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Pure PVP?

SiruKaiSiruKai Member Posts: 73

 I don't get it because i find the pve in this game amazing , and the roleplaying possiblity seems like alot.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    Originally posted by SiruKai

     I don't get it because i find the pve in this game amazing , and the roleplaying possiblity seems like alot.


    No one ever said it was a pure pvp game did they?

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  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    I don't entirely understand what you actually want to know; have you heard that this game is pure PvP and now find it isn't? Or? Because Guild Wars got a quite nice PvE content that's definitely well done and worth to play through.



  • freakworldfreakworld Member Posts: 67

    Funny thing is I have never pvped in it and have and dune all the expansions but the last one. LOL

    Almost dune with the last one, but can't ever find a group for the ending.

  • LydonLydon Member UncommonPosts: 2,938

     Guild Wars is what you make of it. I played solely PvE for over a year. Now when I play it's usually just PvP. Many do both. 

    Nowhere is it advertised as a PvP-only game, so I'm not sure what the issue is?

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