Without fanboyism, explain to me what is appealing everyone to Aion. :P
Currently playing - FF14ARR
Previous games - SWG, World of Warcraft, ShadowBane, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Planetside Asheron's Call, Everquest, Everquest 2, Too many.
Hype is in the eye of the beholder. Some of my friends don't even have a clue what Aion is. There are no TV ads, and they don't promote it too heavily so I don't think it's that hyped at all.
The only hype comes from people who follow these things on the internet closely, have heard good reports from those that have played, and spread the hype.
The reason Aion is highly anticipated and liked is probably 95% because of the world PvP, the Abyss, the sieging of fortresses, and the interesting strategy that flight brings to combat mainly in PvP. It is the polish of a game like WoW but with the opposite PvP focus. Aion aims to keep players fighting dynamically over objectives in the world even locking players out of instances with cooldowns while WoW aims to keep players disconnected from the world and immersed in instances, arenas, and BG's. It is a completely different concept and Aion implements a system that makes sense for MMORPG's while games like WoW implement a system that belongs in arcade games.
Also many people like the asian style of game concerning graphics and character models. I could care less about graphics though. What makes me like Aion is the world PvP, the dynamic PvPvE focus, and the vision these devs have for MMORPG's and players interacting with players in the world and not in some instanced BS that has no place in true MASSIVE morpgs.
Because its Korean...and most gamers LOVE Asian chicks...
Let me start by saying good post.
I believe most MMOs lately for some reason have been hyped a lot, if you think of Warhammer, AoC, Darkfall, etc. Maybe it is a symptom of a lot of people wanting some new revolutionary MMO, and still have not found it that Aion is being hyped up.
Do not get me wrong, I love Aion, but in all honesty it does not bring much new to the table. But that does not always means that is bad, I mean a good polished game should be fun to play for a while if you ask me. Not everyone is looking for the next revolutionary, unique thing, so many people will be quite content to play Aion, which has neatly gathered a lot of the fun parts of different MMOs, polished some of them, and added a few things.
I would also like to say, that if you are really looking for the unique, revolutionary MMO, Aion probably is not for you. But can it hurt to try it out in Open Beta for free? Probably not, and you just might change your mind about it, maybe you have fun and want to play it a couple of months, who knows.
Not to WoW-bash either, but when WoW came out, it was not in any way the most unique and revolutionary MMO, it was a well polished MMO (which lacked endgame content but that was quickly added), and introduced some new features. But it had as well some good old features from the single rpgs, like leveling, as well as the skills system in Diablo 2 with the points in skills and such. So if you think it through, it also did not bring so much to the table.
I believe it is hard to totally revolutionize the MMOs with something completely new, since this might alienate a lot of players, because of removal of several features that the players in fact enjoy and bringing in untested features that the player base might not like it always a risky business. And well not all companies are willing to take that risk.
All in all, I believe MMOs do develop and do become better, but with small changes everytime. There is course always an exception here and there.
We really don't need another one of these threads. What game hasn't been hyped to death? Vanguard, WAR, AoC, SW: ToR, Aion, Champions, etc. It's the same shit. Do you really need an explanation? If it seems like another generic WoW type game, and that doesn't appeal to you, then don't worry about it. If you tried it, and would like to chime in about your opinion here and there, that's fine. Other than that, if it doesn't interest you, then you should just forget about it.
I've tried all the games that got hyped like crazy, besides VG. I said my piece once, twice, maybe three times, and forgot about it. That's what you, and everyone else should do. It's not worth the energy to worry about something you don't like, or don't plan to play. If you like a game and wish to discuss it, fine. Just don't bash other games to make yourself feel better about your game of choice.
Here's the explanation, since you asked. People like something, so they talk about it, which causes hype. It's really as simple as that. If you really want to know if all the hype is truth, wait about half a year and see what happens.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm tired of "Why is Aion hyped?" or "Aion another WoW Clone" or "My game of choice is better than yours." I've been seeing this shit forever and I find it completely retarded. I don't see the logic in constantly hating on games you don't plan to play. Just hate it and leave it alone.
