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possibly of a problem?

GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227

if theres only 40 character lvls in the game, wont some hardcore player reach 40 in like a weeks time? i mean theres some games out there that take a while to lvl but still ppl get to the cap way to fast. i hope this isnt the case with WAR. If it is its going to be quite lame since ppl with have like 20  max lvl alts within half a year :/


EDIT: another question i have unrelated is what is the day cycle in the game? real time?



  • Ascension08Ascension08 Member Posts: 1,980

    If you were going by WoW's timeframe. WAR won't be so fast, but you're right, hardcore people will be much faster than others - however it should take even them at least a couple of weeks. They'll be lonely when there's not many people PvPing in Tier 4 yet, so it's to their detriment, not benefit.

    A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"

    Order of the White Border.

  • SlampigSlampig Member UncommonPosts: 2,342

    These days I think players racing to max level is a given. It seems tons of players would rather be the first to this and that than to sit back and actually enjoy the game.


    It's a shame but I think it is something that we will just have to live with in whatever game we will be playing.

    That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!

  • GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227

    id like it to be quite slow, since there is so much within the game that needs to be enjoyed. and if ppl can rush by it it would be a shame :(

  • jerlot65jerlot65 Member UncommonPosts: 788

    They stated it will be much like DAOC. You can get to max level pretty fast but after that you pick more skill, abilities and bonuses afterwrds for tier 4 RvR and PVE.

    Like WoW's expansion. You could lvl in a month from 60-70 easily. Yet you will spend 3-4 months trying to get through the end game content afterwards.

  • MonorojoMonorojo Member UncommonPosts: 411

    The way mythic has constructed and scaled leveling, it very similar from going to 1-60 in WoW. So the worries that "there are only 40 levels omg" is rather silly. Look at LOTRO, only 50 levels but that did not mean you made it much quicker than you did to 60 in WoW.


    Also, there are 80 renown ranks, and renown rankings take a much longer time to get than normal XP for your rank. There will be those guys who manage to get to rank 40 a week or 2 after the early release (Honestly I am likely going to be one of them with my beta experience) but getting to lvl 80 in renown will be a long and tough road, no question about it.


    If you are into WAR, and you don't want to max out RvR as well as PvE, you are looking in the wrong area.

  • Jaga-TAOJaga-TAO Member Posts: 176

    It'll actually hurt players to level to cap quickly in WAR. Not only do they miss tons of content, they also miss tons of quests and the rewards that go with them. And not all rewards are monetary or equipment...

    Rushing to cap is just a bad idea. But some people are stuck in the powergame rut, and don't know how else to enjoy playing.


  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320
    Originally posted by Grisu

    if theres only 40 character lvls in the game, wont some hardcore player reach 40 in like a weeks time? i mean theres some games out there that take a while to lvl but still ppl get to the cap way to fast. i hope this isnt the case with WAR. If it is its going to be quite lame since ppl with have like 20  max lvl alts within half a year :/


    ... do people honestly think numbers have ANYTHING to do with time to max level?


    Lineage2.  max level started at 70, first player to reach max level took months.

    WoW, TBC made max level 70, casual players can hit max in under a month.

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Originally posted by Jaga-TAO

    It'll actually hurt players to level to cap quickly in WAR. Not only do they miss tons of content, they also miss tons of quests and the rewards that go with them. And not all rewards are monetary or equipment...

    Rushing to cap is just a bad idea. But some people are stuck in the powergame rut, and don't know how else to enjoy playing.

    No, you are missing the point about WAR. It is not about the PVE, the quests or the rewards that go with them. Its all about the PVP, the skills that you obtain by killing ever more players, and totally crushing the other faction.

    You might want to stick with WOW.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • zippy123zippy123 Member Posts: 172

     You can't go ganking lowbies anyways so that is half or most of  the reason they rush to max level.

  • jerlot65jerlot65 Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Watch the videos on the warhammer site.  Bunch of the videos reference leveling and basically they are not concerned with people gettting to 40 fast.

     As a matter of fact, they specifically said they want people to get to 40 pretty easily, because the game really starts from there.

    So just consider levels 1-39 as a long tutorial.


    WAR isn't about levels or gear, its about working in teams or solo  to accomplish small goals that gives you an advantage overtime to take on the enemy.

  • ZanthornZanthorn Member Posts: 95
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    Originally posted by Jaga-TAO

    It'll actually hurt players to level to cap quickly in WAR. Not only do they miss tons of content, they also miss tons of quests and the rewards that go with them. And not all rewards are monetary or equipment...

    Rushing to cap is just a bad idea. But some people are stuck in the powergame rut, and don't know how else to enjoy playing.

    No, you are missing the point about WAR. It is not about the PVE, the quests or the rewards that go with them. Its all about the PVP, the skills that you obtain by killing ever more players, and totally crushing the other faction.

    You might want to stick with WOW.


