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14day trial

lat00uklat00uk Member Posts: 28

Hopefully someone can help.

I signed up for a 14 Day trial to UO:KR as I fancied trying it out. I then did some reading about the 3D and 2D clients and then I some how managed to download the KR and ML clients, but then I found out there is corruption in the KR download (I know this has been talked about before so I need to grab that again, but then I have installed the ML client and it auto patched itself then asked me if I wanted the 2D or 3D clients I then selected the 2D client as thats what im assuming ML is, but now it wont let me login, even tho I have an account for the trial and its authorised via the EA website.

Now if I try to run the ML client I get:

Starting patch session...

Transferring patch information

Downloading patch uoml_win32_5-0-7-0.rtp( 832 bytes )

Downloading patch uoml_win32_5-0-7-0.pat( 11 bytes )

Applying patch patchuoml_win32_5-0-7-0.rtp

Error applying patch

Error during session

Your client may not be the most recent version.

You may be able to play the game with your current client.

Check for help on resolving patching issues.

Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.

and I still cant login.

Am I supposed to download the ML client from somewhere else pr does someone have a link on the UO website where I can get the client from, or is the trial only for the KR client?


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