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What *really* has the SOE apologisits all stirred up?



  • SkeeSkeeSkeeSkee Member UncommonPosts: 129
    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    It's true that SOE has never shut down a MMO.
    But there is a first time for everything.
    Sony is bleeding too much cash, and with SOE supposedly releasing 3 new games in the not too distant future, there will be plenty there to replace the bottom 3 station pass games if they close them.
    Look for them to lose:  Planetside, Matrix Online, and SWG.  SWG will probably go before Vanguard simply because they don't own the IP and it's future is uncertain with SWTOR's inevitability anyway.


    The one's that will get shutdown first are those that make the least profit when you consider up keep and maintanence.    MxO undoubtably has the lowest number of subs, but I imagine it's upkeep is very small.  Only 3 servers, and they never really get any content, so it's profit from the lower subs might be higher than a game that requires more upkeep.   Plus they make good station pass fillers.  SWG will probably get right on the chopping block.  It's a symbol of embarrassment to SOE, has a very high upkeep cost, players are always demanding new content, it's always broke and constantly requires fixes, etc etc.  Plus the cost to use the star wars IP is outreagous and I'm sure LA wants to free up the Star Wars MMO market in preperation for their new golden child.  

    I see Vanguard and SWG going first.  IP costs, high upkeep/maintenece, low subs.  That's where I would place my bet.

  • EbenEmaelEbenEmael Member Posts: 334
    Originally posted by icyred

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    I'm seeing an awful lot of hand wringing and anxiety from the usual group of SOE apologists here at lately. At first I thought it was all the info about SW:TOR that has been floating around which will assuredly spell the end of SWG when it is released. After thinking about it a bit more, however, I'm wondering if something else isn't going on. Are they finally catching on that the vets have been right all along? SOE continually screws over SWG players in chapter after chapter and with the new RMT scam instituted in Everquest SOE is finally getting the bad publicity they so richly deserve.
    So is the truth finally starting to hit home? After three years of carrying Smed's torch have they finally had enough? If not then why the angry outbursts at vets all of a sudden?


    well its not all of a sudden... vets have been doing angry outburtst Every single update.... yet the game is still alive and sill lots of ppl play (not as much as before but still lots too keep the game alive and well) And Since TOR is being made by a different company i dont think SOE has much too worry about for now. of course everyone will try TOR.... but will the game be as good just because it has the title STAR WARS in it? lol well only time will tell.

    Games that are 'alive and well' don't have the current player base begging for server merges. The game is alive, but barely. Saying that it is doing well is just being ignorant.

  • EbenEmaelEbenEmael Member Posts: 334
    Originally posted by icyred

    it couldnt be worse? you havent seen 3/4 of the mmo's out there lol... i know ALOT of games worse... only reason ppl think SWG is bad is cause they played the game pre-cu.... those who havent (most like it) not all. But games like WoW and Darkfall are worse... ... so it can get worse lol.

    You may not like WoW but it is the most successful MMO in history. WoW sub base ~10 million. SWG sub base ~30k. Which would you rather own stock in?

  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383
    Originally posted by vet-in-exile

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by vet-in-exile

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    In all honesty if I were running the show at SCE I'd certainly think twice about maintaining support to PC gaming when you have what seems to be a pretty decent console system which seems to be the ideal platform for RMT's - which of course is the Holy Grail of SCE business models these days.

    I just hope SOE is around long enough to demonstrate two things: mmorpgs on consoles will never work and RMT is not wanted in western games.


    Now don't get me wrong I really dislike both console gaming and RMT's, but I can see why SCE would focus completely on both. This is their "niche" in the market.

    I don't care what they do with it as long as they are around long enough to show that it's not viable outside a population of fanbois. I can see the usual suspects around here loving a console version of SWG but I would hate for some decent developer to give it a shot...


    True, and another concern I have with the direction of RMT's is if SCE/SoE make them the next big thing then it'll likely be quite some time before we see a decent IP made into a subscription based game.

  • vet-in-exilevet-in-exile Member Posts: 239
    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by vet-in-exile

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by vet-in-exile

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    In all honesty if I were running the show at SCE I'd certainly think twice about maintaining support to PC gaming when you have what seems to be a pretty decent console system which seems to be the ideal platform for RMT's - which of course is the Holy Grail of SCE business models these days.

    I just hope SOE is around long enough to demonstrate two things: mmorpgs on consoles will never work and RMT is not wanted in western games.


    Now don't get me wrong I really dislike both console gaming and RMT's, but I can see why SCE would focus completely on both. This is their "niche" in the market.