    Sorry Kyleran, I would agree with Jaga-TAO on this one.The devs have stated many times that the people that level using just PvP ,or PvE will not be as effective as characters that do both.(i may have misunderstood it,not sure). I will be doing a balance of both,so I can have the complete set of "Bounty Hunter " armor. I feel it will take a lot of exploration and PvP to get it.

  • MalallMalall Member Posts: 135

    MJ has stated that max level should take 3 months but pushing it you could  do it in 6 weeks. It will be slower than WOW but faster than your vanguard. Don`t expect to see level 40 running about after two weeks, also don`t expect to see a city siege every other day.

    MJ has said that a CS will be very hard to do. CS will not happen for the first two months and be very rare after that.

  • Jaga-TAOJaga-TAO Member Posts: 176

    Originally posted by Kyleran
    You might want to stick with WOW.

    I've been playing MMOGs since they were called MUDs (that's 15+ years now), and I understand what WAR is doing just fine. What I think *you* are missing is the stuff between the lines - special rewards that are one of a kind for finishing special quests, etc. Some of those may be level-locked, meaning if you outlevel them and never did them, you can never obtain that reward since you rushed to cap.

    WAR is definitely *NOT* a "rush to the endgame of PvE so you can RvR from now until eternity" game. The developers have stated as much many times over. If you missed it, I suggest you go back and read up on all the material over the last couple of years. There is a whole lot of game in there before you hit cap, and you can RvR the entire way without loosing any enjoyment.

    Stick to WoW? I thought WoW was a huge piece of garbage, and pretty much still is. Who wants to raid for 6-8 hours a night and have their eyes bleed just for a small chance of getting an item, or a few phantom points on a raid list? I'd rather pay to have my privates waxed with superglue.

    Last comment: you say "'s all about the PvP..", and you couldn't be more wrong. WAR has no PvP as we've known it in MMOGs over the last 8 years. It has RvR, which is hugely different, and doesn't require capped characters to enjoy.



  • PhilssPhilss Member Posts: 433

    There are 80 renown rank so ...

  • warteenwarteen Member Posts: 9
    Originally posted by Jaga-TAO


    Originally posted by Kyleran

    You might want to stick with WOW.

    I've been playing MMOGs since they were called MUDs (that's 15+ years now), and I understand what WAR is doing just fine. What I think *you* are missing is the stuff between the lines - special rewards that are one of a kind for finishing special quests, etc. Some of those may be level-locked, meaning if you outlevel them and never did them, you can never obtain that reward since you rushed to cap.

    WAR is definitely *NOT* a "rush to the endgame of PvE so you can RvR from now until eternity" game. The developers have stated as much many times over. If you missed it, I suggest you go back and read up on all the material over the last couple of years. There is a whole lot of game in there before you hit cap, and you can RvR the entire way without loosing any enjoyment.

    Stick to WoW? I thought WoW was a huge piece of garbage, and pretty much still is. Who wants to raid for 6-8 hours a night and have their eyes bleed just for a small chance of getting an item, or a few phantom points on a raid list? I'd rather pay to have my privates waxed with superglue.

    Last comment: you say "'s all about the PvP..", and you couldn't be more wrong. WAR has no PvP as we've known it in MMOGs over the last 8 years. It has RvR, which is hugely different, and doesn't require capped characters to enjoy.



    I will Probobly get up to 40 as fast as i can and then make an alt and go back and explore the rest of the world but i still want to have a high level character as soon as i can.


  • fansedefansede Member UncommonPosts: 960

    I am fully confident that powerlevelers will not be satisfied with this game.  You will have little to do as a solo lvl 40 other than unlocking some Tome of Knowledge stuff at tier 4 zones. Until the rest of the population catches up, you will find yourself lfg a lot to RvR. 

    You will miss access to special abilities from tome unlocks at lower levels too I am sure.  If you want to level up fast simply to explore the cities,  then you might be doing yourself a disservice. You might be able to get to your city regardless of level.

    If you are levelling up to get Tier 4 tome unlocks first, I guess that is your perogative.  You just will miss a lot of the other stuff.

    If you are going to powerlevel to sell your account on ebay,  it won't be worth much.

  • jzuskajzuska Member Posts: 418

    Yep. And I hope to get to that rank in a few weeks. That's the idea. So you can kick the other side's ass.

    The idea is the war, not the PvE.

  • AcesplayedAcesplayed Member Posts: 182

    By the time you  get to 40 in this game you will have no higher a realm rank then 30 so If MJ says it takes about 3 months for a casual player to get to rank 40, then Id say It takes about a year and a half maybe 2 years to get to rank 80 since It only gets harder and harder to lvl as your rank gets higher.

    No such thing as luck, just believing in it is what makes it real to you and really...thats all you need.

    Im on nobodies' side but my own.

