Looks like they will be keeping the best of what they already have with ffxi. The level system allowing you to group with lower level friends should be in every mmo. I cannot wait untill i can try this .
the only thing that stopped me from playing final fantasy 11 was playonline crap and using credit card .mine was hacked from their website.from then on i have never used a credit card. if final fantasy 14 has gamecards .i will surely try it .other state i wont try it:P
The only thing that made me stop playing ff11 was the group or die gameplay. To hear that they are also not using PlayOnline is a plus. It seems like this will be the final fantasy mmo I thought I was going to be playing when ff11 came out. About freaking time.
They didn't say they aren't using playonline...
Yes they have.
There's an interview on IGN where they explain that they'll be bypassing PlayOnline for this and, in general sounds like it's going to be kinda "phased out". Their explanation being that when they came up with PlayOnline, the idea was for it to be a portal through which players could access a bunch of content. It didn't quite turn out the way they'd envisioned it, so they decided to just not bother with it for XIV. Your friends list from XI will carry over, however. I think this is why they've gone ahead and created the Square Enix account system now; they'll probably be using that instead.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Tanaka: The world of FFXIV is a different one from FFXI. The races look similar so that they will feel familiar to players of FFXI, but the world is a different world, and thus the races are also different.
That would explain why "Galka" have no tails in FFXIV, I wonder what other changes they have decided on? Maybe female "Galka" exist this time around (Doubtful, but some people really seemed to want them) and/or male "Mithra" (More likely) are playable aswell?
Glad to hear job system is staying, even being expanded (Can't wait to see what they have in store).
Glad Playonline is getting canned.
Glad they will give solo and casual players more attention WHILE keeping party play viable and hopefully more rewarding.
I hope they keep level synch and make the control scheme and interface more friendly to PC users.
If the game uses no Playonline,it will probably use SOE's launch pad.
I am intrigued to know what this never before system is to make solo/group play effective,because IMO you cannot have it both ways.The ONLY thing i can think of is EQ2's scaling system,but that would not be innovative,so i am wracking my brain to try and figure out what they could possbily do.Even if they implement NPC's to fill in group spots[done before],that would really ruin the game and make it a 99% solofest,i am sure we don't need another single player game pretending to be a MMO.
One thing for sure Square Enix are the masters of innovating new types of game play,so we will leave it up to them to come up with something totally different.I wonder if Blizzard is already scoping the staff at SE to try and find out these "new systems".
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
nice! Looking forward to this one Hope to see some more news in the near future
playing: Lord Of The Rings Online played: Age Of Conan, Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, Guildwars, Last Chaos, Final Fantasy XI, EVE Online waiting for: Star Wars The Old Republic and Final Fantasy XIV
If the game uses no Playonline,it will probably use SOE's launch pad. I am intrigued to know what this never before system is to make solo/group play effective,because IMO you cannot have it both ways.
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore) Now Playing: N/A Worst MMO: FFXIV Favorite MMO: FFXI
All i ask is that they dont make the same mistake they did in 11 and they use thw WASD control layout for the PC version, that was the main ruining of that game was the horrid UI
The UI in FFXI was amazing. Its so nice to see a MMO stray away from the point and click mentality that EVERY other mmo uses. That, the overall population of people, and just the unique-ness is what made FFXI my favorite mmo ever.
If the game uses no Playonline,it will probably use SOE's launch pad. I am intrigued to know what this never before system is to make solo/group play effective,because IMO you cannot have it both ways.
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
Then why not do it this way.
A full group (Six) fighting mobs appropriate to their number and level gains X experience per hour.
Now a solo player fighting mobs appropriate to their level gains .75X experience per hour.
And finally, all groups sizes in between (2-5) gain more than .75X but less then X per hour if they are fighting appropriate mobs for their number and level.
Simply put, groups should be more rewarding than solo, this is a MMO. This is not Fallout 3 or Oblivion, both of which you can happily play for hours, ALONE. As you can see, .75X is not bad, it encourages grouping for better exp (Not to mention quests and loot that requires a group to get), but you can still viably level solo if no groups are available (Or you hate people).
