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Last night out of sheer curiosity I looked at the herald stats and saw that the overall population is rising from what I saw a few weeks ago. So with that in mind, and the fact that most of the F2P games currently all suck or are just item mall paradises (latest was my reaction from Runes of Greed). So, looks like I'll be going back to Classic for awhile until Origins finally comes out (???) or at least until Aion, Earthrise or Fallout Online comes out.
In light of the current economic times, I think its just safer to go P2P at this point. All the F2P games almost require the need to spend $100's whereas a P2P only requires a monthly deposit. It should be interesting to see if my past toons are still there.
What I found most shocking was Gaheris had a population of around 220 at peak last night. That's pretty impressive since it was never a really popular server. I'd like to see the heyday of DAoC again where the EU servers were back with the US ones, made things a lot more fun.
Mythic does not delete characters or accounts. Whatever you had when you departed will be there just as you left it. If you had a house and it was repossessed they'll send you the items you had in your vault and give you a coin worth the amount of money you had on your merchant. Sure your house might be gone but you'll make enough money to buy a new one if you are so inclined.
Who knows I might even come along one of these days. Really bored and the 10 day trial of WoW just reminds me of why I left.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
If Orgins comes out, I'm in for 3 subs....
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
3? All your own or what?
As for the population I was just looking at it. Seems like there are about 100 more people overall today then yesterday at about the same time. I think the population is starting to ebb ever so slightly.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Just tried the new tutorial, which seems to be mandatory now. Things they have changed:
1)Now you just pick a class from the get go, no pre-class thing.
2)the tutorial starter area is bigger, but a lot of the quests are kind of broken or just don't quite give enough information.
3) The UI sucks as much as it did before.
4) It looks like the majority of the population (in classic at least) is in two places, Molvik & NF. Go figure.
5) With the UI as it stands, the buttons do not gray out when used for styles, or have any sort of timer, no more bar counting down until you can use the next attack, and of course no mail system whatsoever (still). Had to make a dummy account just to transfer everything.
6) The main leveling areas are empty, regardless of the population on the servers. A few people crafting and stuff, but it reminds me as to why i left in the first place. Too many expansions makes too many areas for people to go into.
7) If anything the game has devolved into a solo adventure. I'd be more keen to wait until Origins comes out. Providing that people actually sign up for it, it will make the game feel more alive as you can either group up in the original lands or SI. No more battlegrounds, just OF. Should give the game a more "living" aura.
To that end, will putz around with it for the 1 month I paid for, and then wait til Origins comes out. Unless there is a Warhammer buddy key out there....Which begs the question of why not just have a free trial?
About a year ago when I played on the Classic servers I leveled in the BG's. I did kind of find the normal PvE areas a bit empty but that didn't bother me. I went there with the intent of killing other people and the BG's suited me just fine. A couple of the BG's were a bit slow since the people don't like them (no idea why, the're great) so I had to go do some quests or farm some coin for upgrades to weapons and armor.
I would have stayed longer but back then there was realm hopping like crazy and it took away from the game for me. I think there's a timer now. I think the expansions enlarging the world thing is a curse for all games. Look at any of the relatively new ones and you'll see that anybody who starts a new character will rarely see anybody around and if they do they'll most likely want to get the hell out of the areas.
I did find that Darkness Falls was still fairly full of people when I did play. There were always people down there killing and grouping. I think the game as it is now will be what you make of it. I used to just roll BG toons and just fight in there because there was plenty of action. Used my high level characters to farm up the gold to equip them and RvR'd with him when I wanted a slightly different kind of action. However this was a year ago so things might be different now. I don't remember the "starting area" being the way you describe. Kinda makes you wonder.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Yeah the starter areas. LOL. I remember back before and a little after SI came out, you started in normal towns away from the main city (unless you chose the human as your race). Then they changed it I guess when TOA or Catacombs came out to everyone starting in the main city outside the capital.
Then at some point they introduced the tutorial, which you could skip. Only now it seems that they fleshed it out a bit. There is still the same fort where you start, outside a small battle, and then a town. But now you can go far and wide to another island, two other cities and the entire countryside is littered with mobs. Oh and they even put a dungeon in there as well.
Its an interesting change instead of doing the normal things, I just went in with my dummy character and transfered all my gold and stuff and started a new toon, have not seen any reason to leave the tutorial area yet and am already level 7. Although some parts are still unfinished as I see a few bright purple buildings now and again.
Still though, if you go anywhere that is considered not RvR, the places are quite empty. I can see the need for having a guild or a group of friends to just level with as the majority of the content has made the original content ghost towns.
I'll continue to play it on a month to month basis or at least until something else comes out if there is no word on the Origins.
Currently playing classic in albion with a new toon and 2p
It wouldn't be the light house in the starting area would it? :P
The lighthouse was fine, so was the fort, the little kids fort (not sure what to call it) next to the ruined fort on the isle is a nice purple. So far haven't seen a need to actually leave the tutorial yet. Quests keep coming am already level 10.
