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Looks like City of Heroes done right I must admit. Will have realtime dodge / aim, events happening in the world itself (not everything will be instanced), and hopefully a much more robust hero creation system whereas you can mix powers at will
Only concerns is will the pvp be an afterthought (like city of heroes) and the focus on Console-PS3 (only like what 4-6 active powers!!!). Also wonder how the superhero groups will be setup. Can guilds work together to fight crime together. Will it be a long grind to level cap like city of heroes...
Also footage looks a little buggy but I guess they get props for showing us an early build. Champions Online was not at this years comic con which is disappointing.
That implies that COH was ever done wrong. Maybe it wasn't much at release, but these days it's very good.
DC Universe definately has awesome graphics, but also looks kind of bare in terms of features at this point, which is to be expected of any new MMO - But it remains to be seen if the combat is actually better and more dynamic than CoH, or if they dumbed it down for the mass market and little kids.
That looked good actually, I like how you can actually help heroes like Superman and Green Lantern.
As for PvP, I think they have actually put some thought into it, because that guy said players can teamup with Superheroes of Supervillians which leads me to think there will be PvP.
And for the 4 active powers thing, I don't think that is a bad thing at all, abilities like picking up and throwing things and flying seem to be able to be done with mapping it to your abilities. And abilities like iceblock are more flexible than other MMOGs, you could use it as a hold, throw the person or smash them for damage. If you think about it Superman has about 4 active powers, lazer vision, breath, punches.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
All it looks like to me is that they've limited combat powers to be more playable on a console controller, and more accessible to kids or casual gamers.
Personally I want more tactical variety and depth behind my combat.
It also remains to be seen if they'll offer as much player customization as CoH (which I highly doubt) - Because that's a huge selling point to people who really get into creating their own unique characters, backstories, and powerset combinations.
That looks pretty good if you ask me, I like the switch to more twitch based combat many mmo's are taking.
The graphics look great and the combat looks fun. The flight also looks much more natural than in City of Heroes (No offense to CoH)
The interaction with the environment through throwing cars DOES look fun but I hope we will get some more things to throw a around like lightpoles or advertisement signs, or else it could end up feeling like a gimmick.
posted at Massively
that thing where you can freeze someone in a block of ice and throw them around? We're led to understand it never gets old
EQ2 fan sites
posted at Massively
that thing where you can freeze someone in a block of ice and throw them around? We're led to understand it never gets old
Yeah its shown in the gameplay footage and it looks pretty cool, but thats not interaction with the environment as you're freezing an enemy or player.
Agreed. I think that was the problem with AoC. It was dumbed down for the upcoming console release and button mashing kids.
I hope that's not hte case with DC.
The other thing is, skills are cool and all, but hard to balance.
I think they will they keep stressing how important it is that player's be free to build their own hero. Massively had an interview where they hinted at it. But will it be as freeform as Champions Online? Well yeah we will have to wait and see what both games offer
I'm suprised by the footage this looks so much better then the original trailer they showed around the other day don't you guys agree? in the original trailer all they showed was the DC heroes. But in this one they show players running up on walls superspeeding, dodging, tossing around buses! omg if this all works will be CoX on steroids
edit- btw I think it will be easy to beat CoX powerset combos. The powerset system in CoX is very restrictive. You can;'t make unique combos like Martial Arts / Fire for example. I'm hoping both new titles abandon that rigid system and do something new
Agreed. I think that was the problem with AoC. It was dumbed down for the upcoming console release and button mashing kids.
I hope that's not hte case with DC.
The other thing is, skills are cool and all, but hard to balance.
Where do you get this strange idea that the game was dumbed down for consoles? The game was intended to be an action mmo well before the Xbox360 version was announced,
The game would look completely different if it was fully aimed at a console audiance.
more info
many objects in the DCUO world can be used to flatten enemies: traffic lights, fire hydrants, cars, city busses and, of course, other enemies.
EQ2 fan sites
more info
many objects in the DCUO world can be used to flatten enemies: traffic lights, fire hydrants, cars, city busses and, of course, other enemies.
