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Dofus grows incredibly ... 50k Dutch players

MinikillersMinikillers Member Posts: 11

After barely two months since the start of the Dutch dofus community we’re proud to say over 50.000 players have registered on and are playing on the dutch server ‘Dark Vlad”. Making use of a grass root webmarketing approach and a focused media campaign on TV, Dofus is quickly becoming the fastest growing MMORPG’s in the Netherlands.

Cedric Gerard, International Marketing Manager Ankama Games says; ‘We are very happy to see the player community increase so fast in the Netherlands. So far the Dutch speaking community has been one of the most friendly and enthusiast about DOFUS. We really look forward to having more and more players discover DOFUS and explore our universe.’

Dofus is a 2D fantasy MMORPG with a turn based strategic combat system and cartoony graphics. Dofus is run on flash player but don’t let that fool you — this is an in depth game with 12 classes, a crafting system, Faction/Guild based PvP and more. Dofus is a very popular game with over 10 million accounts created to date. Join the game and visit

Dofus is developed by Ankama Games and published in the Netherlands by UnitedGames.

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