"Da bigger da Orc, da stronger da Orc. Da stronger da Orc, da more dat's Orc's da boss. No wonder da Black Orcs is always da bosses!" - Splinta, a Goblin in the Bloody Sun Boyz tribe
it's pretty clear that destruction is going to be the dominant side, regardless of population. Everyone seems to be choosing a tank or healer for their mains, which is virtually unheard of in MMORPGs, tending to be the most underplayed.
Because you can't go wrong with a scantily-clad-elf-babe-with-huge-daggers-and-big-hair-who-wants-to-kill-you-then-eat-your-babies! (and all in the name of a god who uh... condones murder...)
First of all, I plan on playing Order because I prefer the underdogs. However, if I choose to play Destruction on another server I would definately roll Chosen because they look amazing!
k well i messed up the poll cuz im stupid.
Disciple interests me the most. I want to try out most classes.
Don't care for Chaos that much. Chosen look alright but other than that not really.
Zealot. I'm the rare type of player that enjoys the pure support role.

not so rare. i know quite a few ppl like u
Black Orc BABY!
Check the sig / / /
"Da bigger da Orc, da stronger da Orc. Da stronger da Orc, da more dat's Orc's da boss. No wonder da Black Orcs is always da bosses!"
- Splinta, a Goblin in the Bloody Sun Boyz tribe
i like to play tank classes. but im stuck between chosen and black orc.
For The Chaos Gods! Chosen for me! my alt will be a Squig Herder.
Black orc all the way. Tanks are my favorite class.
Chosen, none of the other classes even come close to asthetics of the Chosen in my opinion.
That and I like their lore the best.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
it's pretty clear that destruction is going to be the dominant side, regardless of population. Everyone seems to be choosing a tank or healer for their mains, which is virtually unheard of in MMORPGs, tending to be the most underplayed.
I know its because WAR makes them look so juicy and interesting :P
honestly, i dont find shamans to look juicy at all :-S
well compare it to a regular Priest or Cleric ...and bam it looks way more interesting
Wiitcchhhh Ellffff.
Because you can't go wrong with a scantily-clad-elf-babe-with-huge-daggers-and-big-hair-who-wants-to-kill-you-then-eat-your-babies!
(and all in the name of a god who uh... condones murder...)
I'm not telling.
Black Orc?
First of all, I plan on playing Order because I prefer the underdogs. However, if I choose to play Destruction on another server I would definately roll Chosen because they look amazing!
Im stuck between Black orc and Marauder. Voted black orc cause i like greenskins most. Dont know yet tho, wish i was in the beta
Black Orc?
LOL, you got it. Then WE, then zealot.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH--err, Shaman all the way
(psst, Hi Nike
chaos chosen most played class i bet big time.
Too bad they removed the Orc Choppa. Now i'll choose for the Black Orc, i know its a tanking class but ill be speccing offensive
Black Orc?
LOL, you got it. Then WE, then zealot.
Sweet. Great career line up
I'm about the same, but I'm definitely going to be rolling a Magus at some point.
(Heeyyyy Rimskkyy)