  • AcesplayedAcesplayed Member Posts: 182
    Originally posted by fansede

    I am fully confident that powerlevelers will not be satisfied with this game.  You will have little to do as a solo lvl 40 other than unlocking some Tome of Knowledge stuff at tier 4 zones. Until the rest of the population catches up, you will find yourself lfg a lot to RvR. 
    You will miss access to special abilities from tome unlocks at lower levels too I am sure.  If you want to level up fast simply to explore the cities,  then you might be doing yourself a disservice. You might be able to get to your city regardless of level.
    If you are levelling up to get Tier 4 tome unlocks first, I guess that is your perogative.  You just will miss a lot of the other stuff.
    If you are going to powerlevel to sell your account on ebay,  it won't be worth much.


    You can explore the cities from lvl 1 as someone said In one of the vids.

    No such thing as luck, just believing in it is what makes it real to you and really...thats all you need.

    Im on nobodies' side but my own.

  • DistasteDistaste Member UncommonPosts: 665
    Originally posted by jzuska

    Yep. And I hope to get to that rank in a few weeks. That's the idea. So you can kick the other side's ass.
    The idea is the war, not the PvE.


    You as well as many other people do not get it at all. There are PvP quests, Keeps, Battle Objectives, and scenarios to do. Leveling does not just involve PvE from 1-40. If you power level though all you are left with IS PvE. RvR/PvP requires other players and when you out level them then you are stuck with just the PvE because there is no one or very few people to fight.  No people to fight means your PvP rank doesn't go up and you are undergeared. Not to mention that some quests/dungeons/PQ's will probably be group oriented so by leveling ahead of the pack you cannot complete that content which we can assume will have better rewards. So once again you are undergeared.

    So if you want to powerlevel by all means have fun. You will get to 40 with run of the mill gear, super low PvP rank, no one to fight, and then have to play catch up.

    Just getting to max rank doesn't mean you will be at the end game and  leveling doesn't just entail PvE.

  • MalallMalall Member Posts: 135
    Originally posted by Distaste

    Originally posted by jzuska

    Yep. And I hope to get to that rank in a few weeks. That's the idea. So you can kick the other side's ass.
    The idea is the war, not the PvE.


    You as well as many other people do not get it at all. There are PvP quests, Keeps, Battle Objectives, and scenarios to do. Leveling does not just involve PvE from 1-40. If you power level though all you are left with IS PvE. RvR/PvP requires other players and when you out level them then you are stuck with just the PvE because there is no one or very few people to fight.  No people to fight means your PvP rank doesn't go up and you are undergeared. Not to mention that some quests/dungeons/PQ's will probably be group oriented so by leveling ahead of the pack you cannot complete that content which we can assume will have better rewards. So once again you are undergeared.

    So if you want to powerlevel by all means have fun. You will get to 40 with run of the mill gear, super low PvP rank, no one to fight, and then have to play catch up.

    Just getting to max rank doesn't mean you will be at the end game and  leveling doesn't just entail PvE.

    Spot on People need to get of that WOW mentality because this is not the same type of game.


  • PureChaosPureChaos Member Posts: 839

    it should take a year of hardcore pvp to reach RVR rank 80


  • GrisuGrisu Member UncommonPosts: 227

    ty all for the positive replys :)

  • Ngeldu5tNgeldu5t Member UncommonPosts: 608
    Originally posted by Malall

    Originally posted by Distaste

    Originally posted by jzuska

    Yep. And I hope to get to that rank in a few weeks. That's the idea. So you can kick the other side's ass.
    The idea is the war, not the PvE.


    You as well as many other people do not get it at all. There are PvP quests, Keeps, Battle Objectives, and scenarios to do. Leveling does not just involve PvE from 1-40. If you power level though all you are left with IS PvE. RvR/PvP requires other players and when you out level them then you are stuck with just the PvE because there is no one or very few people to fight.  No people to fight means your PvP rank doesn't go up and you are undergeared. Not to mention that some quests/dungeons/PQ's will probably be group oriented so by leveling ahead of the pack you cannot complete that content which we can assume will have better rewards. So once again you are undergeared.

    So if you want to powerlevel by all means have fun. You will get to 40 with run of the mill gear, super low PvP rank, no one to fight, and then have to play catch up.

    Just getting to max rank doesn't mean you will be at the end game and  leveling doesn't just entail PvE.

    Spot on People need to get of that WOW mentality because this is not the same type of game.




    Looks like many don`t get many has stated previously this game is not about powerleveling the PvE content to then do endless PvE raiding.You will  have to level your guild,level your city/realm.The way to city sieging will be very long and besides don`t expect to have sieges every day or every week as it will take a lot of coordinated work through alliances to achieve it.Both PvE and RvR-PvP will contribute to level your guild/realm and city.

    In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...

  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593
    Originally posted by PureChaos

    it should take a year of hardcore pvp to reach RVR rank 80



    I recollect that it's been actually said in some podcast somewhere that it will take you AT THE VERY LEAST a year to reach Renown rank 80.

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