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RVR was a mistake?

To be honest i think Mythic missed a trick by making this game RVR at all. There are plenty of RVR games out there now, DAoC, WoW, even LOTRO is RVR if you count monster play. I know the whole background of Warhammer is the 'war' between the different races but to be honest i think that should have maybe been a backstory as opposed to the main thrust of the game. You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods. Also, where is the night time and where is the weather? WAR landscape does look good, even better than AoC i'd say but i don't get the sense i'm in a real world, especially with all the repetitive combat animations going off all around me. I must have seen those Orcs attacks those Elf archers a thousand times, yawn.

There is lots to like about this game. They are the first game to get High Elves and Dark Elves right in my opinion, and the starting areas look great as do the mobs and the character avatars. I just wish it was a PVE game, with the war as the backstory, like in LOTRO. In Lord of the Rings the war is going on, there are camps of goblins etc... everywhere, but it doesn't drive you through the game, it provides background for RP and quests.

Just a a few early thoughts. Good game, but too contrived and not varied enough so far. Also it is far too much like WoW, but that's not Warhammer's fault since Warcraft ripped off the Warhammer tabletop game in the first place. Wow just got there first. Shame really.




  • DeathreatDeathreat Member UncommonPosts: 143
    Originally posted by Matt_UK

     You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears.



    This is one of the things that will make this game a success.  There are two few games with this much action and excitement out now. You can literally play this MMO a few hours a day and feel like you accomplished something. Most other games are not like this. WAR is now here, and it is owning.

  • GajariGajari Member Posts: 984

    I'd say they've done a fine job with RvR as it is. My only problem is that it's split up a bit too much. While that gives variety so you can go somewhere else if you get bored - for some reason, people like to mainly congregate over in the Empire areas and the other two are nearly deserted.

    To me, if there was a little more incentive to fight in all three areas, and they made the servers stable enough to hold more people, then I think the game would be much better.

    Also, maybe a bit more incentive to do Public Quests might be nice too. Generally people will just grind on the easiest one in a chapter to get their influence maxed out, and then they'll move on.

    However I love the atmosphere of the game, and it's definitely something that shoudln't be changed.

  • plaxidiaplaxidia Member UncommonPosts: 171

    If there wasn't RvR it wouldn't be warhammer.. And some could argue there are more than enough PVE games also..

    Alot of people seem to forget that WAR was designed after the original game.. Not off some other MMO.. If you look at the models the abilities and the world around.. You see Warhammer everywhere.. And thats the point.. If you want no RvR, more Pve, diffrent graphice.. Well there are other games to play.. If you want to play Warhammer.. Then that is what you have.. /shrug

  • DarkPonyDarkPony Member Posts: 5,566

    I guess the OP never defended a keep against a big horde of enemy players. Or pitched oil over them or knocked on a door with a battering ram. Or rolled for an epic loot bag dropped by a keep lord.

    Yesterday night I have been doing that kind of stuff non stop for 5 hours, I gained a renown rank and had shit loads of fun. People saying "Wow, this is what WAR is about ..." says enough really. We all had a blast and think it's the most fun part of the game.

    It is the one part of the game which is a canvas for players who like to organise stuff together and enjoy the freedom of doing that outside in the world instead of in instances and get rewarded for doing so.

  • SnappsSnapps Member Posts: 23
    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    To be honest i think Mythic missed a trick by making this game RVR at all. There are plenty of RVR games out there now, DAoC, WoW, even LOTRO is RVR if you count monster play. I know the whole background of Warhammer is the 'war' between the different races but to be honest i think that should have maybe been a backstory as opposed to the main thrust of the game. You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods. Also, where is the night time and where is the weather? WAR landscape does look good, even better than AoC i'd say but i don't get the sense i'm in a real world, especially with all the repetitive combat animations going off all around me. I must have seen those Orcs attacks those Elf archers a thousand times, yawn.
    There is lots to like about this game. They are the first game to get High Elves and Dark Elves right in my opinion, and the starting areas look great as do the mobs and the character avatars. I just wish it was a PVE game, with the war as the backstory, like in LOTRO. In Lord of the Rings the war is going on, there are camps of goblins etc... everywhere, but it doesn't drive you through the game, it provides background for RP and quests.
    Just a a few early thoughts. Good game, but too contrived and not varied enough so far. Also it is far too much like WoW, but that's not Warhammer's fault since Warcraft ripped off the Warhammer tabletop game in the first place. Wow just got there first. Shame really.


