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So I just reluctantly bought this game this morning. I've been on the fence about DFO due to all the poor reviews and threads about Tsasos or what ever his name is. So I finally broke down and bought it. It took about 4 hours to download via bit torrent at a surprising rate of about 768KBPS. The download and installation went smooth and I was in the game in no time.
First Impression of Graphics, Animations, Visuals:
Wow. Beautiful. This I hadn't expected. The world is one of the best I've seen in a long time. I already felt immersed and I didn't even do anything. Although the animations aren't great by any means, they fit fine. Good animations are my favorite thing in a game (like Shadow of the Colossus/Ico). The poor animations I saw were mostly combat while standing still. Your upper body moves but your legs are in forward stance. Not a combat stance. That's fine though, I can deal (I was fine with Wurm).
The audio for this game is mostly terrible. Things like those towers that shoot lightning are annoying. But when I was running to the goblin camp I could hear blades clashing and goblins dying and that was neat (and sounded good). When I tried wood cutting, I didn't hear anything which is fine, but there's nothing like hearing an axe chipping away at wood.
Controls and UI:
Fantastic. I heard all kinds of stuff about how they controls are counter intuitive and a pain to work with. I found no learning curve what so ever. I was right clicking moving things in inventory right clicking out hitting V to block , no problems.
I could see you not liking the controls if you've played nothing but WoW style controls (A very polished and flowing UI). Since I've been playing games and MMOs since forever with every kind of control scheme/UI imaginable, I can adapt real fast. Although the one problem I had was figuring out how to rest. A group mate told me to use left click and then I realized when you select skills you use left click to execute them.
Grouping, Fighting, Socializing:
So after I was done messing around with the UI and looking around the human starter town (Monk something) I was ready to set out for these goblin camps I've heard so much about from DF threads. The distance from the City to the goblin camp was short and beautiful. Unfortunatley there was about 8 other people there fighting. So after killing a goblin I was invited to the group of 8. One of the members traded me cloth leggins, a club and shield. At that point I left behind the expectations to be constantly worried about people in DF just ganking in ganks ville.
The fighitng was acceptable. I liked how I could protect some ones back from goblin archers by holding V behind them and blocking some incomming arrows while they fought off the other goblins. The goblin mobs felt like real players themselves the way they would circle strafe and run around you while you attacked.
after that the typical "lets go sell/bank and then go to a better camp but end up leaving after banking " stuff that happens in all MMOs. I'm fine with it and used to it.
WTF Moments and Whuuuut?AWSOME! Moments:
When I first logged in I kept getting hit with some duche nozzle shooting me with some fire resistants mod (negative I thik) and that annoyed me to no end.
When I went through looking at different skills and stuff and saw FISHING, I almost shat myself. I have seen nothing about it and figured there wouldn't be any fishing/camping/food type stuff in the game. That made me say "WHuuuT?!? FISHING! AWSOME" because I love fishing.
Sorry if this is hard to read but I figured some one out there might want to know a little about the game from an indifferent perspective.
Is it worth it? To me so far it was. I finally got that first time in an mmo feeling you get when you play your first favorite MMO. (mine was DAoC). I thought I would never get that back. But I did. I really did.
Welcome to Darkfall.
Hit me up with a PM if you have any questions or whatever in game. /tell China Cat
Good luck -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
Id like to hear your thoughts in a month from now. It seems almost everyone who has signed up for DFO has quit the first or so. So keep us informed!
Thanks China Cat I will.
To Arcken: I can tell you the next time I logged in I was really annoyed by the fact you can't repair your weapons or have them repaired in any way. I guess once they get destroyed then that's it. What kind of sandbox games goes that route? I'm hoping they just haven't gotten the chance to add it in yet.
I made a little video of my running around in Monkfield on youtube if anyone is interested. Maybe I'll post videos of different things that I do through out the time so that people can see if they like it or not. I know when I was researching if I should buy it; Youtube was the worst place to go. All I could find were fast forward videos of small pvp battles.
Oh yeah, and another thing I observed was people in my race alliance chat kept talking about how much wow sucks and this game or that game was good and pussy this and pussy that. It was like everyone there was trying to convince themselves that the game they were playing is the best. But it was only maybe 5 people having that conversation.
Your hilarious.
This guy had most of the same issues with the game as I did.. bad animations, bad audio.. etc. And even liked most of the same stuff about the game as I did..
