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Content Rich Media to MMO style?

What games, movies, or tv shows be it on PC or Console, have you seen that would make a great MMO?

The games would have to be single player games or have minor multiplayer.  Single player games are very engaging keep you interested from the start through the end.  kinda like how FF7 has.

I think the Thief series has alot of content and gameplay aspects that would be great in a MMO for example being able to hide yourself in dark areas so your not visible.  Actually being able to hide would be pretty fun, also able to shoot out light sources and such.  Velvet Assassin made it so you can hide in dynamic lighting, though unrealistic since you can hide from someone thats 2 feet from you lol.  This can be used against NPC's like how the Metal Gear Solid Series has done.

Sorry my mind drew a blank though i think there are alot of different single player games and movies that can fit the bill.  I'd like to say more but just gameplay aspects keep coming into mind like the last paragraph.

games that would probably give some good ideas:

Tomb Raider


X3 Reunion

Armored Core

Ace Combat

Metal Gear Solid

Baldurs Gate



Shadow of the Colossus ( this would be epic, dunno how it would be MMO style but it would be one of a kind)

 I do want to hear others opinions on this.



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