I also figure quests will be a larger source of EXP due to watching the success of WoW, we can also probably expect instancing to play a bigger role.
If the game uses no Playonline,it will probably use SOE's launch pad. I am intrigued to know what this never before system is to make solo/group play effective,because IMO you cannot have it both ways.
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
That's my concern as well.
Unless they make it where solo content will be non... ahh... "storyline critical"; assuming the game is set up in major story arcs the way XI is.
Maybe character-specific things, like leveling, skill improvements, etc... can be done solo, along with some quests, etc. But the core storylines will include fights and quests that will require a group to be completed. If that's the case, then I could be happy with that.
However, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of complaints from the group who want *everything* to be solo-able and insist they've been "shafted again" because the idea of ever having to group up with others for any reason makes them break out in hyves or something.
Or, if it's too soloable, and you never have to group up, or, as was said, the benefits of it aren't worthwhile, those who do like that style of gameplay are gonna feel left out.
I really hope they put a lot of time into testing whatever it is they've got set up in beta to see if it really works in execution the way they believe it will.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
If the game uses no Playonline,it will probably use SOE's launch pad. I am intrigued to know what this never before system is to make solo/group play effective,because IMO you cannot have it both ways.
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
That's my concern as well.
Unless they make it where solo content will be non... ahh... "storyline critical"; assuming the game is set up in major story arcs the way XI is.
Maybe character-specific things, like leveling, skill improvements, etc... can be done solo, along with some quests, etc. But the core storylines will include fights and quests that will require a group to be completed. If that's the case, then I could be happy with that.
However, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of complaints from the group who want *everything* to be solo-able and insist they've been "shafted again" because the idea of ever having to group up with others for any reason makes them break out in hyves or something.
Or, if it's too soloable, and you never have to group up, or, as was said, the benefits of it aren't worthwhile, those who do like that style of gameplay are gonna feel left out.
I really hope they put a lot of time into testing whatever it is they've got set up in beta to see if it really works in execution the way they believe it will.
That's the problem. The moment you make soloing a powerful and viable way of advancing, par or subpar to grouping, the grouping aspect and content gets really hurt. If grouping is only 1/4 or hell even 2/4 better, then grouping becomes almost non-existent, short, and most players have a lack of care for the overall group.
It would have to take a genius developer and a miracle design to actually make both groups truthfully happy.
I know if anyone is going to perform a miracle MMORPG It's either going to be SE or the development team behind Tales of series. Even though SE has lost some of It's man power and made some unusual decisions lately, there's still alot of brilliant developers working for them.
I've read on forums for a few days now people argueing about making a solo-able Final Fantasy will ruin the game or that it will make grouping pointless.
I know this is cliche but look at WoW. They made it possible for you to group or solo, and I will say that If I were to solo the whole time It would've taken a lot longer to accomplish things, plus I wouldn't get certain items only available upon grouping.
I for one would like a balance. The FFXI "ALL MUST GROUP" aspect killed the game for me. The time wasted waiting for a group plus the death penalty system were the reasons I quit.
I am currently not playing any mmo, and this will be my next. I spent years on Anarchy Online, then Final Fantasy XI, followed by the longest time on World of Warcraft. I want this game to be what I had hoped Final Fantasy XI would've been back then, yet less addicting than wow was for me (if that makes sense)
I've read on forums for a few days now people argueing about making a solo-able Final Fantasy will ruin the game or that it will make grouping pointless. I know this is cliche but look at WoW. They made it possible for you to group or solo, and I will say that If I were to solo the whole time It would've taken a lot longer to accomplish things, plus I wouldn't get certain items only available upon grouping. I for one would like a balance. The FFXI "ALL MUST GROUP" aspect killed the game for me. The time wasted waiting for a group plus the death penalty system were the reasons I quit.
