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All I want is a MMORPG That i can talk to a wider variety of peopl, and can play while listening to my Awsome dance music to pump me up for playing the MMORPG. I prefer not having to pay just because its more of a hassle and I'm trying to play something hassle-free. Obviously I won't settle for just anything... But I am not being very picky, as long as the MMORPG has a few unique features and a decent community , I'm quite happy. Thanks to anyone who can help me.
There's a section for these: LFGame.
As for my recommandation, I'd suggest you take a look in the LFGame section. It's always the same games that comes back over and over again (these games are good though so it's worth checking).
Here'a few though:
Atlantica Online: Turn-Based MMORPG (very newbie friendly)....I might go back actually....really good game if you don't mind giving Atlantica Online a chance.
Flyff: Grind-Based MMORPG
MapleStory: Grind-Based MMORPG (if you want to listen to music .... it's a good idea)
Silkroad: Grind-Based MMORPG (and the "silkroad feature")
ROSE Online: MMORPG (nice grind, well balanced class, etc)
(I'd say Perfect World but knowing you don't want to pay....better not talk about it :P)
Otherwise take a look at website such as MMOHUB for full reviews about those games and other games you are recommanded. I pretty much agree with most of their reviews as they can evaluate both pros and cons about each game. You can also check reviews on MMORPG but they are player based and not all players show objectivity if you know what I mean :þ (if you don't just go and take a look for yourself haha).
Anyway, that's pretty much all that comes to my mind right now.