Thanks for the info, sounds good to me
*picks up his 360 controller*
This thing has 14 buttons on it, not counting the Start and back buttons...4 to 6 active powers? How many MMO's do you know of that require a person to hit 14 different buttons during combat? None come to mind for me..,. Controls are not a limiting factor for console MMO's...we are not using Sega Genesis controllers here people
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
*picks up his 360 controller*
This thing has 14 buttons on it, not counting the Start and back buttons...4 to 6 active powers? How many MMO's do you know of that require a person to hit 14 different buttons during combat? None come to mind for me..,. Controls are not a limiting factor for console MMO's...we are not using Sega Genesis controllers here people
The issue isn't whether these games are being dumbed down for console (I have an xbox360 myself) but I'm concerned about 4 active powers like the guy says. you can clearly see on the HUD there is only 4 active powers to the right
{edit} give me a few I will try to find the footage it was the one from this morning part 1 or part 2
I posted this in the DC Universe forum but worth repeating here
The powersets I played with were: electrical-based melee, light-based ranged dps, fire-based archer and ice-based ranged dps. It's not entirely accurate to slot these characters into role archetypes.
Though some have specialties like ranged dps or crowd control, they all have a large range of powers.
The trick is that you can only slot four powers at any given time.
Your character can go with all dps abilities or a mix of crowd control and group support abilities. Fortunately, powers can be reslotted between battles to alter your playstyle on the fly.
EQ2 fan sites
Having only four active power is pretty standard for action games on consoles, any more than that makes for something that is difficult to just pick up and play for the casual gamer.
There's also a lot you can't do with a console controller regardless of how many buttons you have - MMOs should be designed for the keyboard and mouse, with no dumbing down of it's systems for consoles.
Good point cactus. I guess one thing I liked aobut City of Heroes was how we could queue up our powers during combat (guess most MMO support that tho but it felt really good in that game). But yeah 4 active powers will be fine I guess? Well I haven't played the game so hehe gotta wait and see....
If CoH has any major downside that cannot be fixed, it's the restrictive powerset system.
But DCU is unlikely to be any less restrictive with it's power system, given out limited it's use in combat appears to be.
Personally I think Champions online has a better shot at being "CoH done right" than DCU ever could.
Ah ty that is really interesting. I am so pissed at myself for not planning to go to comic con this year. I went last year but thought this year I wouldn't miss out on anything
Do you still play city of heroes? You have a lot more faith in cryptic then I do. When I played, healers (sonic/rad defenders) were outdamaging their offensive counterparts (rad/sonic Corrupters). The pvp was so unbalanced Heroes beatdown Villains 24/7 in pro organized SG vs VG. Brutes were gimp for over a year in pvp and they finally fix after I leave (fury didnt work in pvp at all).
Let's not even talk about the "endgame" where the only brute welcomed villain side was a Stone Brute. My /ELA Brute gots no love. I had to reroll a Corrupter til they finally fixed the villian regen rates
Let's not even mention how people were duoing content intended for full on 8 teams. So 2 people would duo the content while the other 6 waited at the door.
Had good times in city of heroes but it was seriously unbalanced. The devs said it themselves they care not for balance but rather for concept.
Good game I still recommend it to tryout but I never ever hold up on a pedestal.
Yes, I do still play CoH - When was the last time you played?
I'm amazed at how much the game has changed just in the last year in terms of features added and changes to existing stuff.
The invention system has breathed life into the end game, and over the past year or year and a half they've put more emphasis on end game content.
NCsoft is doing a better job developing the game than cryptic did. Listening to the playerbase better and devoting a significant amount of resources to it even after all these years.
Its going to KICK COHs ass, the boredom factor of COH is off the scale with it's ridiculously repetitve missions.
The rest of the game is great but the repitition capped the popularity of it and long term subscription base potential! Bad design.
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The last quarterly report I checked even NCsoft's guild wars was smacking down City of heroes I don't see why it would be hard for any MMO to beat it to be honest if we're talking popularity purely. heck even EVE has way more subscribers then CoX and we don't even have 'walking avatars' patch yet
And yeah I quit pre-Invention my guild had totally quit so I left with them.
oh wait a second I lied I did resub to City of Heroes to checkout the changes. I was curious about the new Villain archetypes. I didnt mess around with the new IOs at all. I was mainly interested in making a new villian and seeing what the storyline was like. I always said the roleplay in CoX titles is pretty decent.
DCU is shaping up very nicely. The freedom you have to do stuff is very interesting.
We would need more info on the power sets to judge wether or not 4 action keys is too little or not. If you have some basic commands like pick up/throw, attack, jump, etc and a good amount of passive abilities that would be fine. 4 action keys could stream line the gameplay so it plays like an actual action game.
CoH/CoV was one of my favorite MMOs but I cant play it anymore. There have been a lot of changes but too little too late. The comment about Cryptic focusing on endgame lately is hilarious. The only thing more pathetic than CoHs endgame is CoHs PvP.