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Here is the Latest in TCG Goodies

KazaraKazara Member UncommonPosts: 1,086

Another TCG expansion, 'Galactic Hunters', offers another load of interesting and unique loot cards (incl. more houses, vehicles, Jet Pack collection, etc.) since the last load three months or so ago.

The O-boards have let loose a serious reaction to the new TCG loot. Here is a link, but the thread may go bye-bye.

The high-light being Elias' reply to a poster -


Community Relations

Joined: Feb 11, 2008

Messages: 1893


mixre wrote:

I was having an e-mail dialogue with Smedley over some areas I wanted to voice my concerns over, in which he directed me to one of the Producers (not naming him)...and one of those issues was over the TCG loot system (not the actual TCG card game itself) and how it is effecting some of the professions and the economy overall...and the general feedback from these forums.

Said Producer, written to me via e-mail, basically said they are unaware of any "general outcry" over the TCG loot cards.

TBH I was shocked. I wrote a reply with some threads that have some good merit feedback over said items, and it has now been 4 days since a reply. I have no idea how this Producer team has 0 clue on the general concensus the community who play the "actual game itself - SWG"...

I get tired of reading "The TCG is devoloped from another site which has nothing to do with the game"

Yet, it's the same team that has the ability to shaft those that DO play SWG (and not the TCG) which the actual Dev team here...seems not to care.

I have no clue who is directing which hand at the moment. It's no secret the TCG "primarily" makes their money from the "loot cards" themselves...because I cannot see for the life of me the TCG getting the attention that it is now if no IG loot cards were introduced.

Simply put...SOE is aware of the impact...does not care...and will not change. It sucks. My suggestion, is to send an e-mail to Smedley and voice your opinions on the matter. Whether or not something comes from it.../shrug. But at least he gets bombarded with e-mails over legitimate concerns that he will not be able to ignore for long.

You are lying. I'd appreciate it if you stopped.

You were not having an email dialogue with Smedley or our producer, please stop trying to gain favor with the crowd by lying your face off.

The two teams are aware of what the reaction to the TCG is on this board on the TCG board and by customer feedback we receive via other means. To say that they are "unaware" is something you made up so you would sound cool on the forums and is 100% offensive to everyone involved with the process.



What a professional repsone he had - NOT! I cannot believe a community relations representative flames a poster in such a manner. Nothing like leading by example, eh?

More desirable and interesting loot than the crafters, collectionsd nor rerwards can really compete with. These items cannot be achieved by game play - a player has to pony up the $$$ or credits.  



  • ValeranValeran Member Posts: 925

    Said poster has offered to forward the emails to anyone who asks.  I do not have an active account so if anyone can PM him or get him ingame it would be appreciated to capture the emails for posterity sake.

    Elias is very unprofessional.

    Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism

    "SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor

  • ObeeObee Member Posts: 1,550

    Elias is an unprofessional ass.  Even if the person who claimed to have been having email discussions with the Smed and others, it is completely unprofessional for a company employee to attack a customer in such a manner (even worse to do so in public).  In a normal company that doesn't hate their customers, Elias would be looking for a new job elsewhere.  At SOE, he will likely find himself in line for a promotion.

    I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that Elias made a public ass of himself once again, or that he was cheered on by a couple posters for it, or that the current SWG playerbase is so used to being treated with outright contempt that they ignore the attack and focus on fighting among themselves.  The reaction to it reminds me of the time Helios insulted the posters on the OBoard while asking about discussion over the beast master system concept, and only one poster on a multi-page thread even realized they were being insulted.


  • ValeranValeran Member Posts: 925
    Originally posted by Obee

    Elias is an unprofessional ass.  Even if the person who claimed to have been having email discussions with the Smed and others, it is completely unprofessional for a company employee to attack a customer in such a manner (even worse to do so in public).  In a normal company that doesn't hate their customers, Elias would be looking for a new job elsewhere.  At SOE, he will likely find himself in line for a promotion.
    I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that Elias made a public ass of himself once again, or that he was cheered on by a couple posters for it, or that the current SWG playerbase is so used to being treated with outright contempt that they ignore the attack and focus on fighting among themselves.  The reaction to it reminds me of the time Helios insulted the posters on the OBoard while asking about discussion over the beast master system concept, and only one poster on a multi-page thread even realized they were being insulted.


    They have been conditioned that is for sure.

    Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism

    "SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor

  • ObeeObee Member Posts: 1,550

    Remember all that talk about how the TCG takes no resources away from the main game because it was all done by the TCG developers?  It would seem that it was a lie and that the loot card items are completely made by the SWG team in Austin, and the art assets are then sent to Denver so they can be slapped on a loot card.


  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by Obee

    Remember all that talk about how the TCG takes no resources away from the main game because it was all done by the TCG developers?  It would seem that it was a lie and that the loot card items are completely made by the SWG team in Austin, and the art assets are then sent to Denver so they can be slapped on a loot card.


    That was posted in the same thread as the one where Elias calls the guy a liar.

