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Hello there, sorta new to FFXI and looking for someone to start playing with on a regular basis, PM or msg me on AIM, ZigTheSnig, was looking to start out as a WM.
Thank you.
Wrong place. Also, you didn't state a server so that kinda makes it hard for anyone to say "okay, i'll partner up". It's generally best to solo if you're new so you can learn the jobs and then meet people in the game. Having a set person to level with can be annoying as they may not have the same schedule as you or may not play as much.
EVE - Sharvala

FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
oh whoops, I started up on Pandamonium server, already level 9
, for future reference what is the correct forum?
I meant forum as in public speaking place not as in a Bulletin Board Forum. You should ask in game on your server. I'm on Pandy too. What is your character name? I'm fairly low level (just got subjob andchocobo) but I have 75SAM, 75RDM, played for 3 years on Bismarck so I am a fountain of knowledge. Only 50% of it is guranteed to be of help and/or correct.
EVE - Sharvala

FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
IGN is Aerix
I am just back in the game,,ya dumb ass me,and hanging out on a very dead pandy server,so COME ON DOWN.You can hang with me lol.I saw a couple new players,most everyone at low levels is veteran players,we need a much larger in flux of new players.
You got lots of time,because i am just screwing around duo boxing some low level jobs lol.If you are starting from level 1 you got some work to do,your perfect bet is hanging with boring ole me lol.
Make your hometown Windhurst,we need people there
.Make a Tarutaru so i can use you in the TEAMWORK quest LMAO..j/k.Seriously ,i highly doubt you will see someone more active on a low level job than me,most everyone is in a race,to get there sub job to 37 or to see how many 75 jobs they can get.I just play,have some fun.
With the Sync system you don't really have to play the whm job anymore,feel free to play whatever is the most fun or most intriguing.Only job i would never reccomend any new player is Summoner,i know it looks cool and all,but just my opinion.I do reccommend planning your whole career,because there is so much to do if you have to back track.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
what is your IGN so I can message you Wizardry?