    Not that i like WAR but how the hell do you come to the point that wow is rvr or lotro? You do know what rvr means don`t you? Realm v Realm,so please explain to me where WOW and lotro have any form of Realm v Realm combat.

    WOW is everyone agaist everyone else,their is no rvr combat going on in wow,as a matter of fact they have the different factions working together to open silly portals and instances all for the WAR effort.

    I will say...

    Mythic have killed their RVR reputation by  trying to make out that WAR is a true RV R game.

    DAOC is the only RVR game that is true RVR not WAR which is nothing like RVR you get in DAOC.

    Mythic missed the chance to make a really great RVR game similar to DAOC, instead they went the WOW route and missed the boat.

    In six months time look at the amount of people still playing WAR.It feels like a single rpg with counter strike pvp as the central focus,it was a let down. Yeah i know many people at the moment like it but let`s see how many of them same people are still playing 6 months down the road.


    Their is nothing mmorpg about war it just doent have the right feel to be called a mmorpg.

    Way to gp Mythic, they should of made  DAOC 2 but they needed a big IP to compete with WOW. It will come to haunt them in the future.


  • neonwireneonwire Member Posts: 1,787
    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    To be honest i think Mythic missed a trick by making this game RVR at all. There are plenty of RVR games out there now, DAoC, WoW, even LOTRO is RVR if you count monster play. I know the whole background of Warhammer is the 'war' between the different races but to be honest i think that should have maybe been a backstory as opposed to the main thrust of the game. You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods. Also, where is the night time and where is the weather? WAR landscape does look good, even better than AoC i'd say but i don't get the sense i'm in a real world, especially with all the repetitive combat animations going off all around me. I must have seen those Orcs attacks those Elf archers a thousand times, yawn.
    There is lots to like about this game. They are the first game to get High Elves and Dark Elves right in my opinion, and the starting areas look great as do the mobs and the character avatars. I just wish it was a PVE game, with the war as the backstory, like in LOTRO. In Lord of the Rings the war is going on, there are camps of goblins etc... everywhere, but it doesn't drive you through the game, it provides background for RP and quests.
    Just a a few early thoughts. Good game, but too contrived and not varied enough so far. Also it is far too much like WoW, but that's not Warhammer's fault since Warcraft ripped off the Warhammer tabletop game in the first place. Wow just got there first. Shame really.



    Complete and utter nonsense!

    We need more RvR games not more PvE games. Nearly every mmo available is a PvE game. Why churn out yet another one? I want to have the option to play against other players if I want to and I want my actions to matter to at least some degree. If I'm gonna be slaughtering things for hours (yes thats what mmos are all about.....sorry but its true) then I want to be able to have some impact on the game.

    Plenty of RvR games? What on earth are you talking about?! DAoC is old and totally out of date now. WoW is not an RvR game. Its a PvE game with an RvR backstory. Yes you can fight other players in it but your battles have no meaning in the game so its pointless. LotR is not an RvR game either (are you living on the same planet as the rest of us?) in any sense at all and no monster play doesnt count. LotR is about as PvE as you can get unless you count boring old Vanguard.

    The only mistake Mythic seems to have made with WAR is in fact the complete opposite of what you said. It needs MORE RvR content and LESS PvE content. I dont need my games to tell me stories because stories = static gameworld. Stories hard-coded into the game cannot be changed or influenced by the players. I want to create my own adventures not have the game tell them to me. Besides if I want to read a story I have plenty of great books to read that make these mmos look like Spot the Dog.