Btw, I'm not directing this at you, but to the MMO community.
I dont see how the game is so hyped tbh. Maybe because there was no NDA for CBT in NA/EU and the game has been out a year in asia so you can basically youtube any video you want to see and that will tell you how the game is atm pre 1.5 patch and there are so many reviews because of no NDA and it being out overseas already people know what they are getting with aion.
Heres my question how is there nothing new ? If people were tired of the same old shit wow would never of gotten 11 million players fact is people want a game that they can play and that doesnt have a zillion bugs and Aion is that game right now it is as polished as any pre NA released game ive ever played. Personallly everyone complains about there being nothing new but there hasnt been anything new in MMORPGs in the last 6 years.
The PVPVE done right with a polished game that people want to play is new isnt it ? Its been done before but how many people play that game ?
How about unlocking PVE instances after taking over a Fortress using PVP ? Been done before im sure but has it been done right ?
Theres many many more things that are in Aion that im sure have been done before but have they all been put into one game and been done RIGHT ? If you read any reviews of people playing in korea then it all looks like it has been done amazingly good.
not he best thing on the market...
BUT the best thing SO FAR!
and everytime someone makes a troll post about it more people knoledge it, FREE ADVERTISE ¬¬
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Well, to be fair I tried to keep a totally neutral view while explaining my opinions - I have yet to play the game and as someone mentioned above perhaps some time in an open beta would change my mind.
It's not an issue of me hating it or anything if it's going to be a great game then obviously as an MMO player I'd like to be interested in it.
I have many personal friends telling me to pre-order with them and what not and they still cannot bring me to a point where I'm willing too .. of course I'd love to play the game with people that I know but I'm not directly appealed to the game itself, this is a slight cause for why I'm making this thread, it's not to start a bit riot or anything like alot of the mindless threads in a similar nature.
Currently playing - FF14ARR
Previous games - SWG, World of Warcraft, ShadowBane, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Planetside Asheron's Call, Everquest, Everquest 2, Too many.
First of all, what he (^^) said.
The PvP is very dynamic, and the wings truly do add a new dimension to PvP and zerging. I'm not big on graphics myself (as long as they arent horrible), but at very least they are fairly unique looking. I dont expect Aion to ever have an enormous player base like WoW (thank goodness), but my guess is it will remain healthy in size for some time to come. The Abyss, in my opinion, is a beautiful thing. I also very much like the fact that they put a third NPC "realm" in the mix. That definitely adds some flavor. While Aion does take a few levels (at least 16) to really get going, and it can be a little bit grindy on the PvE side, I dont have a hard time staying interested. I also agree that it is very polished for its age. So I guess the bottom line for me is that there really isnt any other game out recently that can compete with it. I likely will play it for 3-6 months and then move on to the next good one.
P.S. I dont know if anyone had a chance to participate in the events they had during the last couple days of the sixth closed beta weekend, but that was much fun!
"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." - Winston Churchill
ok we've been through this before...its a combat mechanic
Every new decent game gets a fair amount of hype. Human nature is such that we thirst for something new and different. AION is nothing new, but what it does it does well. Version 1.5 which is what we get on release is much more refined than what we played in CB. I am not typically a PvP player, BUT the pvp in AION is so good it draws you in. In the last hour of cb I was trying to get to a rift and plotting a strategy to do so standing in a fairly safe place from the hostile mobs around me. There was a flat spot with a hill beyond it. All of a sudden I saw a red title coming up over the hill and then the Asmodian. We looked at each other for a long 10 seconds and then he charged..... And THAT is what AION is all about (and if you don't like PvP then you can PvE in the non rift zones all you want, but you will miss out on some really fun action).
Well, to be fair I tried to keep a totally neutral view while explaining my opinions - I have yet to play the game and as someone mentioned above perhaps some time in an open beta would change my mind.
