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Old dev comes back to DAoC from WAR

Looks like DAoC might be picking up again. First the ywain news, then a hint of origins, and now devs coming back? This is getting really interesting. Even the VN Boards are abuzz again.


  • Frostbite05Frostbite05 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,880

    DAOC is on its last leg the only thing that will save the franchise is by making DAoC 2 add the good aspects of WAR with the time honored pvp of DAoC and you would have a good game .

  • gnomexxxgnomexxx Member Posts: 2,920
    Originally posted by Frostbite05

    DAOC is on its last leg the only thing that will save the franchise is by making DAoC 2 add the good aspects of WAR with the time honored pvp of DAoC and you would have a good game .

    I think putting some attention back on the game by some devs and a spotlight on it to reignite some interest in the old players has the real possibility of breathing new life into this awesome game.

    They really should look into some kind of update or expansion for the game.  I know some people have said that not enough people are playing to warrant an expansion, but I think with this merger their getting ready to do a lot of old players are going to be coming back.

    They should take advantage of the new interest and keep the intrigue alive.  Work at promoting the game again.  Get on to putting in some really good new content.


  • WintersbiteWintersbite Member Posts: 146
    Originally posted by Frostbite05

    add the good aspects of WAR 


    I think we should leave that game completely out of anything DAoC don't you?

  • LokyLoky Member UncommonPosts: 182

    another dev just joined today. Left WAR and back to Dark Age.

    Funny , i would think WAR has a higher pop than DAoC 's 3500 peak... And yet 2 devs come back in a month.

    Reminds my of a friend. He works at Digital Extremes' , the original Unreal dev and Creators of Dark Setor. He said when you "finish a game" after release, you go right back to work.

    WAR is finished to a degree. Of course there is content to create etc etc. but it is almost like they are setting Dark Age up like a Beta test area with one server. (Mythic) has a sudden interest in it again which is strange seeing the low pop. Who knows.

    Dark Age2 testing? New graphics engine update? Either would be sweet.  

    Maybe i am dreaming though.

  • pencilrickpencilrick Member Posts: 1,550

    Would love to see a DAOC 2, but even if these returning dev's polish up and update DAOC, I might come back.  DAOC had great atmosphere and nice armor/weapon graphics; the game really had that medieval feel to it.  

    And the day/night cycles were cool; made the game feel like a "world."

    I know many players loved the PVP aspect, but I sort of liked the PVE.  Let us hope they keep both rich and fun.

  • WintersbiteWintersbite Member Posts: 146

     90% of todays PvE players wouldn't know what to do on DAoC PvE without all their threat meters, dps meters raid warnings etc.


    Whores will have their trinkets.

  • pencilrickpencilrick Member Posts: 1,550
    Originally posted by Wintersbite

     90% of todays PvE players wouldn't know what to do on DAoC PvE without all their threat meters, dps meters raid warnings etc.
    Whores will have their trinkets.

    Maybe that's the kind of updating that needs to be done to the game.  Slick up the interface, quest log, and stuff like that.


  • WintersbiteWintersbite Member Posts: 146
    Originally posted by pencilrick

    Originally posted by Wintersbite

     90% of todays PvE players wouldn't know what to do on DAoC PvE without all their threat meters, dps meters raid warnings etc.
    Whores will have their trinkets.

    Maybe that's the kind of updating that needs to be done to the game.  Slick up the interface, quest log, and stuff like that.



    Not to sound like a sellout but I wouldn't mind that either. Nothing to extreme like wow, but enough to make a little more eyecandy.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,250

    DAOC thats the real dream....

    Sigh... maybe before I'm dead.

    But a well run Orgins server would bring me back for another round....

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • SmoeySmoey Member UncommonPosts: 601

    I re-subbed simply because no other game out there is as fun as DAoC. Hah, DAoC 2 one can only dream. There servers still have a lot of thid, RVR and Molv action but hopefully the new server Ywain or what ever it's called will get more people to play.

    (\ /) ?
    ( . .)

  • qbangy32qbangy32 Member Posts: 681
    Originally posted by Wintersbite

    Originally posted by Frostbite05

    add the good aspects of WAR 


    I think we should leave that game completely out of anything DAoC don't you?


    Quite agree, WAR does not need to go down the drain with DAoC.

    I went back to DAoC after reading a few posts here about how much better the RvR is compared to WAR or any other games PvP, I re-installed and gave it a shot, after 10 minutes I was bored to tears and remembered why I had quit it all those years ago, I enjoy a little nostalgia but playing old MMO's like DAoC and EQ1 should be left to fond memories.


  • jerlot65jerlot65 Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Alot of people that were sooo against WAR before it came out said "its just going to be DAOC 2".


    Ironically, its my belief if its was DAOC2 or warhammer played with the same system as DAOC, it would have been a more successful game.


    I just when back to DAOC.  Its so fun.  I just wish they could update more.  I don;t mean huge expansion more, but a total upgrade, like said "DOAC 2".


    BTW another anouncment of a warhammer dev coming back to DAOC just posted in the herald.

  • LokyLoky Member UncommonPosts: 182

    Take from

    "Developer: Howard Marans

    My name is Howard Marans, and I have recently rejoined the Dark Age of Camelot development team.


    I started at Mythic doing tech support a week before Camelot launched in 2001. I may have even helped some of you old-timers get the game running your first time, and you may have even gotten the honor of talking to me on the phone!


    Since that time, I have worked on so many different things on Camelot that it might take more space than I'm allowed, so just to name a few: I built the terrain for the initial housing zones, as well as a handful of other areas. I worked on the initial conception of Gaheris and built most the Keep encounters. I also designed numerous encounters from the Classic World up through the Catacomb Expansion, including many of the Catacomb Adventure Wing boss fights.


    During the Darkness Rising and Labyrinth of the Minotaur expansions, I was the Associate Producer for DAOC, mostly managing all of the game data asset integration (getting the art from the artists and putting it in to the game client, which our content developers would then use in the game). Shortly after the launch of LOTM, I moved to Warhammer Online to work on the build team and eventually managing it.


    When I heard Camelot was re-staffing up, I thought it would be great to rejoin the team where I started my career in the gaming industry. Almost eight years later, I have returned to my roots, and I am confident that everyone will be excited for what we have in store for them! "



    Sounds like things are picking up quite a bit. Why would he not stay in WAR to do the expansions there? Why come to a game with a pop of 3500 in peak hours? I think Ywarin is a prelude to something huge...basically a pre - beta?

    I am horrible with web design etc. I have no idea how to create ANYTHING. But this communtiy needs get some support up for a Dark Age 2 if anything ever is going to happen. Just a simple fan wish site.Why not? If the numbes could help show some interest , why not try something?


  • ninjajucerninjajucer Member Posts: 219

    Well it was hinted that origins is not dead, that ywain will be the start of something new. Basically all these devs headed back to DAoC from WAR says something about the support for the game. These are all old school devs who worked with Paul when he ran mythic, I'm thinking that when he left, they saw no reason to stick around.

    As far as DAoC goes, we'll see what fallout commences from the server merge (condensing). WAR, well, I quit because it was just getting old, repetitive and the unfinished/missing content that has never been explained fully (missing 4 capital cities because fortress takes are bugged? Yeah right), the slow updates, the lying of updates, giving in to whiners, the list goes on.

    Will take a  careful look at DAoC after the merge to see where its going. May resub, may not, not sure currently.

  • pencilrickpencilrick Member Posts: 1,550

    When Ywain is up, I'm back in.

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