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I'm seeing an awful lot of hand wringing and anxiety from the usual group of SOE apologists here at lately. At first I thought it was all the info about SW:TOR that has been floating around which will assuredly spell the end of SWG when it is released. After thinking about it a bit more, however, I'm wondering if something else isn't going on. Are they finally catching on that the vets have been right all along? SOE continually screws over SWG players in chapter after chapter and with the new RMT scam instituted in Everquest SOE is finally getting the bad publicity they so richly deserve.
So is the truth finally starting to hit home? After three years of carrying Smed's torch have they finally had enough? If not then why the angry outbursts at vets all of a sudden?
If a company decides to change the style of a game from something that other people like to something that you like, are you going to be particularly upset about it? Changing a game's style from something that appeals to the existing playerbase to something that appeals to people who didn't previously like the game (and hence didn't previously play it) will infuriate the former players, but not draw protests from the latter.
If SOE only knew the bad rep the name Smed brings to them. SOE would do well to rid themselves of this person. His proven he doesn't have what it takes to take SOE and MMO's forward. His business sense seems to be chase profits first run the business second, instead of the other way around, but then again this is the stance of most USA corporations, profits first, business second. They fail to grasp the concept of good quality business first then the profits will follow naturally with happy customers to boot.
Remember Smeds speech when WOW was first released? Remember how he said Blizzard will make them play the ace card up their sleeves? Now its some 3 years later and no such Ace card as been played, just piss poor management of the MMO's under SOE's belt by Smed. His ace up his sleeves really seems to be copy WOW as much as possible and incorporate its ideas into their games, one such attempt was called the NGE.
Time for a new CEO for SOE! One that doesn't lack the ability for proper vision and direction, and respects players. Now smed seems hell bent on micro payments. He certainly chases profits first thinks about the business second. His no gamer, and certainly isn't in tune with gamers. His just a businessman driven by greed to fund a luxury life. His legacy in the MMO industry has left a trail of turds.
You know that the truth is finaly hitting home when you go on the official boards, post after post getting deleted on top of posts that are all ready there about how much the tcg is taking away from soe making new content for a dying game.
while the rabid fanbois that remain decline with each passing week you know they are in a state of division and will soon become that of bitter veterans , just like us!
Why do you consider everyone who doesn't march in lockstep with the so-called "vets" an "SOE apologist"?
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Why do you consider everyone who doesn't march in lockstep with the so-called "vets" an "SOE apologist"?
Mainly because SOE is pretty much indefensible UNLESS you are just a flat out SOE fanboi or apologist (same thing).
How can their actions be justified? Not only have they failed to make for a better game than before the NGE, they've failed to hang on to an audience sufficient enough to keep half the servers alive to the point that those will be at the very least "de facto" killed off by the free transfers.
TCG... How can THAT be justified? It's a cash for lottery. It amounts to RMT. It's taking Dev time from the live game and introducing stuff to the game that shouldn't be there (more stupid buffs) or that should be made by crafters (houses, vehicles, etc).
Only the loot from cards you spend cash on isn't "NO TRADE". I know TCG is probably bringing in as much or possibly more cash at the moment than the game itself, but that's not going to get you more game development, it's only going to get you MORE TCG JUNK.
Frankly, anyone who comes here and defends THAT especially on the "veterans refuge" IS, in fact, acting as a fanboi apologist troll and is justifying the actions of SOE.
Saying you like the game as it is now is one thing. Defending SOE is something else. You can like the game and hate SOE. I learned to hate SOE within the first 3 months I started playing because of their sheer incompetence, and that was back in Pre-CU.
Why do you consider everyone who doesn't march in lockstep with the so-called "vets" an "SOE apologist"?
Do you have "march in lockstep" and "so-called vets" on a macro or something?
Now, to answer your question. The reason is because SOE's behavior with regard to SWG and now their new RMT scam has been so egregious and so underhanded that if you're not on our side then you are clearly on theirs. It really is as simple as that.
Well I played up until September 08, was an avid supporter of the game but ultimately one of the key reasons I chose to throw in the towel was because the devs were taking to long to implement content.
They've created so much junk over the last year that they can't cope with the demands of the player base. You have the GCW/PvP people complaining about a lack of content, the pilot community doing the same, several professions including Beast Master all moaning about updates. They just can't cope and for the first time in many years players are realising the limitations and time restraints of the dev team and to put it bluntely the truth hurts.
It took them about 5 months to add Hoth to the game, I think that was the wake up call the players needed to realise SWG just isn't delivering the level of content needed to keep the game afloat.
In other news Chris Cao has a cow!
Missing horns and pumice.
I don't know about 'SOE Apologists', but the 'SOE Obsessives' seem to be a bit concerned; well with all alt creating lately.
Btw ... any new 'SWG will close on' predictions?
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Hmm, Borderline SOE Downfall obsessive here and I am not whipped up into any form of frenzy. Rather, I sit here every morning reading the posts, watching the entropy and savoring it over good coffee. Honestly, I should write SOE and thank them. I no longer have to play hours for enjoyment like this. I need only to log into the forums and watch the technicolor muppet show.
Best part is that its drawn out like a good series. Perhaps on a Final Crisis like scale. With a dash of Potter.
