It wasnt unless you liked afk people and tons of macros ..... waiting in line for docs buffs to SOLO group ,
Geez i was there at launch , and believe me grouping was rare and players could solo the hardest mob in the game .
Shall i go on , AFK xp gringing on goons outside major cities etc .... entertainers that were afk to buff players and wanted tips for not even being there .
the only thing that was imo was the pvp in anchor which was a blast , beside creature handlers having 3 rancors as pets and killing you .
In the end SWG was a joke imo , but we still all played even i lasted 2 years because i had made good friends and was master weaponsmith and loved the crafting at the time . besides that there was no content in game but soon found out that what people liked , senseless exploring and hunting , and let not forget the gold exploit that was on certain servers and mob exploits too .
NO! I tested Beta and it had potential but when the devs don't listen to anyone and say they will fix/add this after launch then you know what you're getting. Macros and Mining facilities were pointed out in beta to be a bad idea and they didn't care and look now... I also love how they want a million Jedi's running around. Sorry it could of been a great game but it was put into the wrong hands, I could imagine what Blizzard could do with SWG.
Between the Jump to Lightspeed expansion and the Combat Upgrade, the game was indeed a great game. Sadly it took that long to fix everything from their botched premature launch.
All the "no" arguments seem to have an overall common reason for their not liking:
"I'm to impaitent to wait for a doc buff and to travel, I do not understand how to write a macro, I do not ever want to group with anyone, and the game is just to hard for me to understand. Instead of taking 20 - 30 minutes to read over some posts/guides that would have helped me understand all these things better and take pride in the fact that my presistance actually caused me to learn new tips and tricks about this game that actually requires someone to learn it instead of baby walking you through it's dumbed down system, I will simply quit and bad mouth it because learning is for school and stuff and not for games!"
All the "no" arguments seem to have an overall common reason for their not liking: "I'm to impaitent to wait for a doc buff and to travel, I do not understand how to write a macro, I do not ever want to group with anyone, and the game is just to hard for me to understand. Instead of taking 20 - 30 minutes to read over some posts/guides that would have helped me understand all these things better and take pride in the fact that my presistance actually caused me to learn new tips and tricks about this game that actually requires someone to learn it instead of baby walking you through it's dumbed down system, I will simply quit and bad mouth it because learning is for school and stuff and not for games!"
so your saying macroing in a mmorpg is a good thing ? are you for real , doc buffs actually killed grouping alltogether .
your post is total nonsense.
in the end players wanted to solo the whole game and not depends on others , they liked the doc buffs , the way the game was played infact was pretty messy .
I hated the macroing because you didnt even need to be there to level up your skills ; for exemmple the surveying or digging this was at the start of swg .
was there anything hard in swg combat , crafting ?? not really most everthing was done afk .in the end you would enter a cantina and there was a script endlessly spamming her message to get the entertainer buff , please tip at the end .
amen to that .
the whole game played like one big BOT program and that what you guys liked ??
* not trying to start a fight or anything didnt anyone see this too for so many years .
SWG was the greatest I ever played pre-cu... EVER... and sadly I have played/tried almost all modern day Major MMO's.
I had a Guardian Jedi, if you do not what that means and you think SWG rocks, you did not play long enough to know the true SWG.
As a Guardian (Took a VERY long AND harsh time to complete and get there, MONTHS to be honest) I never felt so scared or worried to log into a game, while leveling up my Jedi I had to worry about getting my head blown off by a bounty hunter and having to start from scratch all over again, PERMA -DEATH.... nuff said.
But once I was a Guardian and sometimes walked into a starport with my saber still out and getting myself flagged and then seeing 50+ rebels charge me as a few imps helped me out against 50 to 10-15 odds and taking em all out.... Ya that was epic... No game will ever satisfy that feeling I had, knowing I was a "hero". All these games claim truth to "hero" and feeling "special" in a gameworld, I spent a very long time and I earned my "hero" title on my server, and was respected, and I respected my enemy Jedi's, because I knew they worked hard too, and the community was so tight, we were enemies yes but we also were mature (in most cases) and sometimes even partied in cantina's together...
God I'm about to cry from all the memories... I remember soloing my first rancor for my Dragon crystal to make my double edged lightsaber....
And what pisses me off? Why do some of us hate SoE? Those of us who earned the Jedi title by way of mastering 28+ prof's and grinding our hearts out avoiding BH's got disowned by CU/NGE. Jedi's meant NOTHING anymore, they were everywhere! And all of my Veteran Jedi friends (Guardians, Knights) all left when that hit, we lost our earned right and hard earned class... And it became available to every casual player and that of which nerfed the class into a normal character. Not what a real Jedi in the actual Star Wars universe was like, a Master of the force that could take on 100+ troops by himself.