    That thread, containing both elements of the story, is now at 26 pages after 1 day.


    Even better, the guy Elias called out apparently WAS emailing Smed off and on, and Smed answered him, and directed the guy to email one of the producers, or that is how it appears. He PM'd the email to several people, not me, who agreed that the emails in question seemed to be authentic.







  • BullseyeArc1BullseyeArc1 Member UncommonPosts: 410

       Whats even more frustrating, is its looking like they are taking the 15$ people pay for development, then using that to make TCG art and coding, then charge again for packs.   Isnt their laws against what SOE is getting away with?    Its no wonder why they are so excited with the card game, its like having a free product to charge for, since the subbers are paying for all of it, and are not getting anything from it.     

    The closest RL example is SOE customers are sheep, and SOE loves to shear its sheep, but ehhh the Sheep arnt making anything from the whool now are they?    And ROFLMAO,,,,  SOE is actually selling back little sheep coats to thier sheep.  

  • ObeeObee Member Posts: 1,550

    It looks like Elias got a talking to:


  • ValeranValeran Member Posts: 925
    Originally posted by Obee

    It looks like Elias got a talking to:


    It sure looks like a forced apology.  That sure is out of his normal posting patern.

    Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism

    "SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by Obee

    It looks like Elias got a talking to:


    It sure looks like a forced apology.  That sure is out of his normal posting patern.


    Plus, he never actually admitted he was incorrect in what he alleged. He just apologized for the way he said what he did, not what he said/did. Must be in the SOE/Smed "How to Make it look like you are Apologizing to customers without really doing it" handbook.


  • ObeeObee Member Posts: 1,550
    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by Obee

    It looks like Elias got a talking to:


    It sure looks like a forced apology.  That sure is out of his normal posting patern.


    I wouldn't doubt the talking to that resulted in the apology was also the genesis for the all caps "TCG LOOT LOOT!' post on the announcement forum.  He decided to stick a thumb in the eye of the forum posters because he was mad he had to apologise.



  • ValeranValeran Member Posts: 925
    Originally posted by Obee

    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by Obee

    It looks like Elias got a talking to:


    It sure looks like a forced apology.  That sure is out of his normal posting patern.


    I wouldn't doubt the talking to that resulted in the apology was also the genesis for the all caps "TCG LOOT LOOT!' post on the announcement forum.  He decided to stick a thumb in the eye of the forum posters because he was mad he had to apologise.




    LOL...I missed that post earlier and just saw it...Yeah...that is more his style.

    Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism

    "SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor

  • WarmakerWarmaker Member UncommonPosts: 2,246

    Gentlemen, gentlemen... and ladies... what seems to be the problem here?  Are you shocked with SOE's actions?  The better question is this:

    Should you be shocked by SOE's actions?

    Me?  I'm not surprised one bit.  Just think back of SOE's actions, as to why you left to begin with, and you wouldn't be surprised at all.  Screwing their customers IS company policy.

    So in my mind, they've been doing to their own paying customers what I always knew they would do.  Just like what happened with us years ago.

    Situation Normal, All F***ed Up

    "I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)

  • ObeeObee Member Posts: 1,550
    Originally posted by Warmaker

    Gentlemen, gentlemen... and ladies... what seems to be the problem here?  Are you shocked with SOE's actions?  The better question is this:
    Should you be shocked by SOE's actions?
    Me?  I'm not surprised one bit.  Just think back of SOE's actions, as to why you left to begin with, and you wouldn't be surprised at all.  Screwing their customers IS company policy.
    So in my mind, they've been doing to their own paying customers what I always knew they would do.  Just like what happened with us years ago.
    Situation Normal, All F***ed Up


    Nobody is shocked by the sctions of anyone at SOE.  If they made a game that was actually entertaining, then we would be shocked.  As it is, we are simply deriving entertainment from the only source of entertainment available as far as the official SWG is concerned, the constant thumb sticking in the eye by the folks at SOE to their paying customers.

    Those customers are there voluntarily, so it is okay to enjoy their misfortune.  It is similar to the people watching those television shows about idiots who do stupid stunts to see how badly they can get hurt.  With SOE the entertainment is compounded, because most of the time the most outraged by SOE's actions are the same folks who have defended and rationalized past similar actions.  It is also fun to watch those who have been defending and rationalizing SOE's past actions, who aren't part of the currently outraged group, contort themselves to defend and rationalize SOE's current actions.  Wondering which of SOE's future actions will finally tip those folks into the outraged group, or if there is anything that SOE can do that will at all upset those folks, is part of the fun.

    I guess it would be like a soap opera where people are constantly getting hit in the nuts.  What makes SWG special, asided from the fact that we used to play it, is it is the only MMO I can think of where the company behind it actually hates the game almost as much as they hate the players of the game (SOE actually has some small measure of affection for the Everquest franchise, as it is heir baby).  As an outside observer, SWG is the perfect storm of entertainment.  Everything is in place for a constant stream of outrage by the folks involved, and as such.



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