I am currently not playing any mmo, and this will be my next. I spent years on Anarchy Online, then Final Fantasy XI, followed by the longest time on World of Warcraft. I want this game to be what I had hoped Final Fantasy XI would've been back then, yet less addicting than wow was for me (if that makes sense)
Oh, I'm sure people will group up, but... if XIV's solo/party balance is setup anything like WoW's, or LoTRO's or even EQ2's... from what I experienced in those games, parties will be fleeting. You'll get a group just to knock out one or two quests and then people split. There's no sense of "teamwork" involved, everyone's just there to get the quest out of the way so they can move on to the next one.
Also, keep in mind that parties in FFXI are not quite the same as parties in other MMOs. In other MMOs, it's largely just a matter of having enough bodies there to take down the mobs.. If you have enough DPS, you don't even really need a tank or healer, since the mobs go down too fast to ever be a real threat. That always bugged me when grouped up in LoTRO and WoW in particular; no sense of strategy or coordination... everyone just spams their skills and dps's the mob to death, wash, rinse and repeat.
In FFXI, parties mean more because every member has a role to play and if you're fighting T or VT mobs (nevermind IT), and people aren't on the ball, things can go South very quickly. Mobs are tougher in FFXI and take longer to kill, and so to beat them requires a degree of communication and cooperation - even if not "spoken". Everyone understands what their role is and it makes for a very cohesive experience that - especially when the group is rolling like a well-oiled machine - has yet to be matched - to me - in my MMO experience.
SE developed entire *systems* around group mechanics... skill-chains, SATA, specific job skills, etc. etc. The jobs are designed to interact with and "play off each other" in a party setting. No other MMO I've played (far too many lol) has ever come close to delivering FFXI's group experience. Along with the job system, the complex and cinematic story telling and the overall depth of the game in so many areas, the party system is one of the things that sets FFXI apart from most MMOs out there (that I've played anyway).
Even for all its quirks and flaws issues, FFXI has spoiled me. It's the MMO I judge every other MMO by... not necessarily as in "are they enough like FFXI" but "are they as innovative and unique as FFXI".
Whatever their plans for FFXIV.. I *really* hope that uniqueness and depth is present in that MMO as well.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Forced grouping: hated it when I couldn't find a group, and I can't count how many times FFXI left me frustrated because of it, but when I did get a group, the game was 2nd to none in game play. If they are going to cater to the solo/casual crowd then I'm like some of you in believing that will be the default mentality. Why have a "MMO" that you can solo your way through? It's counter-intuitive. I play these games to meet, interact, and play with other people. I can play a single-player game if I want that type of playstyle.
User Interface: I was one of the PC players of FFXI and I hated the UI because it was so cumbersome at first, but once I got a gamepad and got used to it, I actually preferred FFXI's controls to any other. Character control was so much better with a gamepad to me than WASD. I really hope FFXIV takes the same UI and improves on it.
Playonline: I couldn't stand having to setup playonline to get going and it was difficult to understand, but one thing I loved about it was being able to send messages and talk to friends in game without having to enter the game. I hope FFXIV has a system that still gives us that same functionality.
Player interaction: As much as I hated the fact that SE was so unapproachable and players had very little (if any) input, at the same time they also didn't cave to the whinners like we see in EVERY OTHER MMORPG. SE made changes that they believed made the game better instead of trying to appease as many people as they could and wind up with a complete mess because of it. The bottom line is companies who make MMORPG's need to do what's best for their game and not compromise so they can appeal to the biggest crowd. Out of all the developers of MMO's that I've played, SE is in a class all their own and I have the most respect for them.
Well regardless of how they approach these things in FFXIV, I'm confident they will put out a fun, quality game.
My first MMO was UO. From it I learned about PVP, or moreso how PKers work, the usefulness of magic, as I spent 2-3 hours running my character across the map and continent as an imp's fireball chased me the entire way.. In WoW I learned of the concept of Ganking firsthand(which I was none pleased of), EQ2 showed me there could be actual detail in a game. Final Fantasy 11 was the game to truly catch my attention, the moment I learned of Final Fantasy 14, I was exhilerated
Tanaka: Development for FFXIV actually began about four or five years ago and has been developed along side FFXI. FFXI is still going strong after seven years and there are no plans to stop development of FFXI.