I always thought that the best part of SWG was the community. No man was an island (unless they had lots of accounts) and you needed to interact with others in order to do pretty much anything. This forced people into treating others with respect (much like in real life) and made for a happier environment. When someone was a dick, the whole server new about it and that person got banned from vendors and player cities.
Of course, we always tend to remember the good parts and forget about the repetition, lack of content, exploits, dupes, and bugs that plagued the game.
All the "no" arguments seem to have an overall common reason for their not liking: "I'm to impaitent to wait for a doc buff and to travel, I do not understand how to write a macro, I do not ever want to group with anyone, and the game is just to hard for me to understand. Instead of taking 20 - 30 minutes to read over some posts/guides that would have helped me understand all these things better and take pride in the fact that my presistance actually caused me to learn new tips and tricks about this game that actually requires someone to learn it instead of baby walking you through it's dumbed down system, I will simply quit and bad mouth it because learning is for school and stuff and not for games!"
so your saying macroing in a mmorpg is a good thing ? are you for real , doc buffs actually killed grouping alltogether .
your post is total nonsense.
in the end players wanted to solo the whole game and not depends on others , they liked the doc buffs , the way the game was played infact was pretty messy .
I hated the macroing because you didnt even need to be there to level up your skills ; for exemmple the surveying or digging this was at the start of swg .
was there anything hard in swg combat , crafting ?? not really most everthing was done afk .in the end you would enter a cantina and there was a script endlessly spamming her message to get the entertainer buff , please tip at the end .
amen to that .
the whole game played like one big BOT program and that what you guys liked ??
* not trying to start a fight or anything didnt anyone see this too for so many years .
ya and I must have played a different game.. I use macros to make things easier.. stuff like insta equip/unequip my armor or grind my crafter(can't do that AFK). I know entertainers could macro AFK and maybe combatants but then ya can't blame 'em.. the game was more fun with full template and levelin' up wasn't the goal in itself it was a way for ya to learn your skillz and a necessary evil to earn your title.
afk macros were rare and mostly abused by enterainers in cantinas(can't bame 'em accidently) because it could get real tidious for 'em otherwise..
I never afk grind anythin'... macros were part of the game design and helped ppl a lot.
solo groups were common place but if ya wanted to pvp then groups/guilds was the only way even for jedi.... that's how I remember it preCU..
not that solo play is wron'. that's what was so great 'bout SWG that everyone could pick their own playstyle if they really put their mind to it. high end game was never solo friendly and required a lot of work and dedication. huntin' groups and pvp groups were still prolific preCU as well as durin' CU... in fact ya could have upto 20 ppl in one group. that was changed with CU down to 8 if I recall correctly....
After all these years, so many of you still don't get it. I'm talking to you "lack of content" people.
SWG's content was there. It was there the moment you did something. What did you want? A questgiver? I'll never understand how people can complain about little/no content in the game. You must not have understood the concept of a sandbox. The toons were the content. Reputation, items, etc. That was the content. You were forging your characters story. If you still disagree, then SWG was not for you. Be hopeful that you one day see what you missed.
After all these years, so many of you still don't get it. I'm talking to you "lack of content" people.
SWG's content was there. It was there the moment you did something. What did you want? A questgiver? I'll never understand how people can complain about little/no content in the game. You must not have understood the concept of a sandbox. The toons were the content. Reputation, items, etc. That was the content. You were forging your characters story. If you still disagree, then SWG was not for you. Be hopeful that you one day see what you missed.
I agree with you, however having a few things like the DWB and Corvette were a nice distraction once in a while.
After all these years, so many of you still don't get it. I'm talking to you "lack of content" people.
SWG's content was there. It was there the moment you did something. What did you want? A questgiver? I'll never understand how people can complain about little/no content in the game. You must not have understood the concept of a sandbox. The toons were the content. Reputation, items, etc. That was the content. You were forging your characters story. If you still disagree, then SWG was not for you. Be hopeful that you one day see what you missed.
I agree with you, however having a few things like the DWB and Corvette were a nice distraction once in a while.
But essentially the community was the game IMO.
I agree with you again (must be something in the water around here eh lol). Making your own character and your own story, building and being part of a community in a virtual StarWars Galaxy was the game. In addition to this, it was nice to have shared adventures like the Corvette missions etc.. As people have been saying for years, fixing bugs and issues and continuing to add options like this to the grand adventure would have been a huge win.
Also, regarding some afk comments a ways up the thread, 95% of my swg pals were at the keyboard type players. Afk macro play was the exception to the rule in my experience. The only time I or friends would Afk would be maybe to earn enough xp for the next entertainer song, after we'd been enjoying the cantina scene for a couple of hours, but finally decided to sleep or eat lol. I didn't expect to be paid for afk horn playing. I just wanted to get enough points for the next song, and could do so while eating dinner. If they took away the afk option, I would have just learned it at the keyboard and it would have taken a day or two longer. No problem, but we like to get new things sooner rather than later if the option is available I think .
