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So WAR finally gave a release date and I excitedly went to the guild forums to check who is playing as I am in the beta and love the game. Almost universally I got the response that players didn't want to play another MMORPG because AOC left such a bad taste in their mouth. I am now officially a Funcom hater~. I can live with the fact the game wasn't finished, I can live with the fact that I only got 100 hours or so of entertainment out of my $65 (I payed for 1 month), but killing my guild for future games is really upsetting.
Anyone else having similar expierences?
Sigh, maybe they don't want to "pay for another beta."
Guild management is a difficult thing. Very few guilds seem to make the transition between games.
However, it's always a sad thing to see a guild dissolve when a game doesn't work out the way you'd like. I've been in a different guild in every game, and of those guilds, only 1 to 4 people usually have tagged along with me to another one.
I am sad for people who started with AoC though. This isn't a good representation of the MMO industry, but rather the recent history of MMO's. There's still a ton of quality MMO's out there (EQ2, FFXI, Eve, WoW) which, in my mind, are better than anything that has come out in the last 2 years (save for LotRo)
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
That is sad indeed
MMOs are a brilliant game genre, AOC is just a very bad example and Funcom is just a crappy game company
Tell your guild that if Funcom goes bust, this sort of thing won't happen as badly again in the MMO genre
All the best and hope your guild sticks together in another game.
I for one wont ever play a game from day 1 again. I will wait until people get to end game and I get some positive responses on the game. If its good and shows promise then I will buy it.
What Funcom has done for my gaming is not trust any game at release or the over hyped rubish spouted my their marketing.....that goes for my guild also.
Personally feel Funcom may have damaged the mmo industry with this catalouge of balls ups.
I hope they turn it around though, like Vanguard did.....for the die hard fans of the world of Conan deserve a better game. Pesonally I would never play it again or any other mmo they may bring out.
I hope Funcom goes down in flames Friday when they release the Q2 numbers to investors. After what they have done to MMO's and the community they don't deserve to stay in business.
All the other MMO developers need to use Funcom as a lesson not to scam the customers or release beta's as full products because in the end we sign the paychecks not the investors.
For me a GAMER plays a game he/she enjoys, when a game isn't giving the player fun then that GAMER would look for a game that is fun for them. Or in some cases a GAMER wants a game to succeed and is already having fun in the game but sees room for improvements, but the moment a game stop being fun should be the moment people should leave a game.
Sad that your Guild gt killed by a game, if there was/is any friendship you might all find another game to be guilded in and have fun in what ever game that might be.
Well, depends on the guild and on how long the players know each other. I experiences many dissapointements with my guild. First we had a big conflict during WoW time, where half of the people left. The "core members" though stayed together. And since the leader is one of the core members and I am managing website and database, we just lost some people, but it didn't effect management at all.
After that there was HG:L which also was a big disappointment to us. More people left, but still, some core members are around and I am sure the guild as it is won't be ever destroyed.
Well, then AOC came, the same happened, but this time, no one left. So we are still around as a guild as such, not playing any game at the moment, but the community is still there. I think we will be around, at least the core members will be (which are around 8 I would guess).
that happened to me. after vanguard launched and was the worst game of all time i and a lot of others i knew in the game quit mmo's. i hadnt played an mmo for over a year then AoC came and slapped me in the face
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
I expect WAR to be more of the same. With the utter fail of AoC expectations for WAR are even higher than they were. No company/game can live up to that. Much gnashing of teeth shall be heard at the end of Sept.
wana bet ?
and to the OP , why don't you just tell your guildies to try the game for free once open beta starts and then decide ?
Good point in here, the last game they played was Vanguard which I skipped. So they played Vanguard followed by AOC, not a good combo.
ouch , i feel bad for your guild !!!
hopefully they will give one more game a try ... they might be plesently surprised to find out not all MMO's are like Vanguard and AOC .
I dont get what they did that was so horrible. I think you all are overreacting .
I dont get what they did that was so horrible. I think you all are overreacting .
ok mr/mrs 4 hours. lol
I dont get what they did that was so horrible. I think you all are overreacting .
ok mr/mrs 4 hours. lol
I agree with mr/mrs 4 hour, and I have been around for a *long* time.
Personally, I think a massive number of players in the MMO community suffer from either selective amnesia, an overblown sense of self, or both.
These are the MMO'ish games I have played either from beta-to-release, or from day#1, or
*- have played but not from day 1
1- Ultima Online
2- Everquest
3- Anarchy Online
3- Neocron 2
4- World of Warcraft
5- Everquest 2
6- Asheron's Call
7- Rhyzom
8-Dark Age of Camelot
9- Dark and Light (fail)
10- Wish (fail)
*11-Entropia Universe
*12-Second Life
13- Lord of the Rings Online
15- Vanguard (SoH)
16- Star Wars Galaxies
17- EVE online
18- Earth and Beyond
19- Age of Conan
It is my opinion that, in the context of my experience, Age of Conan probably falls in the middle of this list in terms of quality and/or frustration/dissapointment of the game.
Age of Conan did not have a great launch and in my opinion is, presently, a mediocre MMo at best.
However, those acting like AoC somehow set the standard for epic fail are, respectfully, wildly overrating the fail factor of AoC.
Some of these games were never produced.
Others had massive gamebreaking flawes that threatened to destroy the game from the outset
Some of these games crashed more than they ran in the beginning
Others were huge imbalanced
Others had hackers ruining the game persistantly
So... IMHO.. if you think AoC is a game that has "turned you off" to MMO's.. or is an "epic fail" or somehow you feel the need to make things like "fail com" your logo, I have a response for you.
