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Wiki VS Wikia

SiruKaiSiruKai Member Posts: 73

Which of the two for guild wars is better. I do not want to keep switching between the two! 


  • Lonesamurai1Lonesamurai1 Member Posts: 1,210

    Stick with the official Wiki...


    I knowa few guys that work for Wikia andit is good, but the Official one is hosted by ANet themselves and double checked by them


  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    I use both. The official wiki is the one I use the most mainly because I dislike the layout of Wikia. A few articles may also be stubs on Wikia and fully written on the official one so I switch between them. I dislike the official wiki's listing of skills; i.e. not by attribute or equal, just alphabetically as it's harder to find skills that fit into my build from a specific attribute line. Using both is my recommendation since the chances of both lacking sufficient information regarding something is very small.



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