This baffles me...not saying this is a bad thing just curious... Is / was FF11 the beta for XIV? I can see that they have put the Level Sync system in. Everyone likes that so if they say that they will keep it what other goodies are they going to have...?
Q: What features from FFXI will carry over to FFIV? Will you keep the level synch system?
Komoto: Yes, many features of FFXI will be improved upon.
Q: Are there any special elements you want to import or improve from FFXI to FFXIV?
Komoto: Our goal from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game possible (with each title).
Tanaka: We are implementing new systems (that cannot be revealed at this time) that other MMOs have not used in the past.
Are they now going to show everyone's TP in a party to do skillchains? (Just a little joke there to all the SAMs) But I am really curious as too what...the supense is just killing me!!!
I agree with Mike as well. When you grouped up in FFXI you were grouping for a min. of 2 hours at least thats what I did. Heck Id sometimes be in the same group for the whole day. Which brings me to another thing, people that had to leave pretty much always had a replacement for them when they had to leave or do something with the LS or other friends.
In every other soloable MMO, groups just feel like an afterthought, you group up to do a dungeon run or a few quests if that. Otherwise your just a one man army grinding at quests and or mobs. I've had the most fun in FFXI meeting new people becoming friends with them grouping up and killing mobs for hours on end. The reason why I was able to sit in the same camp for hours killing stuff is because of these people.
Like I and many others say if I want to play solo I'll just play an offline RPG. I understand that people can only play for a few hours a day and some people that don't like grouping and thats cool. There are some people that don't like forced grouping, but it seems like all these other more casual games, WoW, LOTRO and such to me seemed like forced soloing which I don't like.
I really hope FFXIV doesn't turn into a solofest then group up for a few to get a few quests out of the way or get uber gear type thing. FFXI was fine with the grouping up around LvL 10. Yeah sometimes before lvl sync it was hard to get a group but thats why I switched jobs a lot so it was easier to get a group. But I don't think it will be hard at all to get a party in FFXIV. If they use something similar to lvl sync and the fact that its a new game there will be plenty of people the same level as you and not a bunch of lvl 75's running around.
Bottom line is, no other game has even came close to holding my attention for 3 years like FFXI did. The reason being is because it was group oriented, player interaction is very important to me in a game and FFXI required teamwork to get things done.
I wonder if they will have different servers based on your preference. For instance...at the moment they have 32 servers (assumming they use the same server names from FFXI). If you break those down into 2 other "mini" servers or "instances". You would now have let's say Kujata - Solo and then there is Kujata - Group. You could instantly switch between servers if you wanted too.
Q: Are there any especial elements you want to import or improve from FFXI to FFXIV?
Komoto: Our goal from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game possible (with each title).
Tanaka: We are implementing new systems (that cannot be revealed at this time) that other MMOs have not used in the past.