    I don't care what they do with it as long as they are around long enough to show that it's not viable outside a population of fanbois. I can see the usual suspects around here loving a console version of SWG but I would hate for some decent developer to give it a shot...


    True, and another concern I have with the direction of RMT's is if SCE/SoE make them the next big thing then it'll likely be quite some time before we see a decent IP made into a subscription based game.

    Exactly right and why I'm glad SOE is the one leading the charge on both fronts (console mmorpgs and RMT scams). Watching them fail spectacularly at both will hopefully be enough of a warning to other developers.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by Gutboy

    I have to ask why does it matter to anyone if a MMO shuts down if you don't play that game, do you just like seeing people lose something they enjoy (players) or something that puts a roof over their head and feeds the family (devs).
    Do you really have that much hate in you?


    I lost what I enjoyed once.  SOE didn't seem to care nor did the NGE fanbois.  Why should I care? 


    I think this statement pretty much sums up the problem.

    Look. I ALWAYS lose what I enjoy. It's a running joke between me and my friends. If there is a food I like in a supermarket it will be discontinued. A restaurant I like? Closed. Television show? Discontinued.

    But I don't complain about it years afterward. Probably becuase I've come to terms with the fact that nothing is permanent. If something breaks in my house, no matter what it is, I don't go mental. I just throw it out. If I want another and can afford it (and if it still exists) I get a new one. If not then no big deal, I just move on.

    Somebody seriously needs to do a study on this whole SWG/NGE thing because it's beyond fascinating.

    the other problem is that people are looking at this the wrong way. Like it's a life style thing.  This is a product and they are a business. Now, businesses are not know for being wise or good or great. But they do make decisions based upon profit. And you were a customer.

    They changed their product, you didn't like their changes and so you make the decision to move on. This is not the last time this will happen to you. I promise.

    But people really need to learn to let go of this thing. It's beyond unhealthy the level of vitriol that gets posted, the waxing romantic "if they made a pre-nge server, would you..." posts fly across the internet.

    As I said, things come and go in our lives. Products, friends, lovers, jobs, etc. If we hold on like grim death to every little thing because we expect that everything will stay the same then at worst we are deluding ourselves. At best? We are an episode of Oprah.


    SWG/NGE is already a study in what NOT to do in the industry. 

    Apparently accountability means nothing to you.  If the decision was based upon profit then business best practices tells you to go back to what was working.  Case study #1  - New Coke. 

    I have moved on as has the majority of the people who once enjoyed the game...but like an elephant I will not forget when wronged and will voice that opinion as is my right. as a consumer.


    Well, you have to separate what is important to ME and what businesses do to stay in business. I think that's a huge problem on this site. Players are living in a bit of a fantasy world where it's all about the love of the game and not about business.

    So sure, accountability has means a lot to me. I even live my life to a pretty strict mode of behavior when it comes ot accountability. But that has nothing to do with what businesses do and why the do it.

    And I've rarely seen a large business that wasn't conscious of their stocks. And many of you just don't seem to get it. It's about investors. Of which some if not most of you are. Investors. If you have a retirement plan or mutual funds then you are investors. so if the company or plan you invested in wasn't making the most out of your money you would probably scream holy murder. And you can take that company to court if you feel they are not utilizing your money well (along with other investors).

    So Sony is a public company and will operate like a public company. They are not going to give their word, want to later change it and then say "aw shucks, we gave our word.

    The players are NOT their most important concern. It's their investors. And like most companies, they will make dumb decisions in order to keep their investors happy which in the long run might cut off their nose to spite their face.

    I don't know what the figures were for pre-nge swg. But apparently the company didn't feel they were making enough money and so changed it. Bad decision but it probably is harder to go back to the earlier model of gameplay than change a recipe for a soda.

    But I will reiterate, companies watch out for their investors. And come on. This Smed guy is the ultimate big company muckity muck. He is a bottom line guy, pure and simple. And that is how he is going to make his decisions.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • FelesLXXXIVFelesLXXXIV Member Posts: 33

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.

    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


  • mr.torrancemr.torrance Member Posts: 32
    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    amen brother

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360
    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • pdxgeekpdxgeek Member Posts: 585
    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Since the fanbois and viral marketers have nothing else to use against us the "get over it" meme got old a *long* time ago. Now that we turn it back on them by bringing up the empty servers even they avoid saying it most of the time.

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360
    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Since the fanbois and viral marketers have nothing else to use against us the "get over it" meme got old a *long* time ago. Now that we turn it back on them by bringing up the empty servers even they avoid saying it most of the time.


    Oh c'mon now, I think almost everyone enjoys a good bit of irony. 

