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So I have been thinking of trying EvE for some time now and finally I think its time to try it.
Before I have been playing other MMOs and never could give EVE a chance, now I am not playing anything and want to try EVE.
Okay now that is out of the way.
I have been reading up on at the main website. Got a few questions. Please only answer if you are a current EVE player... I dont care if you hate EVE, I want to know if I would enjoy myself.
If I were to start tonight what should I expect?
What profession should I go for?
Since EvE is a skill based game and skills build up over time does that mean I have a long time to wait before I join in on the fun stuff? (Fun stuff = PvP, exploring, hunting, ect)
Does my choice of race limit what ships I can use or what corporations I can join?
Lets say I would love to do some kind of military/Business career. What stats do I want to focus on? I would like to get into a corporation that does alittle of everything.... I think my playstyle is a type of front line fighter/hunter pilot. (I figured I will die a ton, that does not scare me, dieing is a part of a game and I love how it seems to hurt alot in EVE. It will make me a better player if I fear death)
I am not scared of PvP... I enjoy it most of the time but there are days I want nothing to do wtih PvP and just want to do mindless PvE stuff.... Is that possiable?
Thanks - these are a few things I am looking to learn before downloading and playing.... I seem to read both good and bad things about EVE.... The good is the freedom of choice and the ability to play a game that 3 years from now I will still be learning. The Bad is that since its a skill based game and skills build up over time I feel I might never be able to catch the Vet players and will always be weak.
Tdog - MMO Vet - EVE Noob
Sooner or Later
Every single thing you do in EVE requires a skill to do it, no matter what race you are if you wanna fly a ship from another race just get the skill for it.
All the skills train in real time even when you are not logged on, all races start off with certain skills so you can preatty much do anything from the start, EVE is a very slow game and there is a lot to learn, and too much to put into this little space in the forum.
Do not expect to do a lot in a short space of time it really is not that sort of game.
If you wanna be a pirate /military style fighter then the caldari is probably the best race to choose plus they got the best ships.
If all you wanna do is fight then just train skills for that like don't bother with mining skills.
If you haven't bought the game yet then do the trial first, this game is not for everyone(very slow in getting going but stick with it)
Hi, and welcome to EVE!
I can answer a few of your questions anyway, but I'm at work right now and can't devote a lot of time, but I did want to say hi and give you something to chew on.
First, if you logged in for the first time tonight the first thing you would see is a tutorial. I strongly recommend you do the full tutorial so you have a firm grasp of the basice before you go out on your own.
Next, your chosen race will in no way limit the types of ships you will be able to fly in the future. Your race will limit the ships you can fly with little or no training. e.g. the ships you can fly on your first day or first few days will be determined by your race. With the proper skills, you can fly any ship in the game.
There are corporations that will show you the easiest way into PvP. They will give you a skill path that will take under a day to train and then provide you with ships that you can fly in their PvP ops. Your roles in PvP will be very limited at first, but this kind of introduction into PvP will be with you for your entire EVE career.
Another route is to join EVE University. This is another corp that will train you in every aspect of EVE, not just PvP, but any area of the game you feel like exploring. This is another great way to get started.
Well, that's it for me, but again, welcome to EVE, and I hope you will enjoy your time here. NEVER be afraid to ask questions in-game or on the forums.
Hmm So I was reading more about EVE, while at work... no manual flying? Point and click system? I though EvE was all about player skill?
Can someone comment on this... Still going to try the game tonight but the controls are a big issue for me.
Sooner or Later
I'm sure others will be able to reply in greater depth than this, but here goes.
There are certain things you cna do other than point and click, especially during battles. You can orbit an object (usually a ship) at a given distance, or you can set up to maintain distance. You can also fly at such an angle as to maximize angular velocity.
Personally, I find that during fights I am PLENTY busy, if you're doing less than 2-3 things at once you're probably not getting the most bang out of your ship which means your chance of losing a fight increases. The last thing I would want to do is have to think about flying my ship with (a joystick? WASD keys?) some manual control. And, given the type of ships modeled in EVE, I don't think a manual flight mode would be terribly realisit anyway.
I'll ask the question: Do other PvP pilots feel they have enough to do duriing fights?
Movement wise it is point and double click. The skill comes in when you understand the following guide, this basically explains how your movement direction and speed can effect how accurate your guns are against a target and how you can use this to make you harder to kill.
And here is a link to more guides as EvE isant easy to learn these will help.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
a quote i saw recently that i couldn't agree with more
"If I had to choose between a player uncomfortable about losing a fully kitted and rigged T2 ship they weren't too experienced in, and a full T1 mark 1 mod 0 player with attitude, balls, and skill... I'd rather be with the latter every time. "
the characters skill points and gear, while not imatterial to a fight, are far less important than knowing how and when to use the gear you have.
Well I did download it tonight...I started playing and .........
. Learning curve is not joke but so far so good, its hard to get used to the movement and the menu's but once I play more and more, I can see it getting fun.
EvE is not your typical MMO and that is a good thing.
Twulf in game, if anyone wants to say Hi.
Sooner or Later
Good for you mate. As you said the learning curve is a bit steep but my advice is to persist with it. As was mentioned in another post above, it is a very bad idea to embark on a PvE career straight out as you'll be bored very quickly. If your into combat, practice the basics on a few missions or NPC spawns then do whatever you need to (ie join corp, get into Factional Warfare, solo pirate) to get involved in PvP.
Good luck
Well I figured out how to get a new ship and outfit the ship.
I figured out how to use missles (lol it was funny because I did not realize the missles had to be loaded before you could use them.)
