Requiem: Memento Mori the next update for Requiem without a doubt pulls the greatest change in gameplay I have seen with an mmo. Its a little common with Gravity for them to revamp the system with ROSE Revolution, and Ragnarok Rebirth; however this one is pretty significant and done in 7 months. It was implemented in Korea on July 29th, 2009. The NA release is September 24th, 2009.
These are the exact details of the patch notes.
During the regularly Scheduled Maintenance from 8pm-11:00pm PST, Thursday September 24th, 2009 Requiem:Memento Mori will go live with the following game changes:
- Character Skill, Quest, Tendency, Quick Slot will be reset.
- Every quest variable quests will be reset.
- 25 DNA Points will be provided.
- High Level Job change certificates will be provided to each account through the cash item inventory.
- Also, as an added bonus: Skill Reset Item (3), All 4 kinds New Mount Items (3 days) and a Gift box will be given to every account.
Job Change System Changes:
- Requiem: Bloodymare - Temperion > First Job > Second Job
- Requiem: Memento Mori - Choose the First Job at the beginning > Second Job
- All current Temperion level characters will have their job changed for them
*Turan Temperion → Defender
*Bartuk Temperion → Warrior
*Kruxena Temperion → Rogue
*Xenoa Temperion → Hunter
Skill Changes:
- General Changes:
- Many level specific skills will have their level requirements changed.
- Level limits that certain skills currently have will be changed.
- NPC providing Skills and DNA will be removed. Skills and DNAs will be provided through the UI directly with no charge.
- There will be no additional DNA point resets except via Cash Shop.
- There will be no more skill mastery system.
- Skill Trees of each class will remain.
- Trap of Stiffness : Will now have the appearance of a Totem.
- Vampiric Touch : Damage and HP absorption will be influenced by characters INT
- Characters can de-level if a character dies and they have little or no EXP.
- If a level 60 character dies and is lowered to level 59 while wearing level 60 equipment, the equipment will not longer work.
- Character Level Cap has been increased to 79
Battle System Changes:
- If a attack is judged as a "MISS", it will deal minimum damage, not 0.
- Character can have up to 15 buffs (positive and negative) and they will stack.
- However buffs on HP, MP recovery, Attack Speed, Moving Speed, Vision wil not be stack.
- When those buffs are performed, the higher level buff will override the lower.
- Minimum limit of Attack Speed is 1sec.
Item System Changes:
- Items will be rebalanced. Some items will have their level limit and stats changed.
- Item will now have fixed stats, not random.
- Items will also receive a magical property depending on their stats.
- Material of equipment will be added. So there will be Plate, Chain, Leather, Cloth equipments.
- Some items will be able to be stacked in piles of 99.
- Reinforcement Item System will change its name to Enchant Item System. (More information to be released before launch)
- Every Xeon about Compounding will be eliminated from drop table, NPC sale list, Quest reward.
- Stats about Resistance, Critical hit, Skill can be enchanted.
- Looks of several equipments will be improved.
- Basic Compression Xeon will now be dropped by hunted monsters: ?Simple Basic Compression Xeon : Monster LV 5~49, Reduction success100%,
*Chance to obtain: Simple Basic Xeon 1~900 when success
*Supernus Basic Compression Xeon : Monster LV 50~59, Reduction success 90%,
*Chance to obtain: Supernus Basic Xeon 1~700 when success
*Eximius Basic Compression Xeon : Monster LV 60~69, Reduction success 70%,
*Chance to obtain: Eximius Basic Xeon 1~500 when success?Rare Basic Compression Xeon : Monster LV 70~79, Reduction success 50%,
*Chance to obtain: Rare Basic Xeon 1~300 when success?Carus Basic Compression Xeon : Monster LV 80~, Reduction success 30%,
*Chance to obtain:Carus Basic Xeon 1~100 when success
Maps and Monster Changes:
- Numaren Island monsters will now be: LV 72~80.
- So every character left in Numaren area will transfer to Trifri Village at South Hammerine Woods at launch.
And Return Assistant NPC at Trifri Village will helps you to move other area where you wish to move.
- Some Monsters around Trifri Village at South Hammerine Woods will now be: LV 49 ~ 54.
- Monsters effected: Small Cannibal Hound, Machine soldier, Taming Longicorn Pig, Forest Wild Boar, Hamerinas Scouter
- Monsters in Ruins of Lament dungeon: LV 35 ~ 40
- Relocation of Secret Lab.: Ancient Temple -> [Airplane Crashed Area] at Trifri Village.
