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Can we have a separate "Darkfall Whiners" forum?



  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,646

    This thread is begging for a poll, I would vote YES! :D

  • tarkin1980tarkin1980 Member Posts: 229
    Originally posted by whisperwynd

    Originally posted by JGMIII

    Originally posted by madeux

    I can't be the only one sick of hearing all of the whining...


    Darkfall is a really messed up game atm.

    Imo the forum is fine the way it is, you wouldn't see all the "whining" if AV came through on their promises that they made over the last eight years.

    I feel bad for all the people that wasted 50 bucks on DF.


    Actually, if you really look at the threads here, NO game is good enough according to your logic. Everyone has wasted their money.


    Bulls eye! You're absolutely right, there ARE no good mmos out there currently. That's why we're "whining". In the case of DF, the reason we're "whining" isn't just the fact that the game is garbage. It's all the other stuff AV has been pulling.

  • whisperwyndwhisperwynd Member UncommonPosts: 1,668
    Originally posted by tarkin1980

    Bulls eye! You're absolutely right, there ARE no good mmos out there currently. That's why we're "whining". In the case of DF, the reason we're "whining" isn't just the fact that the game is garbage. It's all the other stuff AV has been pulling.


    Whine away! I don't have a gripe with whiners, just those that try to put others down WHILST whining. Slight clarification.

    TBH I only post to have fun. I long ago gave up on good discussions here, I mainly come here to read what's new, and to find info on existing games I might not totally know about. Not through the forums though lol.


  • JGMIIIJGMIII Member Posts: 1,282

    Bahh my last thread had a typo in it that made me look kinda like a prick i fixed it.

    Anyway, There's no sarcasm in my actually feeling bad for people that wasted cash on DF.

    By wasting cash I'm speaking of the players that believe all the shit that tasos said about DF through the eight years and bought the game thinking it would be a 3D UO.

    Would be a major let down to those people when they figured out DF was nothing but a Half-life 2 homebrew mod with Re-skinned CS knife fighting as its main mechanic.

    Playing: EvE, Ryzom

  • IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495
    Originally posted by madeux

    I can't be the only one sick of hearing all of the whining...


    Darkfall whining forum is that way:



    Look under "D" for Darkfall.


  • talismen351talismen351 Member Posts: 1,124

    Who needs to play DF? It can't be any more fun than comming here to read the flamewars!


  • eyeswideopeneyeswideopen Member Posts: 2,414

    Here's the link to the new "Whiners Section":

    -Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
    -And on the 8th day, man created God.-

  • whisperwyndwhisperwynd Member UncommonPosts: 1,668

    I can live that

    No harm, no foul.

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