I figured out the market, well how to buy on the market.
I figured out that the item box stays on that stations, its not a universal bank
I figured out how to train skills
I figured out how to fight (finished 8 quests last night)
hehe, a few things that I learned playing last night. So Far the game is alot of fun,,, I am not a fan of how long it takes to mine something and I have no idea what mining laser is an upgrade for me.
I currently have a Condor with 2 basic missle launchers using light missles. It basicly made the missions from the agent really easy. So far EVE is a blast... Next I would like to find a corporation but I am waiting on an email from EVE University.
Sooner or Later
mining is, um, hard to make exciting. You can make reasonable money through it if you specialise in it but if you like the combat side of things, stick to missioning. It is worthwhile looting the missions especially if you learn to salvage the wrecks. salvage is a very good isk earner.
in order to get better agents, you train up the connections skill, it helps a lot.
and as mentioned above, get EVEMon and mock up a skill plan.
hi evenoob
just a little tip download evemon it will help you with planning skills,
and skill a few levels in salvaging it will pad out you mission rewards.
I find that mining is only fun in groups, my head starts to implode when i mine by myself (numnumnum yummy roids wheres that can flipper rat alert).
Additional little tips:
You get new skills by buying skillbooks from 'school' stations (not hard to figure out).
After the tutorial and tutorial agent storyline (the one the agent points you at), you'll find a bit more challenging opponents.
Lvl2 missions pay far better but require either a destroyer or a well-fitted frigate.
Salvaging is a good way to squeeze the last bits of income from missions, when you have the skill. It's often useful to fit a ship just for salvaging and looting, and switch to it when you're done with the missions.
Bookmarking the mission locations lets you return to the parts field after returning the mission to the agent, avoiding any possibility of respawning rats.
I downloaded Evemon this morning. Will play with it more after work.
I am doing level 1 missions right now.
Sooner or Later
My experiance has been unless you have several years of training skills learning the ropes and where to do missions or mine your gonna get ganked or lose exspenceive ships. As of now you can be just about ganked anywhere if someone is willing to susicide even in safe space. Be warned this is not a new player friendly game be very careful where you travel as alot of the grifers like camping gate's. This will all come together as you play and see that your always gonna be behind those who have been playing several years. Look for a corperation to join and learn always have a skill training and do the learning ones first they help cut down on the time it takes to learn other skills. Be prepared to lose ships and get pod killed. Always have your ships insured and your clone.
Some good advice there, always insure your ships. Always make sure your clone is updated. And, never fly what you can't afford to lose.
I've been killed 3 times ingame, and all were my own fault. I have learned that I have a much better chance of dying if I am not paying attention.
As for suicide ganking in hi-sec, sure it can happen. But those who do it only do it if they think they will make a profit. So, if you are flying a frigite, a cruiser, even a battle cruiser, it probably won't happen. Not unless you are carrying cargo woth a couple hundred million isk or more. It might happen if you are in a hulk full of ore, or some other huge ship with fittings/cargo where they expect that your wreck will be worth more than their ships. So, yeah, it can happen, but the chance is pretty small. Again, be careful, pay attention.
And regarding learning skills. Evemon has a really nifty feature. If you create a training plan for yourself, Evemon will point out what training skills will make the plan train faster. When I first started training skills and didn't know about Evemon I would spend many hours on training skills. Now, I use Evemon to set both short and long term goals and let Evemon tell me which training skills I should level, and when.
Dont worry I expect to die and to die often.... If I wanted to play a game on easy mode, I would go back to Wow.
I need to learn how to use Evemon, just downloaded and will play with it tonight.... As far as Corporation, I am trying to join EvE University and hope they can teach me the ropes.
After reading on the EvE forums about different ships and setups, I am thinking of going down the sniper ship PvP line... sounds fun
well I am still learning, so far having alot of fun.... The Travel times are boring but hey it happens. Currently flying a kestrel with 4 standard missle launchers (thanks to a friendly EvE university player).... The level 1 missions are easy so far.
Sooner or Later
Another question I ask myself a lot, what skills have an effect on the operation of XYZ module? What can I train to make me more effective in its use?
These questions can be answered with the Eve Fitting Tool, which can be downloaded here:
You can also try various fittings on a ship to see what will and won't work with your current skill level. Sure beats buying a module you want to use only to find you don't have the power grid for it. Also good for comparing various setups.
Along with Evemon, this tool is invaluable to me!
Lol I already did that a few times... bought a Module that I wanted and cannot use because my powergrid is very low.
Sooner or Later
soooooooo, it's a couple of days later... how's it going? eve uni treating you right?
WOULD you recommend it for other new players?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Stil having a blast... learning at ton at E Uni,,,, everyone that is new to EvE should join... It is a great place to learn anything and everything about EvE Online
Twulf in game
Sooner or Later
You can check BattleClinic for ship loadouts if you're unsure if your current setup is good. You can also check other people's loadouts and export them to EVEMon ready for you to train the required skills to pilot/use it.
Yea I have battleClinic installed but dont really understand how to use it.
Sooner or Later
Best advice is to ask other corp members (if your in a player corp) about their setup ,how it works ,if they actualy used it etc. rather then using offline fitting tools.
Also if you are killed by a player and your intrested in his/her setup and/or how the ship handles you should try convoing,ofcourse there is a chance that he/she is a arse or will refuse combo to avoid possible hate spam.
Ive always wanted to get into eve but have been put off by the fact that I will always be lagging behind people and wont be doing a lot for a while. I understand that and I think the game is somehow better for that system its just that i cant bring myself to start