I'm going to send them some more angry letters and feedback. I looked over at the WAR section and I don't like the way the conversations roll out.. Seems like everybody's very angsty and quick to jump on the insult bandwagon. Glad I never picked that game up.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
I'm going to send them some more angry letters and feedback. I looked over at the WAR section and I don't like the way the conversations roll out.. Seems like everybody's very angsty and quick to jump on the insult bandwagon. Glad I never picked that game up.
Consider yourself lucky that you didn't buy WAR. It was so awful that I couldn't even force myself to play it to make up for the $55 I blew on it. Ridiculously boring and bland.
A couple of my friends play it and nowadays they're becoming luke warm to the whole WAR idea. All but one of them has played DAoC and they all want to go back to Origins.
I tool around on their accounts now and then just to see what the deal is and I can't get into it.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Makes me happy in a way that I jumped on AoC early and got that bad experience under my belt which in turn caused me to pause before buying WAR. Very disappointing that WAR does not live up to the hype and DAoC. Getting very close to the point of just playing DAoC again.
I just looked at the camelot herald and the population is just over 2k. The same population level it's been at for a couple of months now. I'm on this forum right now because I miss this game something fierce and I mourn for its death.
I wished hard that an Origins server would release and bring life back into this game for at least one last Hurrah!, but no news for many months now has diminished my hope. I doubt we'll ever see these servers, expecially with the population levels so low that it probably isn't even worth it.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
Another week and....nothing. Not even a grab bag as the lady left town. Maybe I should try WAR....
I thought WAR was worth the box price I spent for it. I played it for 5 weeks before quitting out of fustration. The game has been out for a few months now and two more classes has been added into the game with the addition of some nice fixes and rearranging, so if you have even the slightest interest or curiosity of WAR, give it a shot. You should at least get your moneys worth out of it in the free month. I probably won't ever return, but that's no reason to disuade you from trying it.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
WAR takes a few DAOC concepts and does them in "lite" mode.
War is a shallow PvP MMO for ages 5 and up. My 9 year old cousin plays it and is quite good and very routinely destroys people. I don't think that would have been possible in DAOC. I have a sub to WAR only because there were 60 day cards for 9 dollars on Amazon, but it is nothing more than a simple PvP experience. It could have been a lot better. It is mediocre but so is the majority of the MMO market at this point in time.
DAOC was an amazing game, and I wish they'd just revamp some of the mechanics and improve the graphics and launch DAOC 2. War is not even a shadow of DAOC and acting like it is some sort of spiritual successor is beyond laughable.
Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community. www.mysticalenders.com
Poor Mythic, no kudos for WAR and no info on Origins. Maybe next year something will occur to Mark Jacobs that WAR isn't quite working and should probably concentrate resources back to DAoC. Then again, stupidity runs rampant in the MMO industry, look at NCSoft and the promises they made about games (TR, Auto Assault, etc.) and then dropped them like flies when they weren't performing to their expectations. At least Mythic keeps DAoC going with a sub base that is smaller than TR was at its height. Maybe one of the newer MMOs will be better.
WAR takes a few DAOC concepts and does them in "lite" mode. War is a shallow PvP MMO for ages 5 and up. My 9 year old cousin plays it and is quite good and very routinely destroys people. I don't think that would have been possible in DAOC. I have a sub to WAR only because there were 60 day cards for 9 dollars on Amazon, but it is nothing more than a simple PvP experience. It could have been a lot better. It is mediocre but so is the majority of the MMO market at this point in time. DAOC was an amazing game, and I wish they'd just revamp some of the mechanics and improve the graphics and launch DAOC 2. War is not even a shadow of DAOC and acting like it is some sort of spiritual successor is beyond laughable.
You know, I just canceled my sub to WAR today after renewing it a few days ago. You described the game remarkebly well actually. It's not that WAR isn't an entertaining or good game, but it's just as you described it. I don't think WAR has any depth to it, and I don't think the target audience even cares. It's just the way MMO's are these days.