I'm in complete agreement with WSIMike. FFXI was very much a love/hate relationship: Forced grouping: hated it when I couldn't find a group, and I can't count how many times FFXI left me frustrated because of it, but when I did get a group, the game was 2nd to none in game play. If they are going to cater to the solo/casual crowd then I'm like some of you in believing that will be the default mentality. Why have a "MMO" that you can solo your way through? It's counter-intuitive. I play these games to meet, interact, and play with other people. I can play a single-player game if I want that type of playstyle. I agree, it was easy to get frustrated when you flagged for 2 or 3 hours and couldn't get a group. As for the solo content though look at the class or race gear quests, every time I remember having to finish those quests I never could find groups to help with it. I never finished the quest to unlock Paladin for that very reason. Any of those quest I finished, I only did so beacuse a high level friend helped run me through them. Cases like those are why more small group content would be viable. User Interface: I was one of the PC players of FFXI and I hated the UI because it was so cumbersome at first, but once I got a gamepad and got used to it, I actually preferred FFXI's controls to any other. Character control was so much better with a gamepad to me than WASD. I really hope FFXIV takes the same UI and improves on it. I agree completley, once you got used to the UI it was very easy to use. Playonline: I couldn't stand having to setup playonline to get going and it was difficult to understand, but one thing I loved about it was being able to send messages and talk to friends in game without having to enter the game. I hope FFXIV has a system that still gives us that same functionality. Luckily they said in the Q&A that FFXIV wouldn't be set up on the play online launcher. Hopefully they will have a function like EQ2 where you can chat with friends or guildies ingame from a community website. Player interaction: As much as I hated the fact that SE was so unapproachable and players had very little (if any) input, at the same time they also didn't cave to the whinners like we see in EVERY OTHER MMORPG. SE made changes that they believed made the game better instead of trying to appease as many people as they could and wind up with a complete mess because of it. The bottom line is companies who make MMORPG's need to do what's best for their game and not compromise so they can appeal to the biggest crowd. Out of all the developers of MMO's that I've played, SE is in a class all their own and I have the most respect for them. I agree totally, the only time they should compromise is when it's beneficial to the game and the majority player base. Well regardless of how they approach these things in FFXIV, I'm confident they will put out a fun, quality game.
I just hope it stays PC and PS3 only since if the take it and make it xbox 360 then it leads to unable to upgrade stuff later onfrom xbox360 being dvd formated and out of date. If they make it xbox make sure it xbox 720 not the 360 even tho xbox player must wait it be better allround for the game in about 4 years when stuff cant upgrade from the xbox 360.
The fact that the 360 uses dvd means absolutely nothing. All MMOs use HDDs to put content in so thats a moot point. What will matter are system specs and the 360 is more than capable of keeping up with the PS3 for expansions.
Looks like they will be keeping the best of what they already have with ffxi. The level system allowing you to group with lower level friends should be in every mmo. I cannot wait untill i can try this
the only thing that stopped me from playing final fantasy 11 was playonline crap and using credit card .mine was hacked from their website.from then on i have never used a credit card. if final fantasy 14 has gamecards .i will surely try it .other state i wont try it:P
They didn't say they aren't using playonline...
Yes they have.
There's an interview on IGN where they explain that they'll be bypassing PlayOnline for this and, in general sounds like it's going to be kinda "phased out". Their explanation being that when they came up with PlayOnline, the idea was for it to be a portal through which players could access a bunch of content. It didn't quite turn out the way they'd envisioned it, so they decided to just not bother with it for XIV. Your friends list from XI will carry over, however. I think this is why they've gone ahead and created the Square Enix account system now; they'll probably be using that instead.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
That would explain why "Galka" have no tails in FFXIV, I wonder what other changes they have decided on? Maybe female "Galka" exist this time around (Doubtful, but some people really seemed to want them) and/or male "Mithra" (More likely) are playable aswell?
Glad to hear job system is staying, even being expanded (Can't wait to see what they have in store).
Glad Playonline is getting canned.
Glad they will give solo and casual players more attention WHILE keeping party play viable and hopefully more rewarding.
I hope they keep level synch and make the control scheme and interface more friendly to PC users.
If the game uses no Playonline,it will probably use SOE's launch pad.
I am intrigued to know what this never before system is to make solo/group play effective,because IMO you cannot have it both ways.The ONLY thing i can think of is EQ2's scaling system,but that would not be innovative,so i am wracking my brain to try and figure out what they could possbily do.Even if they implement NPC's to fill in group spots[done before],that would really ruin the game and make it a 99% solofest,i am sure we don't need another single player game pretending to be a MMO.
One thing for sure Square Enix are the masters of innovating new types of game play,so we will leave it up to them to come up with something totally different.I wonder if Blizzard is already scoping the staff at SE to try and find out these "new systems".