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • xacovaxacova Member Posts: 190
    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Since the fanbois and viral marketers have nothing else to use against us the "get over it" meme got old a *long* time ago. Now that we turn it back on them by bringing up the empty servers even they avoid saying it most of the time.

    That is  so true,  free transfers  dont give the impression that  swg is  growing ! but  hey let the dulusional fanbois who  cannot  jump  off  the  ship  ,  go  down  with  it !


    No  one  starts of  being  a  grumpy  veteran it  just  comes  to  you one day !  as it  will them 

  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    Originally posted by xacova

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Since the fanbois and viral marketers have nothing else to use against us the "get over it" meme got old a *long* time ago. Now that we turn it back on them by bringing up the empty servers even they avoid saying it most of the time.

    That is  so true,  free transfers  dont give the impression that  swg is  growing ! but  hey let the dulusional fanbois who  cannot  jump  off  the  ship  ,  go  down  with  it !


    No  one  starts of  being  a  grumpy  veteran it  just  comes  to  you one day !  as it  will them 


    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...



  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383
    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by xacova

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Since the fanbois and viral marketers have nothing else to use against us the "get over it" meme got old a *long* time ago. Now that we turn it back on them by bringing up the empty servers even they avoid saying it most of the time.

    That is  so true,  free transfers  dont give the impression that  swg is  growing ! but  hey let the dulusional fanbois who  cannot  jump  off  the  ship  ,  go  down  with  it !


    No  one  starts of  being  a  grumpy  veteran it  just  comes  to  you one day !  as it  will them 


    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by xacova

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Remember, Remember, the 15th of November.
    While we have all moved on, we will NOT forget.


    Heh ... and here I thought the phrase 'move on' offended you. 

    Since the fanbois and viral marketers have nothing else to use against us the "get over it" meme got old a *long* time ago. Now that we turn it back on them by bringing up the empty servers even they avoid saying it most of the time.

    That is  so true,  free transfers  dont give the impression that  swg is  growing ! but  hey let the dulusional fanbois who  cannot  jump  off  the  ship  ,  go  down  with  it !


    No  one  starts of  being  a  grumpy  veteran it  just  comes  to  you one day !  as it  will them 


    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

    Probably not.  I'm usually either all in or all out.



  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383
    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

    Probably not.  I'm usually either all in or all out.


    So not even between a couple of friends or in some conversation that might come up in another game? You'd never speak about SWG?

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Obraik

    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    I'm fairly certain many people here don't hang around game forums of other games they got bored with. 


    What do you think seperates those games and SWG.  Here is a hint:  Most people didn't leave, they were told to in no uncertain terms to get out.



  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

    Probably not.  I'm usually either all in or all out.


    So not even between a couple of friends or in some conversation that might come up in another game? You'd never speak about SWG?

    Oh, the people I know from in-game I'd keep in contact with.  But I doubt I'd be on the forums like these discussion about the "would have/could have" scenarios or trying to portray myself as a higher being compared to those who still play...




  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Oh, the shutdown TIME for the NGE is now known, just not the exact date.  It dies of course when SWTOR is in beta or releases.
    There really isn't any reason to keep the thing alive other than the fact that LEC plans to sell another MMO soon.
    Check out how anemic SWG's play rates are, from the stats from that site.  Flat, down, barely any better than Tabula Rasa, which btw is being shut down soon.
    But at least they have all that lottery, uh, "(no) trading (non) card game" revenue!


    What exactly are you trying to prove from that link?  Quotes from the article you posted:

    "SWG is hardly having a bad year – they have stabilized with their core user base, and their numbers remained remarkably consistent."

    "Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and EVE grew during WAR's launch."

    Interesting, for a game you concluded as being shutdown from that one article...



  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383
    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

    Probably not.  I'm usually either all in or all out.


    So not even between a couple of friends or in some conversation that might come up in another game? You'd never speak about SWG?

    Oh, the people I know from in-game I'd keep in contact with.  But I doubt I'd be on the forums like these discussion about the "would have/could have" scenarios or trying to portray myself as a higher being compared to those who still play...



    Keeping in contact with old friends is cool, I do the same thing, but are you saying you've never discussed pre-CU with any of those people? You've never reminised about anything from June '03 to April '05?

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

    Probably not.  I'm usually either all in or all out.


    So not even between a couple of friends or in some conversation that might come up in another game? You'd never speak about SWG?

    Oh, the people I know from in-game I'd keep in contact with.  But I doubt I'd be on the forums like these discussion about the "would have/could have" scenarios or trying to portray myself as a higher being compared to those who still play...