But, since they magic final word from him was "I like it".. you side with him, instead of ripping him a new one for bashing parts of the game. You proved my point, and everyone elses from the other thread. As long as people like the game your playing, your happy as a peach..
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
LOL you have a unique writing style that I haven't seen before... gently sliding from poetic/abstract ("The distance from the City to the goblin camp was short and beautiful.") into funny/vulgar ("When I went through looking at different skills and stuff and saw FISHING, I almost shat myself"). Good post though, keep'em coming!
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Your hilarious.
This guy had most of the same issues with the game as I did.. bad animations, bad audio.. etc. And even liked most of the same stuff about the game as I did..
But, since they magic final word from him was "I like it".. you side with him, instead of ripping him a new one for bashing parts of the game. You proved my point, and everyone elses from the other thread. As long as people like the game your playing, your happy as a peach..
Ray, I suggest editing your original post with an ending "I Like it"... maybe CC will edit all his posts with helpfull information too.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Your hilarious.
This guy had most of the same issues with the game as I did.. bad animations, bad audio.. etc. And even liked most of the same stuff about the game as I did..
But, since they magic final word from him was "I like it".. you side with him, instead of ripping him a new one for bashing parts of the game. You proved my point, and everyone elses from the other thread. As long as people like the game your playing, your happy as a peach..
Ray, I suggest editing your original post with an ending "I Like it"... maybe CC will edit all his posts with helpfull information too.
Yeah, I thought about doing that.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
The guild and alliance you run with can make all the difference. You may not be in the one that's right for you. None of that stuff happens in our guild or alliance chat. If you want to consider changing to what I would suggest may be a more mature group of gamers, PM me on the official boards. User name there is ChinaCat.
Our guildi is mostly Elf, so your racial allignment is in line with ours if that is a detail that matters to you.
Cheers -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
I'm usually a df troll but your vid made me realize that df has great graphics. I'm almost thinking about trying it out now. ( I'm a gfx junkie)
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
If you are a GFX junkie then why not save your money and download a freeware graphics program and generate your own scenery that looks as good or better?
How about this concept, go outside and look at some of that scenery, bet it looks a whole hell of a lot better then any game.
I really don't understanding paying >$50 to just look at scenery. Hell isn't AoC in the bargin bins for $19.99 yet? It has great scenery if all you want to do is sight see of course the game sucks.
If you are a GFX junkie then why not save your money and download a freeware graphics program and generate your own scenery that looks as good or better?
How about this concept, go outside and look at some of that scenery, bet it looks a whole hell of a lot better then any game.
I really don't understanding paying >$50 to just look at scenery. Hell isn't AoC in the bargin bins for $19.99 yet? It has great scenery if all you want to do is sight see of course the game sucks.
Why so bitter, AV double charge you and now you can't pay rent ?
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
If you are a GFX junkie then why not save your money and download a freeware graphics program and generate your own scenery that looks as good or better?
How about this concept, go outside and look at some of that scenery, bet it looks a whole hell of a lot better then any game.
I really don't understanding paying >$50 to just look at scenery. Hell isn't AoC in the bargin bins for $19.99 yet? It has great scenery if all you want to do is sight see of course the game sucks.
Why so bitter, AV double charge you and now you can't pay rent ?
The game world is beautiful as are the items. Character models are weak, but assume that was a developer call to ensure as many can PvP in one place with the best frame rate possible.
Good luck. -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
If you are a GFX junkie then why not save your money and download a freeware graphics program and generate your own scenery that looks as good or better?
How about this concept, go outside and look at some of that scenery, bet it looks a whole hell of a lot better then any game.
I really don't understanding paying >$50 to just look at scenery. Hell isn't AoC in the bargin bins for $19.99 yet? It has great scenery if all you want to do is sight see of course the game sucks.
Why so bitter, AV double charge you and now you can't pay rent ?
Hey now, I tried to play the EU version and that's exactly what happened, AV tried to double charge my CC on the first go around and it froze my account.
Course, didn't affect the rent or anything.......
And ..I'm not playing DF.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I don't get why all the hate towards China Cat. I don't care what rants and wails have gone on in other threads, all I see above is a well-written personal first impression, which has certainly given me interesting and informative information that I did not know previously (yay, fishing!), and a player offering in-game assistance, which is most commendable.
Personally I am now planning to buy this and try it - I don't care much for combat systems animations or audio (I listen to iTunes anyway when playing MMOs), but fishing in a beautiful world? I'm in. Free for all PvP just adds interest when the fish are not biting.
