Technology has come a long way yes, but not everyone who plays MMO’s has the top PC or to support the demand of some MMO’s today. I stopped updating my PC for new MMO’s four years ago and I don’t think I’m missing much from where graphics are concerned. The point I was trying to make (perhaps I didn’t do so well), is that graphics isn’t that important when the game it self is good. Of course we are talking here about a new MMO that isn’t available yet, so it is a bit hard to determine how good the game will actually be.
My self, I don’t, have the knowledge you say to have in game development. I speak from a gamer’s point of view, and one that has tried many of the games out today, only to be disappointed and completely disgusted with what some companies keep developing. Ironically my turn-off from these games has nothing to do with the graphics. Some games today are designed to be art first and a large amount of time is employed on that. Also another factor is that many of the games designed today are based or derived on themes with already established fans. SWG, AoC, LOTRO, D&D, and many others…Original games are often overshadowed, especially by big budgeted companies with millions to spend on marketing, and the small budget companies that make unique and interesting games are left behind. Personally I want to play FE for its storyline content, crafting system, and other interesting facts about the game that have captured my interest. It is what I look for in an MMO, my standard, graphics play a very little part. I’ve never played FFXI and I’ve heard great things about it. I’m sure I would like it. But I already have a favorite fantasy theme game, one I’ve loved for four years, and continue to play today, which don’t allow room for FFXI. Alas, there are many factors that we can agree and disagree in regards to why graphics are important or not important. The core point we both have is that it is a personal choice and based on our experiences as gamers, and technical knowledge of the industry (however small in my case), that our expectations are set. True the industry has come a long way in the graphics department, there is great technology out there, but the industry still needs to learn that there is a large demographic of elder gamers that prefer original concepts, hybrid characters, skill levels instead of class levels, smart AI worlds, and questless grind over cloned and artful graphic MMO's.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but there's one big problem with games these days: the more complicated the game, the longer it takes to develop. In the early days of games, a company made of a few people could crank out a few games each year. Today it's not unheard of that a game will take several DECADES of man-hours to develop. On top of that market forces want a quick turnaround time on products. So a game company has to rush to meet deadlines. That means it's possible for something to get left behind. Having internet access for computers and game consoles becoming standard and expected allow for companies to slip up. If there's a huge flaw in the game, just release a patch and let people download it. Today's computers can play great games but with the time it takes to make great games isn't as practical as it used to be. People want great graphics, great sounds, great music, great game play, great AI, etc. We want a very complicated game but we don't want to wait for it. So what companies do is release OK games and sometimes we buy them.
There's not much we can do as individuals. The whole gaming society has to change if we want better games and that will include things like willingly pay more for them and voicing our opinions to companies.
Technology has come a long way yes, but not everyone who plays MMO’s has the top PC or to support the demand of some MMO’s today. I stopped updating my PC for new MMO’s four years ago and I don’t think I’m missing much from where graphics are concerned. The point I was trying to make (perhaps I didn’t do so well), is that graphics isn’t that important when the game it self is good. I put it this way:
Great graphics help to sell a game and draw people in... Solid, fun and lasting gameplay keeps them there. Of course, "solid, fun and lasting" are all subjective.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Technology has come a long way yes, but not everyone who plays MMO’s has the top PC or to support the demand of some MMO’s today. I stopped updating my PC for new MMO’s four years ago and I don’t think I’m missing much from where graphics are concerned. The point I was trying to make (perhaps I didn’t do so well), is that graphics isn’t that important when the game it self is good. I put it this way:
Great graphics help to sell a game and draw people in... Solid, fun and lasting gameplay keeps them there. Of course, "solid, fun and lasting" are all subjective.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but there's one big problem with games these days: the more complicated the game, the longer it takes to develop. In the early days of games, a company made of a few people could crank out a few games each year. Today it's not unheard of that a game will take several DECADES of man-hours to develop. On top of that market forces want a quick turnaround time on products. So a game company has to rush to meet deadlines. That means it's possible for something to get left behind. Having internet access for computers and game consoles becoming standard and expected allow for companies to slip up. If there's a huge flaw in the game, just release a patch and let people download it. Today's computers can play great games but with the time it takes to make great games isn't as practical as it used to be. People want great graphics, great sounds, great music, great game play, great AI, etc. We want a very complicated game but we don't want to wait for it. So what companies do is release OK games and sometimes we buy them.
There's not much we can do as individuals. The whole gaming society has to change if we want better games and that will include things like willingly pay more for them and voicing our opinions to companies.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
So true, so true...