    You find it annoying that there is constant war in Warhammer? Well sorry but you came to the wrong game. Its not a "world" for you to roleplay in......its a game which is about a big never-ending war. In fact NONE of the other mmos are worlds either so its great to see an mmo get released that isnt pretending to be something that it clearly isnt. How many "worlds" have you seen where every single participant has exactly the same experience over and over again while being unable to effect each other? Doesnt sound like a world to me. Sounds more like a single player game on "massively multiplay co-operative mode".

    WAR isnt perfect and it still suffers from the boring PvE design that makes all the other mmos crap but at least it has taken some steps in the right direction. Hopefully more games will take up the challenge and move towards game design that allows players to have some kind of impact on the game world and the players in it.

  • KaenashKaenash Member Posts: 120
    Originally posted by Matt_UK You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods.


    Actual warfare seems "annoying"?

    The feel and call of a constant battle feels "Annoying"?


    You and I couldn't be more opposite if you tried. The fact that they immerse me in the sense that I am a Hero in a War and that everything we do can affect our side and matters in the world, IS AWESOME.


    Some people just can't be satisfied. "Oh gosh, this makes me feel there is this war constantly going on around me. I want some times to feel like peace broke out for no apparent reason".

    How about wishing the game made you feel you were at the Circus and eating popcorn?


    "This game that promsies the feel of constant war delivered on it...Oh drat! "




    Warhammer made no secret it's about a constant war. You may want to go play World War II online and start complaining they need to make it feel more like WWI and to have peaceful zones where you can frolic instead of "This constant invading stuff"




  • neonwireneonwire Member Posts: 1,787
    Originally posted by Snapps

    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    To be honest i think Mythic missed a trick by making this game RVR at all. There are plenty of RVR games out there now, DAoC, WoW, even LOTRO is RVR if you count monster play. I know the whole background of Warhammer is the 'war' between the different races but to be honest i think that should have maybe been a backstory as opposed to the main thrust of the game. You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods. Also, where is the night time and where is the weather? WAR landscape does look good, even better than AoC i'd say but i don't get the sense i'm in a real world, especially with all the repetitive combat animations going off all around me. I must have seen those Orcs attacks those Elf archers a thousand times, yawn.
    There is lots to like about this game. They are the first game to get High Elves and Dark Elves right in my opinion, and the starting areas look great as do the mobs and the character avatars. I just wish it was a PVE game, with the war as the backstory, like in LOTRO. In Lord of the Rings the war is going on, there are camps of goblins etc... everywhere, but it doesn't drive you through the game, it provides background for RP and quests.
    Just a a few early thoughts. Good game, but too contrived and not varied enough so far. Also it is far too much like WoW, but that's not Warhammer's fault since Warcraft ripped off the Warhammer tabletop game in the first place. Wow just got there first. Shame really.


    Not that i like WAR but how the hell do you come to the point that wow is rvr or lotro? You do know what rvr means don`t you? Realm v Realm,so please explain to me where WOW and lotro have any form of Realm v Realm combat.

    WOW is everyone agaist everyone else,their is no rvr combat going on in wow,as a matter of fact they have the different factions working together to open silly portals and instances all for the WAR effort.

    I will say...

    Mythic have killed their RVR reputation by  trying to make out that WAR is a true RV R game.

    DAOC is the only RVR game that is true RVR not WAR which is nothing like RVR you get in DAOC.

    Mythic missed the chance to make a really great RVR game similar to DAOC, instead they went the WOW route and missed the boat.

    In six months time look at the amount of people still playing WAR.It feels like a single rpg with counter strike pvp as the central focus,it was a let down. Yeah i know many people at the moment like it but let`s see how many of them same people are still playing 6 months down the road.


    Their is nothing mmorpg about war it just doent have the right feel to be called a mmorpg.

    Way to gp Mythic, they should of made  DAOC 2 but they needed a big IP to compete with WOW. It will come to haunt them in the future.



