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Guild Wars & Saga of Ryzom & Now What?

SiruKaiSiruKai Member Posts: 73

 I have the two mmorpgs listed already.... but i feel like i need one more to fill my craving... so does anyone have any ideas of another mmorpg i could play along with the ones i already have. Tell me a little bit about the mmorpg you are recomending. As long as there is some sort of creature taming controlling aspect to it. I'm happy. I do not want everquest II.


  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320

    WoW, despite all the shit it gets here its not a half bad game, and there are free trials out so you might as well give it a try.


    Guild wars and Ryzom are... very different games.  if you like Ryzom's sandboxy-ness and don't mind complex games, I suggest you give EVE a try.  but beware, its very hardcore and can be unforgiving in more than a few aspects.


    In addition, many people find EVE as a good MMO to play along with another, because skill training and playing the market don't require you to be online non-stop, just off and on to check on things, adjust ect.


    I suggest you stay away from AoC and Lineage2, as they are hit-and-miss right now, some love them, most hate them.  but other games to try out would be... LoTR for PvE, WAR for PvP (you'll have to wait 17 days on that one) or... thats all I can think of right now.  Good luck.


    EDIT: for obvious typo.

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

  • TeimanTeiman Member Posts: 1,319

    I have tried WoW, with trials. And is not a good game. Is more a "scheleton" of the basics of a game, than a complete game.

  • DraconusDraconus Freeworld AdminMember Posts: 781

    Wait on Warhammer


  • unknown22unknown22 Member Posts: 159

    games i would recommend:




    lineage ii

    shaiya (not bad for a f2p)

    war is peace
    freedom is slavery
    ignorance is strength

    big brother is watching you

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    Do you want a free game?

    Could check out Sword of the New world, small squad based mmo its kind of neat

    Requiem Bloodymare, for the violence and dark setting

    Really it depends on what you look for in a game..

  • SiruKaiSiruKai Member Posts: 73

     Yeah lotro doesnt have a house system and it doesnt really have a creature taming system im looking for :( sorry

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