New songs and instruments were very cool to get, and since the game gave you the option to earn xp even after you passed out, we would do so. Assumptions that this was afk gold-digging are just that, unfounded assumptions. Also, assuming that an entertainer should be online for you to chat with at 3 a.m. their time, is a bit ego-centric if you ask me :P. Chat with me from 9 'til midnight, and don't be disappointed if I go afk for 15 minutes to grab a snack.
Also, regarding some afk comments a ways up the thread, 95% of my swg pals were at the keyboard type players. Afk macro play was the exception to the rule in my experience. The only time I or friends would Afk would be maybe to earn enough xp for the next entertainer song, after we'd been enjoying the cantina scene for a couple of hours, but finally decided to sleep or eat lol. I didn't expect to be paid for afk horn playing. I just wanted to get enough points for the next song, and could do so while eating dinner. If they took away the afk option, I would have just learned it at the keyboard and it would have taken a day or two longer. No problem, but we like to get new things sooner rather than later if the option is available I think .
The fact that afk play was in and allowed undermined the game from the outset, when you had people (doesn't matter how few) that afk'd their way to having access to an alpha class and then, and only then decided they were "leet pvp'ers" and pretty much obliterated pvp, something isn't quite right. It was totally flawed game design and they were warned pre-beta, the fans saw it coming but in true SOE style they didn't take a damn bit of notice and what evolved was the second largest community conflict, afk vs atk, second only to Jedi vs BH.
As you say, it was purely because the choice was left in the hands of the player, give people an easy way and a hard way, 90% are going to take the easy way and whether they intend to or not they undermine the hard work others are willing to put in.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
After all these years, so many of you still don't get it. I'm talking to you "lack of content" people.
SWG's content was there. It was there the moment you did something. What did you want? A questgiver? I'll never understand how people can complain about little/no content in the game. You must not have understood the concept of a sandbox. The toons were the content. Reputation, items, etc. That was the content. You were forging your characters story. If you still disagree, then SWG was not for you. Be hopeful that you one day see what you missed.
I agree with you, however having a few things like the DWB and Corvette were a nice distraction once in a while.
But essentially the community was the game IMO.
I agree with you again (must be something in the water around here eh lol).
This is just one of those questions imho... Games are subjective.. so whether it was great or not is an individual thing. Some people may agree .. others won't and still others will try to convince the ones that don't agree with them they are "wrong". Which is ironic with subjective matter..
For *me* yes.. the game was great. The two of us in the house had 9 accounts shared or split whatever term floats your boat.
We paid for 9 accounts right up till the CU.. and tho we do other things now (have almost completely left MMO market).. we still agree that we would still be paying for 9 accounts for Pre-CU.
It wasnt unless you liked afk people and tons of macros ..... waiting in line for docs buffs to SOLO group , Geez i was there at launch , and believe me grouping was rare and players could solo the hardest mob in the game . Shall i go on , AFK xp gringing on goons outside major cities etc .... entertainers that were afk to buff players and wanted tips for not even being there . the only thing that was imo was the pvp in anchor which was a blast , beside creature handlers having 3 rancors as pets and killing you . In the end SWG was a joke imo , but we still all played even i lasted 2 years because i had made good friends and was master weaponsmith and loved the crafting at the time . besides that there was no content in game but soon found out that what people liked , senseless exploring and hunting , and let not forget the gold exploit that was on certain servers and mob exploits too . to answer your question : NO !
Never solo grouped, never used a macro, never played afk. Rarely played solo -- except when crafting. All the people I played with were the same. Been playing since the first August.
Don't know what game you were playing but it wasn't MY Star Wars Galaxies. It seems you and your friends CHOSE to play it badly, and thus didn't enjoy it. Freedom is like that; if you abuse it, it sucks for you. If you don't, it's a blast.
It wasnt unless you liked afk people and tons of macros ..... waiting in line for docs buffs to SOLO group , Geez i was there at launch , and believe me grouping was rare and players could solo the hardest mob in the game . Shall i go on , AFK xp gringing on goons outside major cities etc .... entertainers that were afk to buff players and wanted tips for not even being there . the only thing that was imo was the pvp in anchor which was a blast , beside creature handlers having 3 rancors as pets and killing you . In the end SWG was a joke imo , but we still all played even i lasted 2 years because i had made good friends and was master weaponsmith and loved the crafting at the time . besides that there was no content in game but soon found out that what people liked , senseless exploring and hunting , and let not forget the gold exploit that was on certain servers and mob exploits too . to answer your question : NO !
Never solo grouped, never used a macro, never played afk. Rarely played solo -- except when crafting. All the people I played with were the same. Been playing since the first August.