    Yeah I totally agree. Mythic has clearly tried to cater to the WoW playerbase and as a result have ended up with yet another PvE focused game where the RvR aspect feels like a bunch of seperate side games. Its still a pretty fun game so they havent completely messed it up but because they have played it safe and catered to the PvEers way too much it just seems far to similar to everything else.

    Oh and yes I agree that the OP really doesnt know what he's talking about.

  • NeikoNeiko Member UncommonPosts: 626

    Orks is meant for fightin and winnin.


    And you do know, that if the orks don't fight, da boss can easily lose control of half the orks?

  • neonwireneonwire Member Posts: 1,787
    Originally posted by Kaenash

    Originally posted by Matt_UK You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods.


    Actual warfare seems "annoying"?

    The feel and call of a constant battle feels "Annoying"?


    You and I couldn't be more opposite if you tried. The fact that they immerse me in the sense that I am a Hero in a War and that everything we do can affect our side and matters in the world, IS AWESOME.


    Some people just can't be satisfied. "Oh gosh, this makes me feel there is this war constantly going on around me. I want some times to feel like peace broke out for no apparent reason".

    How about wishing the game made you feel you were at the Circus and eating popcorn?


    "This game that promsies the feel of constant war delivered on it...Oh drat! "




    Warhammer made no secret it's about a constant war. You may want to go play World War II online and start complaining they need to make it feel more like WWI and to have peaceful zones where you can frolic instead of "This constant invading stuff"


    Its infuriating isnt it. The complete crap some people come out with

  • KaenashKaenash Member Posts: 120

    To the person whining about WAR "Catering" to PVE:



    Catered to PVE in the sense they gave people the choice to PVE or PVP or whatever they want to do and to both enjoy it?


    Yes, then thats catering to it. (if that is your definition)


    To a player like me who wants to PVE some times and wants to PVP some times, I guess I Was "Catered" too because I am not forced to be constantly in PVP



    Face it: They made a game that appeals on many levels, that can be played many different ways. If you enjoy PVE, PVP, a little of both, some RVR, some scenarios, whatever appeals to you as fun. Stop whining "Oh PVEers get to enjoy things too, thats not fair!!"


    no wonder you have no fun, you want to whine that other people may be enjoying themselves more.


  • GetalifeGetalife Member CommonPosts: 786

    OP is right. RVR is big mistake in game based on RVR.

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420
    Originally posted by plaxidia

    If there wasn't RvR it wouldn't be warhammer.. And some could argue there are more than enough PVE games also..
    Alot of people seem to forget that WAR was designed after the original game.. Not off some other MMO.. If you look at the models the abilities and the world around.. You see Warhammer everywhere.. And thats the point.. If you want no RvR, more Pve, diffrent graphice.. Well there are other games to play.. If you want to play Warhammer.. Then that is what you have.. /shrug


    I did actually make that point Plaxidia, Warhammer is an original idea long before any mmorpg ever even existed, in fact before most modern PCs ever existed. It's just a shame it has come out after Wow because the comparisons are obvious. I love the Warhammer world, i'm just not sure RVR was the way to go, although of course Warhammer is RVR, it's a paradox.

  • JonMichaelJonMichael Member Posts: 796
    Originally posted by Kaenash

    Catered to PVE in the sense they gave people the choice to PVE or PVP or whatever they want to do and to both enjoy it?
    Yes, then thats catering to it. (if that is your definition)
    To a player like me who wants to PVE some times and wants to PVP some times, I guess I Was "Catered" too because I am not forced to be constantly in PVP
    Face it: They made a game that appeals on many levels, that can be played many different ways. If you enjoy PVE, PVP, a little of both, some RVR, some scenarios, whatever appeals to you as fun. Stop whining "Oh PVEers get to enjoy things too, thats not fair!!"
    no wonder you have no fun, you want to whine that other people may be enjoying themselves more.



    Mythic did a great job with WAR.  It certainly does appeal to many crowds, but won't to the diehard pvp'ers who think it's too "WoW'd" down or strict pver's who have no interest in pvp.

    Up until WAR, I was a firm pve'er and would never pvp.  Now, I'm in the battlegrounds and doing rvr scenarios more than I'm doing the pve quests!



    Currently: AION, an MMO Beta under NDA
    Played: WAR, LOTRO, Hellgate: London, CoX, GW, SotNW, DAOC, EQ2, SWG, WoW, AO, Horizons, Second Life, There, TSO
    Beta'd: There, Second Life, EQ2, DAOC:LotM, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Hellgate: London, Requiem:Bloodymare, AoC, WAR, DDO, Fallen Earth

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420
    Originally posted by Snapps

    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    To be honest i think Mythic missed a trick by making this game RVR at all. There are plenty of RVR games out there now, DAoC, WoW, even LOTRO is RVR if you count monster play. I know the whole background of Warhammer is the 'war' between the different races but to be honest i think that should have maybe been a backstory as opposed to the main thrust of the game. You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods. Also, where is the night time and where is the weather? WAR landscape does look good, even better than AoC i'd say but i don't get the sense i'm in a real world, especially with all the repetitive combat animations going off all around me. I must have seen those Orcs attacks those Elf archers a thousand times, yawn.
    There is lots to like about this game. They are the first game to get High Elves and Dark Elves right in my opinion, and the starting areas look great as do the mobs and the character avatars. I just wish it was a PVE game, with the war as the backstory, like in LOTRO. In Lord of the Rings the war is going on, there are camps of goblins etc... everywhere, but it doesn't drive you through the game, it provides background for RP and quests.
    Just a a few early thoughts. Good game, but too contrived and not varied enough so far. Also it is far too much like WoW, but that's not Warhammer's fault since Warcraft ripped off the Warhammer tabletop game in the first place. Wow just got there first. Shame really.


    Not that i like WAR but how the hell do you come to the point that wow is rvr or lotro? You do know what rvr means don`t you? Realm v Realm,so please explain to me where WOW and lotro have any form of Realm v Realm combat.

    WOW is everyone agaist everyone else,their is no rvr combat going on in wow,as a matter of fact they have the different factions working together to open silly portals and instances all for the WAR effort.

    I will say...

    Mythic have killed their RVR reputation by  trying to make out that WAR is a true RV R game.

    DAOC is the only RVR game that is true RVR not WAR which is nothing like RVR you get in DAOC.

    Mythic missed the chance to make a really great RVR game similar to DAOC, instead they went the WOW route and missed the boat.

    In six months time look at the amount of people still playing WAR.It feels like a single rpg with counter strike pvp as the central focus,it was a let down. Yeah i know many people at the moment like it but let`s see how many of them same people are still playing 6 months down the road.


    Their is nothing mmorpg about war it just doent have the right feel to be called a mmorpg.

    Way to gp Mythic, they should of made  DAOC 2 but they needed a big IP to compete with WOW. It will come to haunt them in the future.



    I agree LOTRO and WoW are not true RVR in the same way as DAoC is and i played DAoC from day one btw and the other two, but wow has the battlegrounds, which is Alliance vs. Horde and certain areas of Wow allow Alliance vs. Horde pvp and that is to all intents and purposes Realm VS. Realm. How is it not? The monster play in LOTRO doesn't go that far but it's still capture the flag etc... which is pretty much all RVR is and ever was.

    I agree with you 100% Mythic should have upgraded DAoC, maybe with DAoCII. As with EQ, DAoC will just be allowed to wither and die. A shame, it was once the best game out there.

    I totally agree it isn't RP enough either. I can imagine a lot of RP fans going to the WAR and thinking it's essentially a multiplayer FPS with swords.

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420
    Originally posted by Kaenash


    Actual warfare seems "annoying"?

    The feel and call of a constant battle feels "Annoying"?


    You and I couldn't be more opposite if you tried. The fact that they immerse me in the sense that I am a Hero in a War and that everything we do can affect our side and matters in the world, IS AWESOME.


    Some people just can't be satisfied. "Oh gosh, this makes me feel there is this war constantly going on around me. I want some times to feel like peace broke out for no apparent reason".

    How about wishing the game made you feel you were at the Circus and eating popcorn?


    "This game that promsies the feel of constant war delivered on it...Oh drat! "




    Warhammer made no secret it's about a constant war. You may want to go play World War II online and start complaining they need to make it feel more like WWI and to have peaceful zones where you can frolic instead of "This constant invading stuff"





    You totally missed my point. No war is constant, it's totally unrealistic. There are lulls and calms and feints and attacks etc... not continual fighting. I like wargames but this is a wargame for babies with no concept of reality. The WWII games you talk about aren't mmorpgs and i suppose this is the problem.

    As for your last comment, totally bizarre, you really don't understand what i'm about do you?

  • nikoliathnikoliath Member UncommonPosts: 1,154
    Originally posted by JonMichael

    Originally posted by Kaenash

    Catered to PVE in the sense they gave people the choice to PVE or PVP or whatever they want to do and to both enjoy it?
    Yes, then thats catering to it. (if that is your definition)
    To a player like me who wants to PVE some times and wants to PVP some times, I guess I Was "Catered" too because I am not forced to be constantly in PVP
    Face it: They made a game that appeals on many levels, that can be played many different ways. If you enjoy PVE, PVP, a little of both, some RVR, some scenarios, whatever appeals to you as fun. Stop whining "Oh PVEers get to enjoy things too, thats not fair!!"
    no wonder you have no fun, you want to whine that other people may be enjoying themselves more.



    Mythic did a great job with WAR.  It certainly does appeal to many crowds, but won't to the diehard pvp'ers who think it's too "WoW'd" down or strict pver's who have no interest in pvp.

    Up until WAR, I was a firm pve'er and would never pvp.  Now, I'm in the battlegrounds and doing rvr scenarios more than I'm doing the pve quests!


    Indeed. Reading the OP I actually fear for the future of humanity. In an age of unimaginable access to information and educational tools I find it dumbfounding that there are so many fools about.

    Sure it's his opinion, but it's completely misguided.

    He had just aswell of stated; Was making scoring goals a mistake in Soccer? And then gone on to complain about how he doesn't like the noise at stadiums, queuing to get in, football fans, football players etc.

    Why do so many people play a game, dislike it and then assume that the developers got it all wrong? Some people like eating squid, I don't. I do not feel the need to hassel fans on the squid eating forums.

  • KaenashKaenash Member Posts: 120

    I agree with your analogy, much better put than my way. The OP should ask "Why is Soccer scored? I don't want to score points, I just want to kick the ball and it's very unrealistic they make me stand in line and listen to all this cheering..some times people don't like to make noise, I can't believe I paid to go into a Soccer game and they weren't playing Chess instead! Why isn't that option there?"...


    WWII online is an MMO,  OP

    You should go there and start telling them how they are doing it wrong also.


    BTW: If you want a break from the war, here are two options:


    #1- Go into a Tavern with a few freinds (if you have some) and enjoy a respite from the carnage.

    #2- Log out for a little while.


  • sbantingsbanting Member Posts: 238
    Originally posted by nikoliath

    Originally posted by JonMichael

    Originally posted by Kaenash

    Catered to PVE in the sense they gave people the choice to PVE or PVP or whatever they want to do and to both enjoy it?
    Yes, then thats catering to it. (if that is your definition)
    To a player like me who wants to PVE some times and wants to PVP some times, I guess I Was "Catered" too because I am not forced to be constantly in PVP
    Face it: They made a game that appeals on many levels, that can be played many different ways. If you enjoy PVE, PVP, a little of both, some RVR, some scenarios, whatever appeals to you as fun. Stop whining "Oh PVEers get to enjoy things too, thats not fair!!"
    no wonder you have no fun, you want to whine that other people may be enjoying themselves more.



    Mythic did a great job with WAR.  It certainly does appeal to many crowds, but won't to the diehard pvp'ers who think it's too "WoW'd" down or strict pver's who have no interest in pvp.

    Up until WAR, I was a firm pve'er and would never pvp.  Now, I'm in the battlegrounds and doing rvr scenarios more than I'm doing the pve quests!


    Indeed. Reading the OP I actually fear for the future of humanity. In an age of unimaginable access to information and educational tools I find it dumbfounding that there are so many fools about.

    Sure it's his opinion, but it's completely misguided.

    He had just aswell of stated; Was making scoring goals a mistake in Soccer? And then gone on to complain about how he doesn't like the noise at stadiums, queuing to get in, football fans, football players etc.

    Why do so many people play a game, dislike it and then assume that the developers got it all wrong? Some people like eating squid, I don't. I do not feel the need to hassel fans on the squid eating forums.


    LOL I'm offended by your squid hating! LMAO That statement cheered me up :P


  • KaenashKaenash Member Posts: 120
    Originally posted by JonMichael


    Mythic did a great job with WAR.  It certainly does appeal to many crowds, but won't to the diehard pvp'ers who think it's too "WoW'd" down or strict pver's who have no interest in pvp.
    Up until WAR, I was a firm pve'er and would never pvp.  Now, I'm in the battlegrounds and doing rvr scenarios more than I'm doing the pve quests!


    Same here.

    I hated being ganked by a 70th while I tried to run around in the lowbie areas. Yet, I could sense that I wanted more than mobs who were predictable. The kind I could run from and eventually they stop. I wanted to see if my strategy, not my grinded gear could carry the day!

    So I was never much a hard core PVPer (or a PVPer at all) in other games.

    So last night, me and a friend start playing Blademistress/Archmage. We couldn't stop, we were just moving so fast through the world. PQ area to another and then we make it to about 6th level and we queue for a scenario. I explain "This is just to see the scenario, we'll hang back and support the others"

    Hell no. We ran that battlefield.

    Chaos was too busy zerging off like lone raiders trying to solo the battlfield, meanwhile Order proceeded through the scenario like a force to be reckoned with. Our shadow warriors held back and fired their bows, our blademasters and white lions to the front and me and the archmages just healing and blasting.

    I only died maybe twice, I had 21+ kills, we won the scenario in less than 15 minutes. We couldn't get enough!!

    Especially when it was two of them raining down on the two of us. Idiot witch elf heads straight for me, while I drop a few DoTs, then start healing myself while my companion chops them into dark elf cubes.

    It was wonderful. Even when we fell in battle, we felt like it was fair and balanced, not like a 70 just running around chopping up grey monsters in the newbie area, impervious to attack. It was all about who was smarter! We don't run out zerging and work together, we win!

    Finally, I enjoy PVP. I enjoy it so much, that I can't bring myself to level a character past 11. I just have too much fun in the tier one areas. I start a new one and level them up.


  • nikoliathnikoliath Member UncommonPosts: 1,154
    Originally posted by Kaenash

    Originally posted by JonMichael


    Mythic did a great job with WAR.  It certainly does appeal to many crowds, but won't to the diehard pvp'ers who think it's too "WoW'd" down or strict pver's who have no interest in pvp.
    Up until WAR, I was a firm pve'er and would never pvp.  Now, I'm in the battlegrounds and doing rvr scenarios more than I'm doing the pve quests!


    Same here.

    I hated being ganked by a 70th while I tried to run around in the lowbie areas. Yet, I could sense that I wanted more than mobs who were predictable. The kind I could run from and eventually they stop. I wanted to see if my strategy, not my grinded gear could carry the day!

    So last night, me and a friend start playing Blademistress/Archmage. We couldn't stop, we were just moving so fast through the world. PQ area to another and then we make it to about 6th level and we queue for a scenario. I explain "This is just to see the scenario, we'll hang back and support the others"

    Hell no. We ran that battlefield.

    Chaos was too busy zerging off like lone raiders trying to solo the battlfield, meanwhile Order proceeded through the scenario like a force to be reckoned with. Our shadow warriors held back and fired their bows, our blademasters and white lions to the front and me and the archmages just healing and blasting.

    I only died maybe twice, I had 21+ kills, we won the scenario in less than 15 minutes. We couldn't get enough!!

    Especially when it was two of them raining down on the two of us. Idiot witch elf heads straight for me, while I drop a few DoTs, then start healing myself while my companion chops them into dark elf cubes.

    It was wonderful. Even when we fell in battle, we felt like it was fair and balanced, not like a 70 just running around chopping up grey monsters in the newbie area, impervious to attack. It was all about who was smarter! We don't run out zerging and work together, we win!

    Finally, I enjoy PVP. I enjoy it so much, that I can't bring myself to level a character past 11. I just have too much fun in the tier one areas. I start a new one and level them up.


    Totally agree. Myself and a guild mate rolled Warrior Priest and an Ironbreaker alts, respectively. Nothing but pure fun. PvP'ing, Scenarios, Public quests, questing. 

  • banthisbanthis Member Posts: 1,891
    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    To be honest i think Mythic missed a trick by making this game RVR at all. There are plenty of RVR games out there now, DAoC, WoW, even LOTRO is RVR if you count monster play. I know the whole background of Warhammer is the 'war' between the different races but to be honest i think that should have maybe been a backstory as opposed to the main thrust of the game. You can't walk anywhere in WAR without the constant sound of battle ringing in your ears. At first it's exciting but after a while becomes annoying and there's no respite from it. Even real wars have quiet periods. Also, where is the night time and where is the weather? WAR landscape does look good, even better than AoC i'd say but i don't get the sense i'm in a real world, especially with all the repetitive combat animations going off all around me. I must have seen those Orcs attacks those Elf archers a thousand times, yawn.
    There is lots to like about this game. They are the first game to get High Elves and Dark Elves right in my opinion, and the starting areas look great as do the mobs and the character avatars. I just wish it was a PVE game, with the war as the backstory, like in LOTRO. In Lord of the Rings the war is going on, there are camps of goblins etc... everywhere, but it doesn't drive you through the game, it provides background for RP and quests.
    Just a a few early thoughts. Good game, but too contrived and not varied enough so far. Also it is far too much like WoW, but that's not Warhammer's fault since Warcraft ripped off the Warhammer tabletop game in the first place. Wow just got there first. Shame really.


    ... I stopped reading your post after the second line...WoW is not an RvR game its a PvE / Dungeon Game with some pvp for gear.  Lord of the rings is most definitly not an RvR game its monster play is a side game it has no benefit and or meaning against the rest of the game.    If its only NPC"s at war and you dont' affect the war in anyway then its not an RvR game.   Hell I wouldn't even call them Faction vs Faction games since they're only about personal and not 'realm' advancement.   

    DAoC is RvR its affected by the struggle between the Races,   WAR is a RvR game it is affected by the struggle between the races.     Please do a lil research on what RvR means ... PvE based junky dungeon raiding games that are not affected by the 'struggle' between the races are NOT in any shape or form RvR Games.

  • solendilsolendil Member Posts: 16

    When I first entered Warhammer, i was suprised and enthralled by the battles around me. But this sense of wonder and excitement quicly faded. I'm now level 12, and everywhere I go, the same battle is taking place again, and again, and again. I now know that I can safely walk among the battle without any risk. I now know that the Order camps won't be overrun by the regular assaults. I now know how the AI work and how these battles take place.

    So these battles are a mere background, and things get boring when the background is endlessly repeated. I also feel that Warhammer needed more contrast between quiet places and battle fields. This would have made the battles more meaningful.

    Of course, I'm just talking about the PVE places.  I didn't get any chance to jump into the scenarios as I get deconnected every time I'm about to enter one, but that's another problem...


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