It's not an issue of me hating it or anything if it's going to be a great game then obviously as an MMO player I'd like to be interested in it.
I have many personal friends telling me to pre-order with them and what not and they still cannot bring me to a point where I'm willing too .. of course I'd love to play the game with people that I know but I'm not directly appealed to the game itself, this is a slight cause for why I'm making this thread, it's not to start a bit riot or anything like alot of the mindless threads in a similar nature.
Well, the reason why I am playing is because it's very polished, it's mainly a PvP game, and I'm a fan of the anime style. I'm not worried about innovative features or the hype at all. I don't know if I will like the game further down the road, but I'll find out when the time comes. I would love something new and different, but I realize that most of these games are pretty much the same. I knew I wanted to try this game way before the hype.
Before WAR came out, I said I would try WAR and Aion, if they both fail me, then I will probably move on from this genre. I'm not too sure this will be my last MMO, but I'm pretty sure it will be the last for a while if I don't like it. I'm just as tired of the generic crap as everyone, but I like the style, the gameplay is smooth, and I hear large scale PvP doesn't lag (ahem... WAR). That's more than enough reason for me to try this game.
I'm with you, though. I really want to see something truly new and fresh. Until then, I'm stuck with generic MMOs.
Its simple, standards & expectationd in the MMO community is so low now after the last few years of trash releases and Novel idea makes it the next best thing... but they all go the same way after a few weeks its a reality check followed by the mass biching in public forums then begins the ever increasing exodus.
Yeah, new and fresh is nice, but unfortunately nothing has done a good enough job at keeping things smooth whilst being new. I played Darkfall immediately at launch, don't get me wrong the game had fundamental problems, but it was REFRESHING. It was truly a breath of fresh air when I played that game with a strong guild. Sadly, the lack of fundamental things are the obvious reasons why I'm not playing it now.. but I did really enjoy the few months I spent with it.
Darkfall is a prime example of why new and fresh doesn't always work, and why smooth and familiar often do. I think that might be why I enjoy AoC more than most people, it's familiar enough that it feels comfortable, but is fresh enough that it feels new. If Aion were to be a success to me it would need to have that same feel.. and for alot of people it claims to. I'd honestly have to play it to find out whether or not it does that for me, everyone speaks of the PvP - That is the main thing that intrigues me.. Pre-BC WoW and Open world PvP were my absolute favorite things.. same with Shadowbane.
So given this post here, you can see that potentially I COULD like the game but I think truthfully the only thing to do is wait and see how it's doing a few months down the road. The only issue with that is by that time my friends are long gone into the game, which is why I'm still so in the middle of the road at the moment...
Currently playing - FF14ARR
Previous games - SWG, World of Warcraft, ShadowBane, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Planetside Asheron's Call, Everquest, Everquest 2, Too many.
It's hyped because players are having fun.
I honestly don't mean that as a trollish response, but its true. NCSoft has done very little to hype Aion in the west, most of it is done by the players. I can't explain why either, listing down a laundry list of things just doesn't do anything really. It's just some combination of everything that seems to work very well and is enjoyable. Again this is all impossible to explain to someone who hasn't really played the game.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Lol this is easy. 2009 SUCKS !!! for new MMO's there a few out there but for the most part the whole year has gone by with almost nothing to show for it. Aion is ready to go and a good game , that is the main reason IMO that it is really hyped. Now 2010 will be the best year for MMO's ever .
Played Aoc/DDO/FFXI/WAR / LoTRo / CO / Aion
Playing Rift
Waiting for FFXIV to be the game it should. so sad =(
Enough with the WoW B.S. and the whole everything else is a WoW rip-off. I tried to play WoW Twice and never longer than 2 months. For me the game was to cartoony and Pali's are to overpowered. Even though I don't like WoW, I am not gonna bash it . By saying it is just a Rip off of Lineage, Everquest, Everquest II, Final Fantasy XI. Remember all these Fantasy MMO's are a Rip off of Dungeons & Dragons the old Dice, Book, and paper game. So Shut up and either Play Aion which is a Wonderful game in my opinion or just continue to play WoW or whatever else. It doesn't matter. JUST STOP HATING ON OTHER GAMES JEEZ!
I dig how the OP says "lets not bash other games", then takes a shot at WoW players like 2 senteces later.
I just have fun in it. I like the art style, I enjoy the leveling, and combat feels more involved. As an assassin, I get a ton of different reactives and chain abilities, and this makes it more interesting for me than just mashing the same 2 or 3 buttons each fight. I don't understand all the hate, and I don't even think it's being hyped up that much except by other players.
I also threw one at XBL players to, for the exact same reasons.. didn't bash the game though
I have to say I'm really impressed with some of the other posts that I've got on here. It's very difficult to form any sort of opinion based off of most of the discussion on this forum, given that most of it is whiners, complainers, trolls, fanboys. It's very nice to have some agreements and then 'detail corrections' rather than direct attacks or arguements.
Is there a way to get into Open Beta so that I may form an opinion of the game for myself, or is it past signup/purchase required to play in it ?
Currently playing - FF14ARR
Previous games - SWG, World of Warcraft, ShadowBane, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Planetside Asheron's Call, Everquest, Everquest 2, Too many.
What hype? They might some on these forums, and some gaming sites... but that's it.
A lot of the people I know found out about the game from me.... they had never heard of it, probably never would have.
This post has probably been posted a couple of times already, but I think it summarizes the whole situation clearly.
I myself really like Aion, yet I know it does not necessarily offer anything new to the MMO world. It has had a lot of positive feedback from CB testers as well as Asian servers; but even if it didn't, the highly polished feel of the game is worth at least trying it out.
The interesting thing is that NcSoft has not hyped this game much, but many players love it. I think it's a combination of getting tired of current mmos and the past few mmos with big company hype falling flat on their faces. So now with Aion many players love the level of polish, the new lore, nice graphics and strong engine.
I don't know really know how the active WoW players feel of late. I stopped playing that mmo about a year ago, but it seems some of the active players are not too happy with the direction Blizzard is taking the game.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Why should I explain anything to you OP ! Do your own research and make up your own mind !!
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I think most on here have been right. This game has not been hyped much at all. What you do see by the videos and what has been posted on this message board is that most of the people that have tried this game, like it. So they like to let others know why they feel its a good game. I have to say, most of the youtube videos for me were not very pleasing at all. They really do not do justice to the game. I mainly found out about it by just watching this site. before then, I had never even heard of it and its been out for over a year in the east.
Now, I plan on playing it because I did go through the last beta and found it fun. I found a few problems that were annoying (got stuck a couple times, there was no /stuck command that I could find) but overall the game play was fun and entertaining. I tried out 4 different classes and to be honest, none of them were bad. It has actually made my choice more difficult as to what I want to play when the game goes live.
Another thing, the game is pretty dang polished for the most part and that is a huge plus in many peoples minds. It does introduce something new with the flight system, it is unique and takes a bit of getting used to but it is ok. Now, for me, I am not a huge pvp fan. I played wow on a pvp server, I play EVE but rarely ever pvp. I played DAOC and pvp'd till I got tired of "the zerg". So, pvp is not a huge draw for me but since you really can't lose items, I dont mind to give it a try. Also, this is probably the closest any game has gotten to DAOC RVR and I will say that lots of people used to love that. I even did till zerging became the thing to do.
Now, you got a huge advantage that I do not. None of my friends have ever heard of this game. I been trying to get them involved and look at it and none of them are even interested. You want to know why you should play this game. You already know! You have friends that want to play it with you. Really, unless your hurting for money, plop down the 50 bucks and play it with them. If you dont like it, its not like you lost your house in the deal.
Why should you play the game... I think the question should be, Why shouldn't you play the game. You got friends wanting to play it with you, its a new game, You already know its pretty dang polished right from the gate, and you do appear to like pvp, and it has it in abundance.