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I felt like a ghost today. I kept trying to chat today but no one responded even though they talking to each other. Was weird. Do I need to type /global first or something? Was I in the wrong channel?
Also I'm on newbie island what is skill cap on noob island anyone know. I think I decided on a char I will stick with (Matis Male). So thanks to all who been helping me so far
From memory, the chat window is tabbed. If you go into the user tab, in the bottom left corner is a box that lets you choose which channel to talk into. I think the global chat one is called Universe. Select that then just type your message and hit Enter.
I think you might also be able to split different channels into different tabs, if you like - though I always found I'd miss messages that way.
Skill cap - when I played on Silan last year it was 50. I read a post on the Ryzom forums today where someone thought it had been reduced to 21, though others seemed to think it was still 50. Not sure.
The cap on Silan has always been 21 by default, they've increased it to 50 only twice that I can think of for a limited time.
Ah thanks a lot that clears that up.
Seems like your chat channel issuse was answered, so I'll se if I can confuse ya with the an answer for the newbie island!
If the devs did the same as when the game was taken off the market the first time they took off the level cap on the island and allowed only trial accounts to be made, but if there wasn't time to remove the cap then there will be a lvl cap of 21 on the island. I hope that helps!
When I started to play the default was 50 and then it was lowered to 21 twice so it just depends on when you joined the game!