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
nice! Looking forward to this one
Hope to see some more news in the near future
playing: Lord Of The Rings Online
played: Age Of Conan, Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, Guildwars, Last Chaos, Final Fantasy XI, EVE Online
waiting for: Star Wars The Old Republic and Final Fantasy XIV
Talk about saying nothing, apart be a ps3 and pc launch.
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
SE are know for keeping there lips sealed till they are 100% ready to tell us.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Square Denies Final Fantasy 14 PS3 Exclusivity, 'Considering All Options'
Right now Sony doest have the Exclusivity
The UI in FFXI was amazing. Its so nice to see a MMO stray away from the point and click mentality that EVERY other mmo uses. That, the overall population of people, and just the unique-ness is what made FFXI my favorite mmo ever.
Then why not do it this way.
A full group (Six) fighting mobs appropriate to their number and level gains X experience per hour.
Now a solo player fighting mobs appropriate to their level gains .75X experience per hour.
And finally, all groups sizes in between (2-5) gain more than .75X but less then X per hour if they are fighting appropriate mobs for their number and level.
Simply put, groups should be more rewarding than solo, this is a MMO. This is not Fallout 3 or Oblivion, both of which you can happily play for hours, ALONE. As you can see, .75X is not bad, it encourages grouping for better exp (Not to mention quests and loot that requires a group to get), but you can still viably level solo if no groups are available (Or you hate people).
I also figure quests will be a larger source of EXP due to watching the success of WoW, we can also probably expect instancing to play a bigger role.
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
That's my concern as well.
Unless they make it where solo content will be non... ahh... "storyline critical"; assuming the game is set up in major story arcs the way XI is.
Maybe character-specific things, like leveling, skill improvements, etc... can be done solo, along with some quests, etc. But the core storylines will include fights and quests that will require a group to be completed. If that's the case, then I could be happy with that.
However, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of complaints from the group who want *everything* to be solo-able and insist they've been "shafted again" because the idea of ever having to group up with others for any reason makes them break out in hyves or something.
Or, if it's too soloable, and you never have to group up, or, as was said, the benefits of it aren't worthwhile, those who do like that style of gameplay are gonna feel left out.
I really hope they put a lot of time into testing whatever it is they've got set up in beta to see if it really works in execution the way they believe it will.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
ahh another person with common sense. glad to see it. Your right, you cant have it both ways. Theres a tipping point where if group play is not benifical enough then everyone will solo.
That's my concern as well.
Unless they make it where solo content will be non... ahh... "storyline critical"; assuming the game is set up in major story arcs the way XI is.
Maybe character-specific things, like leveling, skill improvements, etc... can be done solo, along with some quests, etc. But the core storylines will include fights and quests that will require a group to be completed. If that's the case, then I could be happy with that.
However, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of complaints from the group who want *everything* to be solo-able and insist they've been "shafted again" because the idea of ever having to group up with others for any reason makes them break out in hyves or something.
Or, if it's too soloable, and you never have to group up, or, as was said, the benefits of it aren't worthwhile, those who do like that style of gameplay are gonna feel left out.
I really hope they put a lot of time into testing whatever it is they've got set up in beta to see if it really works in execution the way they believe it will.
That's the problem. The moment you make soloing a powerful and viable way of advancing, par or subpar to grouping, the grouping aspect and content gets really hurt. If grouping is only 1/4 or hell even 2/4 better, then grouping becomes almost non-existent, short, and most players have a lack of care for the overall group.
It would have to take a genius developer and a miracle design to actually make both groups truthfully happy.
I know if anyone is going to perform a miracle MMORPG It's either going to be SE or the development team behind Tales of series. Even though SE has lost some of It's man power and made some unusual decisions lately, there's still alot of brilliant developers working for them.
Sounds good so far, XI was my first MMO and there hasn't been a Final Fantasy game I haven't enjoyed. I'm looking forward to it.
Just to comment on the Group vs Solo aspect.
I've read on forums for a few days now people argueing about making a solo-able Final Fantasy will ruin the game or that it will make grouping pointless.
