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I found this little snippet from the current most recent in-game news article to be quite revealing:
A so-called skillbook is actually a packet of pseudo-neural microcircuits connected to the brain through a pilot's neural rig jacks. The skillbook applies artificial stimuli to neurons through nanoelectrical pulses, causing them to brachiate into patterns that create an artificial, instinctual knowledge in the cerebal cortex as if the pilot had actually studied and practiced the skill in a physical or simulated environment.
Skills can therefore continue to train while a pilot is asleep or engaged in doing something else. If an upload finishes, the brain resumes normal activity and time that could be spent training is lost, so it is important to change skillpacks around to keep skills training during idle periods.
The rest of the article related to a pilot who recently passed 100,000,000 SPs and is largely a copy&paste of a forum post (with comments) from a couple weeks ago. But if you're like and wondered what the in-game justification was for the game's skill-training system, now you know
Easiest and most modern way that most people would understand is the method of training from the matrix... only it takes a longer time to train and when you get up to the upper levels you are learning less and less basic stuff and more fine controls which take longer for your brain to learn.
nice find, that's actually a pretty good explanation.
MMO Name: InVictus Kell
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Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Good thread I had no idea of their lore for this. They should teach this better ingame. Noit just have Aura recite it but rather show a slideshow footage or something
hmm good idea, maybe put it to the CCP development department, its a good idea tbh.... mini video tutoprials of slideshows and audio
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