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What is the Death Penalty in WAR?
That is the deciding factor for WAR. Does it put fear in you?
Someone with beta knowledge please enlighting me with what happens when you die.
Sooner or Later
There isnt one.
No XP loss, no gear damage, no debt. You just revive at a base nearby and off you go.
Edit: No fear either, in fact the death window says (and I quote):
"You died!! Don't worry though, its all part of the game!"
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
Well thanks, I pass, no point in playing a game with no risk.
Zerging will be the only "tactic" in WAR then.
Sooner or Later
there is a death penalty but its minor
When you die, you will be given a 10 minute debuff which will decrease your stats and damage output.
This debuff stacks each time you die.
EQ2 fan sites
It's only for PvE deaths, not PvP deaths.
Yes, I wish there was a better death penalty. But in RvR you die a lot. If there was a serious death penalty, things would have gotten out of control.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
Hmm If you do, its not working. I havent had this debuff, and I have died alot.
I'll bug report it in case its broken. Jumping in now to check and will let you know.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
i wish PvE had a harsher one but PvP really shouldnt have a death penalty in my opinion so except for the easy penalty for pve they made the right decision because i think you will be dieing alot more often than you are use to in an MMO
Ive had this death buff stack 3 times on me -- while trying to kill a PQ boss
its active for me in PVE
EQ2 fan sites
What Xtort said:
PvE death results in a 10 minutes debuff which is has your Wounds (hp) lowered. It stacks if you die again in that interval of 10 mins. Also you are released to the closest camp/warcamp. You have to run back to your quest.
PvP death results in sending you back to the closest camp/warcamp. You have to run back to where the fighting is. No debuffs in this case.
Now, I'm not sure but being resurrected after you die and if you don't release, you get no debuff (PvE).
To say you will die more often then other MMOs is just stupid. WAR is not the first to PvP or RvR so dont talk out of your ass.
PvE and PvP should have the same penalty, if you die, you die period, it should hurt, it should make you fear dieing. You as a player should want to do everything in your power to advoid death... Ever Play EQ1, The good players were easy as hell to point out due to the Death penalty.
Before you all start going off the deep end on how EQ1's death penalty was nothing but a time sink remember the whole point of any MMO is a time sink, to get the player to pay to play longer is the goal after all.
No Death Penatly for PvP is crap, ruins any chance of WAR being fun for myself and gamers like me who want Risk back in our games.
No risk is worthless in MMOs. All you have to do with no death penalty is throw body after body at the enemy until you win or they leave. Pointless. Zerging will be the main tactic in any open World PvP/RvR fights.
Sooner or Later
Sorry, your quite right. When I die in PVE I have a 10 minute debuff which says "Wounds reduced by 10%".
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
To say you will die more often then other MMOs is just stupid. WAR is not the first to PvP or RvR so dont talk out of your ass.
PvE and PvP should have the same penalty, if you die, you die period, it should hurt, it should make you fear dieing. You as a player should want to do everything in your power to advoid death... Ever Play EQ1, The good players were easy as hell to point out due to the Death penalty.
Before you all start going off the deep end on how EQ1's death penalty was nothing but a time sink remember the whole point of any MMO is a time sink, to get the player to pay to play longer is the goal after all.
No Death Penatly for PvP is crap, ruins any chance of WAR being fun for myself and gamers like me who want Risk back in our games.
Yes zerg fests will reign supreme unfortunately.
op is right
this fuckin sucks ass... almost everything was perfect about this game then this shit appears
Bah, seems like when it comes to games all you hear is a bunch of 10 yr olds crying...
If you dont like it, quit and STFU and never come back
It is a shame, I have to agree. Kind of ruins the point of tactics when you have no worries when you die anyhow.
Why would anyone want to play a healer or a tank in PvP, then? Let's all roll melee DPS classes since we really don't die anyhow but just get teleported 10 yds away when we are attacked at a certain point.
People need to start realizing that harsh death penalties are *never* going to happen in a game where you don't have control over your own life.
And anyone claiming he has control over his own life in any significant way in open field RvR with hundreds of people is not thinking straight.
To say you will die more often then other MMOs is just stupid. WAR is not the first to PvP or RvR so dont talk out of your ass.
PvE and PvP should have the same penalty, if you die, you die period, it should hurt, it should make you fear dieing. You as a player should want to do everything in your power to advoid death... Ever Play EQ1, The good players were easy as hell to point out due to the Death penalty.
Before you all start going off the deep end on how EQ1's death penalty was nothing but a time sink remember the whole point of any MMO is a time sink, to get the player to pay to play longer is the goal after all.
No Death Penatly for PvP is crap, ruins any chance of WAR being fun for myself and gamers like me who want Risk back in our games.
Yes zerg fests will reign supreme unfortunately.
Zerg has been the first thing each side has been trying and it does not work all that well most RvR zone sides have some level of fortification at each end with the object either inside or dead in the middle of the zone. If the zerg pushes through they get hit with a major counter attack with in a minute. While that’s going on several times we were smart enough to flank and either hit them from the side or behind breaking the zerg these battles can last for hours if that’s not what your into then this game is not for you.
woudln't it be more logical and tatical to switch it around???
pve should have no penalties i mean who cares.. its computers
pvp should have that 10 minute thing.. that would really work well
somebody in the warhammer camp tell them my great idea
How about when you die in the game, your keyboard sends 2 milliamps of electrical shock through your fingers?
"Electrocution occurs when a small, specific amount of electrical current flows through the heart for 1 to 3 seconds. 0.006-0.2 Amps (that's 6-200mA milliamps) of current flowing through the heart disrupts the normal coordination of heart muscles. These muscles loose their vital rhythm and begin to fibrilate. Death soon follows."
i want a game where if i die forrest griffon punches me in the face repeatedly until i die
Well it's a little like real war, or at least the table top. You have two large fronts and unless you use smart tactics and organize, just charging with out overwhelming odds will end up with a stand off.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
Well thanks, I pass, no point in playing a game with no risk.
Zerging will be the only "tactic" in WAR then.
fear? no but its puts fun in you..if the game is fun to play what difference would a death penalty make.
That's very creative. Perhaps there's a future for you on a game design team? How about ogres who jump up and down on your corpse when you're dead making all kinds of squishy, splatty sounds? Or a zombie who whistles for his friends to join in eating your body post-mortem?
why do you want to worry in a game, you're supposed to be having fun not becoming paranoid around ever corner. You cant please everyone so just move on to some other game, its not worth crying about.
Sure, if you're playing Barbie Beauty Styler (tm), but many gamers are looking for some kind of thrill in combat.
I'm glad there is no Death Penalty.. Reason?
You're in PvP/RvR theres a group of enemies closing in on you, you're outnumbered, but with luck you might just win.
With a death penalty in PvP, your group members would just run away, thinking they are outnumbered and there is no hope, why risk sitting AFK for 10 minutes if you KNOW you're going to die.
Without a death penalty in PvP, your group members might see there are more enemies but you wouldn't mind about dieing, if it meant you might just win. No penatly on losing so just go for it, etc.
The death penalty in PvE however is understandable, and adds a bit of excitement when you might die. It also gives you an incentive not to run in with no brain and attack stupidly.