- Monster Level changes at Secret Lab.: LV 56 ~ 61
- Every [Instant Dungeon] at Crescent Island and Turba Island will no longer function.
* Crescent Island: Abandoned Mine, Fridha Mine, Chaste Sanctum
* Turba Island : Prison Workshop, Chaste Sanctum
- However, Crescent Dead Pit in Crescent Island and Prison Mine at Turba Island will be used for non-instanced Dungeons for hunting monsters.
- Relocated Chaste Sanctum -> Jacob Shrine in Numaren, and higher level monsters will be added.
- Raid Boss Monsters will also be balanced for higher levels.
*RuinHorn LV 60 → 77 (LV 67 Item drop)
*Biskra LV 65 → 78 (LV 68 Item drop)
*Doom Cheras LV 72 → 81 (LV 70 Item drop)
*Werinuman LV 72 → 83 (LV 71 Item drop)
- 3 additional raid monsters will be added: Tyrant, Robo Guard, and Plugger
- Tyrant, Robo Guard, and Plugger will not appears at every Treasure Dungeons.
- Monster Level and drop item changes in Treasure Dungeons:
* Parness
* Treasure Manager LV 50
* Treasure Guard LV 45
* South Hammerine Woods
* Treasure Manager LV 70
* Treasure Guard LV 65
* North Hammerine Woods
* Treasure Manager LV 80
* Treasure Guard LV 75
- Exclusive Premium Only Content:
*Premium Dungeon 1 (Lv50)
*Premium Dungeon 2 (Lv70)
*Premium Dungeon 3 (Lv80)
- Access to Premium Only Dungeons
*Gate at Trifri Village will takes you to Premium Dungeon 1.
*Gate at Plancy Village will takes you to Premium Dungeon 2.
*Gate at Alban Village will takes you to Premium Dungeon 3.
- New monsters will be added to Northwest of Numaren:
*LVL 75 Bieta
*LVL 77 Meyen
*LVL 79 Arm-eyed Jester
- New SvS Battlemap "Paths of the Norns "
*There are 3 starting points and narrow paths.
*It is different then the other map SvS, it doesn't have wide open battlefield, only one-way bended road.
*You need to use every part of map strategically to defeat the opponents.
New Game Systems:
- Pet System added
- 3 New Pets will be added:
*Pet has 3 stages of appearance, and it will grow from LV 1 to LV 3.
*Your Pet will pick up the item you acquired from monster hunting.
*LVL 1 Pet will have one passive skill, and it will have maximum 3 passive skills by leveling up.
*Automatic/Manual item pick up will be set by the Pet option.
- Personal Vending System will be added:
*Use the Open Personal Vendor Action Icon or '/shop' command to activate
*Use the Close Personal Vendor Action Icon or '/sellcancel' command to deactivate
*Personal Vending condition, you can't do anything but chat
*So, you may get attacked from someone or a monster. Be careful where you set up.
- Vender Searching Guide NPC will be near the Bank NPC in Every Village.
- NPC Search System will be added.
*Press M key to open local map, and put NPC's name on the search window.
- Quest Guide System will be added.
- Show the target monster or NPC of the quest.
- Theme Battlefield System will be added.
- Theme Battlefield(Strongest) is "Strongest Item Battle"
- Equipments can be rented from Theme Battlefield(Strongest) Merchant and use in the battlefield. ( 2hours limit.)
- Theme Battlefield Reward Items will be added.
- Accessorys increasing property resistance, headgear increasing attack power, headgear increasing property resistance
- Battlefield times:
*Monday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Zeledon Hydro Station
*Monday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Doomed Orchard
*Monday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Tuesday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Doomed Orchard
*Tuesday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Zeledon Hydro Station
*Tuesday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Wednesday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Zeledon Hydro Station
*Wednesday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Doomed Orchard
*Wednesday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Thursday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Doomed Orchard
*Thursday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Zeledon Hydro Station
*Thursday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Friday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Zeledon Hydro Station
*Friday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Alliance), Doomed Orchard
*Friday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Saturday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Doomed Orchard
*Saturday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station
*Saturday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Sunday 12:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Sunday 17:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
*Sunday 23:00 : Theme Battlefield(Strongest), Zeledon Hydro Station(Temporary)
Game System Changes:
- Maximum party members will be 5.
- Maximum Alliance members will be 15.
- Change of maximum available Alliance Party.
*Previous : Alliance(24) + Alliance(24) + Alliance(24) = 72 ppl
*Change : Alliance(15) + Alliance(15) + Alliance(15) = 45 ppl
- UI will be improved.
