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BigPeelerBigPeeler Member Posts: 1,270

what does that thing do?... ~~~

is it just there to look cool?... ~

what's it called~~~

give me an example of how you would use it >_< ~~~~~~~

Games Played - Too many to list~
Games Currently Playing - Lineage 2, RF Online.
Favorite Game So Far - Lineage 1 ^^
Waiting For - WoW (OB is gonna be hell T_T l337 d3wdz everywhere =_=)



  • noobletnooblet Member Posts: 2,274

    big can you long onto the servers in maple story and play? cuz when i tryta sign in it keeps comin up with this crap.

    and i dunno what ~ is for lol.


    EQ2 Qeynos guild -

  • BigPeelerBigPeeler Member Posts: 1,270

    i dont play Maple Story anymore lol... i couldnt stand the downtime and ended up deleting it off my HD image

    sry... image

    Games Played - Too many to list~
    Games Currently Playing - Lineage 2, RF Online.
    Favorite Game So Far - Lineage 1 ^^
    Waiting For - WoW (OB is gonna be hell T_T l337 d3wdz everywhere =_=)


  • BigPeelerBigPeeler Member Posts: 1,270

    anyways back on topic... i always use it to make long words carry on... like...


    kinda thing...

    or to make my trade shouts look more spiffy...

    WTB Uber Stick of Death ~PAYING WELL~

    sort of thing... im sure its not just there for looks though...

    hey, on another note... wth is this ^ thing used for?...

    AND WTH is the difference between these }{ and these ][... and when would using one be more appropriate then the other!?! image

    i mean... im sure they're not there just so l33t d3wdz can spell their H's...

    Games Played - Too many to list~
    Games Currently Playing - Lineage 2, RF Online.
    Favorite Game So Far - Lineage 1 ^^
    Waiting For - WoW (OB is gonna be hell T_T l337 d3wdz everywhere =_=)


  • digitydarkmandigitydarkman Member Posts: 2,194



  • ZeraduleZeradule Member Posts: 83

    ~~ = ~~ dosent thats say it all, think about it image

    Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.

    Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.

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