I know this is cliche but look at WoW. They made it possible for you to group or solo, and I will say that If I were to solo the whole time It would've taken a lot longer to accomplish things, plus I wouldn't get certain items only available upon grouping.
I for one would like a balance. The FFXI "ALL MUST GROUP" aspect killed the game for me. The time wasted waiting for a group plus the death penalty system were the reasons I quit.
I am currently not playing any mmo, and this will be my next. I spent years on Anarchy Online, then Final Fantasy XI, followed by the longest time on World of Warcraft. I want this game to be what I had hoped Final Fantasy XI would've been back then, yet less addicting than wow was for me (if that makes sense)
Oh, I'm sure people will group up, but... if XIV's solo/party balance is setup anything like WoW's, or LoTRO's or even EQ2's... from what I experienced in those games, parties will be fleeting. You'll get a group just to knock out one or two quests and then people split. There's no sense of "teamwork" involved, everyone's just there to get the quest out of the way so they can move on to the next one.
Also, keep in mind that parties in FFXI are not quite the same as parties in other MMOs. In other MMOs, it's largely just a matter of having enough bodies there to take down the mobs.. If you have enough DPS, you don't even really need a tank or healer, since the mobs go down too fast to ever be a real threat. That always bugged me when grouped up in LoTRO and WoW in particular; no sense of strategy or coordination... everyone just spams their skills and dps's the mob to death, wash, rinse and repeat.
In FFXI, parties mean more because every member has a role to play and if you're fighting T or VT mobs (nevermind IT), and people aren't on the ball, things can go South very quickly. Mobs are tougher in FFXI and take longer to kill, and so to beat them requires a degree of communication and cooperation - even if not "spoken". Everyone understands what their role is and it makes for a very cohesive experience that - especially when the group is rolling like a well-oiled machine - has yet to be matched - to me - in my MMO experience.
SE developed entire *systems* around group mechanics... skill-chains, SATA, specific job skills, etc. etc. The jobs are designed to interact with and "play off each other" in a party setting. No other MMO I've played (far too many lol) has ever come close to delivering FFXI's group experience. Along with the job system, the complex and cinematic story telling and the overall depth of the game in so many areas, the party system is one of the things that sets FFXI apart from most MMOs out there (that I've played anyway).
Even for all its quirks and flaws issues, FFXI has spoiled me. It's the MMO I judge every other MMO by... not necessarily as in "are they enough like FFXI" but "are they as innovative and unique as FFXI".
Whatever their plans for FFXIV.. I *really* hope that uniqueness and depth is present in that MMO as well.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I'm in complete agreement with WSIMike.
FFXI was very much a love/hate relationship:
Forced grouping: hated it when I couldn't find a group, and I can't count how many times FFXI left me frustrated because of it, but when I did get a group, the game was 2nd to none in game play. If they are going to cater to the solo/casual crowd then I'm like some of you in believing that will be the default mentality. Why have a "MMO" that you can solo your way through? It's counter-intuitive. I play these games to meet, interact, and play with other people. I can play a single-player game if I want that type of playstyle.
User Interface: I was one of the PC players of FFXI and I hated the UI because it was so cumbersome at first, but once I got a gamepad and got used to it, I actually preferred FFXI's controls to any other. Character control was so much better with a gamepad to me than WASD. I really hope FFXIV takes the same UI and improves on it.
Playonline: I couldn't stand having to setup playonline to get going and it was difficult to understand, but one thing I loved about it was being able to send messages and talk to friends in game without having to enter the game. I hope FFXIV has a system that still gives us that same functionality.
Player interaction: As much as I hated the fact that SE was so unapproachable and players had very little (if any) input, at the same time they also didn't cave to the whinners like we see in EVERY OTHER MMORPG. SE made changes that they believed made the game better instead of trying to appease as many people as they could and wind up with a complete mess because of it. The bottom line is companies who make MMORPG's need to do what's best for their game and not compromise so they can appeal to the biggest crowd. Out of all the developers of MMO's that I've played, SE is in a class all their own and I have the most respect for them.