- Possession Beast Menu will be unavailable for renewal.
- Quest System will be improved.
- Scroll Quests will give more Lant than Normal Quests.
- Normal Quests will give more EXP than Scroll Quests.
- Gray colored items' drop rate will be doubled.
- Dungeon monsters will drop skill enchant items.
- Level 1 character can join in the Field of Contention and Ion Mine.
- Chatting System will be improved.
*Each chatting msg can have own color.
*Chatting Room can be opened. (5 people max.)
Cash Item Changes:
- 3 New Pets will be added. (Cinco, Brain Death, Hatchling)
- Pet NameChange Item added.
- Pet Extension Item will be added.
- 4 new Mounts will be added. (only one will be availible at launch via cash shop, others coming soon.)
- Rosso, Jumping Croak, Salamander, Blue Enma (Same speed with the Von Dutch Rex)
- Possession Beast Vitality Recovery Items will be removed.
- DNA Free Coupon can be sold to NPC. (1,500,000 Lant)
Update officially announce to be implemented at end of month under new name.
Sure hope it will not affect how fun this game has been...but I can't be sure of that...
so we only have until the end of this month to enjoy the classic Requiem: Bloodymare then its off to the huge change right?
Yup. Considering the games population. A complete change in gameplay could prove to be a positive. Also not updating a perpetual world is always a bad idea.
Those changes sounds good, we'll see how good it will be tommorow.
24 09 2009 8am the luncher start to updating.
New Skill and DNA System
Learning Skills:
In Season 2, Skills are now learned through a new UI rather than through a NPC in town, this allows players to instantly gain skills and makes it easier to view skill trees in an organized view. The skills available to learn are shown with a + on the skill. The skill tree is divided into tiers depending on the level required to get the first level of skill as shown below.
• Once a skill is leveled by clicking the + button, you cannot unlearn the skill.
• The next level skill is available every 3 levels rather than 5 allowing for higher level skills to be learned.
• There is no cost to learn new skills.
• Some skills have prerequisites which require you to learn a skill higher up on the tree before you can learn the next skill.
Armor/Weapon Skills:
New skills are now available through equipment. New items that drop from mobs can be enchanted onto a piece of armor or weapon that make these new skills available for use along with normal skills.
DNA System:
DNA is also now learned through a new UI rather than an NPC; also, there is no cost to change your DNA from the new UI. Once the DNA is learned, it is automatically applied to the corresponding skills.
• DNA no longer costs anything making is affordable to anyone.
• DNA can be learned freely at anytime without an NPC from the new UI.
• Players are no longer limited to 5 DNA, 25 DNA points are available to the user to distribute to any DNA that they wish.
• Available DNA is shown with a + just as the skills are.
• You remove 1 level of DNA only during the initial selection. Once you click
[ OK ] to accept the changes, you cannot remove the DNA unless through a Skill Reset to remove them all.
• DNA is available for both 1st class and 2nd class jobs on select skills.
New Pet System
Season 2 features a new Pet System that is available for every player. The Pets can be purchased through the Item Mall or through the new Battlefield merchant in every major city. These pets last for 30 days and will not be able to be summoned once the item has expired.
The new pets can perform several tasks that are beneficial to the players:
• At level 1, all pets give the player a 10% Experience boost. At level 2, 10% more lant drops, and at level 3, you get 10% more drops.
• Also, at level 1, all pets have the option to automatically pick up drops for a player, all items are immediately placed in your character?s bag. (Be sure to turn this function off during raids)
Pets gain Experience over time, rather than with the amount of Experience a player gets, so any player at any level can level a pet just as fast as the other.
All you need to do is have the pet summoned for the pet to gain Experience.
then there is battleground updates and much more, yippeeeeeeeeeeee...!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys and ladies!
Ok so I just installed Requiem last night.
I make me a toon, make it a passcode get logged in and WOW!
I am sitting there thinking how in the hell did I ever miss this game on the radar. It doesn't break the mold when it comes to MMO's BUT what I think got me was the adult theme of the game.
The combat and brutal nature of it all and the dark feel of the game has me hooked. Call me twisted if you want, but in wow when I kill a boar and it just falls over on its side and disappears = BORING!
When I killed a ram/reindeer in Requiem and the damn thing explodes into guts and crap all over the ground, I was like awesome!
So I played a Xenoa or whatever to level 8 before stopping at 3am this morning, was basically just testing out the gameplay and skills to get used to it.