Hard to remember exactly what it was like when I did a trial back in the summer. Seems like most of my old leveling spots in Hib (from lvl 10-24) were fairly empty. XP gain was MUCH faster than it use to be though.
At that time, I was waiting for Origins (when every one expected a summer release) and I just planned on playing the BGs. From what heard though, you needed to be fully geared up just to play in the damn BGs, so that kind of killed my interest.
Not sure exactly what to think about Origins removing the BGs. The idea is good: get every one into big boy RvR. However, for that to work, leveling will have to be much faster than it was back in the day and they'll have to do a good job of working lower levels into the frontiers.
When I played I didn't find that you needed to be exceptionally geared out. I made due with the Aurulite gear that you can buy when you farm some of the dungeons. The stuff provided good protection, had good stats and it wasn't all that hard to come by. Sure there were better armored people in the BG's but I didn't notice that they had a great advantage.
Also, crafted armor and weapons were not hard to come by once I got my warrior to 50 and could farm fairly easily. It took some doing to find someone to spellcraft it but once that is done you're set. It kind of gave me a goal to reach for. As for the higher BG's I went out and bought Labyrinth weapons and armor. Provided better protection then the Aurulite, looked good with all kinds of designs on it and came with procs on the weapons that were used even in "big boy" RvR. I took my crit-blade and gave him a nice slow Lab 2handed sword and managed to PA a Theurgist for twice his hp. Technically I killed him twice before he hit the ground.
I guess you just need a different character to fund your BG toons and you'd be fine. Reason I quit was only because of the realm hopping tools that would switch to the winning side when shit hit the fan and because the game no longer went on for 24 hours and you would notice a significant pop drop when it came time for bed.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Well you can add +1 to those "increasing numbers" for my renewed subscription. These newer MMO's end up pulling me away but it seems I always end but back on the DAoC side of things. Makes me wonder why I ever leave in the first place.
And the RvR is alive and well. Nonstop messages about this fort or that being taken by this realm or that. The BGs are also kicking. Luckily the countryside has some nice camp bonuses, so leveling is not a problem, made 20 in a few hours of putzing around.
Did you bludgeon all the undead in tomb of mithra? You probably rolled a ... paladin...
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Actually I went wizzy. I hate the twisting for pally's, and they kinda suck in RvR. As for the tomb, its virtually empty all the time. You usually don't leave the tutorial area until 14 or 15 and at that point you might as well go right into the battlegrounds or DF. Not many people in dungeons unless they are RvR enabled.
That's a shame. I remember all the fun I had in the first dungeons of each realm when it was back in the old days. People huddled together afraid to make a mistake for fear of setting off a train of mobs that would butcher them all... good times.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Yep, good times, I remember them well. Hiding in the tomte caves afraid to go to deep. Afraid in the tombs of Muire to go down the first hallway and yes, afraid to aggro too much in Mithra.
I think that the majority of players have realized that with WAR having no PvE worth playing and not much PvP either, that true RvR is really in only one place, DAoC.
I wouldn't mind trying WAR to see how bad the PvE really is, and to give it a try before it possibly fails completely. Such a shame, I would have liked to see it succeed, especially after that roman idea failed.
Of course there is a whole slew of sci-fi mmos coming out soon. And apparently Warhammer 40k is one them and its not being done by EA.
But I'll stay in DAoC until such a time that they don't publish anything about Origins or I get completely bored.
You can really tell there are alot more players online now (my plan is working perfectly
). In the frontiers, during peak hours, you can find a nice group and battle with the hibbies and albs for awhile. Last week on Devon we had a huge battle in Emain with at least (guesstimation) 250 people. I haven't ran into a big battle like that since, but it's still fun when it does happen. When I first came back about 3 months ago, you rarely ran into more than 15 vs 15 battles. DAoC is coming back! 
Didn't going down(or up?) a spiral stairwell in Mithra lead to a room of Bleeders? I hated those things.
Mithra was my first mmorpg dungeon. couldnt have asked for anything better back then :P
LotRO's environments remind me of DAoC for some reason but DAoC's gameplay was (is?) so much better. I'm getting major nostalgia. I remember the trains in the open-ended dungeons. I really wish the newer MMOs didn't have so many instanced dungeons... the free form ones of the old days were so much funner. Having mob training made them dangerous and exciting, but people cooperated with each other to keep the mobs from killing everyone. Remember rampaging knights at the X-roads in DF? DAoC's death penalty system was also one of the best ever. Gah! I miss the old game
Back in EvE. Started with BatMUD. Main MMOs have been EvE and DAoC.
the game is dead, there is virtually no new content.
If you enjoy sub-par populations and sitting around new frontiers saying LFG for hours at a time, enjoy. Theres just not much left to do unless you're in a guild running groups at night.
Still though, DAoC pvp/rvr is unparalleled :[
This game is pretty much a Warhammer Online cash crop now
Oh boy., i think this will be my 4th return to this game! Still can't find an MMO better than this.