Don't know what game you were playing but it wasn't MY Star Wars Galaxies. It seems you and your friends CHOSE to play it badly, and thus didn't enjoy it. Freedom is like that; if you abuse it, it sucks for you. If you don't, it's a blast.
While I never used macros that much and never afk'ed combat, I did take advantage of solo groups spent most of my in game time solo. I did use macros for crafting and afk'd a lot of the non-combat professions (like getting medic xp for tumbling or surveying macros). Most of that was because I was primarily a BH and preferred to hunt jedi on my own. That doesn't mean I wasn't social or didn't interact anyone. Everytime I played I was on Vent talking to my friends, most times about stuff in game but a lot of the time just shooting the shit about whatever. You don't have to be in a group or do group content to have fun in an mmo.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
I just found the crafting system (although very exploitable) to be the best of it's time, and to be honest, hasn't really been matched to this day in the complexity.
Wasn't much into PvP, and not really alot into PvE, although I did have the Sooper Dooper Burn-it All to Hades Commando.
Besides crafting, the rest of my time was spent giving the best Doctor buffs (self made of course), at whatever Starport seemed to need a Doctor for the evening.
After all these years, so many of you still don't get it. I'm talking to you "lack of content" people.
SWG's content was there. It was there the moment you did something. What did you want? A questgiver? I'll never understand how people can complain about little/no content in the game. You must not have understood the concept of a sandbox. The toons were the content. Reputation, items, etc. That was the content. You were forging your characters story. If you still disagree, then SWG was not for you. Be hopeful that you one day see what you missed.
The problem is that SOE could have appealed to both sets of players easily. Pure sandbox players could go their own way and make their own content... People who wanted quests could have had them. I have no problem with that.
The irony is that the Pre-CU game had FAR broader appeal than the current game, mainly because it DID support a very broad range of play styles. The current game does not, it's "kill loot rinse repeat".
Unfortunately SOE management and their Dev teams are too brain dead to be able to support more than a single path to get from point A to B. The Pre-CU had hundreds of such paths.
All the "no" arguments seem to have an overall common reason for their not liking: "I'm to impaitent to wait for a doc buff and to travel, I do not understand how to write a macro, I do not ever want to group with anyone, and the game is just to hard for me to understand. Instead of taking 20 - 30 minutes to read over some posts/guides that would have helped me understand all these things better and take pride in the fact that my presistance actually caused me to learn new tips and tricks about this game that actually requires someone to learn it instead of baby walking you through it's dumbed down system, I will simply quit and bad mouth it because learning is for school and stuff and not for games!"
so your saying macroing in a mmorpg is a good thing ? are you for real , doc buffs actually killed grouping alltogether .
your post is total nonsense.
in the end players wanted to solo the whole game and not depends on others , they liked the doc buffs , the way the game was played infact was pretty messy .
I hated the macroing because you didnt even need to be there to level up your skills ; for exemmple the surveying or digging this was at the start of swg .
was there anything hard in swg combat , crafting ?? not really most everthing was done afk .in the end you would enter a cantina and there was a script endlessly spamming her message to get the entertainer buff , please tip at the end .
amen to that .
the whole game played like one big BOT program and that what you guys liked ??
* not trying to start a fight or anything didnt anyone see this too for so many years .
A copy & paste of my initial reply of this thread. It still stands, flaws and all of Pre-CU SWG.
You'll find alot of fans of Pre-CU/NGE SWG will readily acknowledge the faults the game had.
The bugs were numerous, some professions were borked, the GCW was not enticing enough, etc.
However, if you exclude the CU & NGE nonsense and kept the Pre-CU system, compare it to the MMO competition out there.
1) Very tight knit player community. Due to how the template / skillpoint system worked and having 1 character per acct on a server (except Jedi unlocks), everybody needed everyone. Combat players, Crafters, Entertainers... each needed the other at one point or another.
Not to mention that grouping was so casually made, it was strange NOT to be in a group. Alot of MMOs these days are very solo-centric. Worse yet, groups last very shortly and disband after the accomplishment of a task. Usually not even saying "Bye!" to each other.
2) True player run economy. Everyone contributed to the game economy. The game was not loot-centric like so many MMORPGs these days. Alot of current MMORPGers cannot even fathom the fact that there were MMOs where items decayed and broke for good, and crafted equipment was readily affordable yet still good. Crafted equipment was essentially king. The demand was high yet the prices were competetive. Players were always searching for the best buy for their credits.
