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By bots and hacks.
Unless something drastic is done for the western releases, Aion is doomed.
Right now i got 3 high level Chars (3x, 3x & 4x) on China servers (i live in Asia) , and the game is becoming unplayable. How did it happen ?
1 - Early level bots everywhere, this can be dealt with but still what an headache
2 - Mid level bots everywhere, now using speed hacks ( to move fast, to DPS fast ) , used to be only gladiator bots, but now they use all classes.
3 - Insta rezz hacks
4 - PvP speed hack bots destroying full opposite parties in seconds
5 - Recently : Ressources gathering speed hacks
Basicly me and my chinese guildies can hardly PvP, gather resources, or simply kill quest mobs , because we 're facing -legions- of bots using speed hacks.
I thought NCsoft learned about Lineage botting, but it seems it's the opposite. The hacks & bots programs can only get even more performant until the western release. that's gonna be a complete joke unless something is done to prevent them.
Shame because Aion is probably the best mmorpg to hit the market for a looooong time
Playing : Uncharted Waters Online
I'm pretty sure NCsoft NA is going to be a lot more aggressive towards this than NCsoft CN.
I read somewhere along the line that the CN servers were going to be more tolerant of this for various cultural reasons. There's also not the ~$50 charge per account key like there will be for NA/EU
yes chinese ppl dont play bots play for them
who will buy their gold? bots?
i hope eu version wont be the same
Botting was the reason why I stopped playing Lineage 2. I have hope that NCSoft NA knows how much NA gamers hate bots now and is extremely aggressive in getting rid of them.
How you got to that conclusion? NCsoft ain't doing anything with bots in L2 since they'd lose 90% nah lets say 100% of their player base.
SDO is a really crappy company. no cleint updates, no in game gm's, no ban's of any kind. But I did not expect anything less playing in China and on a SDO run game. OP you really need to patition SDO and try to force them to clean up there act.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Is it just me, or does someone create an "AION HAS BOTS OH NOES " thread every time the previous one falls off the main page?
you know SDO is the company that deals with bots and Hacks on Aion CN, not NCsoft.
NcSoft Dont publish the game there like blizzard dont publish wow there, another company runs everything.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
Hmm you just opened my eyes ty looks like lotro and wow it is.
That is funny. Cheating being a culturally accepted pastime in China? I hope not ...
I reckon there are tons of Chinese just playing the game and being fed up with those bots just like we would.
I can hardly imagine them laughing over getting beaten by some speedhacking exploiter. Too bad I can't read Chinese and check out their forums to read what they think of this.
I really wonder how the Aion conglomerate will deal with this in a broader scale. I really don't fancy playing a game which has a softer approach to cheaters in general. If it is indeed a rampant problem like the OP describes.
I will wait and see a bit after EU/NA launch to see how this pans out.
My brand new bloggity blog.
SDO is getting the short end of the stick, they are still stuck with 1.0 and that means all of the features to fight bots haven't been implemented yet. Nowadays in Korea bots have to hide.
I'd recommend not judging anything but the gameplay mechanics until the game is released over here, that means: Don't judge community, don't judge translation patch, don't judge ammount of content (unless you're playing in Korean servers).
This is one of the problems about releasing too soon in China. Version 1.0 was all ready to go for china but the rest of the patches were not so now they are stuck with 1.0v for god knows how long.
In Korea we were getting updates almost every other day and the banhammer was very evident. I cannot remember a single update to the china client so far, those poor sap's.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
theres non stop gold spamming messages as well.
Which has been my number one reason to stop playing all together. At first simply /ignoring worked and although you have to type that instead of just simply right clicking the name and selecting ignore, I didn't complain much. However, now they are spamming in the LFG channel and /ignore does not work for that channel. Once all of the spammers figured this out, the spamming got out of control and so I bailed.
Which has been my number one reason to stop playing all together. At first simply /ignoring worked and although you have to type that instead of just simply right clicking the name and selecting ignore, I didn't complain much. However, now they are spamming in the LFG channel and /ignore does not work for that channel. Once all of the spammers figured this out, the spamming got out of control and so I bailed.
you can disable the channels

i did
Well it's good news if Korea (having the latest client update) quite got rid of these bots, and the speed hacks as well hopefully.
Guess i'll wait & see how it goes then.
Playing : Uncharted Waters Online
Is there anyway to play the korean version instead of the chinese version?
I think they put up an IP block a while back.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
I think they put up an IP block a while back.
Yeah Korean is locked to korea only although theres programs out there that can circumvent this but even then you need some Korean citizen number to sign up equivelent of the UK's national insurance number or the US Social Security Number.
Im playing on Chinese retail and yeah theres a fair bit of gold spam but im not noticing the botting problems that others are reporting bumped into a small click of Canadian friends a few weeks back and just spend every night running round with those guys and having fun.
Aion with a few balance tweaks and a couple of things changed to be slighlty less Asian appealing SFX for eg really does have massive potential for the western market.
Grind or Quest driven you choose, good quest arch's, visually stunning, wasd or mouse control and not overley grindy 1-10 in 6 hrs play and so on a little bit steeper than WOW but not by much.
That's very disappointing to read. I've been very skeptical of this game for my own personal reasons, but very interested at the same time. I don't think I'll be buying this on release, instead I'll be waiting off to the side to see if the western version is kept clean. So far the only positive thing Aion has going for me at this moment is pretty graphics and neat looking combat.
yep playing on the cn server is no fun at all , 50% are bots busy farming gold to sell instead of pvp/rvr. I hope its going to be diff on the US server otherwise the end game is going to suck.
There are ways, but the risk of being banned because of stealing a KSSN or speaking english is way higher. 2 of my guild mates got banned because of speaking in English with a guy who happened to be a GM.
What better way to fix something than to let a group break it first? As for spammers, I hope they just start filtering out any messages that have the sites URL in it.
Doing away with free trial accounts could help slow down gold farming since they would have to purchase a new account every time they want to farm it or an account gets banned. Sure WOW has 12 million people playing. Playing being used very loosely here. Gold farmers start up a new free account to give gold or to just farm the heck out of that account and give the gold to another char.
What was the reason to give it to China first? Who here hasn’t heard the term Chinese Gold Farmer or CFG for short? I really do hope they are watching to see how they are exploiting things now to stop them from doing so in the future.
(Great FF14 source)
I love seeing people say a game is destroyed when it isn't even out here. Cause everyone knows that we'll be playing on the same servers as the Korean and Chinese playerbase. Face it, you chose to play the game instead of waiting, so deal with it. NCSoft ain't responsible for it, thats why they discourage you from playing on these asian servers. So just shove it up your impatient arses and stop spreading crap like its going to be definitive here.