I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
Considering the limited art resources availible to the game, I wonder why more of the unfortunate souls subscribed to the attrocity known as Star Wars Galaxies aren't upset with how those art resources are being wasted. Players have been asking for many changes that have been deemed "out of scope" due to the limited art resources, yet this horribly concieved event includes several new art assets.
Sorry customers, your petty desires are of little consequence compared to addin a tuxedo to a protocol droid and adding fairy wings to the game.
I was very close to resubbing this weekend. I have friends who still play and they talked me into coming back, at least long enough to move my character and try the game awhile with a population. Then I get wind of this sh!t.
I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
Can you honestly say that a floating pink ewok with wings is 'Star Warsy' !?
Someone at $OE or LA has been at that crack pipe again...
They look like care bears LOL
The Deathstar destroyed planets...SOE destroyed Galaxies
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ SWG | EVE | WOW | VG | LOTRO | WAR | FML | STO | APB | AOC | MORTAL | WOT
I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
Can you honestly say that a floating pink ewok with wings is 'Star Warsy' !?
Someone at $OE or LA has been at that crack pipe again...
I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
Very iconic.
Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism
"SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor
I can understand how someone at SOE could come up with that attrocity, but I have no idea how it could have gotten approval from the folks at LEC. The folks at SOE are a bunch of talentless hacks, so concieving crap is par for the course. The folks at LEC are supposed to be protecting their IP. They are obviously as bad at their jobs as the folks at SOE.
they are all on drugs. they have to be.
Considering the limited art resources availible to the game, I wonder why more of the unfortunate souls subscribed to the attrocity known as Star Wars Galaxies aren't upset with how those art resources are being wasted. Players have been asking for many changes that have been deemed "out of scope" due to the limited art resources, yet this horribly concieved event includes several new art assets.
Sorry customers, your petty desires are of little consequence compared to addin a tuxedo to a protocol droid and adding fairy wings to the game.
Ewok Festival of Love......Seriously? Good lord. /face palm
Just when I thought soe has hit rock bottom, they break out the shovels and start digging.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
I was very close to resubbing this weekend. I have friends who still play and they talked me into coming back, at least long enough to move my character and try the game awhile with a population. Then I get wind of this sh!t.
No frakkin' way.
LOL LOL LOL... Do $OE /LA expect you to take them seriously after this?
Just when you think that things couldn't possibly get worse...
They just have no idea of the humiliation they cause themselves do they!
Blizzard must be pissing themselves!
LOL EA must be thrilled! It makes them look half credible LOL
It's like some sicko depraved lab experiment with the most valuable IP ever!?
(SOE) "how far can we screw things up before ppl just wont take this sh*t anymore"?...
(LA) hey lets find out!
The Deathstar destroyed planets...SOE destroyed Galaxies
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
Can you honestly say that a floating pink ewok with wings is 'Star Warsy' !?
Someone at $OE or LA has been at that crack pipe again...
They look like care bears LOL
The Deathstar destroyed planets...SOE destroyed Galaxies
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
Can you honestly say that a floating pink ewok with wings is 'Star Warsy' !?
Someone at $OE or LA has been at that crack pipe again...
They look like care bears LOL
perfectly targeted at the current playerbase
lol good point
The Deathstar destroyed planets...SOE destroyed Galaxies
I could not have put it any better.
Thalos Vipav
Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.
I believe it was the folks at LEC that pushed SoE to make SWG more 'star warsy'
You might believe that, but you're wrong.