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Then I subbed. Its is alot of fun. I love the drop ships, makes it feel like your in a real war.
Got to lvl 11 last night, plan on playing more tonight.
If you have not tried this game yet, give it a try, its worth it.
Sooner or Later
It was very fun up until level 24 were it slows down
They all slow down...
What server are you on?
ruat caelum
US East - Pegasus? - name is Tilron Dtank
Sooner or Later
Same here, Last name Theme
ruat caelum
What class did you start out with?
I got a medic I duo with a friend. When they are not on I am working on an Engineer or Demo alt, haven't decided yet.
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I started a specialist and went up the sapper tree to level 20, then I got jealous of those rangers and their damn fire support. So i spent the weekend getting my soldier to 15 and am going to run him for a week or so and see how I like it. I do miss the survivability of the sapper though.
I choose soldier, then I am going ranger, then I am going sniper.
I love the high damage vs 1 target that the sniper offers.
Sooner or Later
I would suggest you go to PTR and read up on the sniper before dedicating yourself to that class. It can be fun but the high damage you are looking for to one target simply does not exist in the way you might think from playing snipers in other games.
I was in the beta for this and enjoyed it, but decided it wasn't quite ready to take my time and money after retail. I just played the trial some this weekend and I have to say it is quite fun still.
If I didn't have a job, kids, and a wife I think I'd definitely subscribe to this and WAR (assuming it hooks me). Unfortunately I barely have time to play even one game, let alone two at once. Why couldn't I have married a gamer wife? WHY?!
I heard that stealth armor really stinks if you get up close combat. I found that out on a guy we picked up one night. Everytime he got in melee range with the mobs he would lose HPs real fast. He was a tough one to keep healed.
They looked pretty fun to play. I plan to try them out once I get my sapper up to either demo or eng.
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I feel your pain! My daughter just turned two last month, so I try to get my gaming itch scratched after 9pm till 12. My wife just glares, but I'm used to it. :-)
Well I am going to go sniper and if I dont like it will use the a clone and respec
Sooner or Later
I got it off Fry's at $4.99 .. and it is definitely worth it.
I am pretty casual and i fully expect to enjoy early leveling (to 30?). I am up to L6 now.
I don't know if this is worth subscribing too ... but i am no problem paying $4.99 for the early game.
This is the first MMO I've played where even the grinding is fun. I'm not sitting there going, "Christ, I need to do an all-nighter and grind to a higher level!"
Thank God for you guys.
Seriously. Tabula Rasa is big fun; its endgame is, as yet, a tad lacking, and its crafting is seriously phoned in, but I've never played a game I -enjoyed- grinding in. The CP grind is more like the CP party.
Grenadiers for the WIN. Those goddamn rocket launchers are made out of win, god and awesome all at once. Not as much DPS as snipers or spies, but holy fuck is their AoE ever great.
I've played the beta for some hours and it was fun to play, but my pc wasn't good enough to play it smoothly, so I didn't subscribed.
Last month, ncsoft send me an e-mail with an invite to play the game for free untill the end of August. It was around 10 days of free play
Unfortunetly, I couldn't fully enjoy all the free play (mainly because of the same reason some of you have post--> family) but I was able to play for some hours. My computer is the same
however the game did run much better, less lag, less CTD (my connection fault) and more fun. Like the op I went the sniper route because there wasn't much time to read the TR forums and look for a profession that I could enjoy more. It was a choice just to keep me going on.
Well, I didn't subscribe again and again because this game needs a better pc than this old pentium 4 with 512M RAM and an old graphic card. But I'll subscribe it for a month or two when I buy a new pc. It's a good game, nice graphics, FPS, FC, cool lore. I think I'll have lots of fun playing it. I just hope there's some RPG on it because I love it.
Have fun
Have fun
Someone in another thread posted that TR ended for them at 30. Not me, I trained Demo tonight on an alt and it was a ton of fun. That is a massive nuker and CPs where a lot of fun. I'm going to try out Engineer tomorrow off the clone I made of it, but so far loving, loving the demo class.
A friend of mine that I duo with is a Grendalier and loves it.
What server are you on KirinRahl?
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Haggus71 what class you playing and what server are you on?
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Whichever is USEast. Pegasus, I think? My surname is Kerras, often online as Jainey Kerras, which is my 39 Grenadier. I don't play all that often (Warhammer Online, STALKER: Clear Sky), but I love it when I do.
Still undecided if I should come back to play again.
just played the trial too... it is a nice game but i cant see myself playing it in a month or so.. ill play a bit longer before ill make my mind up
the main issue for me is that the game feels like a 3rd person shooter while it aint.. mobs got auto-aim etc.. jumping and strafing doesnt really matter in pve while i just auto play like that cause it feels like a shooter instead of a mmo
MMOs currently playing: -
About to play: Lord of the Rings Online
Played: Anarchy Online (alltime favorite) and lots of f2p titles (honorable mentions: 9Dragons, Martial Heroes, Dekaron, Atlantica Online)
The trial seems interesting and because the game is so cheap these days to buy I might get it, but I've heard there's not much to do later in the game, but a month of play might be worth 10 euro.
10 euro!! I got it at $4.99 .. so that less than 1/2 :P
Definite it is worth 10 euros. I heard it is bad after level 30 ... but $4.99 is a steal to play UP TO level 30.
I don't know, I made 33 last night and still having fun. Your mileage may vary, for the price it is worth it. It may depend on what class you pick as to how much fun you have.
I was debating between Eng and Demo and tried Demo as my main and it is a lot of fun, heck of a lot of damage. Blowing yourself up is awesome.
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