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hey all, I quit Silkroad Online over a year ago because of the server traffic and bots. I was wondering if the game still has this garbage,because it has alot of potential and could be one of the best FREE MMO games. please comment back and if the traffic has lessened or is fixed, i will probably consider playing again. I could only take so much of trying 100 times to login and getting disconnected from the servers.
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!
im surprised people still play this game. i had stopped playing years ago cuz for whatever reason all of a sudden my video card apparently was messing up the game and causing it to crash as soon as i would get in the game. never had that problem before till one day when they updated the game long ago. ever since that day i was never able to play again, not that im really missing it anyway. i remember spending way to much money on the game when it first came out.....
you'll be happy to know it has calmed down joymax has been doing massive punishments so its not very crowed anymore
yeah i just read that Joymax has banned 42,000 and counting bots! the servers are now bot free and using auto-bot software gets you an auto-BAN.
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!
The bots will still come.They ban gold bots and some normal players who use a normal bot.If you use a paid bot and have some silk will not get banned.
they can keep banning bots, but they will just keep comming back. this is what happens when korea makes a f2p mmo that requires too much grinding and nothing fun to do, people would rather make a program to play then actually play themselvs.
If you really enjoy a game you don't use bots... play it for what it is !
That's what Silkroad is all about, bots and Silk.
With the money they spend on bots, item mall, gold and all the stuff, they could play a p2p game.
Hmm SRO is now kind of p2p ... if you don't play, you can't login ^_^
I highhhlllyyy agree. You have to buy Service thingy from item mall to be a "VIP".
SRO started to crash coz of bots. its not like ever b4. i nejoyed this game once. but its just another failure.
damn those hackers.
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U will Pay Ur money & ur b1tch to play
not only ur money
I think > the day i'll sell my clothes will Come > Cuz of this game
this was a cool game for me and my little brother about 2-3 years ago, but then when i went to ploay again this year there was way to much bots and spam, and crap
I got Hacked 2 times beacause of this hackers game!! Seriously, dont waste ur time playing sro.. I were FULL sos ++ on lvl 48 when i got hacked..
I guess I will give this game another try, despite the grind and the bots. It seems like there are a lot of new features, and when I played there weren't European characters/areas. o_o I just hope that you don't have to spend an hour trying to login like it used to be, otherwise I'll just go to a private server. >_>'
it's so full of bots, that it's not funny anymore....
Well there is a good and a bad thing to SRO. GOOD things - The servers aren't crowded that much anymore because jagex is spitting out new servers always. And if it is crowded, just try a couple times you get in. ( If you play on a new server, it is always populated). And Joymax is massively banning bots. Which is definitly a plus. And you can tell Joymax is going somewhere with SIlkroad so you can stay with game for a while. BAD things - Joymax seems to only be banning goldbots, and not normal bots. I don't know why, but they do. And servers are filled with bots still. And there is rumor that if you buy silk you won't get banned no matter what. (But I bot without buying silk and have never been banned once). One more bad thing, the rates are soooo bad, that when they release new legends, you will need to bot 24/7 at a 0 gap with premium tickets to see any progress. But new skills and stuff for upcoming legends are sweet ^^. My OPINION - If you can get in a good guild with good active people, Silkroad can be the best MMORPG, but playing the game solo is hella boring.
Kingdom Hearts ---- Best Single Player Game Ever Made.
Here are the MMO games I have played/tried:
Runescape, Silkroad, Xiah, Hero, Rakion, Diablo 2, Gunz, WoW, Maple Story, Dungeon Runners, Flyff, 9Dragons, Astonia III, Last Chaos, GW:Nightfall, Hellgate London, Knight Online, Perfect World, Thang, and sadly Puzzle Pirates.
Yeah... One of my friends play Silkroad online since its f2p. The guy doesnt see how he spends tons of real money into Alchemy, Premium item mall items etc. He pays triple the p2p game amounts.