Honestly though I can't wait to get home tonight and see how far I can push it. Also the changes seem to be a positive, I know I have only been playing like 5 hours, but from the list of things it would appear the new patch would improve a lot of things, taking it away from the more asian grinder type UI and feel into a more broad player base. We will see, after last night, I was actually just considering paying the 12.99 a month for premium user, however I decided to play as a default user until I get to like 20 just to see if things continue to play smooth like they do and stay cool like they are.
Hope to see you all in game!
Yeah this game has unique feel. Many things are even better than in most p2p, but it has some cons like UI or lack of character customization. That patch should also get more people into the game and make game even better, lets hope they won't make any hughe negative thing in that update which would fuck up the game.
What server do you guys suggest, and do any of you have a guild I could come to maybe?
Well i am only lvl 20 started it few days ago, but people says that Hammerine is the best cos of population and stuff, and if u like pvp u must pick Hammerine cos it's the only PK/PvP server. Tho if u hate pvp go to Valdes, it also has not bad population.
Well I went to Valdes at first, only because I didn't know what Hammerine or whatever would be like, I envisioned trying to kill a reindeer and having 15 max levels taking turns raping me in the snow until I got pissed and logged.
Course if you can level on that server without being ganked every 2.5 seconds until you can fend for yourself I will reroll.
Which do you play on? and what is your in game name?
Hammerine server, Sakkreth is the name i play as rogue, but i am casual player.
looks like it is finally there!!!
its updating now..
hope the NEW requiem will be great as the old one
ow yeah it is im sure.
Any info on the new patch?
Better or worse? Fix things or break them?
Anything at all?
You can download patch now, but it won't apply until 11PM PST.
thats +1gmt: ?
what time?
cause its still the same
thats +1gmt: ?
what time?
cause its still the same
The update is 8pm - 11pm U.S. Pacific time.
Here is a countdown to 11pm Pacific:
lol cool wsebsite ;D
ok that says to me: now we are approx. one whole day BEFORE
just wondered.. because the ^4part big update already installed this afternoon.
thanks man.
lol not a full day, 11 hours.
You guys play on Hammerine?
I am trying to connect with some people for grouping and stuff.
I made a character on hammerine, Her name is Raizajin. She is a Templar right now hopefully a Tempest one day.
I'm a level 65 Warlord on Valdes. You probably won't be able to group with me.
I think I have played about every freakin mmorpg on the web and i haven't found one that kept my attention longer than a week 90 percent of them are grinding grinding and more grinding to get even past level one lol and i have over looked this game for awhile just because there really wasn't nobody talking about it. idk why because this is problly the best game ive played so far period......I really wish there was more gaming sites that push this game because alot of people don't know what they are missing....i really think the new changes are gonna make this game even better which is amazing to me because the game is in my opinion the best out right now.
huhuhu i likes this guys opinion on "this is the best game i've ever played"
i loved when someOne says the same ways i think about...well what i mean is i loved this game be coz i love its gore theme, i like gore thin' so i love REQUIEM watever it is.
as someone that had a lot experienced bout a lot of games, can you share me some of yours? is this game is not about grinding? bcoz all i felt in game and read from some forum that this game is hardcore grinding way around, after reach lvl 50 up some ppl thin' that the grinding is hard as hell without premium service.
ppl dont talk a lot bout this game becoz this game is not so popular, not many ppl knows bout this game. some ppl dont likes its theme that really dark,,,,,,,,well idc bout that ppl says, since this game had an original theme. i love it and i play it.
lets spread this game for popularity and raise its population............!! woohooooooooooo..
This update... has more then destroyed this game..... the fact that all items have the same base stats is one thing that killed this...... you will end up grinding..... and when u do u wont have crap to look for it began to feel like every other mmorpg..... this is complete BS.... i enjoyed this game... but like the name says... Memento Mori.... and this game has died from this....... When u grinded or just went out on a killing spree... u had something to look forward to when u pick up drops.... now u dont even want to pick up crap.... you cant shout unless u pay for it so now u are stuck with the shittest gear....... b4 u could just keep killing and find sweet armor... maybe the armor u had will give u more hp and str and evasion.... then u find another one with a lil more eva so u use it.... now they ALL ARE THE SAME...... this is killing the economy of this game..... i still have faith if they can just kill some of this crap they did..... itll be great... oh and this new skill crap .... aweful u lose like a million skills... and now u have the same BS and the healer is nerfed like crazy.......u cant even party heal no more... this is BS... haha they ruined an amazing game......FIX IT!!!!!