3) Skillpoint / Template System: IMO, one of the most crucial aspects of the Pre-CU/NGE system. THIS is what seperated SWG from alot of MMOs, and would have kept it unique in today's selection of MMOs. This was no lame, tired, overused Class + Level System with very little differentiation between players in each class. No, this sytem gave the player control as to what skills and how good the skills were with that character. It was up to the player to devise a "Template" by expending skillpoints for skillboxes as the toon accumulated XPs. There were players that followed "Flavor of the Month" (FOTM) templates, yet there were those that made very unique templates. It was all up to your own tastes and preferred playstyle. Not to mention the wide array of Professions to choose from. When this went away completely with the advent of the NGE, it was the single largest factor why I left SWG. In the current crop of MMOs, no other MMO (unless I'm missing 1) has this style of gameplay.
4) All gameplay aspects were viable for devoting alot of time into. Combat, Crafting, Entertainers, etc. A great example is the truly oustanding crafting system. It is a big game in itself to produce competetive products. There were also many players in the Pre-CU days that were completely devoted to crafting. They enjoyed the crafting and merchant experience SWG offered, and never really bothered to pick up a blaster for fighting. Lastly, there were many players completely devoted to the social aspect of Entertainers. Didn't care for crafting or combat, but they enjoyed the social game of it. EVERYONE went to a Cantina at one point or another to visit the Entertainers.
To me, alot of MMOs do a few of the above points well in their own ways, but not all the points. Pre-CU/NGE SWG offered all these aspects, alongside the game's obvious flaws.
I've said this before in other threads: Where would SWG be if it kept the Pre-CU system, squashed the bugs, tweak the professions, and SOE continue producing expansion packs for it, especially since the 3 years after 2005? Where would the game be if it got the much needed polish it required?
Show me another MMO that had (better yet, HAS) the depth of gameplay in other areas of the game other than combat, a true player run economy, outstanding freedom in character development / build, and a tight-knit player community that regularly worked, dealed, and grouped together. Even SWG itself can no longer do this these days.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
It was one of the most buggy and disfunctional games I've ever played. The ONLY thing that kept it alive past a few months of launch was the Star Wars in the title that drew in droves of noobs. Once the bugs were ironed out, it was still a pretty terrible game, but they made the only good design decision they had... and gave the players a lot of freedom to create a good community. The community saved this game from an early death.
It was one of the most buggy and disfunctional games I've ever played. The ONLY thing that kept it alive past a few months of launch was the Star Wars in the title that drew in droves of noobs. Once the bugs were ironed out, it was still a pretty terrible game, but they made the only good design decision they had... and gave the players a lot of freedom to create a good community. The community saved this game from an early death.
Refer to my post above
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
It wasnt unless you liked afk people and tons of macros ..... waiting in line for docs buffs to SOLO group ,
Geez i was there at launch , and believe me grouping was rare and players could solo the hardest mob in the game .
Shall i go on , AFK xp gringing on goons outside major cities etc .... entertainers that were afk to buff players and wanted tips for not even being there .
the only thing that was imo was the pvp in anchor which was a blast , beside creature handlers having 3 rancors as pets and killing you .
In the end SWG was a joke imo , but we still all played even i lasted 2 years because i had made good friends and was master weaponsmith and loved the crafting at the time . besides that there was no content in game but soon found out that what people liked , senseless exploring and hunting , and let not forget the gold exploit that was on certain servers and mob exploits too .
to answer your question : NO !
There will never be a game greater then Pre CU / NGE SWG! Many fond all time favorite!
(PC Specs)
AMD Phenom II 965 3.4 Quad
8GB G-skill Ripjaw 1600mhz
Nvidia Geforce GTX 470 1280mb
Windows 7 64 bit
Yes it was, at some time between the first year and the second.
NO! I tested Beta and it had potential but when the devs don't listen to anyone and say they will fix/add this after launch then you know what you're getting. Macros and Mining facilities were pointed out in beta to be a bad idea and they didn't care and look now... I also love how they want a million Jedi's running around. Sorry it could of been a great game but it was put into the wrong hands, I could imagine what Blizzard could do with SWG.
Between the Jump to Lightspeed expansion and the Combat Upgrade, the game was indeed a great game. Sadly it took that long to fix everything from their botched premature launch.
All the "no" arguments seem to have an overall common reason for their not liking:
"I'm to impaitent to wait for a doc buff and to travel, I do not understand how to write a macro, I do not ever want to group with anyone, and the game is just to hard for me to understand. Instead of taking 20 - 30 minutes to read over some posts/guides that would have helped me understand all these things better and take pride in the fact that my presistance actually caused me to learn new tips and tricks about this game that actually requires someone to learn it instead of baby walking you through it's dumbed down system, I will simply quit and bad mouth it because learning is for school and stuff and not for games!"
so your saying macroing in a mmorpg is a good thing ? are you for real , doc buffs actually killed grouping alltogether .
your post is total nonsense.
in the end players wanted to solo the whole game and not depends on others , they liked the doc buffs , the way the game was played infact was pretty messy .