Well regardless of how they approach these things in FFXIV, I'm confident they will put out a fun, quality game.
My first MMO was UO. From it I learned about PVP, or moreso how PKers work, the usefulness of magic, as I spent 2-3 hours running my character across the map and continent as an imp's fireball chased me the entire way.. In WoW I learned of the concept of Ganking firsthand(which I was none pleased of), EQ2 showed me there could be actual detail in a game. Final Fantasy 11 was the game to truly catch my attention, the moment I learned of Final Fantasy 14, I was exhilerated
Q: What’s going to happen to FFXI?
Tanaka: Development for FFXIV actually began about four or five years ago and has been developed along side FFXI. FFXI is still going strong after seven years and there are no plans to stop development of FFXI.
This baffles me...not saying this is a bad thing just curious... Is / was FF11 the beta for XIV? I can see that they have put the Level Sync system in. Everyone likes that so if they say that they will keep it what other goodies are they going to have...?
Q: What features from FFXI will carry over to FFIV? Will you keep the level synch system?
Komoto: Yes, many features of FFXI will be improved upon.
Q: Are there any special elements you want to import or improve from FFXI to FFXIV?
Komoto: Our goal from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game possible (with each title).
Tanaka: We are implementing new systems (that cannot be revealed at this time) that other MMOs have not used in the past.
Are they now going to show everyone's TP in a party to do skillchains? (Just a little joke there to all the SAMs) But I am really curious as too what...the supense is just killing me!!!
I agree with Mike as well. When you grouped up in FFXI you were grouping for a min. of 2 hours at least thats what I did. Heck Id sometimes be in the same group for the whole day. Which brings me to another thing, people that had to leave pretty much always had a replacement for them when they had to leave or do something with the LS or other friends.
In every other soloable MMO, groups just feel like an afterthought, you group up to do a dungeon run or a few quests if that. Otherwise your just a one man army grinding at quests and or mobs. I've had the most fun in FFXI meeting new people becoming friends with them grouping up and killing mobs for hours on end. The reason why I was able to sit in the same camp for hours killing stuff is because of these people.
Like I and many others say if I want to play solo I'll just play an offline RPG. I understand that people can only play for a few hours a day and some people that don't like grouping and thats cool. There are some people that don't like forced grouping, but it seems like all these other more casual games, WoW, LOTRO and such to me seemed like forced soloing which I don't like.
I really hope FFXIV doesn't turn into a solofest then group up for a few to get a few quests out of the way or get uber gear type thing. FFXI was fine with the grouping up around LvL 10. Yeah sometimes before lvl sync it was hard to get a group but thats why I switched jobs a lot so it was easier to get a group. But I don't think it will be hard at all to get a party in FFXIV. If they use something similar to lvl sync and the fact that its a new game there will be plenty of people the same level as you and not a bunch of lvl 75's running around.
Bottom line is, no other game has even came close to holding my attention for 3 years like FFXI did. The reason being is because it was group oriented, player interaction is very important to me in a game and FFXI required teamwork to get things done.
Great now I have to decide if I want to spend time playing this or swtor when they release but I will try both out for sure.
I wonder if they will have different servers based on your preference. For instance...at the moment they have 32 servers (assumming they use the same server names from FFXI). If you break those down into 2 other "mini" servers or "instances". You would now have let's say Kujata - Solo and then there is Kujata - Group. You could instantly switch between servers if you wanted too.
Q: Are there any especial elements you want to import or improve from FFXI to FFXIV?
Komoto: Our goal from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game possible (with each title).
Tanaka: We are implementing new systems (that cannot be revealed at this time) that other MMOs have not used in the past.
To my knowledge no one has done this so far.
The fact that the 360 uses dvd means absolutely nothing. All MMOs use HDDs to put content in so thats a moot point. What will matter are system specs and the 360 is more than capable of keeping up with the PS3 for expansions.