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add ons

ZsavoozZsavooz Member Posts: 532

I know Cosmos is gone and I think CT Mod in no longer. Does anyone know of a decent map add on that is still supported?


  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    CTMod is still up and running.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Pappy13Pappy13 Member Posts: 2,138

    I recommend getting an add-on manager like WoW matrix.  Install and run this and then search thru hundreds of add-ons that will be installed and updated at the touch of a button.  No looking thru websites for add-ons making sure you have the latest version.  Never have to extract or install add-ons again.  Hundreds of add-ons are supported.  It even checks to be sure that no malware is found in the add-on.  The website shows add-ons that are supported and there are several map add-ons to choose from depending on what you want it to do.



  • ZsavoozZsavooz Member Posts: 532
    Originally posted by Pappy13

    I recommend getting an add-on manager like WoW matrix.  Install and run this and then search thru hundreds of add-ons that will be installed and updated at the touch of a button.  No looking thru websites for add-ons making sure you have the latest version.  Never have to extract or install add-ons again.  Hundreds of add-ons are supported.  It even checks to be sure that no malware is found in the add-on.  The website shows add-ons that are supported and there are several map add-ons to choose from depending on what you want it to do.


    worked like a charm and added the Titan ontrol Panel which does show me where I am with coordinates. If anyone has any experience with Titan, can I somewhow plug in coordinates i need to find?

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Titan Panel is a great add-on.  Anyone know if the project's been picked-up by another developer? 

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • TettersTetters Member Posts: 221

    I have been using Titan Bar along with Bartender. I have really come to love Bartender for helping make a very clean interface

  • wolvie3131wolvie3131 Member UncommonPosts: 196

    yes wowmatrix is awesome.

    as far as titan goes, I have found fubar to be the better mod (personal opinion)

    it has most if not all the plug-ins titan has, and is more optimized for memory  usage.

    if you are looking for a good coords mod try tom tom add light headed to this and it takes you right where you need to be for any given quest (if thats your thing)

  • ZsavoozZsavooz Member Posts: 532
    Originally posted by wolvie3131

    yes wowmatrix is awesome.
    as far as titan goes, I have found fubar to be the better mod (personal opinion)
    it has most if not all the plug-ins titan has, and is more optimized for memory  usage.
    if you are looking for a good coords mod try tom tom add light headed to this and it takes you right where you need to be for any given quest (if thats your thing)


    thanks. man. TomTom installed. Wowmatrix is awesome. Thanks to all for the replies!

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