We live in good times, amigos. Good times.
tomorrow for the new year
or if you are on some fringe site, 3 months, just like 3 months every other 3 moinths for the last 3 years.
Oh, the shutdown TIME for the NGE is now known, just not the exact date. It dies of course when SWTOR is in beta or releases.
There really isn't any reason to keep the thing alive other than the fact that LEC plans to sell another MMO soon.
Check out how anemic SWG's play rates are, from the stats from that site. Flat, down, barely any better than Tabula Rasa, which btw is being shut down soon.
But at least they have all that lottery, uh, "(no) trading (non) card game" revenue!
Well all those stats were taken from Xfire, and not even a comprehensive cross section from Xfire but just a collection of volunteers so it is as such even less reliable than the original Xfire stats themselves. Nice to know you've only got one prediction now though, shame your "sources" fed you bullshit for 3 years isn't it
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
The game doesn't have to shutdown to be dead. Case #1 - MxO
Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism
"SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor
Keep in mind, SOE has never shut down a MMO to date. I think station pass has a big part to play in that, but the current price of station pass isn't worth the games available. With new MMOs on the horizon (The agency and DC online) I think once those start poping out then the less populated SOE MMOs will start to get killed off one by one. Sadly I think they will still slowly drag out SWGs death though. Squeezing every last penny out of their customers to try to break even from all their failures.
Tabula Rasa dies in Feb 2009. I predict this will not be the only one that year that will cease to run. Not with the economy state the way it is and expected to get much much worse, before it gets better. Hopefully SoE will be forced to turn off some of its mmo's as well.
Well all those stats were taken from Xfire, and not even a comprehensive cross section from Xfire but just a collection of volunteers so it is as such even less reliable than the original Xfire stats themselves. Nice to know you've only got one prediction now though, shame your "sources" fed you bullshit for 3 years isn't it
lol. Really the only way SWG can build and maintain players after TOR is if
1. TOR sucks worse than anyone could imagine.
2. LucasArts promotes the 2 MMOs together. Which is hard considering they are run by 2 different developers.
I’m sure lots of people will leave to go play TOR at first. My server roll call thread on the is 72 pages + another 5 from another thread. The question is, will it be worth staying? I guess we will find out later this year.
I have to ask why does it matter to anyone if a MMO shuts down if you don't play that game, do you just like seeing people lose something they enjoy (players) or something that puts a roof over their head and feeds the family (devs).
Do you really have that much hate in you?
I lost what I enjoyed once. SOE didn't seem to care nor did the NGE fanbois. Why should I care?
Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism
"SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor
Look at it logically, things are in place to keep it running on a dev skeleton crew. Maybe one or more devs looking after a handful of servers or something like that. This is why storyteller was introduced and still supported in the more recent chapters, other areas of the game such as collections can be knocked up in a couple of weeks by smaller teams and there's enough unused junk in the .tre files to keep the shines coming out.
Will SWG shut down when Kotor Online hits beta?
Well all the evidence points to no and a lot of the player base who are left live in their own online communities and this is another factor as to why it'll continue to have subscribers how ever low a number that might be.
It matters to me because I want to see this bloated and stagnant genre evolve - and I'm not just refering to SWG.
Something needs to give developers a swift kick in the backside to ensure they start creating rather then copying.
Inevitable. There are definitely far too many MMO's on the market right now and with more new ones on the way this will only get worse. I expect more will go for sure, and SOE definitely should shut down their station pass losers, SWG, Vanguard, MXO and Planetside when they release the 3 new ones they supposedly have coming.
But then again, they might not, who knows?
What I think you are going to see a lot of though in 2009 are more MMO's that are in development that are canceled than existing ones that are closed. Back in the "Clone WOW=$$$" gold rush days when most of these games started development, lots of VC dollars were tossed into the market, into startups. A lot of those startups are going to lose financing in this current climate and have no choice but to sell or shut down.
I think you will see a slowdown in expansion releases and you might even see more SOE type RMT scams, especially from the shakier players (NC Soft, Flying Labs, Funcom, and of course SOE).
I also predict that one of the major publishers will cease to exist this year, either by going bankrupt or being sold at firesale rates to another. The only players that are certain to survive the year are Blizzard, Turbine, EA, and CCP.
No of course gutboy i doubt any veteran , wants to see another suffer in there loss of home , job family, But if soe gave a shit about there players, they would have done a classic server and conceded there mistake, instead they continue even to this day to piss there player base off to the point of the only players left are such hard core fanbois , that nothing can be wrong with the game becuase they have been abused for so long they dont know the differance, just blind fanboisism at its extreme.
What has swg had put into it over the past three years thats warrants some credit ? the nge nope, a few instances, nope, oh the tcg nope, im sorry its has the end comming for it soon and i hope its soon i really dont want to keep watching it die the very slow death it is.
When bioware release there game its the end, swg is allready resembling matrix online is that what you want , a game devoid of players swg is there or they wouldnt offer free transfer would they !
I can understand you having a passion for a game you enjoy , i had that with the game pre-cu and cu but the nge is to badly slung together to make a decent game all the old bugs from previous versions plus new ones, sorry bud its time to let swg go it wont be so painfull try it.