I have become increasingly astonished at the level of entitlement and spoiled attitude that seems to currently persist in the general population of individuals (especially other americans) under the age of 30.
---> and, btw, I don't just mean associated with MMO's either.
However, my "astonishment" is only my perception... and that doesn't make it "correct" or "right". Perhaps individuals younger than me are just less accepting of unprofessional and sloppy work. Perhaps they just have a higher bar of expectations than I and many (but to be certain, not all) of the people I know in my age group.
I find this amusing from my own perception because it is a generally accepted perception from the majority of the international community that Americans are, on average, unprofessional sloppy individuals themselves.
--> I am not going to argue this point.. its way off topic and not suited for this forum.
In any event --> Whether you agree or disagree with my above commented perception or not is irrelevant.
Age of Conan was not one of the worst, or even close to one of the worst MMO launches IMHO.
Vanguard, Ultima Online, Anarchy Online (admittedly, a Funcom game), Dark and Light, Wish, and even the first few days of Warcraft all stand out in my mind as clear examples of games that had a much more horrific first few months of release. (not making it to launch is the worst)
Some of the aforementioned games got *worse* as they went along.. not better. Striking examples of this are Star Wars Galaxies, Planetside, and Rhyzom.
Age of Conan, in contrast, has, IMHO gotten better with each patch. Just how MUCH better is clearly a subject of contention.
This is not meant to be a "pat on the back" to FunCom in any way. Nor is it meant to dismiss the obvious failings of the release & first few months of AoC. I am not a FunCom fanboi, nor a AoC fanatic.
However, IMHO, if AoC was horrific for you.. i would suggest that you not play MMOs.
Or, at the very least, only play MMO's LONG after their first release.
Anyone who has an expectation of a release of a game massively better than AoC has the expectation of going to Vegas and always winning at blackjack. Like it or not, the MMO market has proven to be a very volitile & risky area of gaming.
If you cannot handle a little risk, I would suggest the old "I'll believe it when I see it" policy.
I (and many players I know) are tired of the whining associated with imperfect MMO launches & I am sure those who complain are tierd of feeling like their expectations were not met.
Just let the people that can handle a little risk do the gaming-from-day1.
Hint: Stop assuming the guild is one mass, but rather a bunch of different people.
I don't care about guild names or anything, but I do enjoy playing with friends in a guild. I don't get involved in guild cliques, either. I make a friend, or friends inside of the guild I am in. That's how you retain friends, to be honest. Then you can call someone a friend, instead of "that guy I was in a guild with who is pretty cool."
I have been friends with someone from Neocron since December 2002. We still play games together, but not as much since he got into college. He'll be starting up Warhammer with me, though.
I wanted nothing to do with my guild when I left AoC. They were all delusion'ed by Failcom. "Dude, calm down, 2 patches from now everything will be cool."
So, it's been about 4 weeks since I left. At least 3 patches would have gone through. I still don't hear anything positive coming from this game. Enjoy it, blind fanboys.
While it is indeed a gamble to play from day 1, I think the thrill of a new game and the joy of discovering things before it becomes stale outweighs the risks.
Sure, some launches are poor, but some are fine (none perfect - it's a question of degree) and it can be very fun to be in on a new burgeoning community from the outset.
Funcom damaged nothing except itself. There are many more huge successes and total failures in store for MMOs. Just because there were a few very bad movies in 1910 did nothing to harm the film industry.
LOL! I just read the gem duping topic thread.
Oh well. I guess AoC's "launch" just picked up the "duping fail" flag *sigh*
Its still not the WORST launch, but that lowers its "score" a lot.
If they keep this level of mistakes up, they're going to have to open a new server after they (potentially?) fix everything... or somewho make those gems worthless (lol sigh)
Its sad because Anarchy online was plagued with a similar bag exploit that allowed you to equip anything you wanted at any level for a long, long time. .. You'd think they'd learn.
LOL oh well
You paid $65 for 100 hours. Sounds like you got your money's worth. Few console games can be played for 100 hours and if you're paying for a 360 or PS3 title then you're paying close to $65. While I find that AoC wasn't everything that I was dreaming it would be, it's still a nice change of pace from the other games that are out, and it's nowhere near a failure in my book.
I understand though how frustrating it is to have a game be a complete let down (SWG), and that sucks. Although, I've never been unlucky enough to have any game ruin my gaming experience so completely that it turned me off to games altogether.
And because I'm a UO fanboy, I just have to respond to this:
"Vanguard, Ultima Online, Anarchy Online (admittedly, a Funcom game), Dark and Light, Wish, and even the first few days of Warcraft all stand out in my mind as clear examples of games that had a much more horrific first few months of release. (not making it to launch is the worst)"
I didn't play upon release of UO but didnt UO basically create the genre of what we now know as MMORPGs? That game was a pioneer and while I'll admit even after years the game was still iffy when it came to bugs and stability, I think it's different than the other games on that list.
Neither of my comments were meant as flaming btw, just making observations (maybe incorrect ones at that).
I would never pay $65 for a console game though, I consider that a waste of money. I rarely buy anything but mmorpg for full price because they are the most fun when they first release and everything is new and because the good ones give me 500+ hours of fun.
Lets hope that WAR's release is as smooth as DAoC was. Hopefully that might entice some of your guildies to brave another MMORPG.
First try the game then buy it (never buy a MMO the first day if you haven't tried it).
Suggestion: Try LOTRO!
First try the game then buy it (never buy a MMO the first day if you haven't tried it).
Suggestion: Try LOTRO!
Guild of heavy PvP players, don't think there would be much interest in their version of it.
The only place to go when you hit rock bottom is up.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.