Old MMO's like DAoC had depth. Sure it took work to get things; hell, I remember sitting on a horse for 10 min to travel to a place two zones away. We valued what we got though and the community was a lot better and closer. I've said this once and I'll say it again: If DAoC or EQ released a Classic, or new, server I'd go back to them in a heart beat. I have a modern expensive computer that can run DX10 games full blast, but I'd go back to the early 2000 games, because I want depth back into our MMORPG's. I like to work, as others put it, to get something in an MMO. MMO's, back when I started playing, were meant to be played year after year, not for 3 month spurts like MMO's are designed for now; not for E-Sports. I liked knowing that I still had more to do to advance my character a year from now.
I just think your post was spot on and describes the majority of modern day MMO's now. In fact, I think I just realized that the only MMORPG with the depth I need is Vanguard. Has an old school feel and tight community, with modern day graphics.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
WAR takes a few DAOC concepts and does them in "lite" mode. War is a shallow PvP MMO for ages 5 and up. My 9 year old cousin plays it and is quite good and very routinely destroys people. I don't think that would have been possible in DAOC. I have a sub to WAR only because there were 60 day cards for 9 dollars on Amazon, but it is nothing more than a simple PvP experience. It could have been a lot better. It is mediocre but so is the majority of the MMO market at this point in time. DAOC was an amazing game, and I wish they'd just revamp some of the mechanics and improve the graphics and launch DAOC 2. War is not even a shadow of DAOC and acting like it is some sort of spiritual successor is beyond laughable.
You know, I just canceled my sub to WAR today after renewing it a few days ago. You described the game remarkebly well actually. It's not that WAR isn't an entertaining or good game, but it's just as you described it. I don't think WAR has any depth to it, and I don't think the target audience even cares. It's just the way MMO's are these days.
Old MMO's like DAoC had depth. Sure it took work to get things; hell, I remember sitting on a horse for 10 min to travel to a place two zones away. We valued what we got though and the community was a lot better and closer. I've said this once and I'll say it again: If DAoC or EQ released a Classic, or new, server I'd go back to them in a heart beat. I have a modern expensive computer that can run DX10 games full blast, but I'd go back to the early 2000 games, because I want depth back into our MMORPG's. I like to work, as others put it, to get something in an MMO. MMO's, back when I started playing, were meant to be played year after year, not for 3 month spurts like MMO's are designed for now; not for E-Sports. I liked knowing that I still had more to do to advance my character a year from now.
I just think your post was spot on and describes the majority of modern day MMO's now. In fact, I think I just realized that the only MMORPG with the depth I need is Vanguard. Has an old school feel and tight community, with modern day graphics.
So very true. WAR is a game; DAOC is a world and I do not think I have to explain the difference.
I wish Mythic would say something about Origins because I seriously would go back to DAOC in a second if they would release such a game/server type combination. heck, even thinking about DAOC makes me want to re-sub!
I wish they would give us some info as well. I'd go back too. I've never played EQ, but I'd pick up that game if they released a Classic server there too. I just really miss the older games, but cannot return to those older games due to their really smallish communities. I thought about going back to DAoC myself, but a quick check on their population on camelotherald.com cures me of that. 2kish players spread out over that many clusters is just too small, especially since I'm a group oriented player and would be starting from scratch, wanting to see all of the new content.
Instead, I resubbed to Vanguard. It's a new game with an old school feel. Definitely a world over game design. I'd day it has 2k players as well, but spread across less servers, and the difference is that VG players are mostly group oriented, so finding a group wouldn't be as hard as it would be in DAOC. Plus I really do like the look of Vanguard.
I play WOW as well, more for the content than anything else. I play Vaguard for the deeper gameplay and community. I really hope Darkfall comes to sweep me off my feet next year, but I have my doubts.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
WAR takes a few DAOC concepts and does them in "lite" mode. War is a shallow PvP MMO for ages 5 and up. My 9 year old cousin plays it and is quite good and very routinely destroys people. I don't think that would have been possible in DAOC. I have a sub to WAR only because there were 60 day cards for 9 dollars on Amazon, but it is nothing more than a simple PvP experience. It could have been a lot better. It is mediocre but so is the majority of the MMO market at this point in time. DAOC was an amazing game, and I wish they'd just revamp some of the mechanics and improve the graphics and launch DAOC 2. War is not even a shadow of DAOC and acting like it is some sort of spiritual successor is beyond laughable.
