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Hate to even post the idea but...

ninjajucerninjajucer Member Posts: 219

There is a small possibility that some intrepid soul will host a private server for the game after it goes under. Unfortunately with copyright laws the way they are, and seeing how NCSoft is primarily based in Korea, I don't see this happenning.

And to think I was considering resubbing again for the FPS things and an actual sniper rifle that worked. Such a waste. I quit because at level 50 there was little else to do, you could pretty much solo all the instances with the exception of the one where you had to control all 4 bases to open the door. The game had problems, but it at least still had somewhat of a subscriber base.

Hell, Mythic still has DAoC running and that has around 3000 players at peak.



  • RokurgeptaRokurgepta Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,136
    Originally posted by ninjajucer

    There is a small possibility that some intrepid soul will host a private server for the game after it goes under. Unfortunately with copyright laws the way they are, and seeing how NCSoft is primarily based in Korea, I don't see this happenning.
    And to think I was considering resubbing again for the FPS things and an actual sniper rifle that worked. Such a waste. I quit because at level 50 there was little else to do, you could pretty much solo all the instances with the exception of the one where you had to control all 4 bases to open the door. The game had problems, but it at least still had somewhat of a subscriber base.
    Hell, Mythic still has DAoC running and that has around 3000 players at peak.


    NCSoft is not crazy, have you looked at the Quarterly reports? Do you know how much was spent before release? TR was losing money and cost 74 million USD before release. They were looking at revenue of about 6 million a year with the 30k subs they had left. Now do the math and tell me they are still crazy for pulling the plug.

  • ninjajucerninjajucer Member Posts: 219

    I dislike math. And I think they are still crazy for pulling the plug. At the very least they could sell the whole damn game to a lesser company who can make it work with 30k subs. Hate to see such a pretty game goto waste...

  • RokurgeptaRokurgepta Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,136
    Originally posted by ninjajucer

    I dislike math. And I think they are still crazy for pulling the plug. At the very least they could sell the whole damn game to a lesser company who can make it work with 30k subs. Hate to see such a pretty game goto waste...


    Maybe they tried to sell it and got laughed at. You may dislike math, but the NCSoft people did theirs and came this simple conclusion TR=Failure.

    The game could have been so much more than what it was, they failed in so many ways that this game should serve as an example for suture MMOs on what not to do.

  • ssnautilusssnautilus Member Posts: 373

    Don't forget, Tabula Rasa = Sir Richard "Lord British" Garriott. Also remember that his BROTHER was leading NCSoft at the time.

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