One thing that has been delaying my purchase is the eternal question - with only one character, where can I actually learn more about the races? Not the "fluff" background (which is easily located, and not badly written imo), but solid information, such as does your race selection affect which skills you may have and how high some or all of your skills may progress? For example are dwarven weaponsmiths better at making weapons in end-game than an elf smith could ever be, or ...?
IF GFX is your main source of mind-orgasm, then I suggest trying Vanguard, EQ2 or Eve. Those 3 games have some of the most beautifull graphics ive seen. When I played Vanguard, I would take screenshots of various places and used them as desktop wallpaper. some screenies ( those are old, from '07, but still very nice looking)
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
IF GFX is your main source of mind-orgasm, then I suggest trying Vanguard, EQ2 or Eve. Those 3 games have some of the most beautifull graphics ive seen. When I played Vanguard, I would take screenshots of various places and used them as desktop wallpaper. some screenies ( those are old, from '07, but still very nice looking)
Thanks for the info. I played Eve Online and I had everything on high 1900x1200 and I even had enhancer 8xQ multisampling. Looked great but not the game for me. I have to find someway to justify spending $500 on a 295.
I might check out Vangaurd because I see they have a free trial.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
nice thread OP you did something I could never do
When picking a race it is important to take a few things in to consideration. First you should decide if retaining good racial allignment is important to you, or if you plan to get involved with a guild owned city or use a chaos city so that if you go red, you're ok with that. The racials work like this. Mahirim (wolves) and Orcs are in the same allignment. Human, Dwarf and Mirdain (elf) are in the same allignment, and Alfar is its own allignment. So for example, as a human you can use any human, dwarf or Mirdain city, so long as you are blue, in favorable allignment.
Next is really more personal, and comes down to which race feels the coolest or most fun for you.
In terms of stat differences, there are in the beginning, but depending on what you actually do in game, your stats will change. From my experience, I wouldn't make a race choice based upon stats, but many do. You can always race Dex by using a bow, Str and Vitality by harvesting wood, ore and rocks, swimming the same plus quickness; intelligence by casting spells, etc.
Str : Increases damage dealt with melee weapons,and moderately affects max health.
Vit : Grants a bonus to max health and moderate bonus to stamina. A high vitality may slightly reduce the effects of poison and bleeding.
Dex : Increases archery damage taken from area effects.
Quick : Slightly increases melee and archer speed,and may reduce damage taken from such attacks. Also Grants a moderate bonus to max stamina.
Int :Increases the power of spells,and greatly affects max mana.Also Improves resistance against mental attacks.
Wis : Grants a bonus to all crafting and harvesting skills, Also it moderately affects max mana,and grants a slight resist bonus against curses.
If you ask on the DFO forums, I'm sure you will get exact details but in general.
Mahirim - Strong and Quick
Mirdain - High Dex and Quickness
Ork - High Str and Vitality.
Human - Equal in all stats
Alfar - High in Intelligence, low in Str and Vitality
Dwarf - High in Wisdom, Str and Vitality.
Flue - I strongly suggest you also use the official forum of Darkfall. It is full of great info. and if you ask any questions will find lots of people willing to help.
Good luck -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
Wow, I didn't expect to get such positive reviews of my review. I have to say after my second day of playing, I'm still going strong. There were about 2 or 3 orcs PK'ing around the goblin camp outside of the Monkfield. Luckly for me I wasn't near when they attacked, but I joined a quickly formed group of angry, bloodraged humans on a hunt to eliminate the threats that took out some of our men. We never got to kill them because they kept running off and finally left for good. After that we decided to beat down on the goblins for a while.
An update on the fishing. It wasn't really what I was expecting. To the West of Monkfield there is a lake that you can fish in. So I equiped my fishing pole and ran into the water like a mad man, clicking all over the place, I came to find out that you have to be looking practically straight down in the water you're wading in to fish. It works the same as the other crafting. You stand there while a progress bar fills up then repeats itself until your stanima is drained.
So I caught 4 salmon, 2 trout, 4 bass, a cod, 4 sword fish, some narsce clam thing and lobster... all in one spot. Okay so the quest I had was to catch a cod and that was the last thing I acquired. So I run to the Oven by the town blacksmith with a cooking pot ready in inventory. I was able to cook everything but the clam and the lobster. So I have a good amount of food that I come to find out only increases wisdom. Oh well.