You know, I just canceled my sub to WAR today after renewing it a few days ago. You described the game remarkebly well actually. It's not that WAR isn't an entertaining or good game, but it's just as you described it. I don't think WAR has any depth to it, and I don't think the target audience even cares. It's just the way MMO's are these days.
Old MMO's like DAoC had depth. Sure it took work to get things; hell, I remember sitting on a horse for 10 min to travel to a place two zones away. We valued what we got though and the community was a lot better and closer. I've said this once and I'll say it again: If DAoC or EQ released a Classic, or new, server I'd go back to them in a heart beat. I have a modern expensive computer that can run DX10 games full blast, but I'd go back to the early 2000 games, because I want depth back into our MMORPG's. I like to work, as others put it, to get something in an MMO. MMO's, back when I started playing, were meant to be played year after year, not for 3 month spurts like MMO's are designed for now; not for E-Sports. I liked knowing that I still had more to do to advance my character a year from now.
I just think your post was spot on and describes the majority of modern day MMO's now. In fact, I think I just realized that the only MMORPG with the depth I need is Vanguard. Has an old school feel and tight community, with modern day graphics.
So very true. WAR is a game; DAOC is a world and I do not think I have to explain the difference.
I wish Mythic would say something about Origins because I seriously would go back to DAOC in a second if they would release such a game/server type combination. heck, even thinking about DAOC makes me want to re-sub!
I wish they would give us some info as well. I'd go back too. I've never played EQ, but I'd pick up that game if they released a Classic server there too. I just really miss the older games, but cannot return to those older games due to their really smallish communities. I thought about going back to DAoC myself, but a quick check on their population on camelotherald.com cures me of that. 2kish players spread out over that many clusters is just too small, especially since I'm a group oriented player and would be starting from scratch, wanting to see all of the new content.
Instead, I resubbed to Vanguard. It's a new game with an old school feel. Definitely a world over game design. I'd day it has 2k players as well, but spread across less servers, and the difference is that VG players are mostly group oriented, so finding a group wouldn't be as hard as it would be in DAOC. Plus I really do like the look of Vanguard.
I play WOW as well, more for the content than anything else. I play Vaguard for the deeper gameplay and community. I really hope Darkfall comes to sweep me off my feet next year, but I have my doubts.
I know how you feel. Maybe I am just old school and wish for the "classic" DAOC back. Remember the days of logging on and finding a group and go to "________" dungeon and finding a spot to camp for X number of hours; the whole time praying you do not wipe.
The thing that holds me back isn't so much the population numbers (though I agree it is worrisome), but the fact that when you log-in now, nobody wants to go to dungeons and see the world. Everyone wants to go to instances (task dungeons) and grind coin/xp and then rinse and repeat. Sorry thats not how I like to play. I want the old school DAOC and go revisit the dungeons I miss. If I could find a guild that willing to do that and experience the game semi-old school, I would be back in a moment.
I think about those times where we got together in a group and camped areas on a daily basis. If the only thing holding you back is the fear that people are grinding instances, then maybe you should give it a go. Last time I played, which was within the last year, people were doing the old zone areas and dungeons, because Mythic greatly increased the xp gain from doing those areas due to people like you and I wishing for those times back.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
They were probably serious when they announced it, but yeah, it seems like they've given up on it and are just going to let it die.
Very disappointing
I'm going to send them some more angry letters and feedback. I looked over at the WAR section and I don't like the way the conversations roll out.. Seems like everybody's very angsty and quick to jump on the insult bandwagon. Glad I never picked that game up.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Consider yourself lucky that you didn't buy WAR. It was so awful that I couldn't even force myself to play it to make up for the $55 I blew on it. Ridiculously boring and bland.
A couple of my friends play it and nowadays they're becoming luke warm to the whole WAR idea. All but one of them has played DAoC and they all want to go back to Origins.
I tool around on their accounts now and then just to see what the deal is and I can't get into it.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Makes me happy in a way that I jumped on AoC early and got that bad experience under my belt which in turn caused me to pause before buying WAR. Very disappointing that WAR does not live up to the hype and DAoC. Getting very close to the point of just playing DAoC again.
Another week and....nothing. Not even a grab bag as the lady left town. Maybe I should try WAR....