    Keeping in contact with old friends is cool, I do the same thing, but are you saying you've never discussed pre-CU with any of those people? You've never reminised about anything from June '03 to April '05?


    Well, there is a difference between reminiscing, having a discussion and then total obsession.

    Though as I write that, I wonder if what seems like obsession is really just a focus of discussions so as to seem like many players are obsessed?

    There are certainly people who seem obssessed but perhaps it's just that this is a game forum and in a discussion regarding SWG it will attract those misty eyed days of yesteryear.

    Don't know. I do know that the timbre of many of the discussion seem to border on an unhealthy innability to let go. But maybe that's just the stirring up of old memories?

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by FelesLXXXIV

    Oh, the shutdown TIME for the NGE is now known, just not the exact date.  It dies of course when SWTOR is in beta or releases.
    There really isn't any reason to keep the thing alive other than the fact that LEC plans to sell another MMO soon.
    Check out how anemic SWG's play rates are, from the stats from that site.  Flat, down, barely any better than Tabula Rasa, which btw is being shut down soon.
    But at least they have all that lottery, uh, "(no) trading (non) card game" revenue!


    What exactly are you trying to prove from that link?  Quotes from the article you posted:

    "SWG is hardly having a bad year – they have stabilized with their core user base, and their numbers remained remarkably consistent."

    "Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and EVE grew during WAR's launch."

    Interesting, for a game you concluded as being shutdown from that one article...


    lol at that link. Its true I imagine their playerbase has stabilized since they have pretty much rebuilt it from the ground up since the NGE (give or take some veterans who come and go). Either way I guess if they haven't shut down Matrix they won't be shutting down SWG, unless they want to make room to support their new upcoming game titles, which could happen and you know it Obraik. Smed hasn't been exactly predictable, will I guess he's been predictably unpredictable, but still. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not rooting on the shut down of the game, I simply don’t care. I’m just saying; don’t be surprised if it happens.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383
    Originally posted by Sovrath

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    Originally posted by Suvroc

    Originally posted by Obraik

    If I ever get to the point where I find the game to not be fun for me any longer, you can be assured that you won't see me on the forums calling people "dulusional" (delusional, btw) because they play a game I no longer enjoy...


    But you would still participate in discussions on SWG even after it was gone?

    Probably not.  I'm usually either all in or all out.


    So not even between a couple of friends or in some conversation that might come up in another game? You'd never speak about SWG?

    Oh, the people I know from in-game I'd keep in contact with.  But I doubt I'd be on the forums like these discussion about the "would have/could have" scenarios or trying to portray myself as a higher being compared to those who still play...



    Keeping in contact with old friends is cool, I do the same thing, but are you saying you've never discussed pre-CU with any of those people? You've never reminised about anything from June '03 to April '05?


    Though as I write that, I wonder if what seems like obsession is really just a focus of discussions so as to seem like many players are obsessed?


    I think that this is probably the most accurate statement.

    For my part I generally really like the conversations here. There's some great debates that go on, and I find them quite informative - and fun!. They just happen to envolve a game.

    *Just a quick note that I think it's also very important to remember that we're not just talking about games here but products. To forget that is equal to condeming ourselves to more poor customer service.

  • pdxgeekpdxgeek Member Posts: 585
    Originally posted by Obraik

    What exactly are you trying to prove from that link?  Quotes from the article you posted:
    "SWG is hardly having a bad year – they have stabilized with their core user base, and their numbers remained remarkably consistent."
    "Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and EVE grew during WAR's launch."
    Interesting, for a game you concluded as being shutdown from that one article...

    Stabilizing with their core user base = less than 10,000 players. Certainly nothing to be proud of.

  • kobie173kobie173 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    Originally posted by Esquire1980

    $OE doesn't get it, never has, never will.
    $OE Austin has totally revamped gameplay, now, 3 different times.  (CU, NGE, C6CD)  This time, they chose to revamp their entire business plan with TCG and the micro aspects it brings.  TCG is getting about the same reception as all the other CHANGES have gotten them.  Lost subs.
    Any1 who doesn't believe that SWG will be shut down at the launch of SW:TOR is kidding themselves.  Even Smed set it up by using the specific word "sunset".  It would be bad business practice for LA to have 2 competing MMOs out at the same time, expecially in this market.
    Sad, really.  SWG could have been and was something special with it's Koster-esqe build, seamless worlds, player houseing, and sandbox.  And maybe it's comeing, but I really doubt I'll be overjoyed when it does end.  SWG ending also means an end to major sandbox MMOs and tells future development, just that..


    Putting Chapter 6 in the same boat with the CU and NGE pretty much blows your credibility.

    So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.

This discussion has been closed.