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Heya, is there someone that haves a buddy key for me to use please? im really thinking of buying it but wanna test it first. and one more question, is there still many population or the game is dead? just would like to know
PS: my mail is [email protected] forgot to mention it hehe
yes i would love to try out the game too it looks very fun and if i like it i will most likely buy it but wanna try it first
email: [email protected]
It's been over a year later and I still haven't received a Guild Wars Nightfall Free trial key =[ please if you have a spare send to my email and confirm you sent it to me in this thread, thanks!
I checked all my boxes including my Nightfall CE and found no buddy keys, do they even exist?
GW have a free trial without any key, you can find it here:
Hmm well I haven't played Guild Wars for a couple years and just returned, thats what I used to call them :P
but ya, I have all expansions but Nightfall I absolutely don't know anybody that still plays this game, but I was getting Nostalgic and wanted to see if anyone had a Nightfall buddy key or a 10-hour free trial or whatever its called =/
UPDATE: I just checked online about Nightfall 10-hour access key's and found out they were real
, I searched the Guild Wars site and found out when you buy Nightfall a free 10-hour access key is included in the box (guessing the game isn't used) for another player to play the same expansion for a limited time.