I just looked at the camelot herald and the population is just over 2k. The same population level it's been at for a couple of months now. I'm on this forum right now because I miss this game something fierce and I mourn for its death.
I wished hard that an Origins server would release and bring life back into this game for at least one last Hurrah!, but no news for many months now has diminished my hope. I doubt we'll ever see these servers, expecially with the population levels so low that it probably isn't even worth it.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
I thought WAR was worth the box price I spent for it. I played it for 5 weeks before quitting out of fustration. The game has been out for a few months now and two more classes has been added into the game with the addition of some nice fixes and rearranging, so if you have even the slightest interest or curiosity of WAR, give it a shot. You should at least get your moneys worth out of it in the free month. I probably won't ever return, but that's no reason to disuade you from trying it.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
WAR takes a few DAOC concepts and does them in "lite" mode.
War is a shallow PvP MMO for ages 5 and up. My 9 year old cousin plays it and is quite good and very routinely destroys people. I don't think that would have been possible in DAOC. I have a sub to WAR only because there were 60 day cards for 9 dollars on Amazon, but it is nothing more than a simple PvP experience. It could have been a lot better. It is mediocre but so is the majority of the MMO market at this point in time.
DAOC was an amazing game, and I wish they'd just revamp some of the mechanics and improve the graphics and launch DAOC 2. War is not even a shadow of DAOC and acting like it is some sort of spiritual successor is beyond laughable.
Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community. www.mysticalenders.com
Poor Mythic, no kudos for WAR and no info on Origins. Maybe next year something will occur to Mark Jacobs that WAR isn't quite working and should probably concentrate resources back to DAoC. Then again, stupidity runs rampant in the MMO industry, look at NCSoft and the promises they made about games (TR, Auto Assault, etc.) and then dropped them like flies when they weren't performing to their expectations. At least Mythic keeps DAoC going with a sub base that is smaller than TR was at its height. Maybe one of the newer MMOs will be better.
You know, I just canceled my sub to WAR today after renewing it a few days ago. You described the game remarkebly well actually. It's not that WAR isn't an entertaining or good game, but it's just as you described it. I don't think WAR has any depth to it, and I don't think the target audience even cares. It's just the way MMO's are these days.
Old MMO's like DAoC had depth. Sure it took work to get things; hell, I remember sitting on a horse for 10 min to travel to a place two zones away. We valued what we got though and the community was a lot better and closer. I've said this once and I'll say it again: If DAoC or EQ released a Classic, or new, server I'd go back to them in a heart beat. I have a modern expensive computer that can run DX10 games full blast, but I'd go back to the early 2000 games, because I want depth back into our MMORPG's. I like to work, as others put it, to get something in an MMO. MMO's, back when I started playing, were meant to be played year after year, not for 3 month spurts like MMO's are designed for now; not for E-Sports. I liked knowing that I still had more to do to advance my character a year from now.
I just think your post was spot on and describes the majority of modern day MMO's now. In fact, I think I just realized that the only MMORPG with the depth I need is Vanguard. Has an old school feel and tight community, with modern day graphics.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
You know, I just canceled my sub to WAR today after renewing it a few days ago. You described the game remarkebly well actually. It's not that WAR isn't an entertaining or good game, but it's just as you described it. I don't think WAR has any depth to it, and I don't think the target audience even cares. It's just the way MMO's are these days.
Old MMO's like DAoC had depth. Sure it took work to get things; hell, I remember sitting on a horse for 10 min to travel to a place two zones away. We valued what we got though and the community was a lot better and closer. I've said this once and I'll say it again: If DAoC or EQ released a Classic, or new, server I'd go back to them in a heart beat. I have a modern expensive computer that can run DX10 games full blast, but I'd go back to the early 2000 games, because I want depth back into our MMORPG's. I like to work, as others put it, to get something in an MMO. MMO's, back when I started playing, were meant to be played year after year, not for 3 month spurts like MMO's are designed for now; not for E-Sports. I liked knowing that I still had more to do to advance my character a year from now.
I just think your post was spot on and describes the majority of modern day MMO's now. In fact, I think I just realized that the only MMORPG with the depth I need is Vanguard. Has an old school feel and tight community, with modern day graphics.
So very true. WAR is a game; DAOC is a world and I do not think I have to explain the difference.

