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No Cross Server Instances for SWG

KazaraKazara Member UncommonPosts: 1,086

In a thread discussing when information about the low-population fix would be made available, Valara did state there are no plans for Cross Server Instances.


Community Manager

Joined: May 10, 2007

Messages: 2799


Skuzz wrote:

We dont need every detail, we just want to know if the DevH efforts are related to A)cross server instaces or B)new servers/mergers. That's all.

There are currently no plans for cross server instances in the near future.

This is good news for the players that have been wondering if this braindead idea was actually going to be implemented. Be it transfers or merges, the fix should have been done months ago to prevent the cancellations and poor vet trail retention the ghost servers have cost them. I am thinking the fix will be put in for Hoth and the next wave of free vet trials.



  • ArcheusCrossArcheusCross Member Posts: 793

    Hate to burst you bubble but they will never do server transfers, they made that very clear by now..... its like asking them to admit total fault for the nge fiasco and asking them to rollback to those files... as will never happen. 

    They would rather you pay 50 bucks for you to transfer to another server from a dead server, via being lulled by word of mouth that the population there is high (which in comparison to pre cu, it really isnt) than to act like a company should and offer you the transfers for free due to the population going down.

    But in all honesty... when have they ever acted in the customers best interest? Key word: Best.

    "Do not fret! Your captain is about to enter Valhalla!" - General Beatrix of Alexandria

    "The acquisition of knowledge is of use to the intellect, for nothing can be loved or hated without first being known." - Leo da Vinci

  • KazaraKazara Member UncommonPosts: 1,086

    Hey Arch, no bubble burst here my friend. I only said transfers or merges since the cross-play is dead in the egg. There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    The fix is coming. I do believe there will be enhanced transfers to allow resources and crated goods to transfer at an 'enhanced' fee. I also believe there will be free non-item transfers and at the end, mergers to allow the final demise of the dead and dying servers. I can't say if this incorpaorates exisiting servers or a new catch-all server.  If there is a way to wring out one transfer fee, enhanced or otherwise, $OE will do it even if it costs them more in the long run.

    The low population issue continues while it causes more cancellations and has defeated much of what the free vet trials were suppose to do. Warhammer releases in two days and there ae other games and/or expansions coming out.  All this only will keep chiseling away at a pathetic playerbase where the game has well over 50% of its servers DEAD.


  • pdxgeekpdxgeek Member Posts: 585
    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.

  • firefly2003firefly2003 Member UncommonPosts: 2,527

    If they fix the problem concerning the population issues by slapping an enhanced fee to transfer everything including resources... more people would quit from that slap in the face.  also a statement by Valara was made about a estimation of how many people are left playing SWG heres the link and the squabbling of people over exaggerating the numbers to 45 k subs which as everyone knows those people must be smoking crack cause if there was 45k to 150 k subs as some of those fanbois described in there wouldnt need to be a server merge...



    Personally they should just shut 20 servers down open 5 new ones and put everyone there.. shut down the old ones savew some cash and fix the damn game... not the TCG

  • KazaraKazara Member UncommonPosts: 1,086
    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.


  • pdxgeekpdxgeek Member Posts: 585
    Originally posted by Kazara

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.

    And my point is even when SOE disappoints their current players those players don't do anything about it. Do you really think Badger will quit the game over this?

  • KazaraKazara Member UncommonPosts: 1,086
    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.

    And my point is even when SOE disappoints their current players those players don't do anything about it. Do you really think Badger will quit the game over this?


    No, BadgerSmaker still has other failed crusades to chase, such as AFK game play, so he won't be quiting anytime soon. SWG will always have a small core group that will hang on - as other failed games have had until the plug gets pulled (if ever). I just didn't understand  your response to the line you qouted, but I believe we are talking about the same thing. :)


  • EbenEmaelEbenEmael Member Posts: 334
    Originally posted by Kazara

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.

    Has anyone been reading BadgerSmaker's posts on the OBoards lately? He has a bit of an attitude problem. Very abusive to the other posters. I reported one of his comments, not that it will do any good.

  • ValeranValeran Member Posts: 925
    Originally posted by EbenEmael

    Originally posted by Kazara

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.

    Has anyone been reading BadgerSmaker's posts on the OBoards lately? He has a bit of an attitude problem. Very abusive to the other posters. I reported one of his comments, not that it will do any good.


    He doesn't have a seat at the bigboy table anymore therefore he is just throwing a tantrum if anyone has ideas that differ from his.

    Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism

    "SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor

  • iwantmyswgiwantmyswg Member Posts: 301
    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by EbenEmael

    Originally posted by Kazara

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.

    Has anyone been reading BadgerSmaker's posts on the OBoards lately? He has a bit of an attitude problem. Very abusive to the other posters. I reported one of his comments, not that it will do any good.


    He doesn't have a seat at the bigboy table anymore therefore he is just throwing a tantrum if anyone has ideas that differ from his.


    lol too true

    and i don't think $OE could do transfers/mergers that would mean they would have to get some good programing in. and swg hasn't had that from the start of the cu till now.

  • EbenEmaelEbenEmael Member Posts: 334
    Originally posted by iwantmyswg

    Originally posted by Valeran

    Originally posted by EbenEmael

    Originally posted by Kazara

    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Originally posted by Kazara

    There is one ex-senator that must be weeping at this time.....

    I doubt it. If there's one thing SOE can count on is that anybody still playing SWG will continue to give them money no matter what they do.


    Hehe, I don't think you got what I meant.  The ex-senator I alluded to was BadgerSmaker who was completely against transfers/mergers as a solution for the low-population issue - it was as if he was on a crusade. He was pushing for Cross Server instances (even hinted that he had some sort of 'influence' on the staff), despite the preference for transfers/merges by the vast majority of the playerbase he was suppose to represent during his tenure as senator. I am sure Badger was not at all pleased with Valara's news.

    Has anyone been reading BadgerSmaker's posts on the OBoards lately? He has a bit of an attitude problem. Very abusive to the other posters. I reported one of his comments, not that it will do any good.


    He doesn't have a seat at the bigboy table anymore therefore he is just throwing a tantrum if anyone has ideas that differ from his.


    lol too true

    and i don't think $OE could do transfers/mergers that would mean they would have to get some good programing in. and swg hasn't had that from the start of the cu till now.

    I doubt that much could be done with the existing code since its a hodge-podge of pre-CU/CU/NGE/post-NGE code. IMHO SOE would have to start from scratch or lease the rights to an existing engine. I doubt that they would spend the money.

  • pdxgeekpdxgeek Member Posts: 585

    Wasn't Badger the guy who said they shouldn't focus on server merges because the new grouping tools would solve everybody's problems with the game? Guess that didn't really work out...

  • SioBabbleSioBabble Member Posts: 2,803
    Originally posted by pdxgeek

    Wasn't Badger the guy who said they shouldn't focus on server merges because the new grouping tools would solve everybody's problems with the game? Guess that didn't really work out...



    The sad thing is, those "grouping tools" already existed beforehand, they just were not consolidated and called that, and suffer from the same limiations they always do: players can go anonymous at any time (very common during the days when BHs hunted Jedi) which defeats the purpose of the passive grouping tools.

    There still is no default world/galaxy chat like you've got in WoW with zone general chat.

    CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.

    Once a denizen of Ahazi

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