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PvE Lair/World Boss video

People ask about the PvE a lot so figured I'd post this video I found that shows some of the lairs etc. Most of them are kind of hard to find and they are generally built for a single group.


  • Deto123Deto123 Member Posts: 689

    Lol, those log jumps are going to be a challenge for my wife, She sucks at that type of stuff in games. Guess i ll be doing it for her.

  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320

    nice video... even shows that WAR has... PLATFORMING!  but seriously, it was nice to see a small group have some fun, and show the magus isn't useless.

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

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