I hated the macroing because you didnt even need to be there to level up your skills ; for exemmple the surveying or digging this was at the start of swg .
was there anything hard in swg combat , crafting ?? not really most everthing was done afk .in the end you would enter a cantina and there was a script endlessly spamming her message to get the entertainer buff , please tip at the end .
amen to that .
the whole game played like one big BOT program and that what you guys liked ??
* not trying to start a fight or anything didnt anyone see this too for so many years .
To OP yes
SWG was the greatest I ever played pre-cu... EVER... and sadly I have played/tried almost all modern day Major MMO's.
I had a Guardian Jedi, if you do not what that means and you think SWG rocks, you did not play long enough to know the true SWG.
As a Guardian (Took a VERY long AND harsh time to complete and get there, MONTHS to be honest) I never felt so scared or worried to log into a game, while leveling up my Jedi I had to worry about getting my head blown off by a bounty hunter and having to start from scratch all over again, PERMA -DEATH.... nuff said.
But once I was a Guardian and sometimes walked into a starport with my saber still out and getting myself flagged and then seeing 50+ rebels charge me as a few imps helped me out against 50 to 10-15 odds and taking em all out.... Ya that was epic... No game will ever satisfy that feeling I had, knowing I was a "hero". All these games claim truth to "hero" and feeling "special" in a gameworld, I spent a very long time and I earned my "hero" title on my server, and was respected, and I respected my enemy Jedi's, because I knew they worked hard too, and the community was so tight, we were enemies yes but we also were mature (in most cases) and sometimes even partied in cantina's together...
God I'm about to cry from all the memories... I remember soloing my first rancor for my Dragon crystal to make my double edged lightsaber....
And what pisses me off? Why do some of us hate SoE? Those of us who earned the Jedi title by way of mastering 28+ prof's and grinding our hearts out avoiding BH's got disowned by CU/NGE. Jedi's meant NOTHING anymore, they were everywhere! And all of my Veteran Jedi friends (Guardians, Knights) all left when that hit, we lost our earned right and hard earned class... And it became available to every casual player and that of which nerfed the class into a normal character. Not what a real Jedi in the actual Star Wars universe was like, a Master of the force that could take on 100+ troops by himself.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
I always thought that the best part of SWG was the community. No man was an island (unless they had lots of accounts) and you needed to interact with others in order to do pretty much anything. This forced people into treating others with respect (much like in real life) and made for a happier environment. When someone was a dick, the whole server new about it and that person got banned from vendors and player cities.
Of course, we always tend to remember the good parts and forget about the repetition, lack of content, exploits, dupes, and bugs that plagued the game.
so your saying macroing in a mmorpg is a good thing ? are you for real , doc buffs actually killed grouping alltogether .
your post is total nonsense.
in the end players wanted to solo the whole game and not depends on others , they liked the doc buffs , the way the game was played infact was pretty messy .
I hated the macroing because you didnt even need to be there to level up your skills ; for exemmple the surveying or digging this was at the start of swg .
was there anything hard in swg combat , crafting ?? not really most everthing was done afk .in the end you would enter a cantina and there was a script endlessly spamming her message to get the entertainer buff , please tip at the end .
amen to that .
the whole game played like one big BOT program and that what you guys liked ??
* not trying to start a fight or anything didnt anyone see this too for so many years .
ya and I must have played a different game.. I use macros to make things easier.. stuff like insta equip/unequip my armor or grind my crafter(can't do that AFK). I know entertainers could macro AFK and maybe combatants but then ya can't blame 'em.. the game was more fun with full template and levelin' up wasn't the goal in itself it was a way for ya to learn your skillz and a necessary evil to earn your title.
afk macros were rare and mostly abused by enterainers in cantinas(can't bame 'em accidently) because it could get real tidious for 'em otherwise..
I never afk grind anythin'... macros were part of the game design and helped ppl a lot.
solo groups were common place but if ya wanted to pvp then groups/guilds was the only way even for jedi.... that's how I remember it preCU..
not that solo play is wron'. that's what was so great 'bout SWG that everyone could pick their own playstyle if they really put their mind to it. high end game was never solo friendly and required a lot of work and dedication. huntin' groups and pvp groups were still prolific preCU as well as durin' CU... in fact ya could have upto 20 ppl in one group. that was changed with CU down to 8 if I recall correctly....
After all these years, so many of you still don't get it. I'm talking to you "lack of content" people.
SWG's content was there. It was there the moment you did something. What did you want? A questgiver? I'll never understand how people can complain about little/no content in the game. You must not have understood the concept of a sandbox. The toons were the content. Reputation, items, etc. That was the content. You were forging your characters story. If you still disagree, then SWG was not for you. Be hopeful that you one day see what you missed.
I agree with you, however having a few things like the DWB and Corvette were a nice distraction once in a while.
But essentially the community was the game IMO.
I agree with you, however having a few things like the DWB and Corvette were a nice distraction once in a while.