What really upsets me (for now because I'm new) is the fact that at some point for crafting you're going to have to add a huge amount of gold with materials. Say you want to make a door. (I don't know why this was one of the 3 options in woodworking along with rafts and planks) Along with the materials, your going to need about 1000 gold. WTF for? Just getting the ability to make weapons or armor or what have you costs 500gp. Some times I think they do crap like that just for the sake of being hardcore.
Well I guess you can't have everything you want in a game sometimes. I'll just end up buying my way through armor and weapons for now since it is the cheapest alternative.
If you try this game out on my account, please know I am being as fair as possible with the game. I'm going in with a really open and easy going mindset. So a lot of the faults arn't effecting me as they might some one who is used to high quality products.
They should change fishing so you can cast. That's probably one of those "polish the game" item type things people mean when they mention "polish". It would be more fun than looking straight down. The Narce is actually a component used in spell casting. Save them. The Lobster is a cooked fish that lasts twice as long as the other fish but you can't cook it until your cooking is at level 50.1 or higher.
The Door is used on a house, and house deeds are rare and certainly not some thing you will be dealing with as a new player, as it requires rent. Only later in crafting tiers is some gold required in addition to materials, but most players are making more than enough at that point if they are also hunting, or their guild is helping. Now you are hunting mobs that drop 5, 7, or 10g, but soon you will be killing mobs that drop 10 to 30x that amount.
Cheers -CC
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
I like this game to an extent. I like the crafting and gathering system but i almost find the pvp lacking in melee and archery (the two things i enjoy more than magic).
If you don't use magic you are just wasting your time in pvp in my opinion.
Yeah I'd probably point you in the direction of the Darkfall forums for game specifics etc.
Cat didnt mention, and I have no idea if they will ever be implemented...but there are supposed
to be racial specials. Most obvious is the Mahirim's four legged run ability. Orcs were rumored
to get a berserker rage thing, etc.
If i recall correctly you can level crafting by making the same item repeatedly for about 25 skill points.
The stuff that costs money to craft is actually useful and the cost can be added into the resale price.
Your review was pretty much on point. I think the duche nozzle and the fishing will become more
prevalent in your mind as time goes on. Actually the duche and players like him are the main reason
I quit. Best of luck.
When picking a race it is important to take a few things in to consideration. First you should decide if retaining good racial allignment is important to you, or if you plan to get involved with a guild owned city or use a chaos city so that if you go red, you're ok with that. The racials work like this. Mahirim (wolves) and Orcs are in the same allignment. Human, Dwarf and Mirdain (elf) are in the same allignment, and Alfar is its own allignment. So for example, as a human you can use any human, dwarf or Mirdain city, so long as you are blue, in favorable allignment.
Next is really more personal, and comes down to which race feels the coolest or most fun for you.
In terms of stat differences, there are in the beginning, but depending on what you actually do in game, your stats will change. From my experience, I wouldn't make a race choice based upon stats, but many do. You can always race Dex by using a bow, Str and Vitality by harvesting wood, ore and rocks, swimming the same plus quickness; intelligence by casting spells, etc.
Str : Increases damage dealt with melee weapons,and moderately affects max health.
Vit : Grants a bonus to max health and moderate bonus to stamina. A high vitality may slightly reduce the effects of poison and bleeding.
Dex : Increases archery damage taken from area effects.
Quick : Slightly increases melee and archer speed,and may reduce damage taken from such attacks. Also Grants a moderate bonus to max stamina.
Int :Increases the power of spells,and greatly affects max mana.Also Improves resistance against mental attacks.
Wis : Grants a bonus to all crafting and harvesting skills, Also it moderately affects max mana,and grants a slight resist bonus against curses.
If you ask on the DFO forums, I'm sure you will get exact details but in general.
Mahirim - Strong and Quick (large hitbox ,arrow fodder)
Mirdain - High Dex and Quickness (smaller hitbox than Mahirim and Ork bigger than Alfar)
Ork - High Str and Vitality. (large hitbox, arrow fodder)
Human - Equal in all stats (smaller hitbox than Mahirim and Ork bigger than Alfar)
Alfar - High in Intelligence, low in Str and Vitality (smallest hitbox in game)
Dwarf - High in Wisdom, Str and Vitality. (second smallest hitbox in game, they're a bit bulky)
Flue - I strongly suggest you also use the official forum of Darkfall. It is full of great info. and if you ask any questions will find lots of people willing to help.
