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Good News or Bad News? looks like the recession hits DAoC as well. As for Origins, I'm a little worried by her statements, looks like Origins seems to be on the back burner. I don't get their reasoning as Modred is pretty much dead, and Gaheris is a close second. A new server type might be what the game needs to really pull in some numbers again. At least putting in some new content for all levels might be nice. None of this dragon, doppleganger, or ghosts stuff.

So, looks like my stay will be short lived, resubbed and quickly canceled my card so as not to be charged more than a month. Might have to actually put some real money down and pick up WAR, especially when that 1.2 patch goes live (55 pages of notes...rofl).

I'd come back for Origins, as the game stands now, there is really nothing to do other than RvR. And frankly, I like to explore the PvE content as well, and there just doesn't seem to be anyone else interested in that stuff. Ah well. See what happens in the next 2 weeks.


  • LivettLivett Member Posts: 126

    I can see where they're coming from.

    If they open up this new server and people come to it will it fuck up the others that want to stay on the current servers? In the end loosing more people than brought in from origins.

    I'm kind of thankful that there is some news even if it's really not, but kind of expected, what i wanted to hear.


    I think if we did ever see origins, it's when all the other servers are what the english speaking eu servers are like now - dead completely.



  • IlliusIllius Member UncommonPosts: 4,142

    I'm more then a little annoyed now.  I'm almost starting to wish that they'd just tank the damn Origins idea and say with absolute certainty that it was not coming out so that I can move on.

    Them saying they want to proceed with caution kinda makes me thing that they're not sure what they want to do.  On one hand they want to bring it to fruition and on the other they want to not upset the current crop of players.  In that statement she then goes to contradict herself by saying they want to make the game easyer and more accesable to both the old and new players.  I get the feeling the people that stayed with the game are there because they like the way it plays and any change to it might chase them away, meanwhile any returning players are returning to it because of the familliar aspects and again would make them think twice about going back.

    To me the information there doesn't really give much hope but it doesn't outright kill it either. 

    No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-

  • LustmordLustmord Member UncommonPosts: 1,114
    Originally posted by ninjajucer looks like the recession hits DAoC as well. As for Origins, I'm a little worried by her statements, looks like Origins seems to be on the back burner. I don't get their reasoning as Modred is pretty much dead, and Gaheris is a close second. A new server type might be what the game needs to really pull in some numbers again. At least putting in some new content for all levels might be nice. None of this dragon, doppleganger, or ghosts stuff.
    So, looks like my stay will be short lived, resubbed and quickly canceled my card so as not to be charged more than a month. Might have to actually put some real money down and pick up WAR, especially when that 1.2 patch goes live (55 pages of notes...rofl).
    I'd come back for Origins, as the game stands now, there is really nothing to do other than RvR. And frankly, I like to explore the PvE content as well, and there just doesn't seem to be anyone else interested in that stuff. Ah well. See what happens in the next 2 weeks.


    Bad news.

    I resubbed to play while I wait for Origins..

    After I read this, I unsubbed.

    Screw them.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,250

    As of 1:15 am on Sunday morning, there is 2479 players in the game world wide, with 7 people (yes 7) playing on Mordred. (contrast that with 27087 people online in EVE atm)

    Can they really be worried about alienating those 2500 people ?  Seems they could toss them all out the window and start over with an Origins server, which I'm positive would draw a good portion of the existing base to them along with a lot of returning players.

    My theory?  They are afraid an Origins server would draw too many players away from WAR ( a very valid fea IMO) so they won't do it.



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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • ninjajucerninjajucer Member Posts: 219

    Yes it seems like a deathnote IMO. With the community manager getting axed, the former head getting demoted and now some new woman whom I have never heard of coming on saying she is in charge, gives me a lot to worry.

    I subbed for a month, if I don't see a real answer from this "producer" about Origins, then I'll move on and just fantisize about what could have been. As it stands now, I am unsubbed and playing my 1 month.

    To say that introducing a new server would jeopardize the current crop of players is complete Bull. That is about as beleivable as Weapons of Mass Destruction in a country so reduced by export bans that they sell their one and only resource for food and medicine forgoing their military. Oh wait....

    To keep the 1-50 and thats giving an awful lot of compromise on Modred, not to mention the 200 to (maybe) 400 people on Gaheris as listed in the Herald instead of bringing in a new server with content that would bring back more players is a complete fantasy. I really do not understand their logic in saying that a new server would alienate the current subs, if Classic didn't do that, then I seriously doubt Origins would.

    To be honest, it does indeed look like that they are scared that if they brought back Origins, the WAR numbers would decline. Which does not make much sense in the overall picture since its the same company. I'd say they are going to wait until the 1.2 patch goes live for WAR and if the numbers keep dropping THEN they might come back to DAoC.

    Of course, it does make one think that after the introduction of the Alien expansion pack in Anarchy Online, to the four years in development of failed release of Age of Conan, that they all of a sudden bring in a new Booster pack for AO, that Funcom might be thinking that keeping the original afloat may be better than the nighmare that is AoC. Odd times.

  • ProfRedProfRed Member UncommonPosts: 3,495

    Really sad.  It seems like developers just constantly do the exact opposite of what I want as a gamer.  WoW guided people away from world PvP into lame BG's and scenarios.  Mythic makes a game based on scenarios and made RvR like an after thought.  Mythic decides against pushing forward with an origins server.  SWG goes for new game experience. 

    At least CCP seems to know what they are doing, and people are trying to make new sandboxes again.  Maybe what I want and like is different from the average gamer or target audience.  It is sad though.

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