I wish Mythic would say something about Origins because I seriously would go back to DAOC in a second if they would release such a game/server type combination. heck, even thinking about DAOC makes me want to re-sub!
I wish they would give us some info as well. I'd go back too. I've never played EQ, but I'd pick up that game if they released a Classic server there too. I just really miss the older games, but cannot return to those older games due to their really smallish communities. I thought about going back to DAoC myself, but a quick check on their population on camelotherald.com cures me of that. 2kish players spread out over that many clusters is just too small, especially since I'm a group oriented player and would be starting from scratch, wanting to see all of the new content.
Instead, I resubbed to Vanguard. It's a new game with an old school feel. Definitely a world over game design. I'd day it has 2k players as well, but spread across less servers, and the difference is that VG players are mostly group oriented, so finding a group wouldn't be as hard as it would be in DAOC. Plus I really do like the look of Vanguard.
I play WOW as well, more for the content than anything else. I play Vaguard for the deeper gameplay and community. I really hope Darkfall comes to sweep me off my feet next year, but I have my doubts.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
You know, I just canceled my sub to WAR today after renewing it a few days ago. You described the game remarkebly well actually. It's not that WAR isn't an entertaining or good game, but it's just as you described it. I don't think WAR has any depth to it, and I don't think the target audience even cares. It's just the way MMO's are these days.
Old MMO's like DAoC had depth. Sure it took work to get things; hell, I remember sitting on a horse for 10 min to travel to a place two zones away. We valued what we got though and the community was a lot better and closer. I've said this once and I'll say it again: If DAoC or EQ released a Classic, or new, server I'd go back to them in a heart beat. I have a modern expensive computer that can run DX10 games full blast, but I'd go back to the early 2000 games, because I want depth back into our MMORPG's. I like to work, as others put it, to get something in an MMO. MMO's, back when I started playing, were meant to be played year after year, not for 3 month spurts like MMO's are designed for now; not for E-Sports. I liked knowing that I still had more to do to advance my character a year from now.
I just think your post was spot on and describes the majority of modern day MMO's now. In fact, I think I just realized that the only MMORPG with the depth I need is Vanguard. Has an old school feel and tight community, with modern day graphics.
So very true. WAR is a game; DAOC is a world and I do not think I have to explain the difference.

I wish Mythic would say something about Origins because I seriously would go back to DAOC in a second if they would release such a game/server type combination. heck, even thinking about DAOC makes me want to re-sub!
I wish they would give us some info as well. I'd go back too. I've never played EQ, but I'd pick up that game if they released a Classic server there too. I just really miss the older games, but cannot return to those older games due to their really smallish communities. I thought about going back to DAoC myself, but a quick check on their population on camelotherald.com cures me of that. 2kish players spread out over that many clusters is just too small, especially since I'm a group oriented player and would be starting from scratch, wanting to see all of the new content.
Instead, I resubbed to Vanguard. It's a new game with an old school feel. Definitely a world over game design. I'd day it has 2k players as well, but spread across less servers, and the difference is that VG players are mostly group oriented, so finding a group wouldn't be as hard as it would be in DAOC. Plus I really do like the look of Vanguard.
I play WOW as well, more for the content than anything else. I play Vaguard for the deeper gameplay and community. I really hope Darkfall comes to sweep me off my feet next year, but I have my doubts.
I know how you feel. Maybe I am just old school and wish for the "classic" DAOC back. Remember the days of logging on and finding a group and go to "________" dungeon and finding a spot to camp for X number of hours; the whole time praying you do not wipe.
The thing that holds me back isn't so much the population numbers (though I agree it is worrisome), but the fact that when you log-in now, nobody wants to go to dungeons and see the world. Everyone wants to go to instances (task dungeons) and grind coin/xp and then rinse and repeat. Sorry thats not how I like to play. I want the old school DAOC and go revisit the dungeons I miss. If I could find a guild that willing to do that and experience the game semi-old school, I would be back in a moment.
I think about those times where we got together in a group and camped areas on a daily basis. If the only thing holding you back is the fear that people are grinding instances, then maybe you should give it a go. Last time I played, which was within the last year, people were doing the old zone areas and dungeons, because Mythic greatly increased the xp gain from doing those areas due to people like you and I wishing for those times back.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.