Good luck -CC
The part in red are some of the things -CC- convieniently left out , and they do matter.Also racial alignment is joke, most if not all clans are A.R.A.C (All Races All Classes) so whenever you want shift your alignment from blue to red just have a few guildies naked and kill them over and over,hell but don't let me spoil your fun you'll find out on your own soon enough. As for the part in yellow the only thing that i got the last time i asked a question in there was my faith in humanity shattered to pieces and a headache.
EDIT: also unless i'm mistaken and i missed it somehow the mahirim four legged run is still out of the game
Iiii-iiiiiit's.... me!!! *Hooray*

When picking a race it is important to take a few things in to consideration. First you should decide if retaining good racial allignment is important to you, or if you plan to get involved with a guild owned city or use a chaos city so that if you go red, you're ok with that. The racials work like this. Mahirim (wolves) and Orcs are in the same allignment. Human, Dwarf and Mirdain (elf) are in the same allignment, and Alfar is its own allignment. So for example, as a human you can use any human, dwarf or Mirdain city, so long as you are blue, in favorable allignment.
Next is really more personal, and comes down to which race feels the coolest or most fun for you.
In terms of stat differences, there are in the beginning, but depending on what you actually do in game, your stats will change. From my experience, I wouldn't make a race choice based upon stats, but many do. You can always race Dex by using a bow, Str and Vitality by harvesting wood, ore and rocks, swimming the same plus quickness; intelligence by casting spells, etc.
Str : Increases damage dealt with melee weapons,and moderately affects max health.
Vit : Grants a bonus to max health and moderate bonus to stamina. A high vitality may slightly reduce the effects of poison and bleeding.
Dex : Increases archery damage taken from area effects.
Quick : Slightly increases melee and archer speed,and may reduce damage taken from such attacks. Also Grants a moderate bonus to max stamina.
Int :Increases the power of spells,and greatly affects max mana.Also Improves resistance against mental attacks.
Wis : Grants a bonus to all crafting and harvesting skills, Also it moderately affects max mana,and grants a slight resist bonus against curses.
If you ask on the DFO forums, I'm sure you will get exact details but in general.
Mahirim - Strong and Quick (large hitbox ,arrow fodder)
Mirdain - High Dex and Quickness (smaller hitbox than Mahirim and Ork bigger than Alfar)
Ork - High Str and Vitality. (large hitbox, arrow fodder)
Human - Equal in all stats (smaller hitbox than Mahirim and Ork bigger than Alfar)
Alfar - High in Intelligence, low in Str and Vitality (smallest hitbox in game)
Dwarf - High in Wisdom, Str and Vitality. (second smallest hitbox in game, they're a bit bulky)
Flue - I strongly suggest you also use the official forum of Darkfall. It is full of great info. and if you ask any questions will find lots of people willing to help.
Good luck -CC
The part in red are some of the things -CC- convieniently left out , and they do matter.Also racial alignment is joke, most if not all clans are A.R.A.C (All Races All Classes) so whenever you want shift your alignment from blue to red just have a few guildies naked and kill them over and over,hell but don't let me spoil your fun you'll find out on your own soon enough. As for the part in yellow the only thing that i got the last time i asked a question in there was my faith in humanity shattered to pieces and a headache.
EDIT: also unless i'm mistaken and i missed it somehow the mahirim four legged run is still out of the game
Yeah, i have to agree with this.
Especially the yellow part. I never got anywhere close to any sort of helpful information on the Official DF forums. They are almost always rude, and really telling me to "find a place and set up macros" is not really all that helpful.. since its in effect cheating. Most of the people there are disgruntled about the state of the game they waited almost 10 years to play, and how it didn't turn out anywhere near close to what was advertised. As mentioned the 4 legged Mahirim run is still not in the game. As well as the ability to be "effective" from day 1. You can't really be effective until you've spent quite some time macroing or grinding skill ups.. because those around you already have. And the customization that was advertised is basically just everyone being carbon copies of everyone else eventually, since there are no caps on skills. So, you can ultimately level every skill to max. Kinda takes the fun out of picking and choosing whats the most important to you. With the ability to macro, and not get punished for it (at least not yet) many people have lots of their skills maxed, and will eventually have all of them maxed.
Currently playing:
FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA.
@OP and Flue - This is why I suggested posting on the official forum and PM'ing me in game if you like. It's great that you are playing and will be able to reach your own conclusions. I humbly suggest you leave message boards behind for a while until you have some solid stuff you may wish to share. Unfortunately, most of what you can find here is venom.
I've done what I can for you and wish you the best of luck. I'll leave this thread now for those who want to be insulting to play with themsselves.
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter