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Ex Daoc players here, got a couple questions :
Just finishing downloading the gracia client (took freaking ages btw)
- Which server has the best newbie population today ?
- Is creating a dwarf for crafting worth it ( specially at high levels) ?
- Is Summoner truely the best soloing class ?
- Any advice for a good combo duo classes would be great
My gf gonna start the game as well, so we need an xtra trial/buddy key: [email protected]
Thx for your help
Playing : Uncharted Waters Online
TBH perfectly honest, don't play the game. The economy is screwed and the only way you're going to be able to afford anything is through purchasing ingame currency.
Hello there!
I guess u dont think Giggets answer was very helping. So I will give it a shot.
- Server? Im not sure where u from? NA or Europe? If NA I think Bartz is the best choice and if u from Europe Teon is the one to choose. But I cant gurantee any of them have a big newbie population, prolly not. But once u are lvl 40+ there shouldnt be any problem finding ppl to team with.
-Dwarf? Yes a dwarf is very much worth it. Its almost the only race that in fact can earn cash ingame. But I wouldnt recommend a crafter dwarf. I think scavenger (spoiler) is better for cash.
-Summoner? Well, yes if u dont have any support (healer/buffer). But there are pretty many classes today that is possible soloing because of some ingame changes lately (HP herbs and stuff is dropping).
-Duo? It all depends what class u gonna play. For example if u wanna make an archer then an Prophet is a good duo partner. If u wanna make a nuker (mage) then I would choose an Shilien Elder to tag along. But maybe Warcryer is the best choice for u, its has most of the goodies.
I hope the answers was helpfull. Sorry I cant help u with a buddy key.
Have fun!
I've just sent you an invite. Check your mail.
I'm a member of Coloholics Anonymous.
Awesome tips Blupp & thx for the key Popalx !
Lineage II seems to be one of the few challenging mmo's around these days, and we cant wait to finally try it later tonight.
Cheers to you both
Playing : Uncharted Waters Online
There are ways to make $. You just cant play L2 in the same way that you can play a game like WoW.
Things are not just handed to you in L2.
There are ways to make $. You just cant play L2 in the same way that you can play a game like WoW.
Things are not just handed to you in L2.
The only thing remains how to do just that ?
I'm a member of Coloholics Anonymous.
4 years ago, this was true | Gaming / MMO Blog
Summoner could be the only class that can solo with out wasting alot of hp, but! they kill kinda slow
I would reccomand you to start a fighter, yes you cant kill hige lvl monsters alone but its much more fun to play with freinds =D
Now about the dwarf, yes its worth it, but i reccomand you to start the main first and then when you need money go and start a dwarf, and do it so he is a crafting dwarf (i think it is calld like this , anyway not the spoil one) then you can get good metrials with your main and give it to your dwarf so he can craft items and make you rich!
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
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