But essentially the community was the game IMO.
I agree with you again (must be something in the water around here eh lol). Making your own character and your own story, building and being part of a community in a virtual StarWars Galaxy was the game. In addition to this, it was nice to have shared adventures like the Corvette missions etc.. As people have been saying for years, fixing bugs and issues and continuing to add options like this to the grand adventure would have been a huge win.
Also, regarding some afk comments a ways up the thread, 95% of my swg pals were at the keyboard type players. Afk macro play was the exception to the rule in my experience. The only time I or friends would Afk would be maybe to earn enough xp for the next entertainer song, after we'd been enjoying the cantina scene for a couple of hours, but finally decided to sleep or eat lol. I didn't expect to be paid for afk horn playing. I just wanted to get enough points for the next song, and could do so while eating dinner. If they took away the afk option, I would have just learned it at the keyboard and it would have taken a day or two longer. No problem, but we like to get new things sooner rather than later if the option is available I think .
New songs and instruments were very cool to get, and since the game gave you the option to earn xp even after you passed out, we would do so. Assumptions that this was afk gold-digging are just that, unfounded assumptions. Also, assuming that an entertainer should be online for you to chat with at 3 a.m. their time, is a bit ego-centric if you ask me :P. Chat with me from 9 'til midnight, and don't be disappointed if I go afk for 15 minutes to grab a snack.
The fact that afk play was in and allowed undermined the game from the outset, when you had people (doesn't matter how few) that afk'd their way to having access to an alpha class and then, and only then decided they were "leet pvp'ers" and pretty much obliterated pvp, something isn't quite right. It was totally flawed game design and they were warned pre-beta, the fans saw it coming but in true SOE style they didn't take a damn bit of notice and what evolved was the second largest community conflict, afk vs atk, second only to Jedi vs BH.
As you say, it was purely because the choice was left in the hands of the player, give people an easy way and a hard way, 90% are going to take the easy way and whether they intend to or not they undermine the hard work others are willing to put in.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
I agree with you, however having a few things like the DWB and Corvette were a nice distraction once in a while.
But essentially the community was the game IMO.
I agree with you again (must be something in the water around here eh lol).
I blame Tim Horton
This is just one of those questions imho... Games are subjective.. so whether it was great or not is an individual thing. Some people may agree .. others won't and still others will try to convince the ones that don't agree with them they are "wrong". Which is ironic with subjective matter..
For *me* yes.. the game was great. The two of us in the house had 9 accounts shared or split whatever term floats your boat.
We paid for 9 accounts right up till the CU.. and tho we do other things now (have almost completely left MMO market).. we still agree that we would still be paying for 9 accounts for Pre-CU.
Others thought the game was always crap.
That's the best answer I got for you.
Never solo grouped, never used a macro, never played afk. Rarely played solo -- except when crafting. All the people I played with were the same. Been playing since the first August.
Don't know what game you were playing but it wasn't MY Star Wars Galaxies. It seems you and your friends CHOSE to play it badly, and thus didn't enjoy it. Freedom is like that; if you abuse it, it sucks for you. If you don't, it's a blast.
Never solo grouped, never used a macro, never played afk. Rarely played solo -- except when crafting. All the people I played with were the same. Been playing since the first August.
Don't know what game you were playing but it wasn't MY Star Wars Galaxies. It seems you and your friends CHOSE to play it badly, and thus didn't enjoy it. Freedom is like that; if you abuse it, it sucks for you. If you don't, it's a blast.
While I never used macros that much and never afk'ed combat, I did take advantage of solo groups spent most of my in game time solo. I did use macros for crafting and afk'd a lot of the non-combat professions (like getting medic xp for tumbling or surveying macros). Most of that was because I was primarily a BH and preferred to hunt jedi on my own. That doesn't mean I wasn't social or didn't interact anyone. Everytime I played I was on Vent talking to my friends, most times about stuff in game but a lot of the time just shooting the shit about whatever. You don't have to be in a group or do group content to have fun in an mmo.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
Yes, hunting Giant Baz Nitch and Nightsister Camps with my group of friends was the best experience I've had in a MMO, and I have done it all.
Also trekking afar to get the best weapons from a dealer who had the best resource supply, was also great, far before mounts and speeders.
I also enjoyed hunting for my dead body to get my items.
Sadly that old school style is long gone.
In a word? Yes.
Can I really put why into words? Not really.
I just found the crafting system (although very exploitable) to be the best of it's time, and to be honest, hasn't really been matched to this day in the complexity.
Wasn't much into PvP, and not really alot into PvE, although I did have the Sooper Dooper Burn-it All to Hades Commando.
Besides crafting, the rest of my time was spent giving the best Doctor buffs (self made of course), at whatever Starport seemed to need a Doctor for the evening.
Just my couple coppers, silvers, credits, etc...
