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Cross-Realming and Mythic Ignoring the obvious

For the following, my server is Gorfang-Destro

On our server, one T4 in destro, Rugbyrat, is a known cross-realmer. He has been reported many, many times for this, yet nothing is ever done. Wherever he goes, when he is following a wb, order comes running. It is known that he bought the account (which is a violation), and uses it to relay information to order (another direct violation).


Yet when this is reported under "Violation", "Cross-Realming", nothing is done. This is not Dark Age of Camelot, but it is being treated like its Dark Age of Warhammer. Having buff bots is one thing, but having 2 accounts on the same server on opposite sides is a complete travesty to a game where there are only 2 sides. Especially when said person is relaying information over.


This person is not in a guild (an absolute rarity in T4), not invited to any groups or warbands, and has been in Violation of the game rules for quite some time. I really think this issue and others like him, need to be addressed.



  • PheacePheace Member Posts: 2,408

    Actually, from what Mythic said before release, buying/selling accounts is not a violation for WAR, wasn't in Daoc either.


    Cross-realming however most certainly is.


    That said, how do they prove it?


  • HoobleyHoobley Member Posts: 421

    What would you like us to do about it please?

  • CnOathCnOath Member UncommonPosts: 33

    Cross realming is but a drop in the ocean, on Ironclaw there is a group of players the have started their own dueling site so they can "duel" each other. The reality is that it is a token and renown farming group and they claim they have been given the all clear from Mythic or at least from a CSR. 

    They have been reported had screenshots of them farming each other 70+  times posted and nothing was or is being done about it.

    When one faction pushes a city half the population vanishes from one side and they switch factions so there are many with multiple accounts.

    On a lower pop server the removal of 30-50 high renown players from the core game due to cross realming and farming  was the final straw for me.  The four accounts in our household are now closed and we won't be back in  a hurry.




  • PheacePheace Member Posts: 2,408
    Originally posted by CnOath

    Cross realming is but a drop in the ocean, on Ironclaw there is a group of players the have started their own dueling site so they can "duel" each other. The reality is that it is a token and renown farming group and they claim they have been given the all clear from Mythic or at least from a CSR. 
    They have been reported had screenshots of them farming each other 70+  times posted and nothing was or is being done about it.
    When one faction pushes a city half the population vanishes from one side and they switch factions so there are many with multiple accounts.
    On a lower pop server the removal of 30-50 high renown players from the core game due to cross realming and farming  was the final straw for me.  The four accounts in our household are now closed and we won't be back in  a hurry.


    CSR's did say organized duelling was allowed, although it *is* in violation if used for obvious 'farming' purposes, as the xample you said above.


    Half the pop logging out however could also be explained by what I've read across the forums over the past months. There seems to be quite a large population who simply prefers to log out or log onto an alt rather than sit through a city raid so that *could* explain what you see rather than x-realming.


  • lotharlocnarlotharlocnar Member Posts: 13

    In my 10 or so years of MMORPGing I see that unfortunately it is not really a "game" anymore, rather than a item frenzy. If I xrealm and I sit with 5-6 others in the same room and get items and or tokens to get items etc. it takes the fun outta the game for others that may have 1-2 friends online at a time that even would have the incentive or time to join the other friend at whatever tier their toon was to ATTEMPT to gain certain items. The incentive Mythic is setting up as well as most other MMORPGs is that of an online co-op where (because people are driven by real cash) the only winners (so to speak) are those that have more than game to win. In these declining times of economic profundity the "companies" (or groups of really really close friends) are the ones walking around in the best stuff for their toon per level. I want to suggest that the game companies get more direct with the people online and set up a game master for the scheduled time for us soloers or ones that haven't got the school friends or the "cash" to afford a group effort situation. That way the GM can regulate the level and difficulty for the single person in the situation to make the playing field level for all to enjoy the game. That way my toon can get the same eq without having to pay a company or be lucky enough to have relatives and or school friends...etc. to help get the reward with.

    I'm 52 yrs. old and am a disabled veteran I served in Europe and the US I understand about cooperation between people and objective advancement. Why slant the game away from us who cannot befriend real life gamers because of our disabilities or situations? Mr. Gygax seemed to be the one with the correct idea in mind. Play to enjoy the game have fun, let guidelines be just that rather than "rules" we are just trying to relax,have a good time, possibly meet others who enjoy the same genre. Not to fill other peoples purses with real cash to play the game for us so we can then jump into our toon and say "look at me, and see what I can do with my money" Or pretend they actually did it themselves.


    Earl Lothar Loc'Nar

  • syztecsyztec Member Posts: 114

    With 3rd party programs like vent and IRC there is always going to be cross-realming, Sadly in WAR its happening a lot, I see some players on my server hardly doing any Orvr or scenario's now and walk about with warlord armor because they set up dueling sessions on the likes of vent / irc.

    I know its frowned upon, I don't like it either but I can see the bigger picture, where there is a grind and lets not kid ourselves renown ranks is a grind when you get 60+ it slows down and there is not enough warlord crests for example dropping, players will always try to find a quick route, sadly in this case dueling seems to be the way for a higher increase in chance of a crest  drop.

    In all its just another X against this game. Too many to mention.



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