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I played on my Zorai female character for a bit the other night on newbie isle. But I dunno I guess I should try all the races before I committ since this game sounds like EVE whereas you stick with one avatar mostly?
How do female characters get treated do they get harassed all the time?
I'm thinking I'll just go with a male as usual
Any benefits to being a particular race? This game not like eVe right whereas you have FoTM races (caldari achura bloodline / amarr cyberknight).
I don't think the sex matters at all. The race matters because it sets your starting city. It is very difficult to travel to another race's main city until you get to high levels. Teleport locations are dependent on your faction, and race can play a part in what faction is easier to get points in.
You might try each race, get to the mainland, and see if you like the scenery. If you like deserts, or forests, etc, you may want to pick the race that starts there.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
Actually, race does not set your starting city. When leaving Silan you can choose which capital city to go to.
Race does not affect stats or skills at all. As for faction/race/tribe fame, that does differ depending on race, but it's not a very bad amount of work to negate that difference.
Choose based on lore and which backside you prefer to look at.

In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
Yep pretty much 1 main char as you can level up as many skills as you like with 1 char but you can play as many as they let you and maybe you might want more for guild or faction reasons.
Although there is faction and civ fame in Ryzom, a player can always enter all the cities on Atys without NPC aggro.
There are small differences in starting faction fame and starting resistances to magic. But really neither are important at all.
Personally I think the area around Yrkanis, the Matis capital is harder than the area around the other 3 capital cities but it is still playable.
The quickest and easiest civ trek in Ryzom is between Zora and Pyr ( Zorai and Fyros civs ). But you'll still probably be best off to be trekked by higher skilled players and you'll want to be trekked to all civs anyways.
I've always found Ryzom to have a mature community and although we like to be playful and have fun, i've never seen any harassment.
I've been trying to look at screenshots and youtube movies. It appears the male wizards end up wearing skirts (was watching a movie on youtube)? Can I wear nice looking armor that gives magic bonuses?
sigh, such a tough decision I really value my character's appearance awhole lot perhaps a bit too much heh.
Where can I read up on the lore? That will help me pick. So far I liked Zorai for their tribal ways but perhaps some of the others might maintain that feel.
Not sure about lore currently.
But the youtube versions of the movies are pretty low resolution. is much better.
some personal favorites are;; Under the Canopy;; Restless Child;; The Battle for Pyr;; The New Empire Guild Movie sometimes just tne guild movie;; Art of War ;;Wastelands 2
Was that the older starting islands? I seem to remember each race having it's own island, and then going to a racial home city. I didn't play on Silan very much
2025: 48 years on the Net.
All races start together on the training island, Silan. When you leave there, you can choose which capital city you wish to be transported to. This is new. Earlier you automatically went to the capital city of your race.
As far as harassment of female characters? I am a female player playing a female character. I get the odd request but there is no harassment at all. This is a mature community with good manners, can you believe that. Universal chat is monitored and there is no harassment allowed, of any kind.
As far as choice of race, there is nothing so grand as an 8 foot blue Zorai female. Talk about standing out in a crowd..... WOW!
I hope you come and join us. It is completely different from anything I have experienced in any other game.
One thing I love about Ryzom - no difference between races other than appearance / story.
The best place to check out looks is here :
For females - I reckon Zorai female in Matis high-quality caster gear can't be beat. Very regal looking.
But I think males get better heavy armour and you can achieve some good looks mixing up caster gear from different races, eg. try Matis high-quality caster gear, but with Trykker vest and Zorai sleeves.
Seeing how we are on the subject of equipment between races, is equipment in this game like your typical MMO or is it like TCoS where they provide no stats (only used for visual effects) while you use enhacements to give your equipment the stats?
MMOs Played: I can no longer list them all in the 500 character limit.
- An archive of the version of the website that was available until recently.
- An archive of Atys Chronicles, which is where event reports and miscellaneous lore pieces were posted.
- More.

In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
All crafted equipment can have a stat boost of +5 HP, Sap, Stamina, or Focus per every 10 Quality. So each Q250 item could have a +125 HP bonus.Also stat boosts can be mixed but they add together for the total. If crafted with a player made tool which requires OP mats then this can also be boosted some.
Armor will mitigate physical damage attacks some ( melee and range attacks ).
There are 3 types of armor;; Heavy for melee, Medium for range, and Light for casters, diggers, and crafters. However you can do any action in any armor or without armor if you like.
Jewels wil help resist magic attacks and mitigate magical attacks.
There is more depth to how armor, jewels, and weapons work but those are some basics.
The different races armor is exactly the same stat wise if made with the same mats or mats that have the same craft stats. However named mobs mats and boss mats can only be used in the race recipes of where they are located. Except of course for Prime Root Zone names and boss's which can be used in any racial recipe.
To add just a little bit more to Tuyet's reply on the question of armour and stats...
The key factor is the components used to craft materials. For example, with three different types of physical damage (piercing, slashing & blunt) different materials can provide different bonuses to defence for each of those damage types.
Then on top of that, crafters can choose to add a stat bonus to each piece.
Appearance and functionality are essentially unrelated. IMO it makes for a nice change from the typical raid-grind MMOs where everyone ends up wearing exactly the same sets of uber raid armour.
Hey thanks all and forgot to say thanks for this link. But I think there are a lot of sets not in there? I look at Gilgameesh avatar picture (he posts here) the armor on his tryker looks really sick. Hope I can get that for my Matis male
This is the type of armour Gilgameesh's vest and sleeves are from (since that's all that's visible in his avatar, he might be wearing pants, boots, and gloves of different types...he'll have to answer that himself):;mubbla;mmhbla;mmhbla;mmhbla;mmhbla;mmhbla;mmsuit
High Quality Matis medium armour, a.k.a. Kara Striva. Black.
Larger images:;show;large;hq;matis;matis;male;medium;black

In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
I play all Female chars and have never had an issue with being harassed in Ryzom the player base is very mature. As a matter of fact a lot of the female toons in my guild were males playing them! I have had a few Screenis taken of my Matis toon named Znathara just ask Sweetmarie and Joneyentee but it was all in good fun!