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The problem is that SOE could have appealed to both sets of players easily. Pure sandbox players could go their own way and make their own content... People who wanted quests could have had them. I have no problem with that.
The irony is that the Pre-CU game had FAR broader appeal than the current game, mainly because it DID support a very broad range of play styles. The current game does not, it's "kill loot rinse repeat".
Unfortunately SOE management and their Dev teams are too brain dead to be able to support more than a single path to get from point A to B. The Pre-CU had hundreds of such paths.
so your saying macroing in a mmorpg is a good thing ? are you for real , doc buffs actually killed grouping alltogether .
your post is total nonsense.
in the end players wanted to solo the whole game and not depends on others , they liked the doc buffs , the way the game was played infact was pretty messy .
I hated the macroing because you didnt even need to be there to level up your skills ; for exemmple the surveying or digging this was at the start of swg .
was there anything hard in swg combat , crafting ?? not really most everthing was done afk .in the end you would enter a cantina and there was a script endlessly spamming her message to get the entertainer buff , please tip at the end .
amen to that .
the whole game played like one big BOT program and that what you guys liked ??
* not trying to start a fight or anything didnt anyone see this too for so many years .
A copy & paste of my initial reply of this thread. It still stands, flaws and all of Pre-CU SWG.
You'll find alot of fans of Pre-CU/NGE SWG will readily acknowledge the faults the game had.
The bugs were numerous, some professions were borked, the GCW was not enticing enough, etc.
However, if you exclude the CU & NGE nonsense and kept the Pre-CU system, compare it to the MMO competition out there.
1) Very tight knit player community. Due to how the template / skillpoint system worked and having 1 character per acct on a server (except Jedi unlocks), everybody needed everyone. Combat players, Crafters, Entertainers... each needed the other at one point or another.
Not to mention that grouping was so casually made, it was strange NOT to be in a group. Alot of MMOs these days are very solo-centric. Worse yet, groups last very shortly and disband after the accomplishment of a task. Usually not even saying "Bye!" to each other.
2) True player run economy. Everyone contributed to the game economy. The game was not loot-centric like so many MMORPGs these days. Alot of current MMORPGers cannot even fathom the fact that there were MMOs where items decayed and broke for good, and crafted equipment was readily affordable yet still good. Crafted equipment was essentially king. The demand was high yet the prices were competetive. Players were always searching for the best buy for their credits.
3) Skillpoint / Template System: IMO, one of the most crucial aspects of the Pre-CU/NGE system. THIS is what seperated SWG from alot of MMOs, and would have kept it unique in today's selection of MMOs. This was no lame, tired, overused Class + Level System with very little differentiation between players in each class. No, this sytem gave the player control as to what skills and how good the skills were with that character. It was up to the player to devise a "Template" by expending skillpoints for skillboxes as the toon accumulated XPs. There were players that followed "Flavor of the Month" (FOTM) templates, yet there were those that made very unique templates. It was all up to your own tastes and preferred playstyle. Not to mention the wide array of Professions to choose from. When this went away completely with the advent of the NGE, it was the single largest factor why I left SWG. In the current crop of MMOs, no other MMO (unless I'm missing 1) has this style of gameplay.
4) All gameplay aspects were viable for devoting alot of time into. Combat, Crafting, Entertainers, etc. A great example is the truly oustanding crafting system. It is a big game in itself to produce competetive products. There were also many players in the Pre-CU days that were completely devoted to crafting. They enjoyed the crafting and merchant experience SWG offered, and never really bothered to pick up a blaster for fighting. Lastly, there were many players completely devoted to the social aspect of Entertainers. Didn't care for crafting or combat, but they enjoyed the social game of it. EVERYONE went to a Cantina at one point or another to visit the Entertainers.
To me, alot of MMOs do a few of the above points well in their own ways, but not all the points. Pre-CU/NGE SWG offered all these aspects, alongside the game's obvious flaws.
I've said this before in other threads: Where would SWG be if it kept the Pre-CU system, squashed the bugs, tweak the professions, and SOE continue producing expansion packs for it, especially since the 3 years after 2005? Where would the game be if it got the much needed polish it required?
Show me another MMO that had (better yet, HAS) the depth of gameplay in other areas of the game other than combat, a true player run economy, outstanding freedom in character development / build, and a tight-knit player community that regularly worked, dealed, and grouped together. Even SWG itself can no longer do this these days.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
No. It wasn't.
It was one of the most buggy and disfunctional games I've ever played. The ONLY thing that kept it alive past a few months of launch was the Star Wars in the title that drew in droves of noobs. Once the bugs were ironed out, it was still a pretty terrible game, but they made the only good design decision they had... and gave the players a lot of freedom to create a good community. The community saved this game from an early death.
Darkfall Travelogues!
Refer to my post above
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)