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ScottcScottc Member Posts: 680


Medieval Romance. an adventurous expedition undertaken by a knight or knights to secure or achieve something: the quest of the Holy Grail.


Is there anything adventurous about killing 5 boars and bringing their tusks to an NPC for a reward?  Can it really be considered an achievement?  Why has this type of "Quest" become the standard for MMORPGs?


  • NicksdNicksd Member Posts: 403

    What I want to know is why can't I get a tusk from ever damn boar I kill.

  • BlazzBlazz Member Posts: 321
    Originally posted by Scottc

     Why has this type of "Quest" become the standard for MMORPGs?

    Because people are still playing and paying to play games that have such quests in them, and people have complained in the past when they get quests that are more complex (read "Take this column to NPC X" MMO underbelly)

    Players seem to actually WANT these kinds of quests, or at least, the "majority" of players do.

    I suppose all we can do is put our feedback to the Developers about how crappy we think their quest systems are, and hope for something new.

    I am playing EVE and it's alright... level V skills are a bit much.

    You all need to learn to spell.

  • ScottcScottc Member Posts: 680
    Originally posted by Nicksd

    What I want to know is why can't I get a tusk from ever damn boar I kill.

    An excellent point, as every boar seems to have two tusks, but sometimes you can't loot them.  I never really understood that when I played my first WoW style MMORPG.  I think the random low drop rates exist so they can pad the amount of time you spend playing.

  • ComnitusComnitus Member Posts: 2,462

    Runescape quests. Problem solved.

    They require specific item preparation (even if you use a walk through), skill requirements, time (which is why most developers go with the WoW system), and logic (not if you use a walk through. Still, you don't want to mess up any steps).

    Some of the most difficult quests in RS were so rewarding, it felt like I had done a solo raid. The only thing missing was most RS quests were stand-alone, with a few themed story threads connecting some of them together. If they were all connected to a few main storylines, it'd be great.

    Yeah, I'm not saying RS was great or anything. I'm saying its (older) quests were.


  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    They should be called "tasks" I hardly consider killing X of Y or gathering Z a "quest"

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,227

    I'd like to see a lot more quests that involve more than one step. I've always enjoyed a well written quest line that involves multiple tasks building in difficulty and culminating with something epic.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440
    Originally posted by Comnitus

    Runescape quests. Problem solved.
    They require specific item preparation (even if you use a walk through), skill requirements, time (which is why most developers go with the WoW system), and logic (not if you use a walk through. Still, you don't want to mess up any steps).
    Some of the most difficult quests in RS were so rewarding, it felt like I had done a solo raid. The only thing missing was most RS quests were stand-alone, with a few themed story threads connecting some of them together. If they were all connected to a few main storylines, it'd be great.
    Yeah, I'm not saying RS was great or anything. I'm saying its (older) quests were.


    I totally agree,those quests were like "ok, get ready its time to quest!". I remember that quest you have to do to get the ancient spellbook and how was literally shaking while fighting the bosses, still remember that to this day. You literally never killed a mob in quests excpet bosses, all of it was following and solving the story. Only reason i dont talk about runescape on these forums is because people are ignorant about it.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619

    Yes, when you start it should be a 'task for you boy'. When you look like the warrior of legends, only then should you have 'a quest for you my lord'

  • Death1942Death1942 Member UncommonPosts: 2,587

    personally i would much rather see longer/bigger quests instead of smaller/more numerous ones.  Why not tell me to rescue the prisoner from the tower infested with orcs and hint that i should clear the camp below the tower to find a key instead of making me do 6 individual quests that lead to the rescue.


    At least with the above example it gives players much more freedom in how they approach a task.

    MMO wish list:

    -Changeable worlds
    -Solid non level based game
    -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads

  • ScottcScottc Member Posts: 680
    Originally posted by Comnitus

    Runescape quests. Problem solved.
    They require specific item preparation (even if you use a walk through), skill requirements, time (which is why most developers go with the WoW system), and logic (not if you use a walk through. Still, you don't want to mess up any steps).
    Some of the most difficult quests in RS were so rewarding, it felt like I had done a solo raid. The only thing missing was most RS quests were stand-alone, with a few themed story threads connecting some of them together. If they were all connected to a few main storylines, it'd be great.
    Yeah, I'm not saying RS was great or anything. I'm saying its (older) quests were.

    That's interesting, I always thought RS was a horrible game, mostly because it was browser based and looked awful even compared to Asheron's Call.  Do you have any examples of RS quests?

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